I’ve now read enough to realize:

Ashlii Babbitt had more force used against her than a rumored foreign spy balloon, that Joe Bidens military allowed it to be tracked from China for weeks and did nothing for concern for public’s safety or to squash speculation while at the same time the Left reasons it out as “We do it to them, we deserve it”

Clown World

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Would be a good way to launch an aerosolized bioweapon...

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Or a way to spread seeds for a harmful type of bioengineered plant. Think back to the reports of large numbers of Americans who received seeds in the mail from China unsolicited. I believe instructions were included urging the recipient to plant them as well.

With the current state of technology, large numbers of nanobots, intended to cause some type of harm, could potentially be deployed by balloon as well.

This event has been a disgraceful performance by NORAD and our upper military leadership.

That balloon should have been shot down the moment it got near the territorial waters of the United States or Canada. There seem to be conflicting reports of whether the balloon first crossed over Alaska, then into Canada and over the USA or over Canada first and then over USA.

Either way, this is a huge embarrassment for the US military and the incompetent people in high command positions who are responsible should lose their jobs over this.

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Japan did it to my home state in a very similar manner during their Pearl Harbor Event. Ballon’s designed to drop bomblets that would burn entire forests, fortunately hey failed to reach their marks. Oh and thanks Canada for the heads up about this whole fiasco, pfffttt.

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Wow... I hadn’t heard of that before. Re Canada... yeah... it’s almost as if they’re... in on it, or something?!

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Heavily retarded corrupt evil sociopathic selfish stooge pieces of garbage cum bucket pedos.

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…and for a paycheck

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Exactly... my biggest lesson through all of this is that we aren’t all built the same, us humans. We look similar, arms, legs, one head. Get dressed and go to work. But our minds work very differently.

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Likely Trudy didn’t have a clue or he did and he realized calling Biden probably would catch him napping.

Japan Balloon Bombs. Released from Japan mainland into the high atmosphere and set with altimeter gauges and timers. Let nature take its course. Who would have suspected?.

Now for China, we know that they were realeased them from middle China and one state senator is saying Wuhan region with a question mark ❓ ..... pretty shitty that Joe is allowing any of this to be speculated about.

We pay their wages, fucking dickheads all of them.

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Too big for a balloon. It's a blimp. If it does not belong to the USG (psy-ops), then my guess is Russia. But Russia is only my second guess. The USG is making 5th generation war on it's own citizens and the plandemic is only Act 1.

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To me it's ridiculous to think it Chinese...for so many reasons. The USG is literally walking us into a nuclear war with Russia. Just saying.....

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Who would benefit the most from a war between Russia and NATO destroying each other? China and the World Economic Forum. China would be the most powerful country left on Earth and their partner and ally the WEF would have their agenda advanced as well. Cui bono?

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Agreed. Even without that, Ukraine is draining all our stockpile of munitions, and now even our tanks (not that they'll ever do anybody any good.). Also, Biden and Milley have culled the military, forcing out anybody with a backbone with the shots and the woke training. And the rest who haven't left have been vaxxed. So our military has been pretty much gutted of any strength already.

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Additionally, the strategic petroleum reserve has been drained, with at least a million barrels having been sold to the Chinese. Add to that the purposeful destruction of food production and processing facilities which has been taking place. A perfect storm has been created for the United States to lose a war and the American people to die in large numbers.

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I e heard this morning a new Chinese ballon ( 2nd one ) was spotted and the media is t reporting it except in certain non media sites of the mainstream.

Knowing Montana Government, the hey likely activated their own defenses.

Wild guess.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

A CHINESE spy balloon? ...

Let me get this right ... we're supposed to take the Pentagon at its word? ...

This is a claim that is impossible to verify ... much more likely to be a U.S. spy balloon!

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A voice of reason.

This is the mind set we all should absolutely have, for anything coming out of the Fake media or regime.

I don't care if they recover debris with the CCP logo on it, this is a straw man/false flag op, no matter how you look at it.

The result...higher security/declared crisis levels, where the further/deeper grab of civil liberties will be enacted and "justified".

