Why do I keep feeling that I'm living in a dystopian novel?

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Because when you read Kafka in high school it was so overwhelming you believed that nothing like that could ever happen in real life?

That's how I feel.

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“They” know they are above reproach and the Law. Very simple. We need to face that head on.

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zero in on the BRUNSON supreme court case AND the college kid's family's wrongful death LAWSUIT AGAINST THE DOD...👍

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Moderna has made the decision to spend some where beyond a 100 Billion $$$ building RNA injections plants around the world! Why would they admit to anything that negates their decision!

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because they are about to be SUED INTO OBLIVION...

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Hope you are right! Theier defense: This was a war time activity activated by Darpa.

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I'm beginning to wonder now.... Something I was searching on today about off-lable uses is that apparently around 2015 drug companies started lobbying the FDA to be allowed to advertise for off-lable use! Compare that to the war on Ivermectin! But more specifically, there have been 3 court cases in the 2012 timeframe that ruled in favor of drug companies on the basis of protected commercial free speech! (with caveot of truthful and nonmisleading) Who knew! (2011 case of Sorrell v. IMS Health, 2012 United States v. Caronia, and 3 years later Amarin Pharma sued the FDA over its right to promote an unapproved indication for its prescription omega-3 fish oil product Vascepa). I think it's a fine line between simple promotional commucation, and actually promoting (not sure the right way to describe it). Example search "drug companies lobby for off-lable use" and also "drug companies off-lable communication", and skip over any .gov hits of course! So Dr McCullough's intro wording of "email notice of a product promotional program" could just be free speech by the courts?

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RFK jr is the man to tackle this one.

He's outlined his action plan to end the full scale capture of Departments of Health, Justice and the media and complete lack of impunity for pharma, and chemical/pesticide bioengineering.

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If so, that should be his full time job. He might be very good at it as a private attorney.

But he wouldn't have the time to campaign for or to be the President of the United States, if he dedicated himself to the role you outline. And he doesn't have the skill set to lead the nation with regard to the economy or foreign policy.

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And he’s a climate change activist.

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Minute 11:00 explains his position on the BS climate change


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regarding the last sentence of your post... what do you know about the Senator's "skill sets"?

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To your knowledge has he been involved in foreign policy at all? His position on climate will be very bad for the country. I really like him on medical issues.

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Junior is NOT a "Senator" as you claim. Apparently you know NOTHING about him if you think he is or has ever been a U.S. Senator.

Junior's ignorant "progressive" communist views are well-known because he has frequently expressed them. He has NO foreign policy experience. Most damning is his announcement of running for the Presidency in which he PRAISED China. (For those who aren't aware, he's a Democrat.)

And, importantly, as Leslie points out, he's a "climate change" activist. That shows he not very bright in areas outside his narrow expertise.

Thanks, Victoria, for asking in such a condescending manner. Until that, I had bit my tongue about the many ways RFK Junior is unfit for the Presidency.

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DR. PAUL ALEXANDER I JUST NOTICED SOMETHING WITH YOU . I went back and searched you page for RALPH BARIC !!! Never popped up ?? RALPH BARIC invented and patented SARS he was the one that did the gain of function that made SARS 98 times more deadlier . Wich is what everybody calls Covid. Ralph Baric made this in a lab. He made it attach to human airways. He made the vaccines. He tested it on humanized mice they died . The life expectancy of those mice compared to a human was two years. The only way anybody got infected with this Covid was to be injected with this Covid. That the only way people have Robert Malone DTRA AT FORT DETRICK MRNA NANOTECHNOLOGY AND RALPH BARIC S1 SPIKE PROTEIN in their body was to be injected. The FLU SHOT OF 2019 was the start of it all. That was the beginning When they INJECTED ELDERLY PEOPLE IN NURSING HOMES WITH THE COVID VIRUS FLU SHOT AT THE WASHINGTON STATE NURSING HOME WHERE PATIENTS DIED AND NURSES AND DOCTORS DID NOT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST CLUE !!! It was in the FLU SHOT VILE all over the country and sent all over EARTH !! They said no Flu for 3 years !!! They said no test at doctors office because it’s a virus they stopped giving antibiotics and z-packs go home 14 days later pneumonia ventilator Remdesivir dead !!! If the vaccine hasn’t killed you yet it might have something to do with not all 5G towers are not working at full capacity. I have rode around some are on and a lot are not on ?? I believe a lot of people died that weren’t vaccinated got pneumonia and RALPH BARIC INVENTED AND PATENTED REMDESIVIR KILLED THEM. THEY TORTURED AND MURDERED MY FATHER WITH REMDESIVIR AND A VENTILATOR IN NOVEMBER OF 2020. I AM LOOKING FOR A COURAGEOUS LAWYER TO GO AFTER RALPH BARIC I WANT HIM BAD !!!!!

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