Never trust them again. They are criminals, and participated willingly in crimes against humanity. Justice needs to be served upon their heads.

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mRNA based gene injections, combined with school closues and lockdowns, saved the world:

Unrepentant Corona arch-villain Christian Drosten re-emerges to give the vaccines credit for ending the pandemic and insist that lockdowns and school closures remain policy options in the future



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NAME THE EVIL globalliats, who,nwo, wef, communists, murderous b.gates, a.fauxci, k.schwlob,and all abominational criminals that went along with all these atheist evils, b.0bamanus, g.soreass, bliarden, governmantally ill, newz mediarhhea, donators , drs., nurses, vax givers, promoters add more i know i missed more

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Testimony during the National Citizens Inquiry in Alberta revealed that Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw lied to the public saying a 14 year old boy diedof covid. The boys doctor testified that he was dying of brain cancer and there was absolutely zero chance that covid killed this child. But Deena got a $253,000.00 bonus for her excellent job... Canadians need to contact the CRTC to ask why their own media (Content Blocked Constantly) is censorsing a citizen's initiative for weeks on end. #NCI

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What Canadians need to do, is revolt en masse. A bloody, protracted, unstoppable, real insurrection. Give these evil bureaucrats Tribunal justice, then live stream their wholesale slaughter on your no longer government owned news channels. Hail Victory.

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I’ve lived a good, decent life, worked hard and paid mega taxes but nobody gave me a bonus!!!

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After she was sacked in Alberta:

"The Alberta government paid Hinshaw a salary of $363,633.92 in 2021, while she also took home an additional $227,911.35 in "cash benefits," which can include overtime pay, vacation payouts and a vehicle allowance."

Bonnie Henry, B.C's Chief Medical Czarina then gave her a cush position here. As her 2nd in command.

Salary: unknown.


Lord help us.

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Don't waste your time: No-one's going to listen. Bad enough our money is already stolen from us in part, to support that abomination (The CBC).

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It's even worse than that.

Show us ONE person who died from the supposed virus. Just one.

Because the virus was never isolated from a sick person, ever.

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What are the Chinese inactivated virus vaccine shots made from and what are the new live attenuated virus vaccine nasal spray vaccines made from?

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I came across material that pointed out Xi did NOT use US pharma jabs, but their own. Please research above as I do NOT recall source (or strength of source). I do recall thinking that Xi most likely did use mRNA, but that's a hunch.

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Fun report on that in NYTimes acting like "effectiveness" of Pfizer/Moderna is superior to China's jab w breakthrough infections ie failure.. gotta love the Enron accounting used by the Pharma Mafia & its media presstitutes.


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If a virus was never isolated directly from a sick patient, then yes.. you did ask a good question.

If I were to guess, they did what 'virologists' do: they create a mixture of monkey kidney cells with antibiotics and other things, they wait until those cells break down, then they claim they have produced an 'isolate' of the virus. Probably they do other pseudoscience shit on top of that 'isolate', and they inject that resulting brew of poisonous substance into people.

But I was not there to know for sure, I can only make an educated guess, based off what I know about 'virologists' and their methods

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Walensky is like those Nazi doctors.

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Except, she is jewish, and her Tribe made up the mythos of "Nazi Doctors." These people wrote the Holohoax and Psyop-19.

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Jewish? Why are so many American Jews hard core left wings? The founder of communism Carl Marx was a Jew. Anything do do with that?

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Paul, The Talmud teaches them they are Chosen, and all the rest, called "Goyim" or "Amalek," are cattle. While I have not read all major religious texts, none of the others display the hatred for others, the disdain, of The Talmud.

There is not a single HORRIBLE thing, from Communism, Feminism, Progressivism, open borders, debt, wars, racial division, anti-white hatred, censorship, false flags, that does not have a jewish origin. They want us replaced, dead, demoralized and silent. To which I answer to Schlomo, "No!"

Hail Victory Brother!

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I grew up under what than was called Czechoslovakia. No need to ask me why I am so pissed of at what is happening. Worse, much worse, under the Czech communists we were more free as long we did not oppose them. There was none of what you telling me what is going on in Canada, USA, and other Western countries. This what you say is 100% correct but ad to it, this is a mental illness, the woke , trans garbage, pure mental illness.

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Paul, the USA could have saved the free Czech people in the 1968 Prague Spring uprising. Our jewish owners refused though. The same for Hungary, a decade earlier. I treasure my friends who lived in Communist nations, as they have the strongest love for freedom, honor and integrity of any humans on Earth.

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To add more. Met a prominent, (at least in Europe), Canadian philosopher Ian Hacking who predicted , not nuclear war but a mental illness will wipe out humankind. That was in the seventies. Look at the Mass Formation hypnotized zombies, heading that way?

