A good compendium but there is a blinding hole in 2017 where Obama signed the NDAA that authorized the use of information warfare on the domestic population. The same agencies and teams, now expanded, that caused the Arab Spring, the Midan color revolutions and likely what is going on in Turkey with the elections right now. Obama's order legalized the use of propaganda, censorship and other means of psychological manipulation of Americans in order to secure the state interests in our election cycles.

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Obama overturned the Smith Mundt Act of 1948 which is on the list saying it was overturned in 2013.

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Good work Matt. It clearly shows the tendency of men holding power to suppress free speech.

As James Madison noted, in truth, all men holding power ought to be mistrusted.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

So we've been a society obsessed with policing and censoring "disinformation" for about 80 years. Make that over 100 years. Creeping totalitarianism has blossomed into not-so-friendly fascism, or the American version of totalitarianism cooking on its fascist stove all these paranoid decades.

And Matt was right the other day that Durham's report on the Russiagate fraudulent investigation by the FBI is almost certainly too little too late. The mass psychosis that underlies true believers in the Russia-Trump collusion lies are and will remain unswayed by anything issuing from quarters not fully vetted by the Dem party and its TDS infected leadership. They've been doubling down on the Truth of the Mueller Report before Mueller himself admitted he had nothing substantial to run with, as if Trump is still going to be hauled into court any day and tried for treason. They believe all the charges regardless of anything Matt, Aaron Mate, Greenwald or anyone else has said about the core charges behind Russiagate.

They octuple down on ALL of it. And until the NYTimes, CBS, NBC, NPR and the rest of the liberal media confess to being dead-ass wrong about it for 6 years, these true believers aren't going to change their tune one note. I've seen this from personal experience. These clowns are the vanguard of the totalitarian state we're trapped in.

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So what we're saying is this is a long-standing process and that there really are no "good guys," with both Obama and Trump furthering this process along.

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“Good guys” don’t seek power.

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...But good guys should ...and sound off and seek power where they can. Nothing can turn the juggernaut of "paid-for politics" around if people allow corrupt politics to continue without challenge.

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Says who? Cowards dont get involved but Its the Courageous Person who will and Must take on the mantel of leadership when the Spirit calls them to Duty! We call them heroes and we need one NOW! If no “good person” will stand up to defend our Constitution and our Republic we will become slaves to the Tyrants running WEF, WHO, UN and the Committee of 300 ! We are AT WAR and Mr Kennedy KNOWS it! Not everyone does but hes there to WAKE the Country UP! Hes prepared to die trying!

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You’re not hearing me. Duty isn’t seeking power. It’s taking responsibility.

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Yes they both did.

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I think RFK, Jr. might be the only presidential candidate who could purge - perhaps even abolish - a few of these totalitarian agencies. My first thought was he had no chance of winning ... but now I've changed my view.


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RFK is the one Democrat I would vote for, so at least as far as I am indicative of independents with an old-school liberal outlook, yes, he stands a chance in the general, but I doubt he'll survive the primary. The Democrat Machine is just that, a Machine.

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Great pithy analysis. Yes, Kennedy would have to beat a "machine" that exists to defeat candidates like himself. He would have a much better chance as an independent in the general primary ... maybe that will happen?

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I think a Kennedy/Desantis ticket would be ideal.,,Desantis is already being targeted by Trump because Trump sees him as a powerful adversary and a viable threat!

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I am a 25 year independent in NYC. I will register as a "D" to get him on the General Election ballot.

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I believe Vivek Ramaswamy would as well. I'm not sure either one would survive their term. Check out the book The Declassification Engine as a great insight into the history of this tyranny of information control and the abuses that result.

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I really like Vivek Ramaswamy a lot. Unfortunately we live in a country that’s pretty shallow. My guess is that even if he could get the nomination, I doubt he would win just based on his name alone. I can hear my grandmother now.....”do you plan on voting for what’s his name? Where is that man from? Who else is running?”

Perhaps we can convince Vivek Ramaswamy of a quick name change like Vinny Richardson or Victor Rothschild. That way it’s a lock to get granny’s vote.

Just sayin.....

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That and most people are just too uninformed or simple to understand his policies. There's a whole culture of hating smart people and as soon as those people hear him speak they will shut down. It's sad.

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Even while the US was engaged in a war in the Middle East, Barack Hussein Obama was elected president. IMHO the name is not the issue.

The issue for me is that there is a deeply entrenched two-party system where the politicians are loyal to the party and not the electorate. Corrupt politics abounds. Our representatives vote against the interests of the citizens they represent to attain political power. They lie and deceive with impunity and the lame street media support government corruption. The federal government is no longer a limited government and structurally this too enables corruption on a massive scale.

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I don't know that that is true, unless "Barack Obama" has tainted "foreign sounding" names.

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Normally, I would agree with you on that. However, Barack Obama was to be the first black president in which many people I believe thought the country was not just ready for, but overdue. He had been an elected senator, and was one of the most articulate public speakers of our time. Getting all of the Democrat vote was a lock in his case but he pulled a huge swath of independent and moderate Republicans too. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for Vivek Ramaswamy to win, it might just be a heavier lift than Obama.

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I won't guarantee you're wrong, but the one thing going for him is that white middle America, the place where I grew up, is long familiar with people of Indian descent. My "stereotype" of Indian Americans (immigrants and first-generation born in the US) was of educated, hardworking people, because all the Indian Americans I knew were doctors or professors, and I had come across more Indian Americans than I had black people. I never had the stereotype that most "Coasters" do of hotel and convenience store owners. So I think the situation is more nuanced than you think and you might be surprised by Ramaswamy's chances.

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That’s fair and I that has certainly been my experiences with Indian Americans. We’ll have to see if he can capture the rural south/midwest/appalachia vote. He seems to be the best qualified to run on the Republican ticket IMO. I’d love to see him win.

