The app for independent voices

My husband (of Irish descent) and I traveled to Ireland several times in the last decade. We loved to explore little villages. One day we happened upon a beautiful cemetery on a hill overlooking the village. As we were walking through I took a photo of a tombstone( I don’t remember taking it) but the word “butterfly” ( my spirit animal of sorts) must have caught my eye. This was 8 years ago. My husband died tragically 11 months ago. A few weeks after he died a photo of him popped up on my phone. My heart was so shattered. I looked to see where it was taken. I clicked on the photo and right next to it was the photo of the tombstone that was inscribed: “Do not weep at my grave, for I am not there, I’ve a date with a butterfly to dance in the air, I’ll be singing in the sunshine, wild and free , playing tag with the wind while I’m waiting for thee. “ This “message” to me was a true gift. One of many “signs “ I have gotten from my best friend of 41 years. I have memorized this to keep close to my heart. When a group of words come alive and speak to your soul then they are meant to be carried with you on your journey in life.

Feb 19, 2023
12:50 PM