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Very prescient! it would be interesting to author a longitudinal study which breaks down the factors in this obvious diminution of both mental health, and acuity. Most of us here, if over 50, realized we had some clear intellectual advantages vs our peers. But nowhere near the stark distinctions after decades of chemtrails, fluorides, Marxian professors, and a denatured food supply. Add in the near flooding of the Once White West with sub 60 IQ, melanin rich, low impulse control mammals, and Idiocracy is also prophetic.

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The innocence of millions of healthy children died from Covidianism, as they were abused en masse by mandated lockdowns, masks, and vactines (as Brandon calls them).

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They are of the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, but lie. Bourla, Dolsten, Plotkin, Walensky, Wiessman, Zaks, going back to Salk and Sabin and beyond. Slithering serpents from the pits of hell.

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Well said Becky. We are at war with a depraved people and religion, that considers itself better than the rest (Chosen) and further considers us "cattle." The Talmud must be burned in mass pits, 6 million times. Hail Victory.

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What about a healthy child that died from the vaccine?

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⬆️ That.

Plenty of dead kids.

Not well "documented" though.

And if their parents are silent then...



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hell is starting to fill up quickly. the ones that were in on this and even the ones that were not but agreed with the nonsense are all reliable for the mess and carnage they pushed. shame on them all and when you go for our kids that is the last straw. i am waiting for the tribunals. i hope they televise them so we can watch these monsters be deposed and watch their faces when they know we caught them.

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"they sacrifice their own children"

Dr. Zelenko Schools Israeli Rabbinic court

Posted August 4, 2021


also posted at:



DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: So I'll just give you quickly my experience. My team has directly treated successfully 6,000 patients. I have trained hundreds of physicians who are now training their students and as a cumulative group we've treated millions of patients successfully. President Trump was my patient. Rudy Guliani was one of my patients. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky *** has been my patient. Rabbi, Mr. Litzman **** your health minister of Israel last year was my patient. I'm just telling you which people have contacted me for care. Including President Bolsinaro of Brazil.

Now my experience has given me a very unique perspective in approaching covid 19, which is basically keeping people out of the hospital. I would like to descri— regarding children, the only reason you would want to treat a child is if you believe in child sacrifice. [inaudible] If you want to be a mocker of children like a korban# there's very good reason for giving the shot. Otherwise there's no necessity. Let me explain.

Anytime you evaluate any therapeutic, you need to look at it from three perspectives. Is it safe? Does it work? And do you need it? Just because you have a capability doesn't mean that you have to use it. There has to be a medical necessity. There has to be a need for it. You look at the CDC, the statistics for children under the age of 18 that are healthy, the survival rate is 99.998% survival rate with no treatment. Just like Dr. Yeadon* said, the influenza virus is more dangerous to children than covid 19 and he made an estimate that per million a hundred children would die from the vaccination. I feel the number would be significantly higher. And I'll explain to you the rationale for it.

So if you have a demographic— Can you hear me?

ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from a illness, why why would you inject them with a poison death shot? Now let's see if this thing works. Two countries in the world that are most vaccinated its citizens is Israel 85% rate of vaccination and an island nation in the Indian Ocean called Seychelles, also over 80%. Both countries are experiencing a Delta variant outbreak. So let me ask you a question. If you vaccinated—

MALE VOICE: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you vaccinated your, the majority of your population, why are you still having an outbreak? That's number one. Number two, why would even give a third shot of the same stuff that didn't work the first two times? Alright, that's whether or not it works.

And let's talk about safety. Now this is the real issue. There are three levels of safety or death that we need to look at. One is acute, one is subacute, and long term.

Acute I'll define from the moment of injection til 3 months. The number one risk of the shot is blood clots just like Dr. Yeadon said. According to the Salk Institute— oh by the way, everything I am saying I will defend with documentation and please don't take my word for it, you should do your due diligence. And I can provide to you proof for everything that I'm saying. According to the Salk Institute when a person gives an injection of these vaccines quote unquote, the body becomes a spike-producing factory making trillions of spikes which migrate to the endothelium which is the inner lining of your blood vessels. And its basically little thorns on the inside of your vasculature. As the blood cells flow through it they get damaged, they cause blood clots. If that happens in the heart a heart attack, if that happens in the brain that's a stroke.

... continued...

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So we're seeing the number one cause of death in the short term is some blood clots. And most of it is happening within the first three, four days. Forty percent is happening within the first three days of injection of this poison death shot.

Now the other problem is that it's causing myocarditis or inflammation in the hearts of children— young adults, I'm sorry, in the hearts of young adults.

