Dear Caitlin,

Your insights and honesty are world class, and your shoe size, well that's between you and your local cordwainer, but like the saint Wenceslas, where you tread, minds and hearts are thawed. Yet you feel small. Somehow that's right.

My reaction to this kind of news is the same. When those we've silently filed in our unconscious as parents perish, we are forced to evaluate again what "alone" really means.

My father used to say to me, "Wald, parents hate to see their kids grow up, because it means they're (parents) getting old!". But it works the other way too. We are left with nothing but ourselves to cling to or hide behind or ... grow a few shoe sizes.

On a less emotional note, I'd like to plot a dot or two and imply a connection. Here goes. Many of the covid Vax deaths have manifested as very rapidly developing cancers. A former friend of mine was diagnosed and then dead in about two weeks, from a supposed kidney cancer his exams never detected before. Physicians and family in amazement. Is it too big of a stretch to wonder if particularly troublesome citizens and journalists are being stealthily removed with a weapon technology that can alter body tissue, either through ingestion or microwave or other insidious radiation, so that a virulent and unstoppable deadly cancer results?

Yes, fuck cancer. And especially if it's the weapon used in a first degree murder. (I don't need a tinfoil hat anymore. My body fluids are all saturated with nanoparticles of aluminum. Probably.)


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Yes I know of lots of jabbed people who have then gotten Covid more than one time and others who have a new cancer diagnosis, strokes, heart attacks, etc. Highly vaccinated countries are experiencing excess deaths since the jab. Sadly, since both the virus and the "vaccine" are genetically modified we have both long haul Covid and adverse effects from the experimental treatment.

Remember we are body, mind and spirit interacting and healthy medicine is holistic.

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I agree with you Carol, regardless of Walden’s reply. I have many friends who are having odd physical illnesses that they can’t explain and did not have before the jab. It’s an intuitive leap but I think it’s there. It’s the same feeling I had watching the 911 buildings settle into their own basements—it’s right there in front of us. But o how we love to be lied to.

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Carol, you've entirely missed my point, and used my post as a launching pad for covid-19 propaganda as well. We have no data on "the virus" because we don't have a single purified sample of it anywhere on earth. We do have computer models of it, and all manner of unlicensed and unsound extrapolations. Since you missed my point, perhaps others did too, so I'm going to sharpen it up a little. Jabs have resulted in an array of adverse effects, ONE OF THEM being sudden onset and/or recurrence and acceleration of existing slow growth cancer. In Caitlin's article above, there are two heroic, anti-establishment journalists departing (or recently departed) with acute cancers. WHAT IF that is not coincidence? Does the Pentagon (just out of the blue, folks, no real reason to suspect them!) have a weapon capable of silently putting a target on the fast track to death by critical organ cancer? Why might a technology like that be appealing to people whose main mission in life is murdering? When someone dies from cancer, do the police show up like there's a crime scene and start an investigation? Are the dots connecting at all?

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I responded to one aspect of your comment but do not extrapolate as you seem to be doing with your conspiracy theory. I liked your first couple of paragraphs in your original comment and did not miss your point about connecting dots.

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We really need ways for people who got the vax to clear it out of their system. Dr. Peter McCollaugh has some good ideas, and perhaps the Dr. Zelenko protocol will work.

Apologies for being off topic, but if you follow twitter accounts like "Died Suddenly," you will want people to clear the shot out of their system, too.

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There's enough enriched plutonium missing from DoD accounts to scrag the US Population. It wouldn't be organ-specific, but it's most likely to be picked up by organs that process poisons, like the liver, the spleen, the pancreas. I was once able to scoff at the idea, but year in and year out, the sane voices go silent and the screaming of the madmen grows and grows and grows.

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Robert Parry also died of pancreatic cancer, I was writing on his site long before his diagnosis. He had symptoms, but initially it wasn't diagnosed, but months later it was and very shortly after he died. Anti-war has Ellsberg's response to his diagnosis and he seems very accepting, and turns 92 in a couple of months. If all the money spent on our godless wars went into finding a cure for cancer no doubt no one would be dying of it now. Disgusting to think about it like that, but I believe it to be true.

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The imminent death of Daniel Ellsberg is sad news. He made a contribution that was read by millions of people throughout the world. A contribution for which he will be remembered forever.

