You know why

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Yes that's right. It was all lies. All of it. One may ask "why"? Why did they pull this trick on everyone? And what is the wholesale damage? Incalculable. It's not the end of the agenda though and so questions need to be asked.

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The regime is still

pushing out ads like no tomorrow, healthcare providers also putting the pressure on patients. Why? What’s in these vials of mRNA junk they want injected in all of us so desperately?

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I take it that is a rhetorical question but just in case, everyone needs to be aware there is a planned genocide going on. The euphemism for it is "depopulation".

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I still can't understand why people don't understand this was never about health per se but lockdowns instigated to funnel $$$ to prop up banks (again). Go check out Catherine Austin Fitts on Solari. Don't be relying on the pension when you retire!

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I so agree with you. I am dumbfounded as many of us are to witness such plumb denial from so many. We must not forget that this denial puts us all at grave risk. This denial caused many to die unnecessarily.

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Because we needed to stoke fear in order to sell Pharma products. Get that money $$$$$$$$.

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The agenda is about power and control! Has nothing to do about protecting the masses from viral invasions!

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What happened in the beginning, the CDC hyperinflated the covid numbers so this attack would be named a PANDEMIC!! Simple little lie, that was repeated over and over by the democrats and the mainstream media. That was and still is the narrative that was pushed. The democrats wanted things locked down to take everything away from Trump and his following. He got too big and too powerful. They pushed for the lock downs so American people would suffer because Trump was fixing too many things that were actually helping us! Think about that, you can hate his tweets, call him crass, I don't care, Trump HELPED AMERICA and the dems hated that fact!! The dems want socialism and or communism, we the American people DO NOT, so we have to fight back! DO NOT take any vaccine that is pushed by this administration!!

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Good paper by Levin et al dated 27Aug2020. Thank you Dr Paul.

I beat them by 5 months.

I analysed the Covid-19 data in Feb2020 and on 21Mar2020 I published the following correct analysis – NO GENERAL LOCKDOWNS!:


Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”


Six months later on 4Oct2020, world-class physicians and researchers made the same recommendation in their Great Barrington Declaration.

On 8Jan2021 I wrote to every Alberta MLA and many federal and civic politicians the following strong recommendation, which has proved entirely correct – NO COVID-19 VACCINES!

“The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population - those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”

These very early correct predictions could have saved tens of trillions of dollars and tens of millions of lives.

See https://CorrectPredictions.ca/

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary


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I read Professor Ioannidis very early. He needs to run NIH if only at the management personnel and oversight standards level. We are going to have to step into a new paradigm because the old world is broken. What happened was not overnight and depended on years of unpatriotic greed and apathy from electronic opiates. We weren’t created for the level of electronic media we’ve been consuming. O yes -- the loss of meaning in consumerism, the death of duty as a social value, and putting the Creator first... all else devolves from this last cause. What a great essay and question!! Really interesting and thank you. Am a big fan of these authors.

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Answer: To create a New World Order and One World Government, and Trump is part of it.

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Unbelievable lies. How did we know? They couldn’t hide the truth. It was all there in plain sight. Why so many didn’t see what was really going on is disturbing. The lies are coming apart & I hope all the the evil creatures responsible are charged with crimes against humanity.

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Every day I hope to hear that they are arresting the perpetrators responsible for this insanity and that those who still believe the lies are finally understanding the truth even if it is to late for them as I'm afraid it may be for years to come. I have a feeling many will gather to see the executions where they can. The world population must know the true number of dead, dying and crippling's done by these murderers. I can't wait to see the pictures of their faces when they realize they are found out by all.

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100%. All lies. A scam, a Plandemic and more to come.

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She is Awesome. I hope other counties will do the same.

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Thanks for posting. We all know this already. It's those that aren't awake that have no idea. Now something needs to been done about it. And, we have to be mindful never to fall victim to these atrocities again.

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