And the third problem which is the most disturbing is according to the New England Journal of Medicine article their preliminary data the miscarriage rate in the first trimester only gets vaccinated in the first trimester goes from 10% to 80%. I want you to understand what I just said. The miscarriage rate in the first trimester of pregnant women when they get vaccinated goes up by a factor of 8. That's preliminary data, it may change with time, but I'm just telling you what it is as of today. That's the smallest of the problem.

The second problem is the sub-acute death issue which is the following, that the animal studies that were done with these vaccines showed that all the animals responded well in generating antibodies. When they were challenged, however, with the virus that they were immunized against, a large percentage of them died. And when that was investigated it was found their immune system had killed them. It's called something, Antibody Dependent Enhancement or pathogenic priming or paradoxical immune enhancement. But the point is that a lot of those animals died. So you can make an argument, maybe human beings are different. My answer to you, maybe, however those studies were not done. You are the study right now. The Pfizer CEO said, Israel is the biggest laboratory in the world. And so those long term studies to rule out, Dr. Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV said that this is the biggest risk to humanity and the biggest risk of genocide in the history of humanity. And so the risk of an ADE reaction in human beings which happens later has not been ruled out. So my question is, why would I vaccinate someone with a potentially destructive lethal substance without ruling that out first?

And the third component here is the long-term consequences. There is definite evidence that it affects fertility, damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts. Number one.

Number two, definitely increases the amount of auto-immune diseases. Who knows over time how that is going to reduce lifespan?

And just last week a paper came out showing it increases the risk of cancer.

So any way you want to look at it, whether in the acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages, in the midterm subacute setting where it can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction, or in the long term whether it causes increasing autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility. Now that's a big concern. Actually I'll say it this way. In my opinion the current Israeli government is a gilgul* of Joseph Mengele. They have permitted, they have permitted human experimentation of their own people. And I'm going to tell you that I hope, I hope this Beis Din** is a little different, maybe not, but I know I finally understood [inaudible] say that if you see tsuris in klal Israel## you should look at the [inaudible], that if you see trouble in the Jewish people, you should look at the rabbinic leadership because if that's, if the head is diseased, what do you expect of the body?

So I beg of this Beis Din to put the interests of klal Israel above politics and anything else that may alter your opinions. I have, I receive death, daily death threats. I risk my life, my career, my financial life, my reputation, almost my family, everything just to sit here and tell you what I'm telling.

So I'll just summarize it that there is no need for this vaccine. And there's actually no need for anyone, and I'll explain. Children, I already told you, they have a 99.998 % chance of getting better. Young adults from 18 to 45 have a 99.95% of getting better. This is according to the CDC. Same concept. Someone who has already has covid and has antibodies, naturally induced immunity is a billion times more effective than artificially-induced immunity through vaccine. So why would I vaccinate someone with a poison death shot that makes inferior or dangerous antibodies when I already have healthy antibodies?

And then if you look at the high risk population that has a 7.5% death rate– So my data which was the first in the world which I published in a peer-reviewed journal which has become the basis of over 200 other studies and that have corroborated my observations that if you treat time frame you reduce death rate by 85%. So out of 600,000 Americans we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying. And by the way I presented this information to Bibi Netanyahu*** directly into his hands by way of [inaudible] in April 2020. And I informed every single member of your Ministry of Health as well.

So my question to you is, if I can reduce the death rate from 7.5% to less than a half a percent, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn't work and has tremendous and horrific side effects?

Now I'll do one more mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get covid and not get treated, the death rate globally will be less than a half a percent. Now I'm not advocating for that, that's a lot of people, that's 35 million people would die. However if we follow the advice of some of the quote-unquote global leaders, let's say like Bill Gates said last year, 7 billion people need to be vaccinated, the death rate would be over 2 billion people.

So wake up! This is World War III. This is a level of malfeasance and malevolence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity.

So I'm against child sacrifice. I'm against Abodah Zarah.*** And I really believe that God is testing every human being. And here is the test. Are you going to bow down to me, to the Shem?**** Are you going to ask for protection from me? Are you going to take your fears and ask me to help?

Or are you going to run to the Abodah Zarah, the egel hazahav [golden calf] of the vaccine of your governments of despots and tyrants, like sociopaths who want to be deities. There's nothing new under the sun. These people are no different than [inaudible]. They think they're God. And you're going to bow down to them? If you're going to bow down to them, OK, let them protect you. Let's see how that's going to work out for you.

I've seen fear drive people to do things that are completely irrational, do not make sense, and they sacrifice their own children.

