I am specialised in breast cancer. Today I was at a meeting where we were told that the lifetime risk of having breast cancer has changed from 1 in 8 women to 1 in 7. I wonder why.

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climate change strikes again

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The NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and death are normalized standard expectations since the injection was rolled out.

All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles.

If in case someone hasn't caught on yet, humans are the disease they are trying to eradicate.

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Do you really think we will get those well controlled, well documented studies in the next year or next century? We are forced to examine what we have and the Cleveland Clinic has done its best to consider the various factors.

I quite agree that we need the studies, pity they were skipped over in early days. OTOH, this whole business has been quite dynamic, changing faster than studies can even be designed. Meanwhile we are fed MMWR and various peer-reviewed studies that make me wince at my statistics skills faced with errors so gross they cannot come from people claiming skill.

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You need look no farther than the Pfizer trial data itself to see how dead and damaging the vaccine is:

Caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during trial:


Over a thousand deaths and a million adverse events in the trial:



This is not complicated, and is the reason Pfizer tried to use the court system to hide this data for 55 years.

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Also in the news today....more young people MYSTERIOUSLY developing colon cancer.

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I guess their bodies are too busy manufacturing biological weapons which keep their immune systems too busy to protect them against normally easy obstacles.

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Bodies aren’t making bioweapons They are just flooded with poisons and toxins. Vaxxxines both poison and interfere with the body’s ability to clear toxins.

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yes, you could well be correct. They'd like us to believe that they are capable of modifying the functioning of the human body. I'd definitely like to believe that they can't. They are historically poisoners. It's what they're good at. Perhaps you have some information I haven't come across regarding the process in the body which results in what they call "spike proteins". Given the overall low reliability of the information that reaches my ears and eyes I should be skeptical that the "spike proteins" even exist, let alone that they are the result of anything intentional at a higher level than poisoning.

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Scientist Stefan Scoglio explains that all the adverse events are consistent with the known efects of the toxins within the covid injections and that there is no evidence the human body was generating any spike protein.

'“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”


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There are stain methods to identify the spike protein from the mRNA jabs or the virus and other stains that can identify the N-protein from the virus only. Autopsies on the deceased have shown massive spike damage in many organs with no n-protein present.

Another (ugly) theory shot down by experimental facts.

Scoglio quote, "But nobody is reading the damned scientific literature." (Go look in a mirror.)

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At the end of the day, it really does come down to basics; an assault of chemical poisons by injection, which is the most direct method. Bickering over the details is nothing more than a polarization of surface currents that swirl around and muddy the waters.....and distract people by sucking them into finger-pointing and arguing over what is right. To be perfectly honest, given the despicable history of human experimentation that the U.S. corporate war machine has fomented upon the population over the last hundred years (at least), the chemical poisons are very likely a seven course meal, with completely different dishes being served up to the population all at the same time. It does no good to argue back and forth over exactly what is in it, when its probably everything but the kitchen sink depending upon where you were at the time you were hit. What matters to the big picture is recognizing the perpetrators of the entire "event", their generals, their field sargeants....and their army of enforcers. The identities of these anti-life scum are what matters, and holding them accountable. If we expend all our energy fighting each other over who is right, the globalist parasites behind all the devastation are free to continue doing harm. They must be stopped at all costs.

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I have no idea it expertise to base an opinion on.

But I would love to hear an explanation of how the Jab Pushers made up a component that was supposed to be a beneficial element of innoculation, and then the researchers sounding the alarm against the Jab find the same component causing disease in specific organs where it is not supposed to travel?

The Jabbers making stuff up makes sense, the anti jab crusaders verifying it an pointing to it as a major cause of vax caused illness makes no sense at all.

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|Thanks for the link. I find that easy to believe. Once one accepts that one can be fooled it becomes easy to change one's mind. I hope that others can read that and follow the example. They are specialists in poisons and fairy tales. So it fits like a glove.