He is free in the US

He has spoken many times of the need for the same freedom to be given back to Julian Assange who made the world aware of the criminal USA and its exploits and mass murders and drug running and on it goes. But in Australia we have a government that is so enamoured with the US and its ongoing plans for total world domination that no effort has been made to remove him from a British prison.

He is not free in the UK

Australia. A weak country with little in the way of courage and nothing in the way of political independence from the world's #1 criminal country.

Shame, Australia.

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In 2016, I was a registered democrat, however I didn't vote for war mongering Clinton whom Assange referenced as a sick woman in need of power and who had a hunger for war. Being good natured he felt sorry for her. Not being of good nature I didn't feel sorry for a warmonger, a killer, a liar. In 2016 a friend was extremely mean spirited, abusive, a bastard, because I wouldn't vote for Clinton, and for the ill informed reason that a Trump win would place his finger on the nuclear button and kill us all. She said she had dreams of red flares, a nuclear blast from Russia under his rein. I haven't spoken to her since Trump's time in office, although I would love to know how she feels being so off the mark. I hope what is happening under her beloved party keeps her awake at nights, or if it doesn't her dreams are in shades in bright red. This was repeated on some level with several people I know, including a cousin furious with me because I referenced our wars in the Middle East as Illegal and not unhappy that Russia picked up Crimea, after Obama's coup. He died of cancer less then a year later after his crazy rant, and distancing himself. Marches during the build up to the war in Iraq, didn't change a thing, You think other countries cave to America, and I agree they do, but the people in America cave to their country as well, mostly due to sheer ignorance, and lack of time to search out the truth. They sucked up Russia-gate like candy, and the press was all too willing to help. Americans go with the flow, well, the majority do, as do European follow their master of deceit. I wish the very best for Assange, but truth tellers will always be singled out for abuse, and the longer the better, since he has become nothing more then a warning to others.

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You want to fail as a US political "representative?

Don't attend the next AIPAC meeting where US political policies are made, future Israeli election dollars are allocated and homage paid to the well-supported idea of apartheid.

Apartheid? No, not in South Africa, but it's quite OK with the USA in Israel.

I forgot....it also includes US permission to kill every Palestinian in Palestine being a must.

What hypocrisy is displayed by almost all elected representatives. Come on, please name those who argue against this theory? See how long they last with no Israeli electoral funding, a hostile candidate against them spending millions of shekels, articles written in Jewish owned media, family harassment at schools and Universities

What an environment under which a country can be governed. 330 million American people controlled by 9 million Israeli apartheidists and their US domiciled Neocon stooges, posing as loyal Americans. Add that to the thousands in high government positions in Defence, CIA, the Courts, Banks, FBI....anywhere they can do the bidding of the Netanyahu regime in Tel Aviv.

It is so ridiculous, it is almost a joke.

Serious Un-American activities every day. Where are you, Joe McCarthy, buried in 1957 but badly needed in 2023.

No Joe. Not Communists this time.

Much, much worse.

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So do I. I would add since I have cured myself of so many things that many alternative remedies exist for cancer (other than slash, burn and poison) and most diseases. Allopathic medicine largely controlled by big pharma has not produced a healthy society to say the least.

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Decades ago I remember my JHS science teacher saying that within ten years we'll have a cure for cancer. Well decades have come and gone. I've developed a big mistrust in big pharma and the medical established in many ways, and I'm coming to believe too much money is to be made without cancer around. For quite some time big Pharma had one add after another for one disease after another on TV. Recently it's become less so, but had I listened more attentively I could have gotten a degree in some pharmaceutical house, and since more then half the ingredients used to make our drugs come from China I would probably have had to work there. hear they really skimp on quality when it comes to ingredients they produce that our going to poor counties. To sum up, no wonder so many have so much mistrust in medicine. If life on this planet were important why would so many being dying in wars, or human induced famines? Just look at what they are doing in Syria, in Yemen, I'm going on a rant. Sorry.

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We will miss you, Dan Ellsberg. We Vietnam-era anti-war fossils are falling like dominoes. Every morning I awaken to draw breath is a surprise to me. But is it "fuck war, fuck cancer" or shall we take the broader perspective and scream "fuck a narcissistic greed-driven system of concupiscence that reifies "MORE", a system that deifies war, setting us from a once-pristine and logically functioning natural system, into one which now seethes with hugely diverse toxicity. Because placing acquisitiveness above all else generates both the psychological conditions that promote enslavement and internecine conflict, and deposits its residuum of a ridiculous diversity of un-remediated un-recycled waste in direct contravention to that natural system's operation. In short, fuck corporate Capitalism. And bless the peacemakers.

