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Apr 30, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

FFS another Trumper. "Trump is the only guy who can lead this and frankly it doesn't matter if he is president or not. "

Drumpf is a divisive populist, and not a leader. He is backed by a cabal of high ranking military types and IsraHell supportingZionists, not freedom fighters. They are just another side of the same dirty coin.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Interesting how an overwhelming percentage of the “activist elites” (and most of Biden’s cabinet) you mention identify with Judiasm.

Also interesting is merely pointing out this fact results in all manner outrage.

All for pointing out a fact.

It’s almost as if we’re not allowed to recognize certain patterns. Not question certain people. And certainly not ever criticize a certain group. Just as our society has been programmed to do the last 75 years…

My hope is definitely not in Trump or any other politician getting “elected” in a failed, broken, compromised and occupied uniparty system. That’s foolishness.

My hope is Jesus Christ. He had the courage to stand up against the “activist elites” 2,000 years ago. They had him crucified for it but through his courage and love, they (evil) were defeated.

They hate Christ with a passion and the synagogue of satan is coming at us HARD again. Hence the insanity, chaos and evil we’re up against.

But it’s all an exchange. Satan always provides the offer. “Get the vaccine.” No! “Watch some porn”. No! “Accept this debt, you’ll be a slave but happy.” No! “Sit around and watch sports, maybe have a Bud Light.” NO! “Be a tolerant hippy like Jesus was.” Jesus pushed over tables and chased people with a stick…at church.

Be courageous. Especially men.

Start by calling out the bullshit and who is responsible without fear. Break the programming.

Turn off Hannity and the Hollywood garbage. Walk away from the fake and gay system and worrying about the fraudulent elections that will continue to take place. Take care of your family. Grow, produce and raise your own food. Work out. Be in shape. Train. Connect with others of the same mindset. Get stronger with Christ.

They hate this because this is how we win.

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"A young airman walked out of a SCIF with some of the nation's top secrets"

Hmmm, did he though?

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Lead with selfless integrity and STOP SPENDING MONEY!

Also, AR-15's don't shoot down F-15's, but they do shoot pilots of those airframes.

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deletedApr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius
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Well Balkanization is the weapon of choice for the elites as it's far easier to control smaller, politically weaker nations with small militaries. With that said, I'm not sure why the elites would need to balkanize the U.S. to control it considering it's already under their total control, heh

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Don't forget there can be massive depopulation as a result of the expulsion of illegal aliens. That may reduce the population size by 20% (I'm not sure what the numbers are currently, although they are large).

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No Wholesale Expulsions, imo; other than Criminals like MS13 under a Repub Administration.

democRats will keep the flood gates Open, if in control after 2024.

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There was a video I saw a week ago about how El Salvador is treating its MS-13 and other gangs. Its worth watching and considering, because crime rates have plummeted in El Salvador.


I have no idea what Republicans will do if they're elected. I concur on what you say about Democrats.

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Quite the layout!!! Wonder if the USA paid for it as part of the "Return Policy" of President Trump ???

I prefered the Tent Jail of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in AZ but the Proggies sued and Proggie Maricopa County paid Restitution.

I try to avoid the policia at all times, but my thought and print crimes are mounting :-)

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From what I understand, El Salvador issued debt maybe 3-5 years ago (that's what Bukele talked about in the video with respect to time) and then constructed the super max prison.

I read on Twitter that El Salvador arrested 75,000 gang members in total over the past 1-1.5 years, and the murder rate in El Salvador collapsed to almost, or maybe actually, zero.

So no idea if the US funded the prison in part by participating in the bond sales. And maybe it just doesn't matter.

Back in the US, the three letter agencies are all working overtime to try to get everyone into some kind of list (parents, conservatives, you name it), so we are probably all currently knowingly, or unknowingly, at the thought and print crime stage.

My take is one day the law will change, and whatever you're doing today that's legal will on that proverbial Monday morning become illegal. The bump stock issue for example which is going to make tens of millions of law-abiding citizens criminals overnight. So we have no control over what the thought and print crimes are because we don't know how the laws will be amended in the then-future.

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We only have Control over our own thoughts and writings and actions, now and in the future.

I have adopted the John Hancock strategy so the "authorities" can easily read my name and track location. I eagerly await their/them arrival.

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That evil is diabolical and a crime against humanity. I've seen that dungeon. That is an experiment on how to destroy a being. It starts with the gang members, just to beta test. Then the political opponents, then you and your mama because you won't comply. Regardless of their crimes, if they did not murder they should not be there. They rounded up everyone with tattoos, even reformed ex gang members who were working and living in the church, shaved their heads (dehumanize) and ran them around in their drawers like animals. Anyone proud of that needs their head and their heart examined. That is not how you deal with people who haven't murdered anyone, and most there haven't. Facts. Gang crime may have plummeted but corporate crime is thriving there.

