Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."

Did you know that's the first and most critical (and straightforward) item of the Nuremberg Code?

Can ANYONE deny there was a blantant violation of this on a galactic scale?

How do we get justice?!!

Makes me so angry!

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Definitely cannot get "voluntary consent" if information is hidden

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or if you're threatened with job loss, inability to travel, denial of medical care, etc. even the new insurance codes to "identify" unvaccinated people are a kind of coercion.

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Not kind of - IT IS COERCION.

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Or even talk negatively about these vaccines will be seen as bio-terrorism.

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When it is clearly our government that is the terrorist!

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Still, for those in a state of mystification/denial, that never matters.

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What shocks me is the number of people, including friends of mine who have always been advocates of bodily autonomy, with a keen interest in rights and medical freedom, who tell me the Nuremberg code doesn’t apply! Shouldn’t it always “apply”?? Shouldn’t anyone involved in a medical procedure, especially a mass vaccination campaign, want to abide by the Nuremberg code? Respect the principles that are enshrined in it? It doesn’t make sense to argue that the principles wouldn’t apply. One should be arguing that the principles do apply. Otherwise, all those who fought in WW2 and all those who took the time to write the Code and others that followed (Helsinki) did so in vain.

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Exactly. It's like the more obvious something is with covid - the more illusory it became.

Like spontaneous amnesia to things that every prior generation didn't even have to think about, in oder to know what was fundamentally right/wrong.

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Beyond amnesia ... hypnotized 😵‍💫

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I'm probably the only professional storyteller in the world who has a PhD founded in Heideggerian philosophy, 12 years experience of working with Government and 25 years experience of hypnosis. And I've written a book, coming out next month, which explores the vulnerabilities which led to this... see www.hughwillbourn.com/blog-1

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and or "mystification"

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I posted this at MAA's stack. Not sure if saw it. The masking was dark stuff. Going nowhere good

This is why the masking is so dangerous. The propaganda was literally on a persons face and became an object of intense focus that depersoned everyone at once - disarming each individual and the population as a whole with a ritual of adorning propaganda for access to society.

Total control with the slightest of perceived compulsion wrapped in a twisted moral trickbox that was easily policed, BUT required an individual who resisted to pay the biggest price of further isolation.

It accomplished everything in that quote, without much effort, and is a tool that could very well lead to the atrocities he refers.

Very powerful form of control because it also marks the non-conformers by just seeing their faces. To be a person was the mark.

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Sorry. Here's the quote I was talking about:

"Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate. In this sense, the less true it was, the less it corresponded in any way to reality, the better; the more it contradicted the experience of the persons to whom it was directed, the more docile, self-despising for their failure to protest, and impotent they became."

- Theodore Dalrymple

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it's conditioning. every time you get up from the barstool and put on the muzzle, the less likely you are to question when someone says you have to wear it everywhere

and the emotion which is the most destructive to the immune system is shame. no wonder the yalies focused in so hard on that in the plandemic propaganda.

and then there's the kids. habituate parents to torturing their kids and they're more willing to kill them

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Yes, great quote by TD, have posted that a few times myself since 2020. That self-humiliation leading to despising yourself is huge in it's effect. Which is why my wife, bless her, and I couldn't 'do' masks more than twice and then it was NO.

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Sadly, children are the easiest hypnotized with the party philosophy, and they were the ones who 'spied' on parents, friends, relatives, and others. Check the former countries of the Bloc for adults who are traumatized as to what they 'did' to their parents... who disappeared after they told of some minor item. Painful when you realized what you did as a child.

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Thanks for that quote, Ryan.

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Yes ... so true

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When I raised (early days of 2020) the possibility that the facial-masking demand--in the absence of straightforward proof that it would affect "coronavirus" transmission-- contained more than trace amounts of state-driven bullying, my brainwashed relative insisted that "Masking-is-about-respect-for-others". Really? No bullying at all? "No,, because the local [Alberta] officials have said this is about respecting others." You've known me for a while, do you think I 'don't-respect-others'? "It's about respecting-others." This is a world-travelled, college-educated engineer. She turned out to be a perfect sponge for the brainwash messaging.

The movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" seemed to capture the mass-insanity.

I tried on Twatter, in between getting kicked off, to force people to remember a 2017 decision by the European Court of Human Rights siding with Belgium's burqa & face-covering BAN. The decision affirmed, among other things, that the obliteration of identity involved in masking (new stories try to pretend it was restricted to RELIGIOUS masking, but that is not the sense of it) is "INCOMPATIBLE WITH" life in a modern democracy. Bingo.