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Because women who were born with penises took years of hormones that gave them cancer?

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you're just trying to be funny, suggesting that some women are born with penises. They tried to make us believe that for Jamie Lee Curtis. I guess they caught Tony doing something he should be ashamed of and the sins of the father were transferred to the daughter.

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Bingo! Hey look at our. Profie names.. Seems we think alike!😊

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Great minds … 😁

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That's a real intersex condition. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them grow up to be trans.

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No I was being facetious … by women born with penises, I meant pure men who latee identify as women and “transition” by taking estrogen.

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Stage 0 breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive cancer where abnormal cells have been found in the lining of the breast milk duct. Some research finds that treatment of this cancer CAUSES later cancer.

Also there's research indicating that women w dense breasts ought to avoid mammograms w the pressure that can smash cancer cells causing dissemination. Thermography is ok instead.

The omega-6 fats found in "vegetable" oils (seed oils) is thought by many alternative med practitioners to be toxic; the animal fats that have been a part of our diet for millennia are thought to be better. I've not looked into the research for this, if any.

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Treatment? Surgery, radiation? Estrogen suppression medication?

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Please, do not promote thermography. It's really unscientific. I've been working as a breast radiologist for 30 years. The treatment of DCIS is surgery and radiotherapy. They do not promote any cancer.

Mammography is a very reliable diagnostic method. It give you radiation dose less than a longhaul flight.

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I respect your opinion, but there are many who disagree with you on almost all counts.

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Thank you. I very much doubt that there are many. All breast cancers diagnosed in our local area come through my clinic. We diagnosed roughly 300 cancers a year. I've been in this area for 7 years. For this period of time we had 2 patients who refused treatment. Both died. One patient had a thermography before coming to us. She had cancer. The thermography was negative.

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Regarding mammography, there does seem to be some controversy. Am

"Overdiagnosis is commonplace, representing 20% or more of all breast cancers among women invited to screening and 30-50% of screen-detected cancers. Overdiagnosis leads to overtreatment and inflicts considerable physical, psychological and economic harm on many women. Overdiagnosis has also exerted considerable disruptive effects on the interpretation of clinical outcomes expressed in percentages (instead of rates) or as overall survival (instead of mortality rates or stage-specific survival). Rates of radical mastectomies have not decreased following the introduction of screening and keep rising in some countries (e.g. the United States. . . ."

Mammography screening: A major issue in medicine


You may be right about thermography-- certainly nothing I've studied in depth.

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Yes, we have a problem with overdiagnosis. However there've been some improvements with this. We no longer operate on women with B3 lesions. We do vacuum assisted excision.

I am not going to talk about the thermography, as it's completely useless.

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Elena, I was referring to thermography as an imaging tool, not a treatment:

From a mainstream link:

"Disadvantages of thermography: The problem with the thermography test is that it is difficult to distinguish the cause of the increase in heat. The warm part of the breast may be a sign of breast cancer, but it may also indicate a non-cancerous condition such as mastitis

"Moreover, some websites claim thermography can find breast cancer years before it would be detected through other methods, and they have unproven claims about improved detection of cancer in dense breasts. The FDA is not aware of any evidence that supports these claims."

Unfortunately, we all know that there are many instances where the FDA & other mainstream medicine doesn't advocate for our health.

An example that comes to mind is that aldosterone treats tinnitus. FDA has no problem w US docs prescribing it & Canadian compounding pharmacies shipping the bio-identical hormone to the patient's residence. However, they forbid it to be compounded or manufactured in the US-- presumably because they're protecting

a prednisone-like drug made by Big Pharma as an alternative. (has the same down-side symptoms as prednisone)

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When I want an official opinion, I will refer to Dr. Falsie.

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radiation doesn't promote cancer?

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And they work... more cancer than ever before!

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Ye$. Merck/Moderna creating an endle$$ $upply of cu$tomers.

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try to apply that reasoning to the sterilizing effects of the fake "vaccines".