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a 1775 incident can occur along any fault lines like Eastern vs Western Oregon. The democRat Bolsheviks would probably favor that too in the form of a False Flag incident. CW's are very confusing and messy affairs.

Then there is the looming economic USSA Feral Dollar Debacle, ............ and Consequences.

CYA, my friend

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My passport lapsed years ago, never used it, got it during the first Reign of "Obamy The One."

I can see Faber's view historically as a Jew getting out of 1930's Germany, but then when applying it to myself, here in the USSA, with roots in the South, Kith & Kin, and a "No Where to Go" mentality...... Reinforced btw by my earlier considering Ecuador about 16 years ago and then subsequent social disruptions there occurred.... I am now of the opinion My Country's Social Disruptions are better than other countries disruptions when I'm not native to that country.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

It will happen before 2030

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I think so too. A military coup, IMO.

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How would that happen? Hard to imagine given the 20 year filtering of general officers to only the dedicated ideologues.

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Think Liberia?

Note it's not usually the generals who mount a coup; traditionally that's been the province of colonels.

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Election of 2024 will equal Election of 1860, the fall out will be different as democRat Cities in Red States AND Blue States are All Bolshevik.

I think it's coming Sooner and More Fragmented than the Author. But that It's Coming is not debatable imo.


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It's hard to pinpoint what would start it and when, but another stolen election could be a trigger. I just never thought people would follow lockdowns as long as they did during covid, so a definite delayed fuse has to be factored in

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It could happen like this next year; Trump somehow wins, and the left shuts down the country with riots, walkouts, protests, sit-ins. "Until Trump steps down!" Faced with a plummeting economy, DJT then calls up whoever he can to break these bottlenecks and viola! Government vs citizens.

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I see secession as a much more "red" thing to do... not a big series of riots all at once, but a general "take my ball and go home" resistance, as Simp the author suggested above. The left could do it more quickly, even in 2024.

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I agree.

The odious USD debt imposed on the world will rebound causing an unwind and diminishing ability to impose outcomes firstly overseas, and at home. Rats will leave a sinking ship and a cycle of fake reform will ensue, each failure resulting in dimunition. The world will move on and frankly the Union will have little relevence to the rest of the world. Perhaps at some point in all this will come a convention to renogtiate the Union minus the transnational parasitic oligarchy.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I agree completely with your assessment. You're my goto source for sane and solid analysis.

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Right, copy this, chap🤓

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Like Lincoln, I put my energy toward keeping the union together rather than speculating on its demise. Disappointed in your view since you are normally much more rational. Yes, a peoples' war of sorts must be fought but the way was shown by M.L. King, not Stockley Carmichael. Identify politics fascism is nothing but standard counterinsurgency and is much older than the past two decades. Please put that genius of yours to work on breaking the spell, understanding and exploiting the enemy's numerous weaknesses and winning the present war we are already in. What you present is static and pessimistic; you can't win wars that way.

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"no enemy that you can put a finger" -- not true --- every public official that has violated their oath of office--- and that includes _____________ (fill in the blank).

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Well, keep in mind I didn't say this is what I hope will happen, but rather what I see as inevitable. Deep down I still "hope" that some magical swamp-draining figure, like a non-compromised version of Trump, will come around and save the day, I just don't it as a very high probability due to the aforementioned reasons of how compromised the electoral system is. As I always say, nothing in life is ever an all or nothing: there's a non-zero chance that such outcomes won't happen, I just find that chance to be fairly low percentage.

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Anyone in America First Leadership "Will Be Compromised", comrade.

Trump compromised by avoiding CW in 2020 when it was an Obvious sElection Coup to a Blind man.

2024 will be the Coup degras, one way or another.

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The past month or so have been consulting the Yi Jing / I Ching about geopolitical questions including US elections. Interesting to apply very old texts from another civilization to current political dynamics. Bottom line: both RFK and the US could accommodate some sort of Rescue by Hero that you imagine. I agree that it is highly unlikely, but also clearly the situation is more than ripe for such a dynamic. That being the case, maybe the universe will provide..... Time will tell...

Can a Presidential Election restore the Republic?


How is RFK as Presidential Candidate (cast in early April)


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I will be voting RFKJ no matter what happens. The only one who can moderate the melting pot.