This can also be spun that the regime has detected a new virus released in the vicinity of these balloon sightings and by some sort of magic, the gates foundation will have just the mRna jab, needed to counter act the new pandemic, but we will lock down and mask up again...since the new virus would have been unleashed...leaked...in towns around Amerika.

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Could be a psy-op to take the cold war rhetoric up a notch (although initial reaction seemed curiously passive in that case). And one must consider the extent of elite merger between the two rival globalist powers - something that is more suggestive of theater.

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All options are on the table in this clown show Art.

For quite some time now I have stopped applying any semblance of common sense to the actions of the regime(s) and their actors.

The why's, how's and who's don't have to be logical, they just have to be the stepping stones in the path(s) of incrementalism.

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Joe Biden passing gas.

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Anything is possible in this clown world!

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The Canadians have reported a possible second Chinese "balloon". Perhaps it crossed into Montana and was taken down...


Another "balloon" has been spotted in Latin America:


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Dry run for EMP?

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This event isn't over yet. The EMP attack could still happen with their first balloon.

The Chicoms, and/or those in our government who are aiding them and the WEF, could be trying to condition us to accept these balloons flying over the country, setting us up for a future attack of some kind, EMP or otherwise.

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The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian – J.R. Nyquist Blog

In 2005, THE EPOCH TIMES acquired a secret speech given by Defense Minister Chi Haotian to high-level Chinese Communist Party Cadres sometime before his retirement in 2003. Details given in Chi’s speech coincide with previously unpublished defector testimony on Sino-Russian military plans.


“Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our (China’s) need for mass colonization.”

“We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons,... Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden.”

“It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century in which the CCP leads the world.”


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The COVID death shots are the first biological weapons used to depopulate land which China covets. Many of America's politicians and corporations are helping them to do this. The US government is under control of the World Economic Forum and the Chinese. So are the governments of most of our NATO allies.

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JD, as there is no other way to contact you. I'm an Intractable Pain Patient and tracked the smuggling for over 4 years. As we know most of it is smuggled drugs. Not grannies 5 mg of oxy. Pain doctors were targeted. Thousands of clinics and private doctors were raided by the gun-toting FBI. While patients were there. Many doctors were falsely convicted vs the bad ones.

Yet Gabapentin is run openly, addictive and heavy on the side effects,

This special had been quietly kept under the radar.




Over 16 tons of cocaine seized at Delaware River shipping terminal in Philly could be largest drug bust in U.S. history - nj.com https://www.nj.com/mercer/2019/06/over-16-tons-of-cocaine-seized-at-delaware-river-shipping-terminal-in-philly-could-be-largest-drug-bust-is-us-history.html

Rockefeller owned the ships, and the haul was closer to 25 tons. The story drops off the map at this point.

Pat Anson runs Painnews.org Authors like Roger Chriss who is an EDDS PATIENT, and Red Lawhern plus many more https://www.painnewsnetwork.org

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Stop Calling it an Opioid Crisis--It's a Heroin and Fentanyl Crisis | Cato @ Liberty


This was the tepid apology we got, but no actions to change policies, CDC's Opioid Guidelines Have Been Misinterpreted, HHS Warns - https://www.legalreader.com/cdcs-opioid-guidelines-have-been-misinterpreted-hhs-warns/.

The new one is as bad. Unscientific Guidelines Are Being Peddled As ‘Evidence-Based’ Medicine

And it’s harming unsuspecting Americans… https://medium.com/the-compendia-project/unscientific-guidelines-are-being-peddled-as-evidence-based-medicine-97ce32aeb830

Opioid Overdose Statistics: As Clear as Mud — Pain News Network


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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

I suggest that a drone may have been released by the Chicom balloon, which was eventually shot down and that explains the reports of an explosion and image of burning wreckage falling out of the sky. A large balloon such as this could be used as a flying aircraft carrier for drones.

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Fucking Brandon !

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Seems to me this is a distraction yet again. PV video released as well. Not one main stream news covering it. I smell rats!!

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That’s not an explosion. It’s a chemtrail

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Just a note- Is not the Governor of Montana, a member of the CCP, on lists available online? it appears there are others as well. My just term limited out Governor, ( Oregon ) is one of them. WE are the Government, we must get this cleared up, to return to the Founding Documents. Raven6 1965 - 1993

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