mRNA vaccines should be banned for a century, until we have a chance to develop a clue of what they really do. Period.

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How about banned forever?

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No kidding! since when to we need to EVER be genetically altered to work out how to change what we are into something suits the purposes of someone else?

If other Life isn't 'good enough' for you and you think you can do better - get help!

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And existing shots rounded up as either evidence and then incinerated. First check to see if Lipid nanoparticles are laced with any e-coli. Injected, your body disregulates NF-kB which downgrades the human immune response.

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We also need the samples and info to know what we're dealing with, in order to help the jabbed! There was a lot of variance between different shots, and there seem to have been different formulations/materials used.

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We need to defund and destroy utterly our Government institutions...the FDA, NIH/CDC ETc. along with all State Medical offices, the AMA, etc. etc.

I am SO DONE with this corruption and racketeering.

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They kill people and injure the rest. Any more questions? The vaxx is a bioweapon not a pharmaceutical drug. Catch up.

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I will believe in "viruses and germs" when I truly read a study that's not filled with bullshit and pseudoscience. I subscribe to Terrain Theory that was grounded by men that were truly geniuses in their fields especially Dr. Antoine Bechamp M.D. Then you have another genius named Dr. Rudolf Virchow the father of modern day pathology that rejected germ theory and authored over 2000 scientific papers. In contrast, Louis Pasteur was a mediocre chemist that was well connected to rich and powerful people in his time. They saw the $$$$ in germ theory and vaccines. There are two books that you should read and the first was written in the 1950s titled The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean and its free here https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean and the second is titled Turtles All The Way Down-Vaccine Science and Myth. You can read a review of this book here. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/store/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/

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I hope they are punished!

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It's not just them but our state public health departments were also silenced by national security ploy. Mine claimed they could not investigate hospital protocol complaints. They put me in a COVID-19 ward with no diagnosis of that disease (flu or hypoxia). Done for safety of other patients....

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And guess what ? Neither could the police because the Cures and Prep act made them automaically part of the DOD.

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This destruction of young people continues. Mark Steyn had to leave GB news as there was an OfCom complaint about his interview of Naomi Wolf on reproductive harms to women. GB news' offered contract included him having to pay costs of OfCom complaints. The New York Times went after Bannon, who is giving Dr. Wolf a platform for her investigations of the Pzifer document evidence for reproductive harm to women. The New York Times (and Brookings Institute) went after Dark Horse, which has hosted military whistle blowers, Dr. Malhoutra (sp), Dr. Kory, Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch. There are universities that have not dropped their booster mandates. The vax has been added to the childhood vax schedule. They are trying to kill, maim or reproductively harm the kids and the young people. This continues and their attempts to shut down knowledge continue. I sometimes wonder if there is a bounty on death and disability and wrecking fertility. Or that it might be some kind of a dark tetrad game for them. These are not opinions, they are effing documents. Getting that out there is utterly crucial.

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It has been revealed that the DOD unleashed a bioweapon on the world. During the Obama regime a law was passed providing EUA to the DOD. The DOD controlled the whole plandemic. Moderna was a relatively new company with no historical wins. How is it they created the vaxx? They didn’t .

The vaxx is not a pharmaceutical creation. It is a bioweapon created to depopulate.

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The Twit Execs should be sued and held liable for lost income and damages for harm to reputation!

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Does anyone know the time and date of this Congressional hearing? Having watched most of the Kavanaugh debacle, the Trump Inquisitions and Senator Johnson’s information session last month I want to see this!!!!! My only regret is that the media propaganda wall is still keeping most of the lemmings from seeing the light!

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started now, we are part of this, providing questions etc. to the congress, I am.

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To: "Nomoremarxusts":

Try C-SPAN live during weekdays. Also, C-SPAN on-line should have archived footage of hearings you have missed.

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I watched this past week. I believe it was a day after Brain dead BIDEN’s State of the Union address…

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There is only one way it ends. They will not go silently into the night.

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I am afraid you are correct.

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I think it’s time since it seems to be vogue if blacks are demanding reparations for slavery it is time all those who have been harmed by the lockdowns, COVID, vaccines denial of known therapeutics death and injury as a result of the collusion of Big Pharma Big Government the WEF, the Globalist etc. need to reimburse all who were slaves to this insanity over at minimum the last three years. God knows Big Pharma enslaved us since Rockefeller’s take over of our Health Care System’s. Bill Gates has plenty of cash to pay reparations to all the people who have suffered at the hands of his mania to depopulate. Gate’s and his private club have plenty of money to pay up let’s get at it. We can all identify as slaves, with that proclamation what will these sociopaths sue. We are enslaved it is time to set us all free!

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Love that idea.

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At least a good Trump loving therapist to help us shake that

Dirty Feeling of taking tests in the garage for din din

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Why would she agonize? Let 'em squirm. They wouldn't have spent a hot second on her. Let em hang high, socially speaking.

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That's exactly what I said. Why is Naomi agonizing?

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Are you kidding. She has a broken shoulder from a fall on ice and she is hurting physically. Then she turns in the Twitter trial and sees the faces, expressions, and attitudes of these very insignificant pieces of shit who colluded with the White House to destroy her reputation and shut her dow, thereby causing job and income loss. What us it you two don’t understand about the pain inherent in that kind of personal attack? And then seeing the people who shit on your life on TV defending their decisions. What is wrong with you? You have zero compassion.

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I didn't know that Naomi fell. I hope she feels better soon. She had to understand what the consequences might be with all of her truthful facts. I applaud her.

We The People, need to follow her lead. We have no one to save us.

We The People, must band together and fight the Leftists. Unfortunately,

that's what it will come down to one day. Don't think the Republicans

are going to save us.

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I don’t know when Dr. Wolf got cancelled or how many conservatives were cancelled before her or if she feared it and considered what she had at stake. But she fell on ice twice; once it put a hurt on her shoulder and then she was iced by her former friends, colleagues, and the communists in office. She was betrayed by them. She deserves to feel and to tell us, her faithful readers, about her emotional experience, not be blown off.

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I understand. But, the way the article read that she was feeling bad for exposing

Big Pharma and the rest.

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Bring on the trials. I need something to celebrate after all the shit I have been through.

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I think death by covid injection is the only appropriate punishment.

They are jailed...quarantined in fact...and every 3-6 months they get a booster. This contines until death. Their injuries will be ignored...just as the injuries are today of those forced into this insanity.

Ok. Maybe I am just so pissed I cannot help myself.

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Regardless. The head of the snake needs to be understood, rooted out and taken care of permanently.

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And I can relate.

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Dr. Peter McCullough says the “DEADLY” spike protein stays in the body forever. So logically every MRNA vaccinated person will die from it?

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The solution to this happening again is we must stand for freespeech AT ALL TIMES. Any form of censorship should be looked upon with disgust. If we practice it by blocking that's a no-no because that is also censorship. Some people have a double-standard, they think it's ok for the "plebs" like us to block and censor but not for publications or platforms (like Twitter) We should be favoring platforms that stand for freespeech and giving them our content. We should understand that freespeech is our only "weapon" against the machine. Anyone who is found blocking or censoring says that they are not for freespeech, and they should be looked upon with contempt. Because that is all we "little people' have against armies, billionaires and platforms that push their narratives.

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