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What makes you think that people living on the coasts hold stereotypical views of Indian-Americans? This is abject nonsense. It's also insulting to both Americans and Indian-Americans.

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I support any candidate who tries to speak the truth and expose the corrupt agencies and powerful captured entities. The sad truth is almost any candidate who tries to do this will be ignored, censored and smeared. So there's only a very few people with the name ID and stature who can say the same things and still reach a lot of people. Kennedy of course falls into this select group (because of his famous name but also his life's work, which is impressive). Donald Trump fell into this group because of his fame. Ron Paul kind of got there just because of persistence, but he was far easier to dismiss and defeat.

I think it's "Kennedy or bust" for those of us who want "real change." Maybe Ron DeSantis, who has certainly gone against the authorized narrative in Covid times.

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I've reached a point of peak cynic when it comes to the federal government. I completely and wholly understand now the position of smallest government possible. I come from the left and I fully believe in labor rights and social equality and even programs to help people out of poverty as I benefitted from this myself as a child. But now I see that it puts you and the country as

a whole into a position of servitude and unable to be as critical as one should be over matters like censorship and the organizations that propagate it. I'm constantly torn now between my liberal nature and my violent repulsion to anything government these days. I miss being

oblivious...but I don't regret the eye opening. Just doesn't make for a happy world to live in

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You should be liberal with your money, and conservative with others.

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Join the growing Crowd of “Former Democrats”… and Republicans too for that matter! We are at War with an international enemy that includes a significant number of Ultra Wealthy Americans who want to be a member of The Ruling Class in The New World Order when JD and David Rockefeller’s dream of “One World Government” takes total control of our lives in their Surveillance State ruled by AI and enforced by Digital Currency! Make NO MISTAKE about it! That IS Their GOAL! Lockdowns and vaccine mandates were dress rehearsal for their tyranny! We MUST ALL LISTEN AND CHOOSE VERY CAREFULLY WHO WE PUT INTO POWER NEXT and Party Loyalty be DAMNED!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Ugh, why does Racket News continue to bore me with tedious, in-depth reporting and historical analysis that hurts my feelings? Well, at least no one I know will take the time to read this, so we can all chalk it up to being another nothing-burger unworthy of consideration. #WeekendAtBidens2024

-BlueAnon Cult Member

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I restacked this one to hurt even more feelings.

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Hunt for Tom Clancy

This was such a good read that it makes me want to read some books. This Matt Farwell guy needs to write more books. Excellent writing.

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Thanks Josh, working on it.

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May 21, 2023Liked by The Hunt for Tom Clancy

Outstanding Matt! The work involved is impressive. The timelines and with photos.

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and the beat goes on but now the world is digital and "they" can control EVERYTHING. Swallow your loathing and Vote appropriately. Policy not personality.

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When I saw the phrase "painstaking timeline," 2 other phrases came to mind: "Can't be compressed into a soundbite" & "Will probably be ignored."

Maybe we all need to realize that censorship, much like constantly mutating genitalia, is something the modern urban hipster just can't live with out.

I have to admit that they have a point. Facts can be brain muddling & hard to digest while pre-chewed facts go down like pureed cabbage.

Facts can also be depressing little bastards.

For example is it better to think that Joe Biden is a corrupt & senile old coot gleefully shoving us towards nuclear armageddon or is it better to think of him as a fierce warrior defending Democracy?

I think that the answer is obvious.

Maybe we all need to return to the words of that great 20th century philosopher, Bobby McFerrin, and just "don't worry, be happy."

Happy folk always look so fucking happy, don't they?

Granted most liberals look like they've just swallowed a case of rotten lemons but that's probably just a social construct. They are, in reality, most likely happy little bunnies spreading happiness to all the maladjusted domestic terrorists everywhere and we just can't see it because we are blinded by pesky facts.

Be seeing you.

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The actual philosopher behind Bobbie was Meher Baba (born Merwan Sheriar Irani; 25 February 1894 – 31 January 1969), an extremely influential spiritual teacher from India.

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Who is number one?

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Questions are a burden to others; answers, a prison for oneself.”

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Personally, I’m just trying to escape the Village and avoid the Rover.

Be seeing you.

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Oh yeah. A lifetime endeavor of mine.

I've sucked at it, but luckily I'm stupid enough to keep trying.

I'm thinking success will eventually come in the shape of coffin or a pyre.

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I agree with EyesAndMindOpen. 2017 NDAA is important and should be added. Also, don’t forget the damage that The Smith-Munda Modernization Act (I believe that was in 2013) did to the open doors for propaganda now used on US Citizens.

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May 20, 2023Liked by The Hunt for Tom Clancy

Thank you for a great summary. I rarely see anything written about the past 100 years. That's sad because we all could really learn a thing or two from the last 100 years of US history. Laid out like this it's rather sickening, to be honest. Still very much worth the read. So many young people don't realize what's happened in the past 50 years, never mind 100 years. Being a 60+ year old I remember only about half of these efforts myself.

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One missing piece on this timeline: After 1934, Joseph Breen, representing the Catholic Church, was involved in the writing of every Hollywood movie script. To this day, the pre-1934 films are much less accessible to the public, even though they are much better and more interesting films, in my opinion...

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Anything with Jean Harlow (esp as a gangster moll in a slip) is always great.

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May 20, 2023Liked by The Hunt for Tom Clancy

Glad to see you being published on Racket News and hope you have more articles here. Listened to your interview on Trueanon when it first became available and thought it was definitely in the top 10 on that site. You have a unique perspective and I'm glad you are getting more exposure.

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Thanks so much! I appreciate that.

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Is that all you've got? /sarc/

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