Congrats Polina! Look forward to reading the book. Your concluding remarks remind me of another author, who recently made history and deserves a mega profile: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/novak-djokovic-servetowin-devotion

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Congratulations! Reading the book at my wife's B&N right now.

And I have the strangest urge to go sign other people's books . . .

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hahah that's amazing! I hope you're enjoying it, Randall!

(If I ever see some signed Mark Twain books, I'll assume it was you! 🤣)

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

Congratulations. I’m in the process of writing my book and some days are good and some days are so so. I appreciate you sharing this part of your journey as an author.

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Keep going Randy! Small steps lead to big things :)

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

Congrats Polina, it really is incredible!

Hope one day I can hit those heights

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What a beautiful reflection on an incredible moment. Major congrats, Polina!

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Thank you so much, Alex!!

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I'm not crying.

What a beautiful, touching moment. I felt your emotions reading this. And understood how BIG this moment is for you.

Enjoying watching your book journey up until now. All the best with the launch. Cannot wait to read it!! <3

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thank you so so much, Ayelen!!! You have been an integral part of this journey, and I can't thank you enough!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano


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Jun 16, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

So excited for you and for the world to read this!

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huge congratulations!!

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Thank you so much Kathryn!!!

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Your post resonates today especially because I had a call with my publisher about marketing and it was a tedious business call (I hate phone calls) but also one that my twenty something self would have been so excited to know I’d be having :)

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I love this so much. Thinking about your 20-year-old self is an amazing exercise I do OFTEN

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It really is so powerful!

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Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing...

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Thank you so much, Barry!

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I just ordered the book and I'll be diving into it the moment it gets delivered to my kindle next week. And yes, extraordinary moments are "simply ordinary moments laced with context". And yes, we have the power to make every moment extraordinary. I cannot wait to read the book! ♥

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Thank you SO much Lina!! It means a lot you liked it, and I hope you absolutely love the book!

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This is definitely my favourite article of the year.

That ghost feeling you describe is so profound. The confident humility in the post is amazing.

You describe your book as one of many in one context. In another context you talk about hard work and sweat - the hidden sacrifices to achieve something great.

That’s what I’ve taken away from reading the profile. Ambitious people doing simple things over and over until they achieve something extraordinary.

It’s a positive and fantastic way to look at people.

I’m sure the results will be amazing. I can’t wait to read the book!

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"Ambitious people doing simple things over and over until they achieve something extraordinary." --> What a beautiful way to put it. THANK YOU DANIEL. You really get what I'm trying to do, and I appreciate your endless support!

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This is a beautiful post, Polina. I am so happy for you, and the fact it happened in this way is even more special.

Following the process has been fun to watch. I am living vicariously through you!

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Thank you so much, Chris! I am eagerly awaiting YOUR book. Will be your first customer! 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Aw, thanks! I have to ask - did the guy who looked at the book buy it? And if he didn't, did you yell at him

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Sadly he didn't 😭 But I was still on Cloud 9 so I forgave him....

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

Eight more days for the book to ship can not wait

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

This was so humble and poignant for the rawness of your emotions. The post is going to stay in my head for sometime. Good Luck, Polina. Definitely the first of many bestsellers we will see under your name. 🤗

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😭Sonya! Thank you for your unbelievably kind comment...it really means the world to me that you took the time to read it and respond. Honestly, it’s such a cool moment seeing the book in the wild, but it’s even cooler to see just how amazing and wonderfully supportive people are 🥹🥰

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Polina Pompliano

This is a beautiful post, thank you for sharing Polina! Congrats to you!! and I cannot wait to get my copy SO SOON!!!!

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AWW thank YOU Jenna! You're the best. Can't wait to hear what you think once you read it!

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