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Yes blessed are the peacemakers. I have one issue with how we use language. War on poverty, war on drugs, war on terrorism, endless war, fight cancer, fight injustice, fight, fight, fight, fight...

There is another way.

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Quite right. I recall reading an article years ago which pointed out that it's not just a matter of stupid language, it's the conceptual baggage that comes along with it. But the people who are fondest of the terminology are mostly politicians, bureaucrats, cops, and other state amd institutional bigdeals, and that's the way they think.

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Schools too. The very people who instill language in the young always have targets, are shooting for something, are dying to get stuff done, need to whip things out. I brought it up one day in staff meeting and there was a pause while they all looked at me with those dull little teacher stares, then went on with the more important business of “corralling the problem”. Yoikes!

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There may be an even bigger issue here. Earlier today, I spoke with a representative of my internet provider. We handled the business and spoke awhile at other things. I'm considerably older than he is (he's only 60), but has a 13 year-old daughter. He bemoaned the fact that, among the young, minimal, true communication is rare, for her nose is stuck to her phone, or she's watching TikTok,and texting, not speaking, with others. This consumes so much of her time, but 5 minutes later she doesn't recall what she has just seen or heard, She and her friends are nearly always in the moment, a moment devoid of meaningful context.

These are the youths we are 'fighting' for, to ensure them of a meaningful future, or maybe any future at all. Yet, how do we enlist them in this worthy effort, when they can't even pay attention to what's happening in the world and have no understandng of what would be the result of a nuclear calamity? To reclaim an expression used in actual war, when the bombs come, 'they won't even know what hit them.'

Yes, we have anti-war and anti-climate change and anti capitalism youths, but they are relatively few and far between. And the challenge they face is how to get the majority of their generation to get off their phones and off of Tik Tok, and how to begin to use their brains for good.

We of the Vietnam War era understand the risks and consequences of all war and of a nuclear armageddon. For most of today's youth, war is something that's happening in the Ukraine, but they don't know any more. The only context some may have, is essentially. 'Ukraine good, Russia bad and it's over there, not here.'

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I think this might be a case of physician heal thyself. Why do you think your children ignore you or hide in their phones from you. Maybe ‘cause you’re not anyone they want to emulate? I’m 78 and have lots of friends who are in their late 20’s early 30’s. I don’t know why they like me but they do, and the THINGS they tell me about their parents—-Omygod! The yuppie era is almost over (the oldest yuppie is 62, the youngest, a dissatisfied 47.). Step aside, take your own inventory and support them as they lead us through the mess you created.

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I was not talking of my own; my son will be 50 this year and most of my grandchildren are in or graduating college or high school this year. Even when schedules are too tight for getting together, or distances too great, we speak on a regular basis. Even my grandchildren who are from my son's second wife are always saying how much they love me (and I'm not bribing them).

I was relating a concern from someone who still has barely a teenager living at home, who told me what he sees and hears of her and her same-age friends.

My reply was already long so didn't want to include further, similar comments that I'm hearing every day. I will add that, in the past, it was usually responsible parents that opened the eyes of their children. Today, too many adults are working multiple jobs and have other interests of their own, so that many of them have abdicated that responsibility.

Most of my friends have always been - and still are - much younger than I am - and I'm even older than you. Many are dedicated to creating the mind set that the gentleman complained was nearly nonexistent. But others haven't the time, nor money, to spend. When fresh fruits and vegetables are either nonexistent or unaffordable and eggs are $5.00, or more, per dozen and the income from a second job is all but offset by the cost required for the fuel to get to that job. I can understand the dilemma posed to even those with the best of intentions.