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I thought they had over 30++years ago!

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Maybe letting girls that identify as trans boys get their breasts removed isn't such a bad idea? Maybe they sense on a subconscious level that those flabby hunks of fat are cancer waiting to happen.

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I am sorry this comment does not deserve any consideration.

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Why not make it easier at least for adults to get full prophylactic boob removals? Even if they don't have the BRCA1 gene which is hardly the only cause of breast cancer? If they change their mind and want children later then they can put hubby on hormones or hire a wet nurse. I'd do it myself if I wasn't so scared to get surgery. I want smaller or no boobs anyway because of being non-binary. I'll probably just attempt to shrink them with herbal testosterone boosters and estrogen blockers.

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Does anyone else think this might be a narrative changer?

Regarding the Great Kennedy vs. Hotez Debate that won't happen ... If you are scared Dr. Hotez (and you are), say you're scared.


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Ask Rose Montoya.

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Do they owe us an apology? Absolutely. But we owe them and their victims justice. At a minimum, these vaccine happy people should lose their jobs, their licenses and every dime they made from the vaccine. All the money should be put in a fund to compensate the vaccine injured.

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It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. --Thomas Sowell

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Imagine if our “educators” were steeped in Sowell rather than Marxism.

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Even more so when those people make bucket loads of money on the back of those decisions being implemented.

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Sowell food...for thought.

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I couldn’t agree more but it will NEVER happen, the more time that goes by the more they will ignore the injured and hope we will too. My view on humanity is at an all time low. I will NEVER comply but man there are so many that do and will for the next Plandemic.

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I’m surprised at how many are FINALLY waking up. My bandmates were heavily in on the narrative. Guitarist is jab injured. Thought that injury was a “conspiracy theory”. Singer was really all in. Now she knows 4 people who just died suddenly. Now they are listening to what I have to say, paying close attention. My biggest adversary on Covid just admitted that he can’t defend anything anymore and it was all for naught. There is a glimmer of hope.

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maybe we need to attack the tires of every functionary whose business is to do something stupid like visiting a farmer to tell them that their ducks need to be killed because the functionary has been told by his bosses that those ducks have a pathogenic virus. There is of course no proof of the existence of any pathogenic virus anywhere in our "reality", but quit worrying about things like reality.

Then we need to spread the rumor that the whole "pathogenic virus" scam was invented by Michelin to sell tires.

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Unless the virus can jump from ducks to humans (a dubious assumption) why kill the ducks? The ducks that survive will develop immunity to the virus, which is usually the vast majority of them. It makes no sense to kill any ducks whatsoever.

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It makes sense if the goal is to decrease the food supply.

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Kertch, consider that it's perhaps worse than that. There are NO PATHOGENIC VIRUS beasts in reality. It's just a psy-op to use fear as a weapon and maintain the control of the same bastards who use fiat money as a weapon in spite of the real possibility that "good guys" could use fiat money to guide humanity toward better days.

We are agreed that it doesn't make sense to kill ducks other than to eat their lovely flesh.

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The idea that there are no pathogen viruses is an idea being pushed by the Intelligence "community" to drag us back into distraction and disunity. Please don't lend yourself to this ignorant dogmatism.

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and if you have the courage to admit your error, then you should look up the two pathogenic "virus" discovery Nobel prizes. The tobacco mosaic "virus" and the polio "virus.

Read about the experiments which were awarded nobel prizes.

Show me what the control was in each.

For me, my schooling told me that a "control" is not OPTIONAL in a scientific experiment.

I can't find a control in either.

Perhaps you can show me that.

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ok. I get it, I need to act like I agree with you when I firmly believe you to be wrong in the name of unity? That is a psychopathic characteristic you are demonstrating. You have ruled out debate, just want to use negative emotions to manipulate others. Until you grow up a little bit I don't particularly want to be unified with you because with your bad attitudes no success in any domain will be possible. Debate is necessary. When you'll have understood that, you'll be where you need to be.

