Well, I will certainly keep thinking about you and in my prayers. Believe it or not, I think about you and Michael all the time. I’m pretty sure my time is short and that my wife will be in your situation soon; but I digress.

I have started telling all doctors that I’m allergic to all fluoroquinolones — of which levo and cipro are common examples. I have been injured by both BTW. I’d say fairly seriously.

The levofloxacin injury included damage to the tendons in my left foot amongst other issues as well. But that one is relatively permanent. The bone doctor informed me that I have serious “lesions” on my tendons because of it.

I have been injured by both oral ciprofloxacin and Ciprodex ear drops. The former sent me to the hospital in anaphylaxis. The latter, in order to treat ear infections, has (come to find out) drastically damaged and reduced my hearing.

This all happened years ago. To this day, I see that even though I continually repeat these reports of allergies, it never gets written in my medical record. It’s always the first time that I report it, as far as their concerned.

Yes, they have set it up where they could injure me again or even kill me “accidentally”!

This is big pharma. It isn’t just homicidal mRNA experimental gene therapies. Every single thing they do is poison and comes with some amount of negative side effects, all the way through death.

It’s such a nightmare.

Dec 19
11:04 PM