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Exactly RG , exactly.

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how is your situation BNYB?

maybe talk to peggy hall?

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I have to stop reading this stuff after 10pm.

I see dead people by the time I hit the bed.

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Don’t work graveyard shift Johnny D

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

The only thing saving me from sheer trauma of watching this unfold, is both my JFK Kennedy loving democrat voting teachers in high school, and my father warning me this would possibly and probably be happening, and during my lifetime.

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I'm sure by 2033 we will all be masked up masonic trannies

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Like the Hippocratic Oath?

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I think I'd tilt my head, and with a perplexed look, simply ask Why? Why does it not apply?

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Apparently because it’s private industry that implemented the mandates 🙄 and not the government. I would think a corporation /industry would want to respect the principles as well!

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Boeing did, They stood up to Biden and told him No, we are not mandating vaccines at Boeing.

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no they did not. know someone who worked from home for them and was coerced. boeing took off their mandates after the SC ruling in 2022

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

Wow. That's a level of brainwashing I didn't think possible.

How does being private industry absolve any sort of unethical or criminal behavior?

And if it truly does (it doesn't), we're in deep sh*t.

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They r nazis anf khazarian mafia.

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I don’t know- I believe they read somewhere that the Code only applies to the government. It doesn’t actually apply to private industry. I am speechless.

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They were nudged by our gov’t to mandate the jab!

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They weren't nudged. The letters sent from the government were pretty clear -- massive fines, possible prison time, closing down your business, loss of license -- many companies were terrified of OSHA and with good reason. Until the Daily Wire took it to court, they believed they had no choice but to do what the government told them to do. The major problem here is that the American people have forgotten who is in charge of the government and it ain't the government. It's us! Hopefully, covid is just an opening salvo to a longer revolution whereby we return to our roots.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

Yep. I am shocked "they" still follow (mostly) the 250-year old Constitution. Soon to be burnt or buried as well.

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Have you read it? I know "they" haven't because "they" haven't followed it in about a century. That's part of the problem. If people were so enamored of their comfort, they'd make a stink every time the government violates the constitution and eventually, the document would either be burned or buried or the people would once again be sovereign. But we don't do that. It's so much easier to cooperate with a tyrannical government on the small things and then complain on the internet about the big ones. Actually fighting for your rights -- well, that might involve some discomfort or even jail times. Read the Transindentalists on the subject of civil disobedience.

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Those are the same morons who argue that it is okay to throw out the Constitution any time some imbecile decides to declare an "emergency". But it doesn't work like that! The Constitution is especially necessary DURING any emergency! It NEVER can be nullified for ANY reason, or it becomes meaningless!

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Or are health conscient, and only eat organic foods but have no problem whatsoever with injecting unknown and toxic chemicals directly in their body. Amazing.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

It so applies here. OMG. I am about to join the libertarian party,

I swear.

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Double standard

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These are people who have connected themselves through social identity (thank you big tech) and therefore their virtue signal was more important than bodily autonomy and safety (even for their own children). My idiot brother is one of these assholes

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They did not believe in self autonomy. They believed in obeying orders. When orders said my body my choice that is what they obeyed. When orders change so do they. They are obeying their orders.

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Those who have the evidence right in front of their eyes chose Not to see. To admit they were wrong is too painful. Then when they Have to, they are usually very hostile toward the perpetrators.

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History is being rewritten, burn all books and laws that states old versions/old school morals and laws. And ignoring the neuremberg "codes" and not giving it public attention helps a lot.

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It does and has to apply or it is worthless.

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Anything is acceptable as long as it serves the goals of the established administrative state. Mass vax without informed consent? No problem! Smear whole swaths of people (Russians bad, Chinese bad)? Sure, go right ahead! But don't you dare criticize any protected class.

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And yet pregnant women are still classed as a vulnerable group and encouraged to take the shots.

What in the world...

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Fits right in with their stated depopulation goals, I would say.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

I wholeheartedly agree there was a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code.