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then show me your proof of the existence of pathogenic virus. How do you know that you don't have it backwards? My clue that you have it backwards is that you are going to be unable to show me any proof that this alleged non-life form exists.

Are you going to have an open mind about this once you're forced to admit that you have zero proof of the existence of pathogenic virus?

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The existence of pathogenic viruses is not the point. Let's say there ARE pathogenic viruses in reality. If so, the measures taken to "protect" us from these "duck viruses" makes no sense. There is no evidence that they can jump from ducks to humans. The genetic differences are excessively large. So killing ducks BEFORE they get the virus is like killing a population of humans BEFORE they get Covid in order to protect the rest of us humans. You know - destroy the village to save it. It's lunacy, at best.

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I was thinking that it was a different sort of lunacy. Reminiscent of "we had to kill the village to save the village" from "America" 's escapades in Vietnam. They are saying that they are killing the ducks to protect other ducks. But the point IS that there are no pathogenic virus particles. They are simply killing birds all over because they don't want people like duck farmers to be able to provide food to their neighbors in exchange for other things which don't need to be passed through the central offices of the Rothschild bank.

They won't be satisfied until they have a cut of everything and they have understood that they'll need to kill the vast majority of us to accomplish this and they won't hesitate for a minute.

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Look at the bright side of all of this and the reason I believe RFK Jr not only decided to run for POTUS but will also succeed. By next year they will not be able to bury the number of deaths (pun deliberately intended) caused by these lethal injections! KEEP referring to RFK Jr. as anti-vax because when all is said and done EVERYONE will be anti-vax! And, the extra added bonus is his staunch stance for SAFE vaccines and putting an end the captured pharmaceutical industry! This is exactly why they fear him!

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Some did it just because management told them to plus there was a $200 bonus that week. A sort of friend did that. poor guy.

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I saw his wife with her new girlfriend recently yech.

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Ya... but it protects from severe illness and death!!! hahahahahahaaha

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no. we need to bring about a system with no incentive to do such horrible things. Anything less, and we'll always be complaining and never be profiting from life.

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An apology????

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apology, fine talk... Are they on other side? NUREMBERG


I made a t shirt that says it!

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Absolutely and more. People are dead and permanantly disabled thanks to these moral monsters. Justice should not overlook that fact.

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No vaxed, or gene injected to be more accurate, and not getting one.

I told everyone to wait 10+ years and I was right. Pharmacist, retired after 38 wasted years.

I didn't retire because of no victories, I had plenty of them. I retired because I realized it was a con in 2017 and I didn't care to fight my way back from hip surgery to do it.

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You may appreciate this:

Safeway Pharmacist Resigns, Announces Over Intercom: I Will Not Give This Poison (Jab) to People! https://bitchute.com/video/lNXLfvP7EjeN

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I am so weary from being battered by the abusers of humanity who never even convinced me to "comply" (or else.) But they convinced far too many, including some of my loved ones. I lost my job in 2021 for refusing to wear a mask (refusing to live a lie and promote harm to people, especially to children). There was no way in hell I would ever be convinced to be their human lab rat & pervert my God-given immune system for those demons who spit on God Himself.

And they're not finished. But they will be when the Lord finishes them.

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At least you have had an opportunity in this PLANdemic to say NO.

Many human beings have been Lab Rats, as USA had Bioweapons being developed/trialled in 34 countries BEFORE the SPIKE was added to the mix.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

With regards to the "eight mice" in that absurd bivalent Pfizer study ...

You don't honestly believe a multi billion dollar company started with eight mice right?

Those were likely the only 8 that didn't spontaneously burst into flames. One needs to ask what happened to the other several hundred/thousand rodents?

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I am sure that they had a ton statistical research that shows that 8 mice was probably too large a sample...

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And don't even get Geert started on what is happening under the surface with continued boosting and immune escape variants.

