You are partially right about recent instability causing the flood of immigration (Muslims have been flooding into Europe for half a century, its just increased since the idiotic war on terror), and I won't argue with your tiresome and stupid but now all too common claim that it's all the Jooz fault. What I will say is that I don't care whose fault it is. The fact is that mass Arab Muslim immigration is a huge and very dangerous problem for Europe and the west and we need to do whatever is necessary to stop it. I don't care if it's "fair". Geopolitics isn't "fair", never has been and never will be.

There is a plan in motion to take over Europe. A stupid plan but one that is causing huge problems and may very well lead to levels of bloodshed you cannot imagine. Arab Islam (especially) is a brutal and extremely "unfair" religion. The vast majority of Muslim Arabs believe that infidels (that's us) should be forcefully converted or killed. They believe if we are allowed to exist at all that we should be taxed at higher rates than Muslims and that their backwater piece of shit culture is superior to ours. They are full of envy at what the non-Muslim world has achieved (and I'll briefly point out that those same Jews you blame for all this have made a massively disproportionate contribution to the science, art and culture we in the west have enjoyed the benefits of for centuries now - and that the world is complex and simple narratives have no place in it). And I will remind you that the Muslims have and will in future kill you for making fun of their god. Ask a European to draw a cartoon of Mohammed and post it online and they will look at you like you want to kill them. So the Muslims have already won a facet of the war by forcing Europeans to self-censor.

If you think the main problem at this point is the GAE you need to wake up. Sure, I want the wars to end and I want the US to focus on itself since it is clearly falling apart. But I also want to make sure that Europe, the UK, Canada, Australia and the US don't get overrun by a truly alien invasion of people that hate us. They burned down Notre Dame. They will burn you down too.

You can hate the GAE and desire to see it collapse and also understand the dangers the west faces from radical Islam. Putin understands it. Russia fought two brutal wars against radical Islamists in Chechnya and they are still dealing with this threat. The Chinese are as well. In your hatred for the GAE don't blind yourself to the other very real threats that exist.

Beware of the Islamic Boogeyman!
Plus: Ukrainian soldiers shoot two police offers; Mike Johnson caves to the Deep State; Candace Owens defends Germans after WW2; Has the West had enough of Zelensky?; and much more!