I never said that it applied to all youths, but what we tend to overlook is that, under Obama, when 3.5 million activists filled the legislative and executive streets in Washington, D.C. demonstrating to save net neutrality and other matters of great importance that should be of value to nearly the entire population, that number was still only 1% of the country's population. In this country, it is supposed to be that the majority rules. So, for several decades now, the responses out of Washington have largely been to promise, then not to deliver, blaming it on the other party's failure to cooperate. In addition to a well-drafted propaganda campaign from the miltary and the politicians, too many unquestioningly believe what they are told, like members in a vast, nationwide, cult. How can we expect them to pass on the truth, when they, the parents, don't actually know it themselves, or are simply disinterested in it? For the most part, we have a Freddy Prinze society that says, "It's not my job, man." The sad part is that they don't realize that, yes, it is their job, and they're needed badly. Parenting is the most important job of all those that require neither training nor a license. Their children need them as does the rest of society. A government that does not want us to know the truth, laughs at 3.5 million (and tries to eliminate or isolate as many as possible), because its own propagandized army is actually more like 300 million strong. What we need, then, is for 3.5 million activists to grow to 200 million or more., so that we take back the power.

When your country's leaders prove, to those paying attention, that it cares more for some 60 -70 billionaire sociopaths than it does about the welfare of its citizens, a problem exists. Activists can fight, but can't do it alone, for the powers of government are too vast no matter which party is running it. The vast majority need to become the activists.

Though he's gone, I remain a George Carlin fan as I have been for decades. I may paraphrase him slightly, but I never will forget what he told us decades ago, that, "You are sadly mistaken, if you think that the politicians in Washington, D.C. are there to represent you. Regardless of political party, they are all members in the same Big Club - and you and I are not in the big club. They don't care about you at all, at all, at all."

PS I didn't create the mess. I've been in the trenches of activism for years and have marched in every demonstration in which my health would let me participate, up to and including the BLM demonstrations. My son will be 50 years old shortly and throughout his life I spoken to him about the things that I consider to be important I never try to persuade or force him to my beliefs, merely to lay them out for examination and, in the end, he has chosen most for himself. Between his children and those brought to the second marriage (for both) from his wife, every one of my grandchildren loves me. Everyone is either in or graduating college or highschool this year and when the miles are too great to get together with them, we regulary speak on the phone.

I am exactly not the sort that I was identifying. everything I do is geared to contributing to the effort to make sure that they have a future to enjoy. So, please do not point your finger at me - I have all but run through walls for their benefit and that of the population at large as well. In fact, though the percentage of successses is small, any effort to 'convert' people to a sense of responsibility is worth the effort taken. I've even recruit a few true activists from people standing in front or behind me in supermarket checkout lines. And, I know for a fact, that some I've spoken with are out there doiint the grunt work these days.

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Daniel Ellsberg chooses to castigate Russia for making 'Nuclear threats.' Russia was merely stating Russian policy, which is essentially defensive, as compared with that of USA, which is aggressive.

Elsberg claims that Russian designs on Crimea are illegitimate, and compares them to US designs on North Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Crimea was part of Russia in various ways for over 200 years until 1991. It is populated largely by ethnic Russians who speak Russian. After the illegal US sponsored coup in 2014, the vast majority of Crimeans voted to join Russia. That referendum result have been verified by a large number of western sponsored polls.

Ellsberg is wrong. Crimea should be regarded as Russian.

This is not the first time I've felt that Ellsberg was both-sidesing things.

Ellsberg has said many good things. But he did not reveal the Mai Lai massacre. He did not expose the Gulf of Tonkin fabrication. I ask, honestly, what smoking guns were revealed in the Pentagon Papers.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Yes and his word of condemnation in regards to Russia's one (supposed) threat is so much more emotional than to the US many. Russia is "monstrous", while the US many threats are merely "illegitimate".

I see it all the time and I just so despise that particular rhetorical trick. Why, even on your deathbed, stick to the official line like that?

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Well, at least he's honest in admitting he was not put in jail "thanks to Nixon's crimes". That is, politically it was useful to get rid of Nixon so anything helpful in that regard was appreciated. So he should be thankful to the system and he probably is.

As to his Russia-related statements - he might just be ignorant, pure and simple. Else he should explain what is the purpose of having nuclear weapons. Starting with who acquired them first, used them, and with what ultimate purpose.

