“Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body.”

The mainstream media is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured.

Jackie Stricker-Phelps tells 7News Australia that the Pfizer shot “ruined” her life and that she won't be going near a vaccine again.

But that's not all. Jackie also revealed the host of other devastating side effects she suffered:

• "my face went bright red"

• "my vision was impaired"

• "I couldn't hear"

• "my feet went numb"

• "my hands went numb"

• "I had paresthesia all over my body"

• "my hair started falling out"

• "I could hardly walk"

• "neurological, rheumatological" problems

• "I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore"

Public health "experts" were in the studio, and they had to listen to all of this.

Jul 1
1:45 PM