I see this all as part of their depopulation agenda. They will rezone farmland for Solar and Wind energy production there by starving a good section of the population. All for energy production that won't produce what they expect. Because they won't calculate in the costs of waste and the correct amount of energy produced by wind and solar. Intentionally flawed calculations so they can change the statistics in the future and kill off more people... When does the Populations wake up to the Deep State's agenda?...Peace..

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To arrive at a sound conclusion about "big" issues you would think that 'looking ahead' or seeing the 'big picture' would be an essential that would be taken into account.

Thank you for making it clear that part of the 'big picture' is a tallying of resources that will be required, a study or understanding of the effect of the production of solar panels and wind turbines etc on the environment and some comprehension of the waste and waste disposal and/or storage of that waste (by waste I mean to include redundant solar panels etc) issues.

Thank you for so clearly setting out (or 'painting ) the 'big picture' that hopefully will help to get us

(humanity) on a saner pathway to the future.

Whilst the colour green is commonly associated with nature and life etc it is a fact that in human thought green is also associated with darker subject matter, e.g. as in green with envy.

As they say there are at least two sides to every story and energy itself couldn't exist without both positive and negative.

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It's increasingly clear that the "green" movement is not driven by objective facts. It has either a depopulation agenda or is simply driven by the interests of a plutocracy who see the hysteria as a vehicle for giving themselves a major share of the world's wealth. Matt and Cynthia have done a great deal of work on the influence of cults and the occult as a taproot of current policy. Is the "green" agenda driven by cultish-style thinking or alternatively is there an actual cult objective of evil that drives the decivilization movement?

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"Rather, we are seeing a rapid gutting of all non-renewable energies...."

The above assertion is complete as quoted. What we are seeing, is looting on a scale heretofore unimaginable.

Variations in weather patterns have always been deadly, as anyone with the most perfunctory acquaintance with historical records should know. What has changed with technological complexity, has been the cessation of population fluctuations in correlation with food supply and disease outbreaks.

The above factors present opportunities for wealth transfer. Follow the money.

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Excellent work. A practical environmentalism is the only approach that makes any economic sense.

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**do we even understand how energy works?**

This article is full of mistruths - **In addition, solar panels present a very serious toxic waste situation with no readily available solutions, unlike the case of nuclear.** Bullshit.

Another is the claim of all the steel needed in the manufacture of solar panels. They are mad mostly from aluminum and silica (glass). There are recycling plants being set up now to reclaim the silver in them.

Depending on your geographic location, solar might be the best solution, if you can't have nuclear. Wind is not a good option, just from a maintenance point.

Apparently the author doesn't understand how politics works.

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The only thing practical to the government and corporation types that are promoting this green literal garbage is the money they’re making and the lives they’re destroying----it’s the obvious point that not many are seeing. I hope and pray the right voices are heard(like yours) to roll back these insanities. God Bless!!!

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Let Gov lead you down any path expect to get raped in the end.

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Agree 100% about the energy con game. Fits right in with the Fourth Industrial Revolution = The Fourth Reich.


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