Don't just stop them for young healthy children, stop them for everyone, no one is safe taking these bioweapon shots.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Once again, I say NO VACCINES for ANYONE. Yes, I am very concerned that any evil person or fool would give or recommend a vaccine for children, however, they are killing everyone with these vaccines. Anyone following the alternate media and some substack writers, know people are dropping over from heart attacks from teens to 60.

The elderly dying in nursing homes is hidden from the public, period. Someone should be following that data. It has now been removed from my home state data. It was once posted by nursing home name, the number of cases and deaths of staff and residents. I think it explains the burst in numbers of deaths at times. Zero deaths for two weeks then 15, 17, and 17 deaths 3 days in a row. It is still happening. IMO that occurs after the administration of boosters and or vaccines.

Why would they remove the nursing home data and put in single page with 3 entries only for incarcerated people showing cases and outbreaks?

Why would they remove the number of people hospitalized by vaccine status? It once showed "vaccinated" vs "unvaccinated." The data flipped and it was becoming more vaccinated people hospitalized (ICU and on Vent). Every state DHHR is in on the scam to hide data. The data was a tool in the beginning to scare the heck out of you to run get vaccinated for fear of dying or ending up in the hospital on a vent.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023


Oh dear. Just got this from an academic friend.

"Our results imply it was reckless to prioritise vaccinating those deemed to be in greatest need of protection."

It kills them.

Regulator response: Who knew? Nobody could have foreseen this. Caveat emptor. It's the fault of the decedents for not doing their research. There is no document proving that we gave the orders for the final solution to the useless eaters problem. Our hands are clean!


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this is nice data, I will publish and cite your sharing.

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Hola plandemic-covid avenger!!

The study was removed it seems?

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The information was in the Pfizer documents. Did absolutely nobody in the Healthcare system have any interest in reading them before injecting people ? If not Why?

Was this a depopulation agenda ?

Was it just for money ? Or both.

I want trials to start from the top with People like Jason Kenney right down to the pharmacy owner / jabbers 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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I used to have doubts that this is a " depopulation agenda" but not anymore. I have two reasons for it: the government and health authorities know by now perfectly well how dangerous these covid shots are. Yet, they do nothing to stop them let alone to investigate what's going on with all these dead and injured people. And second: I got banned from a several channels from Telegram after posting a video with Bill Gates who was linked to this famous agenda. They immediately deleted the 2 minutes video. In return, I deleted all the Telegram channels where I used to write comments. The best channel on Telegram was one called " The Vigilant Fox", where you could find out everything. One thing is clear: they will do anything to make sure that the vaccine believers never find out that there is a depopulation agenda going on. You can only imagine what would happen if this comes out.

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I think there has been so many people jabbed that have got sick or died that the jabbed are starting to question it? However I doubt they will admit they were wrong after they threw so much negative at the unvax. But I think with the unvax walking around just as healthy as they were before covid, right before their sick eyes, the dots would have to start getting connected. I could be wrong though.

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You are a very smart and wise lady to acknowledge the possibility that you could be wrong and it also shows that you don't have that Hitlerian personality that those who push the vax often have. However, I very much doubt that you are wrong. I agree fully with what you have said.

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Do you read Vigilant Fox substack? It's good.

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It was to save the planet from climate change and for eugenics by reducing the carbon footprints of those with a low enough IQ to take the jabs. It was also so that sadists could get their rocks off by harming vulnerable scapegoats. And for money. Sorry to be so brutally honest but you did ask.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

I just chime in here: Purina is putting out toxic farm feed ( chicken food for layers etc..) and now dog food. Purina is owned by NESTLE. Nestle is the UN company. Nestle babyfood etc.. Epoch times wrote an article about the recalled dog food. Remember we had issues with babyformula and the claim that chickens stopped laying with Purina chicken food bought at tractor supply?

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Thank you for that.. but while you're at it -- or while we're at it -- shouldn't we be calling her out for the continued, unjustified, and utterly heinous persecution of pastor Artur Pawlowski?

Just saying..

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Dr. Paul, I have been busy spreading this video on twitter about 3000 times to all politicians and doctors, please share so the word gets out--https://rumble.com/v2868vw-the-university-of-british-columbia-exposed.html?fbclid=IwAR1KoPx1Yn1E1TRH3v4mpS7sSKmy-C0iIjUFU9jQxBIMqVL-YyqZaoxDXn4

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I am watching David Martin now and will share widely.

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I’m an Albertan I know people that are not healthy anymore after the jabs I’m disgusted with this country why because we are so silent and we as a country are little this loser Trudeau destroys our country he must go now not in a year

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Yes this is precisely what needs to be done and on a full scale - with lots of doctors and members of the public - demand an immediate halt to vaccines.

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City of Burlington (ON) has dropped vaccine mandates for new hires (except Fire Dept) and City of Hamilton, prepared to vote on the matter this week deferred the vote, presumably due to public pressure. Pls Danielle Smith - Listen to Dr. Makis and Dr. Alexander and STOP THE SHOTS.

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Agree. Danielle Smith for positive changes.

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