
Jun 6

Christoforou hits on what "land corridors" means in his daily update from May 5th. Of course is just means using roads and railway networks that already exist. The "creating" part is for an EU law which prevents national governments from inhibiting the movement of NATO forces through their territory.

It may well be that NATO military leadership and their legal advisers have spotted potential difficulty in rapid deployment on a lega front during their currently created war with Russia in Ukraine. The "land corridors" are essentially EU legislation to remove these potential problems.

It is an attack on sovereignity for the EU nations. The defensive alliance attacks again.

Source Telegraph article for the "Land Corridors" complete with scary big arrow offensives.

Biden, Russian military decimated. US⧸NATO, 5 land corridors to fight Russia. US $50B Ukraine loan, Alex Christoforou, 2024-06-05

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9:12 PM
Jun 6, 2024