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This doesn't make me angry but scared. There's a controlling group that can order all governements on the planet to do exactly what the Nurmeberg code was made to avoid. Willingly, knowlingly and with impunity. I wonder if it's not the same group as last time.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Oh of course, just take a look at Weimar Germany and the degeneracy that was fostered, nurtured and encouraged there back then, who the media, finance, banking controlling puppet masters were back then and compare the situation at the mentioned time period with present day Germany and see where all those Gender Studies possesed fanatics, trans-whatever lunatics, global warming and climate change advocates, refugees welcome open border advocating people get their organizational structures and their money from....NGO....This time however, there will be no mass murdering maniac and fanatic that first cleanses out the local free mansions and zionist banking cartels behind all of the humbug today and back then, before going on mass murdering rampage across europe, killing dozens of millions of innocent people in the process. History might not repeat itself but it rhymes...The last few entities that dared to oppose the rules based order were the axis powers, italy, the third reich, later on the soviet union and the japanese empire, what splendid examples of a so called opposition. One really has to wonder what practical and peaceful, liberty loving alternatives there are if it takes the militarisation of entire nation states, a war economy and imperial ambitions just to be able to defy the shadow brokers aka powers that be in the background for at least a couple of years...The matrix is a really powerful entity, as are the collectivists who dutifully remain plugged into it, seems like only a very powerful alternative matrix containing its own participants is able to fend it off for maybe some time. Oh well...

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The point is to control both sides. You present the problem then also control the solution, so it is win win no matter which side wins.

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Yeah, that is entirely true! Thesis - Antithesis = Synthesis!

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There will never be "justice". One cannot bring back the dead babies, and those mothers may not ever be able to have a successful pregnancy because of damage to their eggs and worsening autoimmunity to the placenta.

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They had consent, but it was not informed, and when it was, the information was knowingly false.

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damn straight!

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Technically, the Nuremberg Code is merely a suggestion, but it's not legally binding. That's why anyone can just do a handwaving argument or claim that it has not been violated or even if is has, they had the right to do so because no harm was done because everything is completely Safe and Effective™ and after all it was for the good of humanity. That's how their twisted argumentation works these days.

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I like that dude. Thx for link

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Epstein is most likely in hell, and that's where the rest of them will be before they know it. Ultimate judgment and justice.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It is amazing that Democrats who believe a woman has a choice in whether to have an abortion, also believe a woman has no choice in whether to take a Covid Jab and the covid jab causes abortion and massive death. More people have died in the United States of the Covid Jab than have died in all of the wars since 1776. That is the definition of insanity.

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Thank goodness we don't have a media reporting the truth. Imagine the reaction.

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I believe it should be the other way round. If they did what they were supposed to do, there wouldn't have been so many people running for this lie and not so many people suffering and dying. Neuremberg code applies to lying newspapers as well...

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...Julius Streicher would probably agree with you there at least posthumously...

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m still shocked the women could be so stupid! When I was pregnant 34 yrs ago you were told not to take so much as an aspirin. Apparently we have an entire generation incapable of researching anything.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

If young woman are inclined to research this topic and seek information from the MSM or major search engines they will most likely only find propaganda.

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Not exactly. I was pregnant when the vaccines rolled out in 2020 and gave birth the summer of 2021. When I researched, yes I did look at the cdc website. But guess what? It didn’t have any proof the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. Zero studies. And they wanted pregnant women to sign up for v-safe to report their experiences. UM NO WAY. So I told my doctor I wouldn’t take the jab because there were no clinical trials on pregnant women. No long term studies and no proof it was safe. Her response was: “we’ll thousands of pregnant women have already taken it”.

I couldn’t believe that was a real response from my OB.

I’ve been pregnant every year during Covid at this point. NO JAB. Doing just fine with my functioning immune system.

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Well she wqs paid to say get shot

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Yes I don’t doubt it. I remember seeing a cdc guide for providers awhile back that addressed how to deal with vaccine hesitancy. That comment about thousands of women taking it was on there. I’ll never forget.

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Most of the good docs retired by the time o care hit usa. The insurance peeps really took over. I do body work and i do not take insurance payouts. The paperwork is also harsh for those that do.

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My mother used to always say "If everyone was jumping off the tallest building in town would you do it too?" In this generation my 24-year-old son says "Commonsense, so rare it should be considered a super power." Clearly, I passed the commonsense of their grandmother onto my kids, but they both say their generation is often as dumb as posts. If an "expert" says something, no matter how outrageous, they will follow their advice.

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https://youtu.be/BwkcjeSaFEc i feel you may need this guidance, cousin.

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She got money...

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But if you had been given the vax for rubella, she would have told you to wait to get pregnant. It makes no sense.

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That is the bit that makes me very angry. They are still pushing the jabs!

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Pregnant women will research the best and safest car seat, crib, etc. But when it comes to vaccines, including the baby vaccines, they just blindly follow what they are told by their brainwashed pediatrician. Most of the young mothers whom I have warned over the years, refused to consider the information I gave them. They are mostly lazy and just blindly do what they are told. Unfortunately, most mothers have to learn the hard way after their baby gets diagnosed with autism, asthma, allergies, etc.

