3 time jabbed daughter, got sick again! Passed out twice. High Blood Pressure the DR said. I believe her heart is giving away. She is a top Athlete and I’m worried for her Life.

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So sorry this is happening to so many athletes .

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I'm so sorry. Perhaps get help at FLCCC.net or Dr Sherry Tenpenny who is improving heart failure

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I’m sorry to hear that. Prayers for her.

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:( justice for her!!! Fauci blood money should be given to you to help her and many many others. My late husband! :(

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My son in law, age 32 was hospitalized last year because his blood pressure soared to “stroke levels” after his first and last booster. While he was in the hospital, routine blood work revealed that his kidneys were starting to fail. His doctors blamed the blood pressure and kidney issue on the fact that he had taken “too many Excedrins” while he was fighting the massive headaches he was getting before his blood pressure issues began. He know needs a kidney transplant! His kidney’s are functioning at below 40%. This a a perfectly healthy 33 year old man. The father of my granddaughter. Husband to my daughter. All they have been told is that it’s anything BUT the vaccine. It’s absurd!

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People have recovered from end-stage kidney disease by taking a relatively short (approx. 2 weeks) uropathy fast. However, these mRNA things attack (via immune response) every organ/gland/blood vessel in the body. It is, though, possible the unfortunate man in the first link was suffering a jab injury. In any case, his recovery from serious problems does show how effective uropathy is, even without the fasting:



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My boss and a colleague at work both have high blood pressure after vaccination among other things

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I'm so sorry. Perhaps he can find help at flccc.net, truthforhealth.org or Dr Sherry Tenpenny who is improving heart/kidney failure.

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Here's a pattern I noticed - I have low blood pressure but then . . .

After spending too much time in a restricted space and sharing food, touching and "air" with a multiple injected human, to my dismay, I noticed hypertension problems - it lasted two months.

Then it returned to normal - it took two months.

Then a week later, after the two month period, again spent too much time in a restricted space, close contact and touching and here we go aga-ain >> high blood pressure came back.

What a coincidence considering I have a long history of low blood pressure.

I'm keeping tab on this anomalous "medical coincidence".

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I'm with ya. Several crappy health changes seeing 12+ jabbed ppl a day. Thinking about leaving.

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Absolutely correct. My husband was just diagnosed with potentially-lethal levels of hypertension (196/112) which was causing transient blindness in one eye, nosebleeds, and headaches. He was prescribed BP medication, and I also got him on as many of the FLCCC post-vax protocol supplements as possible. Thankfully he seems to be responding and it is going down daily. He unfortunately took one Moderna shot and had thrombotic thrombocytopenia that very night, with bleeding from his throat. He was never diagnosed with hypertension prior to the vax. I have requested his prior medical records to see if I can get confirmation. Another vaxxed lady I know was also just diagnosed with very high BP and it is not responding to medication. She says it is wildly unpredictable, measurements all over the place.

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If you can find a functional medicine doctor, they might be able to help your friend with the BP issues. I have been fighting this, having had a lot of biochemical abnormalities for years, and certain nutrients help, for me, like magnesium, which we are all deficient in, and if you take high D you need extra magnesium. It is all so complicated, one needs a practicioner. I have mine down from really high and I take NO pharma. Mainstream medicine not only ignores nutrition, but very purposely advises against it, as per "a patient cured is a customer lost" Also, weirdly to those who believe mainstream medicine is the most advanced and all else is backward, acupuncture can help. I went to an acupuncture college in Berkeley CA for an appointment and my BP was off the map from too much coffee or something or dehydration, and they put needles at the top of my ears. 20 minutes and I was normal BP. Now sometimes when I am being rebellious about exercise or diet or liquid lol, I can pinch the tops of my ears and bring my BP down. Sounds crazy, but it isn't toxic like most pharma. All meds, even the good tried and trusted ones, strip nutrients from the body and those nutrients must be replaced or it is a downward spiral. United Pharmacists of America used to publish a handbook about this, pharmacists not woo whackos, but no longer. You can look up the meds you are taking and find what to supplement online.

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Acupuncture is potent therapy and way under-utilized. Thanks for commenting!

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Thank you, my husband is taking many of the FLCCC suggested supplements, including magnesium and D. I would like to suggest it to my other friend, it's hard because she is low-income and it's a bit awkward suggesting an expensive supplement regimen, but I will try.