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MLK was an agent I believe. He preached "civil rights," but the holders of the land in due course, American Negro Indians and Pre-Colonial Whites, with blood connections to the land, don't need civil rights. Civil rights are for immigrants, we have natural land rights, God given rights and common law rights. MLK reduced the "legal standing" of his followers to that of an immigrant. "I fear I have lead my people into a burning house." MLK He did indeed.

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Barbara, it's called reality. You may wallow in your pacifist views but that never won wars of any type.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

You might want to read Thomas DiLorenzo's books on Lincoln, or Edgar Lee Masters' "Lincoln the Man," before celebrating that thoroughly evil man as an example of anything. The Old Republic died at Appomattox (as Lord Acton noted at the time), Lincoln having shredded the Constitution from 1861 onward. What remained was an empire that quickly became - as General Lee said would happen -- "aggressive abroad and depotic at home."

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Thank you Mr Cade!

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Spot-on, Mr. Cade! Have just completed reading all three of DiLorenzo's excellent books on Lincoln.... eye-opening, perspective-altering to say the least! I "second" your suggestion for others to read authoritative sources who are not making their careers off the "Cult of Saint Abraham".

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Abraham Lincoln and his False Flag at Ft Sumter, SC to Justify killing fellow Americans who just wanted to part company legally through their State Legislative actions. no different than the Colonial Assemblies and Continental Congress did in 1775-76.

We are Awakening to the Nightmare of the Current NWO USSA, and the 2024 sEections, following Steals in 2020,& 2022 will result in CW,....... IF the Economic Demise doesn't hit First resulting in Anarchy.


"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” – VADM James Stockdale, USN, Medal of Honor, POW Vietnam

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Yes indeed. The current state of "america" is merely the logical culmination of the Lincolnite state - a marriage of big business and Federal power, tarted up with Enlightenment sophistry about "equality" and the brotherhood of man, with nothing to limit the power of the Executive. It is no surprise to anyone who has studied the War for Southern Independence - at least, the true history of the war, and not the Bolshevik-level propaganda taught in schools and by the likes of the Lincoln cult at places like the Claremont Institute. God has completely vindicated the cause of the Southern states, and I hope I live long enough to see the Union flag taken down across the South.

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There’s no way to undo the spell Barbara. You must come to terms with that. I had to as well. I dated a left leaning Normie in 2021. I had a solid year to try and penetrate her defenses. Both of us are smart well reasoned people. She was certainly no bomb thrower but her soft support for groups like The Squad and BLM only serve to make it all possible.

Tried everything to move the needle. She was a public school teacher for 20+ years. I suspect that played a large role in her thought process or lack thereof. It’s maddening to watch their inability to connect dots.

I planted the seeds and maybe one day they take root. It’s been over 1.5 year ago. I can tell you that I consider the experiment to be a complete failure. Another thing you must understand is she absolutely loved and trusted me too.

6 months after we split I was reeling in my defeat I had an epiphany. There’s nothing I could have done to reach her and break the spell as long as she was surrounded by people to reinforce her ideas. Simply put its a cult and deprogramming them can be extremely difficult. I quit worrying about CW and the Civil strife/upheaval to come. Instead I made peace with the fact it must happen. Only severe pain will break this curse.

Society is too far gone at this point and it will continue on the trajectory the author has laid forth. Doesn’t matter if you want it to or not. Nothing short of a miracle can stop what’s coming aside from technocratic slavery the elites are hoping to instill around the world.

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I am afraid you are right about the cult. If you are lucky the discussion ends abruptly after you start voicing your arguments. With less luck there is no reasoning but screaming only. Goes a long way - there are things that happens at work that I found amusing years ago which are highly disturbing now: nobody knows what is going on except a male that was not given the voice till the end of a meeting - all the rest were females w/o a clue and a project leader with a clue and political sense which is the reason the females were there and the guy who knew things was there too but did not speak until the very end. The same is present on every level of governance and at schools too. It is not a collapse just yet but this may be the logarithmic process - slow at once and then abrupt.

I personally think there will be no civil war but collapse or at least a major change to the worse in civil liberties and wealth. I hope I am mistaken.

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It is probably worthwhile to do a deep dive into the formation of "civil war" conditions, but I'm with you Mr. Kloss. The enemies of the USA will wait patiently to pick our bankrupt bones, no war required.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

This is a sobering assessment. I’ve never seen the idea laid out like this before. I’ve always thought a separation would never be possible but now...

