But anyone could infect Grandma that's why everything must be locked up and down to protect Grandma and also schools must be closed because keeping them open could kill Grandma and everyone including children and healthy adults must be injected with the bioweapon because that's the only way to save Grandma. At least that's what they told us at the beginning of the psyop before they started to change the narrative because Science™.

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During height of convid Israel MOH claimed loads of death of all ages. MOH also has employees hired to find truth in Israel on web and get another ministry to then get google etc to censor. it's the unhealth ministry and they lie lie lie. But like in 1984 a new truth born daily and old truth didn't happen. MOH gives Israelis a taste of what the 3rd Reich was like. Horrid what pagan rulers can do irregardless of ancestors

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Not one person under 50 died of Covid. You know why? Because as former Pfizer CEO Dr. Mike Yeadon claims is that Covid was just the normal annual flu - nothing else, NOT a deadly infection. It was the Covid VACCINES that killed people.

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Look at the obituaries and the health insurance companies... they tell a totally different story..

The only young otherwise healthy people in Israel that died were the ones Pfizer injections killed ... Not the actual special flu...do you not see?... the contract between Israel and Pfizer(Diezer) was conditional .. and subject to non disclosure agreements... that means truth gets in the way of Pfizer’s agenda.

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Year after year in israel during flu season were heart wrenching deaths from flu on radio many times per week. Many were so sad as high pregnant women died from flu and they announced so sadly that these women got their flu shots in most cases. When suddenly no flu deaths announced prior to COVID onset I knew something afoot but didn't know what yet. Ventilators killed massively. There is even a private org that covers adverse reactions but shockingly no one ever mentions deaths from pokes. Also ambulances go silent for heart patients but suddenly go silent on most home visits and go to back and not front doors when possible. Hiding increased ambulances? In USA easier to hide deaths as more creamations with no cemetery burials so less to look at.

I kinda laugh at brain chips as the poke allows future 6g satellites to control the poked still alive brains when system turned on. A throwback to when bar codes were on about all products before usable as most smaller businesses had no readers yet. Many things are not instant but progress over time to end goal.

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That truly has to be the biggest load of hogwash I've ever read on every single level.

Totally contradictory, poorly written, all over the place nonsense, premised upon a foundation of lies, inaccuracies and misrepresentations.

If I were a judge listening to the respective presentations, I'd tell lawyers on both sides to "get the fuck out of my courtroom".

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Seems to be the same data slowing being released globally, but for the US, UK, France, Canada, NZ , Brussels, WEF, AMA, ABA and the UN/WHO.

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But no statistics for died suddenly in one of the most vaccinated populations.

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In other words, where are they and please somebody, let’s get them!

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As usual, they are classified top secret.

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I didn’t know and am shocked we put up with this. We must demand more, command more. In USA, WE are the boss. Although, slow at success here too. Not sure about Israel. I understand they were excellent record keepers however and were possibly a case study for one of the vax makers?

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In the USA the CIA is the boss because they know where they buried all the bodies.

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Playing dumb so it is difficult to win a lawsuit!

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Thanks Meryl for your zealousness. Perhaps you and Dr. Alexander would like to have a look at this article to verify the “effectiveness” of the roll out in that country and its devastating impacts on the not-so-growing population. The plan has worked for the overseers and the fallout is dramatic not just there but everywhere (as we enlightened ones are aware of). Yes, they do keep meticulous records over there as another commenter has stated below. Have a read of these unfortunate outcomes and weep.


BTW, not one member of our God fearing family have succumbed to the jab - my husband & I, six adult children & their spouses (except one spouse & it’s broken the marriage) and five grandchildren. Never again rings true here in this case, too. Vaccine damage occurred in one of our children many years ago and the difference in the heath of all? I agree with you, it’s like oil and water Meryl.

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direct excerpt fromthe Israel paper....."While the benefts of COVID-19 vaccination are clear, especially for populations at great risk of developing serious and potentially life-threatening illness15,21, it is important to better understand the potential risks to minimize potential harm".

To me, anyone...and I mean ANYone, who still even hints that the 'vaccine' is safe and effective is either mentally deficient to a woeful degree and/or hopelessly ignorant out of fear and/or lack of interest and/or they're basically political team-sport zealots, and, therefore, depraved. I tend to think that the latter is the most likely, followed by the first.

'Safe & effective' must be met aggressively with hardcore factual counterpoints....not violence or being unkind, but this BS must be quashed.....stay angry my friends....

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