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I've had several women with BP and HR all over the place up/down crazy. It's awful. I hope more injured folks and their families speak out and DO something.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you. I encourage you to try the FLCCC vaccine recovery protocol if you aren't already: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/. It's horrible how doctors gaslight poor suffering patients, denying them their right to know why they are sick!

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My son took 3 shots and now has high blood pressure. He still won’t acknowledge the shots are a bioweapon.

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When I told him that, twice, he denied it and looked away. The look on his face broke my heart. While he verbally denies it, in his heart he knows.

I can’t imagine taking the shots and then realizing your life will most likely be shortened.

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First, I want to state that I have NOT been vaccinated with any of the Covid vaccines. I have not been vaccinated with any vaccine since 2019. I am not "anti-vaccine", I have become "vaccine hesitant" after experiencing issues after the last two flu shots I had, as well as issues after having gotten the Shingles vaccine.

I am writing to suggest that this issued may not just be associated with the Covid vaccines. I think that there may be similar Blood Pressure issues occurring after inoculation with other vaccines as well. It may have something to do with the adjuvants that are added to some vaccines in order to promote a better immune response and/or reduce the amount of virus needed for production of a vaccine. In some people, adjuvants can cause autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), also known as Shoenfeld’s syndrome. I learned about this syndrome when I began having issues with my blood pressure as well as my thyroid after getting innoculated with an adjuvanted vaccine.

I began having blood pressure issues several years ago after the first time I was inoculated with an adjuvanted Flu vaccine that was approved for people over age 65. After I was given that shot, I began feeling unwell. Nine days later I went to the Emergency Room with a blood pressure of 220/105. Up until then I had maintained a normal blood pressure my entire life. At that time, I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. At the time, I did not associate the problem with the vaccine. I did not take the blood pressure medication that was prescribed for me for 2 reasons: 1/ Because it did not make sense that I had developed high blood pressure literally overnight; and 2/ Because the medication was ineffective, my blood pressure was not changed. My cariologist wanted to prescribe a 2nd medication to take with the 1st (a diuretic, which caused me to become dehydrated), but I told him that I would rather not take yet another medication and preferred to address the problem by adjusting my diet and getting more exercise. My blood pressure settled back down somewhat on its own, without taking any blood pressure medications, over a period of 3 or 4 months.

When, I got my next flu vaccination, again with the adjuvanted vaccine for people over age 65, I again ended up in the Emergency Room withing 10 days, again with stroke level blood pressure readings. That is when I realized that there was a connection between the vaccine and my problems with my blood pressure. What are the odds that I get inoculated with a vaccine and my blood pressure skyrockets within days, two years in a row? I haven't gotten another flu vaccination since then.

In the meantime, I had also began having issues with my thyroid hormone levels after getting inoculated with an adjuvanted vaccine. I had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism many years before, in my 30's, and my levels had been steady for over 30 years with the same dosage of Levothyroxine. At one time, my primary care doctor raised the dosage of Levothyroxine and within days, my blood pressure began to fluctuate up and down. I went back to the doctor, and he immediately diagnosed me with hypertension and prescribed blood pressure medication, even though I told him that my blood pressure would start going up within 2 hours of taking the higher dose of Levothyroxine. I had been keeping a log of my blood pressure for two weeks while on the higher dosage, which clearly showed a correlation between the medication and my blood pressure spikes. In spite of that, he argued with me and insisted that it had nothing to do with the medication. Out of frustration, I made an appointment with a cardiologist who ran several tests and determined that I was NOT hypertensive and said that it was very likely that the problem was caused by my thyroid medication. I then went back to taking the lower dosage of Levothyoxine, my blood pressure went back to normal. I again kept a record of my blood pressure during that time and showed it to my primary care doctor during my next visit. He had nothing to say.

The reason I related the experience I had with the higher dosage of thyroid medications, is because I realized that after getting that adjuvanted vaccine, my hormone levels began fluctuating again. I had changed doctors by then (my other doctor had retired), and my NEW primary care doctor has tried adjusting the dosage of Levothyroxine that I am taking, but I continue to have problems. I am now of the belief that the adjuvanted vaccine affected the functioning of my thyroid gland, adding to/causing the blood pressure issues.