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Thank you Charles, for this comment. I know it’s hard to stand up to propaganda when an admired, dying man is proclaiming it. I admired Dan when he stood up in ‘71 and told truth to power and I admire all the whistleblowers of all the past years, most especially Assange and Chelsea who have really suffered for their work. (PS, Dan took his time to stand up for Assange, and I’ve never heard him do so for Chelsea.). I’m sorry he’s dying and hope he has no pain but as to listening to what he says, I’d rather listen to Rev Barber, or the GREAT thinker Fredrick Douglas, or Ida B. Hays. They fought the battles from an oppressed position that the middle class is more and more finding itself in today, as the elites take away the New Deal from whites. It’s a great awakening and we already have new hero's, who daily slog thru the work—Christian Smalls, Rev Barber, Greta, The Squad. And Caitlin. She may not know it but what she does here on this site is exactly what the heroes of my day did to open minds and form coalitions. Thank you Caitlin.

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PS I know people are going to jump on my admiration of The Squad, but that just shows a lot of ignorance. And that they are being effective. Many so called liberals jumped on Ellsberg, Chomsky, etc. and LOOK what the Libs did to Assange. I love and admire and respect the Squad, because I know how hard their work is an$ unless YOU run for some positions of government, you have no idea what you’re criticizing.

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Yet nobody seems to be jumping at it. Perhaps that it's so out there it's not worth addressing.

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This is the last I will reply to you and suggest that others ignore your effort to inject your extreme-white, extreme -right sympathies into these discussioons.

I see no purpse to be served by your multiple posts of the disproven antisemitic document that was recognized as a hoax 120 years ago, nor to give credence to the writings to White-extremist, Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

Many will look at the advanced degree and, before reading, will think his writings must provide valid information. However, a mere 2 to 3 minutes of research revealed that he is on the board of Occidental Quarterly, a white nationalist magazine, formed in 2001, by millionaire William H Regnery II, a white nationalist, himself, who founded the alt-right magazine to aggressively promote the racist nonsense that as whites become a minority "the civilization and free governments that whites have created" will be jeopardized by the actions and ideas of non-white peoples.

Of course, we could look at the shortcomings of the white-created nations and come to the conclusion that they could use a fair amount of improvement.

By your multiple posting of the same information, I am reminded that a lie told often enough will soon come to be beleived, by many, to be the truth.

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I cried when I read this.

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Caitlin- Thank you for your excellent substack.

I am anti-war and lament the imminent loss of American Hero Patriots like Daniel. In my opinion and having lived the history of the sixties I now see there was always an understandable but morally weak underpinning of the 1960’s anti-war movement. It was not anti-war. It was anti-draft. It confused me that my generation of JFK Democrats so anti-war in the sixties could endorse an American/NATO proxy War in Ukraine. The public reaction to Zelensky’s recent unscripted request to draft American youth in order to support him explains that apparent paradoxical opinion with regard to Vietnam (which would not have occurred if JFK had not been taken from us in a domestic Coup D’état on Nov 22, 1963) and Ukraine. American public support of this proxy war has fortunately been dealt a death blow and we have awakened. You can have our trillions of tax dollars but not our kids. We must dedicate our efforts now to American Hero Patriots like Daniel with our moral revulsion to all war as we strive for world peace as JFK so eloquently guided us:


“What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”


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I so agree with your comment. I was a young man at that time, and only joined the Army to avoid being drafted a few months later. Sometimes I think that the only way to revive a large antiwar movement in this stupefied country would be to bring back the draft.

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Thank you Lee! Absolutely love the JFK quote!

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Yes, why couldn't Kissinger go first? Why did Chavez die before Dick Cheney? Why Zinn before Podhoretz? Nature and justice haven't mixed on this one. This is a beautiful tribute. Nothing else need be said about the meaning of Ellsberg's leaving.

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I’ve noticed that our idea of justice has no corollary in Nature. If it did, the U.S. would have been wiped off the face of the earth during slavery. What I do see are astrological correlations and Danial has a doozy! Transit Uranus to Uranus, conjunct his Sun and North Node in the 10th House. What took him to greatness is releasing him to his next adventure. That’s pretty nice. .

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I've been a big fan of Stephen Cohen for years and was shocked when he suddenly died. I read his book covering the 2016 campaign. He's one of the few liberals who had praise for Trump, back when Trump said that we should have friendly relations with Russia. Trump may have succeeded if not for Russiagate, initiated by the woman he defeated, Hillary the Russia-hating Hawk.

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This is so eloquent, Caitlin, and so very moving . . . thank you! I agree that responsibility (now, as always, actually) falls to the rest of us to stand in love, integrity, and truth as best we can in our own realm. Yogis have been telling us for millennia that the cycle of time includes an unfolding phase followed by a contraction phase leading to dissolution, death, and rebirth of the entire cosmos. It may well be impossible to reverse the dissolution at this point, in which case we can still stand in our own love and integrity even as the ship goes down. I honor you for being in the company of those notable heroes who have long done exactly that. Many blessings to you.