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And even if the boosters are stopped immediately, it will be too late.

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It is too late.

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Geert writes almost exactly what I oppose.

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That's okay. There's lots of room for opinions.

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Aptly named subvariant (FU.1) more transmissible than XBB; FU.2 in the wings


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Evil really does have to tell you the truth. It's right in our faces. FU!

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Well that's pretty cheeky 🙄

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Clearly these vaccines are not all they're quacked up to be.

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An apology will not suffice. There’s a special place in hell for those people I hope.

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I believe that the afterlife is the only place where Justice will,be served. Mortals are pussies

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Yeah, that is why the people behind all this promote religion, for us not for them.

1- the religious will not fight back, since killing is a sin.

2- the religious believe that the perpetrators will be punished in the afterlife, so why go after them here and now.

They must be laughing themselves silly.

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Yes, Psychopaths' would be getting some weird satisfaction from this Manipulation and control of human beings.

Psychopaths' are DEAD emotionally.

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Catholic Church teaches Just war theory, right to self defense, death penalty is sanctioned.

I'm Catholic. I do hope civil wars start worldwide.

You are very wrong.

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I admit that organised religious groups can, and do, kill. As you point out, the Catholic/Protestant Churches as evidenced by Northern Ireland.

I was referring to individual Christians, esp. living in the US.

I certainly wonder, after all the right wing fervour over the 2nd Amendment; how it can be that after nearly 3 years of direct, murderous, attacks on the US Citizenry, it appears not a single shot has been fired in anger?!?

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You're last question, I am stupefied. I have wondered it, A lot.

I live in Tx, have not been directly affected.

If they tried some of this shit in tx, I believe there would have been war... And war spreads,. It's hard to be first. Not so hard to be 25th.

I have my red lines. And I'm not sharing. They keep pushing...

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#2 I accept no one as Christian but this:

Catholic, not in union with Francis.

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You're last paragraph.... Utterly brilliant question. I don't know. Except...

Catholics number 200k around the world. In central Tx, one mass a month. Our priest flies in from Ohio. 20-25 attendance.

He also hits Dallas, bordrr.

We have no pope, no Cardinals, no bishops that have "ordinary" jurisdiction.... Maybe 6bishops in US.

You find a Catholic (good luck on that). We're all praying for Great Catholic Monarch, A true pope.

You will then see bitter, bloody, unforgiving warfare. Cheers😎✌

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Read the History of hte JESUITS

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Finally, any Jesuit denied submission to the Pope or professed heresy , automatically lost membership in Catholic Church. Pope Saint Plus X valiantly fought a deluge of men pretending to be Catholic, pretending to be priests and bishops..

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There are holy Catholics, depraved Catholics, struggling Catholics.

This doesn't affect promises of Christ that Catholic Church is a sure guide to heaven

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After 1958, Catholics lost Vatican and almost all Catholics became non Catholics. So Francis, "Father" Martin can't be blamed on us.

Before1958, the Jesuits were a Catholic order. There were great Jesuits. There were bad Jesuits. I believe a pope suppressed them for a time. They are not the Catholic church.

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Indeed, there is that element of Christianity that seems to protect the powerful. **Forgive**

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I will forgive, after justice has been dispense, not before.

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I would only forgive after acknowledgment of wrong/harm. Some Christian people believe forgiveness is for their own health, but in this case, I know that it lets the powerful off the hook.

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WHere is the International Criminal Court in all of this man made mess?

I forgot, busy issuing a Warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin. because he ordered thousands of orphans to Russia so that they could be housed and fed.

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You are not using terminology in precise manner.

Nuremberg Code violations are punishable by death.

Catholic Church absolutely believes in death penalty

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They are on Planet Earth and JUSTICE needs to be SEEN to BE DONE - i.e. prison time or death sentence in THIS WORLD, NOW. to stop this INHUMANITY to Babies men and women and cattle.