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It's so nauseating how gullible and in denial they are.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

There should be lawsuits and criminal cases. And Fauci should be in jail. Alas, I doubt anything will happen. Big Pharma can go to hell.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

Hanged, and like the WW II Nazi criminals. He deserves to be hanged and for that to go wrong, so he suffers longer before death. Just like what was done to the Nazi's

If I were queen on second thought, Fauci would be crucified.

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Patty, They only tried about 20 Nazis at Nuremberg and hanged 11, out of a population of 60m. Not much of a result. Then they took hundreds of the best scientists to America for the US space programme: Operation Paperclip. The Romans crucified thousands - sometimes at the same time. It was their favourite form of death penalty.

Fauci has killed MILLIONS over 40 years. I fear there is no penalty good enough for him. But how is he still breathing...

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True to that! The BRD too needed those Nazis in order to build a functioning post war state as did the US for its NATO forces, which on the German side were quite well staffed with former Wehrmacht commanders...

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Head of nasa was ss ossifer war crime. Why cia gives citizenship out? They r all traitors.

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Nazi war crims took over the usa and nato. They won ww2.

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Yeah, in a sense they infiltrated the Allies first by by invitation and then became one with them by amalgamation! The same thing happened between the DDR and the BRD.

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I was told to look at the names of the first nato commanders. They look like all german names. Sanitzed ss ossifers?

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Khazarian mafia releqsed baldwin

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Big Harma is hell.

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I can't "like" this article because it describes appalling gratuitous injury and death. However I applaud you for writing it and drawing attention to the crimes of Pfizer, Moderna et al and those who facilitated the approval of their 'vaccines'. And I mourn the suffering of innocents.

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How many times have i tried to talk to the vaccinated about these crimes, when they just shrugged their shoulders, saying "i am fine". As long as they are fine, no injury and harm done to others affects them or their opinion about these victims. There are no space in their minds for these poor victims dead or alive...

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I tend to think of the like button as more of an acknowledgment that I agree with an article's content...😊

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Every one of the executives at Pfizer and Moderna should go to prison for life. The companies should be sued into oblivion.

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Prison???? You want to pay for the feeding and healthcare of these demons?

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Jesus Christ says to love our enemies. It's not easy. Jesus knows how hard it can be.

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The first time Jesus came, He came to die for the sin of man to be our Savior. Those who put their trust in Him shall have eternal life and live with Him in Heaven for all eternity. That is the message we are to bring to the world.

When Jesus comes back to establish His millennial kingdom up on this earth He will return as King and Judge. Those who lived through the Tribulation who still don't know Him as Savior will be judged and sent to everlasting damnation apart from God.

A nation that refuses to enact justice and continues to allow evil to flourish will be judged and judged severely. It's only a matter of time as it has already started.

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Yes. The way is open. Prepare your soul. Hear the words of Jesus Christ and do them. Amen

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Aye, perhaps he did the first time around.

Rumor has it, the second time around he might be less idealistic.

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God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. Same ideals. Different methods, yes.

Jesus says "I come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?"

See Isaiah 30, Malachi 4, Revelation 18

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No, not in the case of people who harm children, Jesus had no sympathy or forgiveness for them. Thats in the bible.

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Jesus Christ is the judge of the living and the dead. Not me.

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They only deserve mrna covid vaccine feeding... and they will only get certain batch numbers on feeding demand as they are insisting on...

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They would all be crucified if I were queen.

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The ones who profited and the medical peons who knew it was poison but declined to say anything.... Crucifixion is too mild.

I have far more pity and forgiveness for those who were truly stupid and/or terrified.

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And newspapers.... and medical groups, nutses, gp's etc, even if they don't or didn't get compensation.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Considering the number of poisons pregnant women ingest it's a miracle any children are born healthy these days. (The medical industrial complex can't wait to start pumping infants full of poisons called vaccines, starting with Hepatitis B on day one.) It's no small wonder that the US ranks near the bottom of all developed countries for infant survival.

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Transgender is evidence they r not so healthy

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I know someone who managed some of the clinical trials for C0VID for Pfi$er; she was a brand new hire to the company. At one point in '21, she told me that their GOAL was for the babies to come out vaxxinated so they would be immune to C0VID from birth.

So yeah, crossing into the placenta was a feature, not a bug.

One more thing-- many of these big pharma people really thought they were Saving Humanity and had found the cure to every known disease. Just like when stem cell treatments came out. I think the phrase is "god complex."

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I have a cousin who is a research doctor, who knows both Robert Malone and Anthony Fauci. He says Fauci has a decided god complex that assumes anything he touches will turn out wonderfully.