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Unfortunately pancreatic cancer is a fast process or maybe that’s a blessing in disguise. Maybe we can’t fill this giants shoes but we have his words of wisdom to think and build upon. People are not going to become aware of the tyrannical world systems and organisations that affect the planet and the quality of life for the vast majority overnight. Some are part of the system, some don’t want to become aware because of fear or guilt that they are enabling it to happen. Some don’t have the capacity to change through indoctrination or the inability to think outside the box.

But though my reach is small, it’s consistent and inspired by others. I don’t think I have ever disagreed or doubted one of Caitlin’s posts (but I know I have the right to do so. I share her work and others as well as adding my own perspective as an ex U.K. MoD Officer and lawyer having worked in the belly of the beast.

If each of us just sets the seed of a different narrative and supports and promotes activists work wether dead or alive we are making a difference as they in turn will nurture new seedlings. Personally I hear my 20 year old son talking with his friends about the plandemic, proxy war in Ukraine, illegality and immortality of the gulf wars, America being the biggest aggressor and profiteer from war on the planet and I know the fight will go on. Just as we need to pick up the reins now there are those standing in line behind us to do the same. Let us not measure ourselves against others but simply play our part to the best of our abilities. Change is happening. It may get worse before it gets better. But change is happening and each seedling grows and produces more. We need to give them fertile soil, truths, room to grow themselves as they inherit this earth. Names of good people may wither and die but their dreams, narrative and message live on and are added to. We have to fight tooth and nail for the freedom of communication, dissent, access to information, peaceful protest using the shade of the trees planted before us to do so.

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At least we still have Seymour Hersh...

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I am trying to spread this 25 min. look at the reality of nuclear war, in hopes it will encourage anyone seeing it to become anti-war. Warning: once seen you can't forget it. www.helencaldicott.com

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To help balance the link to what nuclear war would look like, I offer this from Anton Petrov. Major new understanding of the structure of the universe and "where we are" on a larger scale: https://youtu.be/ndPWlsp9b1w

I was blown away by this and most highly recommend it, as in this is a "must see"!

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I don't like to click on links. Can you summarize his take on the structure of the Universe?

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It was from many scientists, showing the web-like arrangements of galaxies, apparently formed by magnetic and possibly other fields. It needs to be watched to fully appreciate the majesty and beauty of our universe.

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I softly smiled when I read his open letter. He expressed so much positivity through it that I found it impossible not to. His outlook on life, the fact that he is optimistic we can change things, averting nuclear war. Such grace and humility is heartening to say the least.

And you, Caitlin are a heroine as well. One who also inspires. Your words express your passion, your desire, for a safe liviable world. Standing here in the United States, your words have reached around the world. You know this, you know us-your audience. Giving us deeper insights and broader views on which we may act. Giving guidance and you indeed must fight much harder, but I do not dooubt you possess the strength to succeed, because you are also not alone. None of us can stop nuclear war unless we collectively reject the insane concept. It would be no benefit to humanity as was expressed in the open letter...You have a very powerful voice and you use it. Keep up the good work.

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Damn those doctors for telling him when he will die! When they put that belief in someone's head, it's almost always self-fulfilling. He should ignore it.

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Yes, our minds are very powerful. You might argue that doctors are making an informed guess, but it is still a guess. I do know of a spiritual being who survived such a diagnosis. It is a mysterious Universe and none of us knows what will happen.

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They should lie to him instead? Not what I would want.

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No, they just should not try to predict it. That takes away all hope of living longer.

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Tucker Carlson interviewed Dennis Kucinich on his show on March 3 about the Nord Stream pipeline.

I really don't care anymore if someone is on the left or right. All that matters to me is that he or she is honest.

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So now it is up to you Caitlen and to the rest of us. It is our fight now.

Thanks for the inspiring words.

Baseball has a saying.

You're up.

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Thank you Caitlin for expressing my own sorrow, depression at the loss of the Titans. I'm sorry but much of their guidance, hope and logic falls to you. I cried when I read Daniel's letter days ago and I still cry when I think of losing him. Much love and extreme health to you.

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