Sorry you were sick, Jacquie. Glad you were able to still find the ability to be creative. It’s tough for me if I get thrown off even just a little bit. Hope you’re feeling better.

Absolutely loved this story!! So many layers. I love how the boy’s monstrous nature is vague and left to the imagination for the most part (like he’s not a straight up werewolf or something). I also enjoyed Alruna’s arc and the dynamic you played off the husband and wife and their relationship with children.

The pacing was really good, too. I struggle with telling these types of stories because I get too involved in scene structure frameworks borrowed mostly from film. So your ability to paint the narrative and characters so swiftly and expertly without getting caught up on too many details was impressive.

Great work! Can’t wait to share this. 😁

1 Reply
6:15 AM
Feb 16, 2023