Meanwhile, Malone is a brilliant doctor who invented a "delivery system" (mRNA) for a whole lot of potential treatments, some of which might become cures. Medical research teams were making good progress against some forms of cancer using mRNA, but now that they've used it improperly, there's a growing opposition by patients to not have it used at all.

Cousin-doc says it's a good thing. He likes patients to challenge his treatment protocols. "They're a part of the team too." But he claims many of his colleagues are very frustrated by a promising delivery system being essentially destroyed for pollitical purposes.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is really, really fucked up.

I'm not religious but I dare say God must be royally pissed off.

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I am also not religious but recently I have been doubting myself

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Igor , working in labor and delivery, I will never be the same . There is now a Bible in my locker . Sometimes, the job was so overwhelming, I had to read , disassociate and pray to keep my sanity .

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Have you read Adam Kay, This is going To Hurt? What you heroes go through for us is utterly amazing.

And in UK Junior Doctors are striking because they can't afford to live, with hospitals opening food banks for staff!

Best wishes to you.

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(God believes in YOU.)

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Very interesting, Igor. I have never been religious, but I have been observing an intense evil in the past few years with Covid and also in the transgenderism/grooming/ mutilation pushed on children. Who wants to push untested vaxxines on pregnant women and mutilate children or kill half-born babies? Isn’t the most rational explanation that these people are being guided by the hand of a dark, supernatural force? And, if that dark, evil force exists, but life is beautiful anyway, doesn’t it stand to reason that there also exists a supernatural force for the good and the beautiful? Oddly, I’ve been coming to G-d through the observation of the existence of evil.

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Good for you. My faith commitment was 40 years ago now, but it was kind of similar. I didn't believe in God although I did have a sense of something supernatural. I saw a lot of evil in the world. And because I saw that darkness, I began to observe a light that pushed it back. Eventually I ended up calling the Light, Jesus Christ.

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Very beautifully written! Thank you sooo much for sharing!

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Very well put, I've come to comparable conclusions based on the experiences I witnessed and had to endure. There are millions of dark triad or tetrad personality types prowling around like the predators that they are in search of prey and of course not to forget their enabling, functionally psychopathic minions floating around too, causing carnage, mayhem and destruction, pain, hurt and suffering wherever they go. Many of the aforementioned are so utterly f***ed up in their head that one really has to wonder whether there might actually be some demon like entities who might gain control over individuals as soon as the necessary preconditions are met/right/given. These moving vessels of evil in human carmouflage are anything but human as any quality that would make them human, any semblance of humanity, is entirely missing from them. They might actually be defined by the absence of humanity as they follow completely perverted and inverted predatory, behavioural, psychopathological patterns that leave exactly zero room for any reasoning. Usually such opportunistic, parasitic, heartless, ruthless, shameless entities fail to respect anything but direct consequences, which amounts to the requirement of a primal, animalistic behaviour like response, because that is the only language that they do understand since no boundaries exist for them whatsoever, they respect nothing and disrespect everything. However, many of them do know exactly what they are doing and they lust for the suffering they are causing to others, they strive for their very own sadistic pleasures while another type, usually the more dangerous ones, are just completely indifferent to any external consequences of their actions or lack of action, they are dead inside, just a void powered by calculating, predatory primal instincts and repeated behavioural patterns. Additionally I've to say that based on my observations I would estimate that up to 80% of a given population in the US lacks common decency, reciprocity, integrity, decorousness and respect for other forms of life and their basic needs...

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...(just take a look at all those meat eaters and hunters...). There isn't much to be accomplished with such hordes of drones and zombies due to the lack of common ground and especially the absence of strong internal boundaries and because of bad parenting as well as due to genetic predispositions and neurological differences.

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I'll be praying for you Igor. It's a testament to your strength of character to do all that you do without the overt call of Christianity. Certainly God has been using you for good in the world even if you haven't been aware of His hand in it. God bless you!

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You are not religious, or don't believe in God?

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ACrone, I have always considered myself agnostic.