I am not a doctor, nor have I ever had any kind of medical training. But I can think logically, and the logical answer is that there is something about the adjuvanted flu vaccine that caused my blood pressure and thyroid issues. Could it be that my problems were caused by a reaction to the adjuvant that was added to the particular vaccine that I was inoculated with? In the vaccine that I was inoculated with, the adjuvant added was Squalene Oil/MF59. Although everything I read said that MOST PEOPLE can tolerate Squalene Oil, isn't it possible that there is a percentage of people who cannot tolerate it? Could it be that what I am experiencing is ASIA Syndrome? I don't know, but I highly suspect that it is.

The whole purpose of my comment is to alert people to the existence of ASIA Syndrome. It is my hope that the experts who are looking into the numerous problems being experienced by people who were vaccinated with the Covid vaccines will take into consideration that many of their problems could be the result of whichever adjuvant(s) that were added to those vaccines.

(I apologize for the long post. I hope it made sense. I have been living with these problems for over 4 years now and I hope to get someone, somewhere to look into this before it affects too many other people.)

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No apologies, please. It's posts like yours, anecdotal accounts, that are so valuable - especially now - to others who may have the same problems and are being dismissed by their doctors. I found your account very interesting and will pass it along. Thank you!

(My similar experience with a med: I was prescribed Toprol XL to treat a supra-ventricular tachycardia condition. At some point I went from the name brand drug to the generic. Immediately I started having problems ...swollen and painful joints, extreme fatigue, and consistently elevated blood pressure. After many months of taking the generic I could barely get out of bed. Now Toprol XL (metaprolol succinate) is also prescribed to control high blood pressure, which I did not have -- important here. When I told my doctor about the reaction I was having to the generic vs the name brand, he scoffed and told me there was no way a drug designed to reduce blood pressure was causing it to increase! I insisted that he take me off the generic and he did ....and within weeks all of the horrible life-altering effects vanished. What led me to conclude it was the generic form was a med forum I stumbled across when looking for answers as to what I was experiencing, and there were HUNDREDS of posts under metoprolol succinate describing my exact symptoms. We are on our own, for the most part.)

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Well, now, what you just told me has me thinking. I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse with reflux many years ago. (I actually think I had been suffering from the effects of the valve problem for a very long time, but had gone undiagnosed.) I was prescribed a very low dose of Atenolol at that time and have been taking that same dose for over 30 years. Sometime around 2017 or 2018, there was an Atenolol supply problem, and the doctor ok'd a substitution with METAPROLOL. I did notice a difference in the way that I felt, and I told my doctor, who, of course, assured me that there was basically no difference. (Heaven forbid that a doctor listens to the complaints of a patient. What do they know?) Fortunately, the supply shortage did not last long, and I had enough Atenolol on hand that I did not have to take the metoprolol but for about a month or so.

After watching my mother and my mother-in-law be prescribed medication after medication which were basically prescribed to treat the side effects of 1 or more medications that they were prescribed at an earlier point in time, I became aware that many, if not most, doctors rarely attempt to discern the true causes of their patients' health problems. Instead, they simply follow a pre-set protocol of how to treat the symptoms of certain illnesses/symptoms by prescribing medications. For example. My mother experienced problems with foot pain/numbness/tingling. Her doctor prescribed Gabapentin instead of checking for causes of the problem, such as poor circulation/restricted blood flow in her legs. The Gabapentin caused severe edema in her legs and feet, for which the doctor then prescribed a diuretic - Lasix ( Furosemide), which did little other than to reduce the edema somewhat. Mother's legs and feet were still grossly swollen. She repeatedly developed Cellulitis infections for which she was told to wear compression stockings to force the circulation in her swollen legs and feet. By then, I had decided to involve myself in mother's medical care and would go in with her when she went to doctor appointments. I researched all of the medications that mother was taking. After reading about the effects of Gabapentin, I spoke to her doctor about trying to wean mother off of the Gabapentin, with the possibility of changing her to a different medication if the neuropathy symptoms returned. The doctor's response was that "the side effects were better than having the neuropathy". I found that no matter what question I asked the doctor, her response was basically the same: "it's because your mother is in her nineties". All that doctor was doing at appointments was writing new prescriptions for the same medications when the refills ran out. Unfortunately, before I could find a new doctor for my mother, she was hospitalized and her doctor prescribed a huge dose of Lasix and it resulted in the development of a rare disease called Bullous Pemphigoid. It is a rare adverse event that occurs in the elderly who have been taking Gabapentin and low doses of diuretics and are then treated with a massive dose of a diuretic medication. It is an autoimmune pruritic skin disease which causes the formation of blisters in the space between the epidermal and dermal skin layers. It's a terrible disease.