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Its already separate....you just have been asleep. There will be no war, just the usual suspects mopping up pockets of resistance to their evil empire. People wont even fight for their children being injected or groomed in school, what makes anyone sane believe they will fight for political philosophy? They won't. They will rationalize their torment. Its called Stockholm Syndrome and the states united is suffering from it whole cloth. Been that way for 2 generations.

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That's not completely true. You should follow what's happening on the legislative front in Texas and other Southern states.

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Both are types exist, those who are fighting the school boards and the woke sheep who inject their children and take them to drag queen shows

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Not true. There's already a huge backlash against the school boards.


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Yeah, AFTER THE FACT. Anyone can boo hoo after being stumped out, but where was the "huff" when the same devils had everyone, except my family, running around like scared rabbits wearing masks, masking babies, and placing children in plastic prison cubicles? Where was the "huff" when the public school grooming agenda first started "full court press" about 5 years ago? Where was the "huff" when Steve and Jerry tongue kissed on the statehouse floor? Its too late, there is no huff now, the perverse matrix is in place, entrenched, and the "backlash" you describe is just sniveling and whining. The devils don't care because the weakness of the people is manifest. What helpless, weak, dummy still has their most precious possession in public school? What zip damn fool still allows perverted STRANGERS to educate their children? I will tell you, "those attending school board meetings." That's who.

The people are weak and they don't understand the mechanics of the REAL world because they have been in fantasy land. I don't attend meetings to whine, I file federal suits (42 U.S.C. 1983). Learn the process and claim your REAL power. Stop whining people.

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"People wont even fight for their children..." - so true, and so disheartening. People are so passive it's horrifying.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The government has bioweapons and 'vaccines' and the whole range of institutions under their control to force compliance with putative 'public health' edicts. Soon they will have total control of our money through digital currency and a ban on cash transactions, leaving only barter as an alternative. And there are many other means of coercion available to the banksters. The 'culture war' is largely a distraction from the real class war IMO.

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On that topic, I forgot to mention that Texas has made moves towards even rolling out its own currency as a pushback against the federal policies: https://republicbrief.com/texas-takes-first-step-to-create-its-own-currency-backed-by-gold/

so this is just one out of many firsts we'll see little by little as it gets closer to secession

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If Texas completes its gold back DC before a federal CBDC is deployed the CBDC may not happen at all. If people have a choice and are sane they will migrate to the gold back variant. Harder still for the Feds if several other States were to adopt the TxDC for settlement of State/county taxes.

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Yea, but a knife and and focus can alter the perception.

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WHO pact is almost signed and will let the organisation poised to enforce worldwide lockdowns. By 2024 they will test it. 5% of the health State budgets will fuel the WHO for… vaccines research and distribution

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We will not comply.

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Well what will happen is what Gab is doing, creating a parallel society that is deeply conservative, has practical skills, and large families with which to reclaim the nation when the Liberal Cities crash.

And the crash is starting. Anheuser-Busch is on the way out as is every company that made Dylan Mulvaney their face. Fox News is sinking with Tucker out and ironically he put no stock in the Dominion Story and instead pointed out good old ballot stuffing as the reason and which was far more provable. Hell if Fox took it to court, they would have won on appeal.

Alex Jones is hunkering down till he can finally appeal to the Appeals Courts and get the lawsuits against him thrown out on first amendment grounds and then recoup all his losses by counter-suing.

For Conservatives, hunker down, build your networks, raise your kids, homeschool your kids, and grow a garden.

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All good except your last paragraph. We must take action to remove the criminals, not just hunker down and take care of ourselves. Yes to homeschooling and growing a garden. This year will be my biggest vegetable garden so far.

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Are you 100% committed to victory to the point of blowing yourself up to win?

If not, can that talk till you are. Because that is the level of commitment you must have in order to take on the state. Many Founding Fathers lost everything to overthrow British Rule, and you need to be hardened enough to suffer everything in order to win.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Civil war is one thing. A coup is something else.

I would argue that the coup is underway now. Gonzalo Lira has

a term for it: "auto-golpe". A coupe by those already in power

to take more power.

Add to it CBDCs to control what a typical person does and AI

to filter what that typical person can see and hear. This

is not 2030; this is underway NOW.

Arms against the government is one thing, but let's get clear

on what "government is". It is the banks running the CBDCs and

it is the media running the AI filters. All the businesses

that permit/deny activities based on the above.

The Capitol "riot" was not an insurgency. It was an attempt to

use civil action/disobedience/occupation. It followed the rules.

Lkewise TEXIT; it follows the rules.

When citizens stop following the rules, then it will get interesting.

And finally, note how "this war is coming home". The rules based

order and all that is wrong with it gets imposed on the home empire

and the citizens of the empire cannot stand it.