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Come over to the light side Igor - :)

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

I totally agree with you there, but what about all the billions of factory farm animals that are tortured throughout their entire lives, slaughtered and brutally killed/murdered each and every year around the globe just for some bourgeois people to feed their insatiable greed, bloodlust and unethical immoral lust for corpses/meat? What would a hypothetical space traveling alien race or an advanced sentient AI think of such incomprehensible brutality against sentient beings who are sacrificed and disposed like trash for the gluttony of billions of entitled, speciesism obsessed, carnivorous blowheads? There is no reciprocity with such heinous beasts. A powerful and utilitaristic AI might keep a few qualified individuals as objects to study and as some kind of curious pets, but in light of the insurmountable scale of suffering most people are happy to cause other sentient beings just for the pleasure of the aforementioned and not out of need, the AI would most likely come to the conclusion that it would be a feasible option to give this planet a bit of fresh air, meaning the purge of billions of mindless homo sapiens... The meat industry together with modern factory farming are the biggest monstrosities ever envisioned, even the Nazi death camps were childsplay compared to the organized, industrial killing that has been normalized throughout the last 130+ years. Truly Abhorrent. After all it is all a question of perspective...

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Humanity is cruel to ALL living creatures. I fear it is a hardwired trait...not a character flaw.

We suck.

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Oh, that might as well be neuropathy in action, featuring the most common, shared neurotypical traits. Since I am autistic I can safely say that I never considered myself to be part of any ominous "we" because I never ever shared any of these traits, thus I might as well belong to an entirely different species since most of my experiences and observations show that there are very few commonalities between people like me and neurotypicals. I've always found interactions with animals way more pleasing and peaceful than the ones neurotypical humans have to offer. Farm animals with good character don't lie, they act considerate, they are highly intelligent and they do have their individual personalities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAx3wD_rv_U&ab_channel=HamishandKyloe :)

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I dont know about others but i already had it w8th humanity s shenanigans.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Pfizer and Moderna, Bourla and Bancel, have an utter disregard for life.

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Were they really complicit, or only in it to pass the cashier becoming billionaires, and in how far if they refused was the risk to be silenced/executed of course by heart failure? We’re they in charge of just following military orders?

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There is something called "due diligence" and all the creatures from big Harma were well aware of what was happening. Even in the case in which they did not know everything before the trials, the results from the trials were obvious and damning. If they did not ask about the results then they were criminally negligent but I have no doubt that they did. Otherwise they would not have been so focused on complete immunity and eradication of all alternative treatments. It is difficult for most normal people to grasp that this sort of evil and malice exists but the sad reality is that it does exist. Past history shows that humanity has its fair share of psychopaths and what sets these ones apart is that they were able to push their horror on the whole world.

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Exactly true, the dark triad or tetrad personality types are a true plague (the closest imitation of a human parasite that there is) within any organized so called societal structure because they find places where they are shielded from the consequences of their actions (usually positions of power in case of primary psychopaths) while they dish out their vermin aided and abetted by entire armies of functionally psychopathic minions who are only part of the game for their own gain. In the past such predatory destroyers of common decency and the common good, like the aforementioned dark tetrad or triad types, would have been banned from a village or pushed down a cliff and everything would have been good again. Usually a single human predator like that is enough to completely destabilize a hypothetical village of over 100 trusting, god loving and cooperative people. Based on many painful experiences in the past I absolutely despise this scum, period! They are dangerous like crocodiles hiding in muddy waters, if one fails to spot them by their behavioural patterns and clues just in time to be able to run away one gets mauled and tortured, without any sense or justification, just so because they can and want to. They are the embodiment of camouflaged inter-species predators.

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Excellent points, Mike.

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(Sorry for the typo. That should be "Miko.")

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Aware of harm? Not in it’s full impact not even now….R. Birx hoped that they would do the job, A. Bourla after the 2 dose….only the boosters will result in immunity and now all hope on the bivalent, Fauci’s Remdesivir was his solution, Gates where is he now, hiding? And the DOD keep on going even after 1252 deaths in the trials, nobody knows where it’s going and how it will end. All future vaccines will be mRNA technology and meds also, for the end result come back within 5, 10 or half a century, death and eradication guaranteed.

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The problem with mRNA is that it's not designed to work as vaccines, which are designed to be long-lasting bulwarks against specific diseases. mRNA is designed to do a specific job and then leave your body -- thank God it does that as if it were to hang around it might do a lot more harm. So mRNA vaccines won't provide lasting immunity. Do we think it's a good idea for the polio vaccine to only last three months and then you need a booster? And yet the mRNA true-bellievers honestly believe that's a small risk to encounter for their wonderful technology.

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Thank God it does leave the body….meanwhile reverse transcribing into DNA, did I miss something or is MIT Stephanie Seneff lying?🌹

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I'm not sure she's lying so much as she doesn't really understand what she's talking about. At least with regards to glyphosate. She's a COMPUTER scientist -- which is really a technologist -- not a biologist. Maybe her computer models tell her something, but computer models are only as good at science as the person inputting the data into the models.