And yes, your Ministry of Health is lying to you. Your statistics are absolutely skewed. If you want to see something real there's the website called Worldometers.info*****, go to Israel and you can see at December 20th there's a huge spike in the curve of death in Israel. Do you know what happened in Israel December 20th? National immunization started. And these are numbers being reported by the Israeli government. They're just too stupid to hide it.

There is zero justification, zero justification for using this poison death shot. Unless you want to sacrifice human beings. I think I'm done.



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* Dr. Vladimir Zelenko died of lung cancer on June 30, 2022.

From his website https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/about/

"Board Certified Family Physician Vladimir Zev Zelenko, M.D. Dr. Zelenko graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree with high honors in Chemistry from Hofstra University. After receiving an academic scholarship to attend S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo School of Medicine, he earned his M.D. degree in May 2000. Dr. Zelenko completed his family medicine residency at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y. in May 2004. Since then, Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy. He has also persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person. Dr. Zelenko is an observant orthodox Jew, married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence."

** The Zelenko Protocols (one for covid patients and another for prophylactic treatment) are described on Dr. Zelenko's webpage at this link:


***Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most senior and revered ultra-Orthodox rabbis, died March 2022 at the age of 94. His funeral, attended by many thousands, was international news. See https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-701756 and


**** Yakov Litzman https://main.knesset.gov.il/en/MK/APPS/mk/mk-personal-details/216

#Korban, sacrifice. See https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/understanding-biblical-sacrifice-korbanot/

* Dr. Michael Yeadon if former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer.

See https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/truth-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr/former-pfizer-vice-president-dr-mike-yeadon-speaks-out/

*Gilgul is a Hebrew word for reincarnation.

** Beis din is a Rabbincal Court

## tsuris in klal Israel could be translated as "trouble in the community of Israel everywhere"

*** Benjamin Netanyahu https://www.netanyahu.org.il/en/

*** Abodah Zarah can be translated as idolatry.

See https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/348-abodah-zarah

****Dr. Zelenko refers to the first verse of the Shema, from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, which is "the Lord is our God, the Lord is one." See https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-shema/


See https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

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I stumbled upon some Zoom podcasts he was on, with Br. Alexis Bugnolo. ("From Rome" reports.)

He was one of my "boots on the ground", early days, in Italy, where most of my extended (but quickly shrinking) family is.

Reports, in early March 2020 during lockdownd: "This is SUCH a scam..."

The USA and Canada immediately followed Conte's lead!

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When will something be able to be done about all of these horrors?

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Lawsuits are ongoing, legislatures are passing and considering bills... There is also what Dr. Alexander and so many others are doing, trying to get the word out. Do not despair.

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Injecting children and fetuses with the COVID-19 mRNA Kill-Shots was not about health or preventing any viral infection but about sterilizing the children and injecting everyone on the planet with the DNA changing, Gene-editing mRNA injections along with the nanobot technology, graphene oxide and whatever else evil is included in the jab for a depopulation agenda that will kill some of those jabbed quickly but most dying over a three to five year period.

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The world missed an excellent chance to learn about metabolic syndrome and the evils of Big Farma (Standard American Diet, seed oils, veganism, "healthy whole grains", fear of saturated fat...).

I wonder what the infection fatality rate was in people with and without metabolic syndrome. I expect it was 100x or 1000x or even higher for those with metabolic syndrome. But instead of switching to a real food diet, with plenty of animal-based products, the masses were kept ignorant and forced to submit to Big Pharma.

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Statement of virus isolation by Andrew Kaufman

If no virus has been isolated, what are we injecting people with? And why locking them up in their homes?


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There was no virus to be exposed to and so not one person in the world died from this or any other virus. All viruses are fake.

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But they have died from vaccines and the flu. That data is well buried. I don't think that anyone has died from covid. There is no test that proves you ever had covid since PCR just gives you snippets of RNA that they match to a computer algorithm, not the exact covid virus. You could have had some older coronavirus and it shows up. It was to the point if you had even one regular flu symptom, you were automatically a verified covid case. And without fake cases, there was no covid. Those who died likely died from other causes exacerbated by flu or other respiratory ailments.

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Problem is the end game: jab bioweapon. Plenty of written material available showing depth of Nazi Pharma Greed, but all here have Humphries, Dissolving Illusions. She and co-author did all the leg work showing the history of pharma quackery suppressing the truth of control of bugs (clean water, sanitation, clean food) replaced with vaccines AFTER the bug problem was controlled. And authors show various sleight of hand trickery by renaming bugs then using CFR fake mainstream news to glorify the 'new' fear bug. Paul, you're not a MD, but gone thru your Taking Down excellent material and noted a history error comment with your PhD mentor on smallpox. That bug was covered in Illusions which will interest you to upgrade your understanding. :)

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