Some great stories in the Roger Fisher book:

"Ronald Reagan on his advice did not confront Mikhail Gorbachev, but sat by a roaring fire with him while they exchanged ideas. More summits followed. A border war between Peru and Ecuador was nipped in the bud when Mr Fisher advised the president of Ecuador (once a pupil of his) to sit on a sofa with the Peruvian president, and look at a map with him.

Interviewing President Nasser of Egypt in 1970, Mr Fisher asked him how Golda Meir, then Israel’s prime minister, would be regarded at home if she agreed to all his demands. “Boy, would she have a problem!” Nasser laughed. He then grew thoughtful, having briefly seen their dispute from her point of view.

Mr Carter presented Menachem Begin, the Israeli leader, with signed pictures dedicated, by name, to each of Begin’s grandchildren. Deeply affected, Begin began to talk about his family. The accords were signed that day."

Can it really all be so simple?

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I guess there is an incredible amount of work to get to that level of simplicity.

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"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"

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Really insightful, thanks a lot! I'm curious, what flashcards do you use? Pen & papper or an app?

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