As with a lot of science and with those who are critical of science (which is the camp I fall into as a former journalist who used to cover science) there's always a need to pause and balance counter claims. Glyphosate may cause some harms to the environment, including human beings, and that should be addressed but what happens to the world food supply if you stop using it? According to the aggies I know, it's halved. Half as much food means widespread starvation -- while you don't want to just dismiss her claims about glyphosate out of hand, you definitely don't want half the world's population dying of starvation in a year's time.

Well, then maybe Stephanie and her ilk need to stop being reactionary and take a pause, let rational people analyze the data and see if there's any validity to her claims.

I'm not aware of any of her feelings on mRNA, but I'd guess she thinks it's the neatest thing since sliced bread. And mRNA does have some remarkable applications. A lot of what we're going through right now might have been avoided if Trump hadn't wanted a vaccine by the 2020 election and the traditional route takes too long -- or if Biden had listened to the scientists who said this wasn't going to do what it was advertised to do. If he'd come out and said "hey, we have a prophylactic treatment that might give us a break while the traditional vaccine comes on line -- there's some side effects and we don't recommend children and pregnant women take it for now and if you've got any hint of a clotting disorder or...."

But that's not how they did it. Instead they said "Well, if you don't trust this wonderful new technology we have, we're just going to force you to take it, which is the Phase 4 trial of this experiment except we're going to ignore any and all mal-effects and then we're going to say you're insane or stupid if you notice a lot of people you know appear to have had strokes or miscarried their babies. Shut up! Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. SHUT UP!"

Whether they're lying or not, they SOUND like they're lying and that's the problem.

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If you've seen any of their interviews, it's difficult to doubt their callousness.

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That’s why they were put there, and I’m convinced they didn’t give a s... about the injuries, they had no idea where it was going

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As I said cousin in a related field of medical study - his take on it is that they thought using mRNA for the covid vax would work out so wonderfully that it would convince the world mRNA is the direction to go. When it failed it left them in a dither and now they don't know what to do except double down and insist that next booster will solve the problem. None of them want to admit that their enthusiasm actually set mRNA acceptance back possibly forever, or at least decades.

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They r the khazarian mafia

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

To put it crudely, in the WEF's estimation, could there be a more useless eater than an infant? If they don't regard mothers as anything other than livestock, the fetuses have no chance whatsoever at receiving respect as a small human being with all the potential that entails. It's probably that potential they are most worried about - competition for scarce resources AND possible challengers to their supremacy - does this remind you of a certain event in the bible where all the newborns were slaughtered after the advent of Christ's birth became known? Sorry if my cynicism offends anyone.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Very well said, I fully agree with you there. The backers of the WEF finally got their powerful AIs, they have no need for hordes of carbon based life forms any more, only for a few highly skilled loyal servants. Common folks are like a temporary necessary menace to the system controlling parasites for lack of better alternatives, now that they have alternatives the herds are only wasting "their" precious resources, while posing a constant threat to their lust for power and pursuit for dominance due to the basic needs ordinary folks have, meaning the latter ought to get culled one way or another. Nanobots or airborne prion diseases might be hot contenders for how it could be done, together with genetic weapons...the shadow brokers certainly won't stop anytime soon until they are either forcefully stopped or their plans have been accomplished...Oh well...

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All you say is in my mind too. Sometimes it seems so obscene that I fear it's me that's going crazy, and that it's not really happening. It is all so underhand and sneaky (calling it 'health measures' and 'saving the planet')! At least Genghis Khan and Hitler and other murderous power-freaks had the decency to be upfront with their swords, their gas, their guns - but now it's like they have turned the world into an Alfred Hitchcock movie set - but then with real deaths, perpetrated with full-on gaslighting all the time - don't look here - nothing to see - bang! Ha ha folks it's all just smoke and mirrors - don't worry!!!! We'll save you! Bang!

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Oh you can rest assured that you aren't going crazy or being too paranoid at all! The loyal servants of the powers that be dutifully patent their findings (searchable by google and the usual resources for such queries) and the respective scientific community is also always eager to publish their newest research papers full of applied, directed and financially bound findings in order to attract more research funding. Obviously a human lifespan is just too short to become an expert in all relevant fields, even if one tries to do nothing else, thus even for esteemed experts in their respective disciplines, there will always be new findings and published research that might induce a first impression comparable to science fiction. It is a lot of work but so far I've not found a better pathway to remain up to date than to read research papers, technical and scientific journals and patent applications. Most people lack the time or in depth knowledge to do so, which is normal, even for most scientists whenever they have to venture outside their highly specialized fields into areas that are not thematically related, thus it is no wonder that one might get somewhat surreal impressions that often lead to one questioning one's very own senses. Happens all the time and at least a few times a month to me too:) The AI related advances however, will speed up research and technical developments to before unseen extra-human levels where what is currently regarded as actual science fiction might become approachable within the next 20 years, meaning that the most dangerous developments and deployments are still to come compared to which the covid vaccination campaigns could be regarded as crude and not very sophisticated dry runs. The criminals behind the perpetrated crimes against humanity most likely know exactly what they are doing and they might be following their decades long plans meticulously.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

