
The app for independent voices

The Anglo-American Hand Behind The Rise Of Fascism Then And Now

When Franklin D. Roosevelt said "The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself," he meant that the accumulation of excessive private power can pose a threat to democratic institutions and individual freedoms, and that it is the responsibility of the people to ensure that private power does not become dominant over the state and society. He was warning again…

...doesn't private power needs necessarily infiltrate democratic institutions before they can wield/leverage their destructive influence...theoretically...i mean?...i skipped from the early part of the article to view a few comments....then again is 'private interests' a more apt term?...

That's just what happened in 1913 When the Central Bankers put their puppet,Woodrow Wilson, into the White House.

From that time the Federal Government in Washington became an unauthorized Central Government & Unconstitutional entity!

Today we live in a soft dictatorship of Central Bankers & financiers!

...i take it we're talkin the Jekyl creature...i've had a sconce, it looks a must the US screwed?...

No,I don't think so!

This is because Washington is Just Washington But The Sovereign States of the Federal Republic are the real America.The Red Republican States,just now awakening to their powers after a century of Washington's abuse.

The Federal Government Was never mandated by the Constitution to be an all powerful Central Government as it is today. Most of the Federal Governments powers & those of many of it's agencies,were grabbed off illegally as politicians looked the other way in Congress!

The Federal Government was not to be above the states,nor below the states.

Rather the founders put the Federal Government off to a side with it's own powers! Powers that were deemed inappropriate for any single state & that did not interfere with State powers. As of now I believe that Washington will revert back to it's Constitutionally mandates & the states,in concert, will once more lead the Republic!

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Sep 12, 2023
10:45 PM