THANK YOU for addressing this horrific incident. 'Covid vax death' was my first thought.

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Myself as well...

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What a mess we’re all in....

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*Note to self: don’t fly in a private plane with only one person on board who knows how to land the damn thing.

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I think this one actually might have been depressurisation and everyone on board died at the same time. No evidence of the passengers trying to call anyone or raise the alarm in any way.

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Yes, my first instinct was jab-induced medical crisis, but given that apparently the passengers were also incapacitated, cabin pressure failure followed by hypoxia in all is actually more likely.

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I still don't see why Malone should be to blame if his invention was abused by Fauci and Bourla.

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Yea yea yea, old Malone is just as pure as the driven snow....... he’s a lying, grifting bastard.

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I just don't see why you say that.

What exactly are you objecting to?

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A lot of skulduggery.

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Oh my goodness 😳🥺😣

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NRA on board, sounds like suicided.

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