IMHO some of the powers that be might already have had access to some AIs since at least 2019, because the Plandemic kicked off with too much propaganda comments on social media for people to be able to write such an enormous amount of comments within such a short timeframe. The backers of the WEF did their homework and are using decades of psychological, neurological, genetic, microbiological and all other kinds of research, partially also conducted by the CIA during the last century, to ensure that they remain on top no matter what happens. It would not surprise me if they would be using AIs to model each and every potential scenario and how a given population might react to measures forced upon them. That way, whatever the actions of some rightfully angry and oppressed people might be, the powers that be have already factored in such a scenario as well, which would allow them to tweak and adjust their measures carefully to always ensure that most developments or reactions play into their hands and go according to their plans. Never let a good crisis go to waste after all...The figurative wrench thrown into the transmission might have to be something that would fundamentally alter the basic premises upon which their models are based, something which is completely out of the ordinary. A meteorite impact or a few leaking nuclear reactors might do the trick on a local level though, although that won't be enough for sure.

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After all the most important battle of our times might be the development of collective intelligence and the broadening of awareness and consciousness, something has not happened throughout the entire evolutionary history of this species, thus it is highly unlikely to happen anytime soon. As AIs make fast progress the only viable solutions to defend oneself against the swarms of future poisonous or explosive equipped insect sized drones will be EMP devices or AI powered drone defences. Something which I think is especially frightening are the satellite networks being built like stalink as they will ensure that there will be no place on earth under the sun where it will be safe to hide or to escape to since every place will be covered by these omnipresent satellite networks. All this networking will be used to direct and command AI powered attack drones in order to hunt down and destroy any freedom loving individualists, no doubt about it. Just like Obama did on his terror tuesdays, but autonomously and automated and working 24/7/365. That way the entire world could be transferred into a gigantic prison where any unallowed adventures into the hinterlands apart from the 15 minute cities, could be automatically sanctioned by the use of automated deadly force dished out by AI powered drone swarms with genetic or facial recognition systems and autonomous target identification and engagement. Personally I hope and pray for an enormous solar storm each and everyday! If the sun decides to have mercy it has the potential to crush the WEF and its backers like the tiny specs of dust that they really are:)

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Pretty sure you’re spot on. Thank you for your clarity- crystal clear 💯

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I was hoping maybe people would say I was going too far - and too grim to be real. Perhaps not. it's so painful to view everything our governments do to us without the rose coloured glasses. On the other hand, the sooner we get used to the new reality - the better prepared we will be once it bites all of us - even if only mentally.

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Otherwise known as Kill the messenger.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Retsef Levi of MIT also explains why miscarriage rates for women in Israel who got the vaccine early in '21 were actually too high, though they looked low at first glance, because the vaccinated population and the unvaccinated populations were not comparable. As you point out, the unvaccinated women were examined for the whole 9 month pregnancy time window, while the vaccinated women were only examined in a time window that started well into the pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is lower.


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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

How is this not a smoking gun? Big Pharma liability shield does not protect from fraud. Unless the FDA method allows them to that is...

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it kind of is a smoking gun

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Yeah, but all the lawyers and judges are vaxxed as well as Democrats, so really... "laws don't apply, no standing, etc."

As this comes out, they'll simply give tiny $ settlements and call it goo.

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...those who have always been somewhat less equal than others only got the good shots, that being saline solutions or no shots at all.

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Let’s hope so but there have been a few already and nothing seems to kick start the outrage...

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

The recent dismissal of whistle blower Brooke Jackson's lawsuit against Pfizer for fraud revealed that Pfizer and the other C19 vaccine manufacturers were hired by the Dept. of Defense. The vaccines were created under military authorization and as such Pfizer, et al, were not required to do any trials for safety, etc. so cannot be held accountable for fraud. It's outrageous.

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Seems like there must exist quite a lot of domestic enemies among ordinary folks for the department of defence to act the way it did, maybe it also got its marching orders from way above, who knows:)

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I think it’s so sad, it’s hard to read.

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