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Considering that this was a study of "up to date" meaning multiply boosted vs "not up to date" meaning those who have never had a covid shot and those who have, but haven't been boosted, and those who have been boosted, but not for a while, I wonder how much more stark the numbers would have been if they had compared the never vaxed to the vaxed but not boosted and the "up to date".

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Now, now, that would be "science" and we can't have that.

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No. What I mean is that the supposedly unvaccinated group has been contaminated by adding people who have been vaccinated more than 3 months ago. so it isn't vaccinated vs unvaccinated vs boosted. It's recently boosted, vs less recently jabbed and unjabbed.

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I wonder if the numbers reflect the feature of the injections to nullify the immune system for 14 days to allow the mRNA to instruct the body to create spike over that time. It is my understanding this is the rationale for treating people as "unvaxxed" for 14 days post the shot. Hence the extra infection rate purported to arise?

Yes this is false logic, but it is the "claimed" logic of the injection, right?

Another "ponderable" - the elderly and infirm typically have almost no immune system left - it is a sign of age after all. What is the point in stimulating an immune response in people who don't have an immune system that can respond?

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One of the Canadian provinces released extraordinary images of the propensity for covid infection in the first 14 days after the vax. There was a huge spike in infection rates soon after the vax. I think the vax gives a short term hit against the immune system.

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The spike enters all organs and replicates

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That 14 day... I was stunned, and I had seen their fraud already. It wss bold deception

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The aged were a PR exercise (look after Granny first) knowing they have impaired Auto Immune Systems, and one could easily blame other aged illnesses on their deaths. AND give the message to the Public that a Jab was vital to hte individual and the community.

The 14 days covered those dying off in that period from the Jab. Remember Pfizer already knew this would happen.

The Auto Immune system would NOT NULLIFY, it would be fighting furiously at this attack by foreign bodies on it.

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Ralph Baric Said That "Gain Of Function"

Was "Poised" For Human Emergence. Seriously? Okay:

As I Stand, I Bend My Knees, And I Point To The Sky.

I Am "Poised" To Go To Mars .

-You Can Bet Your Ass I'll Get There Before Baric's

Gain Of Function Can Be Viably Sustained In Our Air.

There Is No Gain Of Function Pathogen In The Air.

That's The Hoax - And A Good One.

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This was a case of life mimicking art: a replay of Chimera / Bellerophon from the film Mission Impossible 2.

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Amazing poetry, Thomas!

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Sigh. This is all so tiring. We all knew this.

If you tell a jabbed person about this, they'll simply say "oh, but it keeps you from DYING from COVID."

A few days ago, I had a conversation with a jabbed friend in her early 60s. She knows of someone who died suddenly (early 50s I think) from a blood clot. Told her gently about shot/blood clot. She blew it off completely and said "oh, people have always died suddenly of blood clots and always will. It's nothing new."

Brain. Washed. Completely.

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It is too anxiety inducing that they made such a mistake, also challenges whole worldview.

It is actually better for her to live in fantasy land, the worry as to what she had done to herself would crush her will to live.

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The drug industry has the perfect scam. Make people sick with a vaccine so you can sell them more vaccines.

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Yep, that is why Bill Gates loves the vaccines so much.

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Why are they allowing these kinds of studies to come out now?

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The damage has been done and there are too many "bodies" to hide. Hence, the new narrative is "Yeah, lots of bad stuff happened but (insert whatever latest talking point has been distributed)". To be fair, the hoi polloi is very passive which difficult to comprehend.

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Very good question. It might be arrogance, having locked down enough of the various levers of power such that a few studies are not really a threat. Another hypothesis is that they achieved their original goal and no longer care about the vaccines per se.

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Waiting for Nuremberg 2.0. Waiting, waiting, waiting....

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All that is needed is one place to go medieval on the scum behind this scamdemic and I think that will get the ball rolling.

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I, for one, am not holding my breath.

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Egregious is too soft a word to describe our public health officials.

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