Curious why the Twitter listing of this article includes a warning: "Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old."

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Maybe to prevent any interference in their brain washing at school and elsewhere about the "climate crisis" and the ability to "solve" it with sunshine and windmills?

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Wow, I need to get in on this solar/environmental grift! I think I'll start a company to bring solar-powered clothes dryers to market, by which I mean, I will sell overpriced clotheslines and clothes pins. If I package it right, maybe I can find another one of these super-ESG banks to lend my company a bunch of money, pay myself a big salary and plenty of bonuses, and then walk away with my personal earnings while the company (and bank) go bankrupt. Thanks, Ann, for inspiring my business plan!

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This very scam has been done many times in many places. A case study at law schools

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It's entirely fitting that a bank which was religiously fixated on wokeness, 'diversity' and Alphabet Mafia issues along with giving massive loans to 'climate crisis' lemmings would collapse under the weight of its own unsustainable hard-Left fantasies. When you try to build a castle on sand, this is what you get.

In any other scenario, it could be hoped that those involved would learn from their mistakes but it's become apparent that this was an engineered bust, with major players knowing full well what was going on and feathering their own nests well in advance of the collapse. A managed criminal enterprise, and one naturally wonders if RICO laws might apply...but it's unlikely anyone is holding their breath as Lady Justice has been crying an ocean of tears for quite a long time now.

Justice has become a whispered rumor that quickly blows away with the breeze.

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Yes...so much so that the SVB president was on that district's Federal Reserve Board of Directors.....that is until the collapse. It's now a vacant set.

This of course is very common. Those who are regulated....regulate.

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Maybe those regulating the bank and those “managing” it should have been paying more attention to the issues of bank management, like risk management, instead of trying to manage society.

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There are marketable ideas, then there are things liberals like.

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And thanks to the bailout all of the projects' deposits -- their SVB loan money, none of them are generating income -- are now guaranteed by the US.

The only good thing is that maybe no other bank will extend those solar companies further credit.

But seeing that since last Sunday ALL deposits in the US are now guaranteed by our government, why shouldn't a bank lend them money?

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There are states where this bank would never have been incorporated, but the problem is that the environment is rapidly expanding and becoming more receptive because of RINO governors, who seem to be the only kind of Republicans capable of getting elected - from Holcomb to Stitt to Sununu.

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Thank you for the information update Ann. I do wonder if any of the decision makers actually know the basics of reduce, reuse, recycle.

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New Subscriber. I want to be an Ann Coulter polemicist when I grow up. ;)

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Why is everything spewed from the MSM and, especially the NYT, turned into a drama about the victimization of the downtrodden? Even more repulsive is the fact that the fabricators of these literary soap operas are wine-sipping puppets ginning up more government scam dollars for their 1% masters.

Please note that the 1%ers who should be trying to extinguish the bank failure panic hysteria are, unlike 1986-1995, actually trying to keep the story front and center.

Note to all real taxpayers: the current administration is nowhere near being done bending you over for their puppet-masters. Not conspiracy but fact from a bankrupt debtor nation still on a spending spree with insane lunatics at the helm.

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