After that, I subsequently found mother a new doctor, one that specialized in geriatric medicine. That doctor took mother off of ALL the medications that she had been prescribed and had been taking for over 20 years.

The results:

Her neuropathy, GONE.

Her edema, GONE.

Her wheezing "asthma" (caused by a cholesterol med), GONE.

Her high blood pressure, GONE.

Mother went on to live 2 more years until age 95, when she passed away in hospital after having an adverse reaction to a "new" medication, one that had been prescribed by her dermatologist to treat the Bullous Pemphigoid. Another case of "rare" side effects that only affects a certain percentage of people. How do we know whether or not we are among the small percentage of people who cannot take a medication?

After all of that, and my own experiences with my primary care physician, I began looking into finding myself a doctor who was a D.O. - an Osteopath.

"A Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.), more correctly called a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, is very much like a traditional medical doctor (M.D.), but receives additional training in the body's musculoskeletal system. This training teaches D.O.s to examine, diagnose and treat the body as a whole, rather than treating a single illness or symptom. A doctor of osteopathy takes a more holistic approach to medicine by looking at the body as a complete system, instead of placing emphasis on one particular part."

I now have a doctor that works WITH me to determine what the best treatment is in regard to my whole health. She doesn't just treat me by prescribing medications to treat a symptom or symptoms.


Thanks for listening.

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Dr. Alexander, we need a data analysis to counter argue this person on Lew Rockwell, a very popular aggregating site on the internet. Many who dig deeper into any matter, include this site because it offers top writers (and sometimes thinkers :-)) about essential and critical topics.

I am hoping you know someone that you can send this on to, who can review and determine if the "facts" are being spun or not.


Thank you for all you do and your bravery for saying things exactly like they are.

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Love browsing Lew Rockwell! Like you said, many brilliant writers/articles there, I happily support them. And I, too, was surprised (and very skeptical) to see the article you linked. It flies in the face of everything else I’ve seen so I was far from convinced by his analysis. Still, like you, I’d love to see someone with appropriate knowledge take this on. Thank you!

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Unz is getting a lot of notoriety and sowing a lot of confusion. Like you, I wish someone with the proper skill set would analyze what he has done and refute/support his conclusions.

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When will medical see what they’ve done? As a long time nurse... I’m so embarrassed of them.

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I wonder if this also applies to unvaxxed? I have had very high BP spikes since I had Covid last May. No vax. Of course, when mentioned to my cardiologist he poo-poo'd the idea that the cause may be related to Covid. There is no other discernable reason. This started out of the blue after my Covid episode. His answer? "Here's your script."

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Well that would make a lot of sense, I had not considered the possibility. But yet, it was right there all the time. More clots, of the various types, higher blood pressure.


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Even John Campbell on You tube (you know this guy in the UK who progressively swallowed a sour red pill) suffers from high blood pressure which he never had before the shots. My own daughter (1 shot) now has high blood pressure (she'll be 40 this year) -and new, onset of diabetes 2, horrible gut problems, catches one bug after another -she's fine besides that :-( . My husband found out he's got a severe valve prolapse (he had extensive cardiac tests a couple of years ago for another valve, but this abrupt change was a surprise... yep. 2 Moderna shots. At his age doctors can gaslight him into the "it's a coincidence". He's transformed into a ticking time bomb until he gets a (rather risky) operation.

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This entire covid shot catastrophe reminds me of the original Twilight Zone episode 'To Serve Man.'

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I know some people who had big spikes after the Rat Juice shots… not sure if they have been able to bring it down… I suspect not as they probably have scarring throughout the vascular system causing it…

That must suck --- if they cannot reduce they’ll stroke out of have a heart attack at some point

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He had high bp after that too and he had always had low bp.

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