I'm in rural Maine. Red here; the cities are mostly blue. My

own persoan thoughts mostly go to self defense. There are

valuable pieces of the community that the empire wants to destroy.

How to protect them? Does everyone in the neighborhood have to

have air horns to notify each other of an attack?

Now we are into training and Carolyne Chute's Second Maine Militia.

She defined it as "drawing a line against the corporate takeover".

That fits well with the auto-golpe.

A civil war is one thing, but the auto-golpe is already underway.

Think of color revolutions. The deep state is doing that here.

Like I wrote above, this war is coming home. They always do.

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I forgot to mention that Texas has literally begun moving towards creating its own currency as a defense against federal CBDCs etc., which is just the first step of the inevitable:



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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Great article!

I only wish you said something about Texas moving towards creating it's own gold-backed currency.

And should not states considering secession start doing something about curtailing illegal immigration and about forming some kind of military power inside their borders?

I am also not sure if I agree that the cultural war is a veneer for an economic-financial global war. I am more leaning towards believing it is the other way around...

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yep I JUST added it in, in an addendum because I had it saved and completely forgot to put that in. But it's true, that's even further movements towards independence

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I think you totally miss the elephant in the room; What will "de-dollarization" do to the Federal government, not only internationally, but nationally?

When the only one that will buy treasuries is the Fed, the dollar is toilet paper. The industrial base of the country has been hollowed out and now finance is something like 40% of the economy. It blows up and you won't even have a few tulip bulbs to show for it.

In which case, states and regions will have to develop local currencies. It won't be so much a war, as the big tree falling over and the little ones getting the sunlight.

I think what we really need to do, is better understand this reality. Then we would understand why crap like this happens.

As executive and regulatory function, government is like the nervous system, while money and banking are like blood and the circulation system. Theoretically distributing value around the community, but with public government and private banking, the banks rule and the only real job the flunkies and moral prostitutes allowed in office have, is running up the debt the banks need to function. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.

The reality is that money is a medium, like roads, water, air, etc. It's the network connecting all the nodes. If it's private, we are all tenant farmers to the banks. The way it is today, is like the heart telling the hands and feet to go suck dirt, because it's keeping all the blood for itself.

I could go on, but it seems most people are blind to anything beyond the various tribal war cries.

Until we actually start thinking, we are someone else's herd animals.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

USA is in a rapidly accelerating total collapse process; social, economic, political and military. It is tracking to collapse by end of 2025, if not sooner. Collapse always happens slowly, slowly, then all at once. The economic and moral corruption in the West is unbridled and its far too late to stop what is coming. There is a population of about 3% of the U.S. (15-20 MM people) that will be able to save and rebuild the nation in a humane, just manner. Consider myself part of that group. A large part of the population is in extreme cognitive dissonance and a mental stupor from years of MSM/Gov/Education system programming. Lost souls. We are fighting the darkest form of evil, and we must wear the Armor of God to prevail.

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I highly recommend you check out the book "Hinterland" by Phil Neel, I think you would appreciate it.

I do think some sort of civil conflict is likely by 2030, but I think you put far too much weight on the culture war, "red vs. blue" stuff, at least in this essay. Secession will be a result of bourgeois infighting and would quickly devolve into something resembling China's Warlord Era prior to the CPC's victory in 1949 imo. Overall an interesting essay though.

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Interesting, I'll look it up. You could be right, but I wouldn't underestimate the culture war stuff. Right now it's the major political driver it seems even beyond economics. Just look at the stuff happening with Ron Desantis. His ENTIRE platform is based not on any economic issues, which he rarely even talks about, but entirely on the culture war issues such as LGBT/Disney, etc. Ultimately though, I think the economic issues will take precedence when dedollarization accelerates and hyperinflation hits then the remaining bastion states will no longer want to be part of a union which is using them to subsidize the horrendous fiscal policies of the other insane leftist states.

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I suspect the culture issues will prove to be the furniture in a building where the foundations are giving way. Likely because they were cheated on, to more expensively furnish the rooms. The rats will be abandoning ship all too quickly, when the water gets high enough. Look at Fauci starting to twist in the wind.

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The red vs blue, meaning Demrats vs Rhinos are just factions . There is no pure party culture anymore, thus rise of the Uniparty term. It boils down to those wanting totalitarian, autocratic control vs those favoring sovereignty of ordinary, non-elite people. The people want justice and fairness, no more hegemony and imperialism. Collaboration vs war.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Every time I reed you , it feels like Christmas morning. Thank you.

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Thanks very much, that's a big honor

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