Sen. Johnson has really been the only member of Congress who has made all the Covid scams an issue. He keeps holding great panels of serious whistleblowers, which the press won't even cover. And as he says here, he sends letter after letter to public health officials and they keep blowing him off and refusing to answer his questions. He's not backing down or going wobbly. Thank God he was re-elected. We need about 75 more like him in the Sentate.

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Who stood up in 21? Who stood up in '22? Senators and representatives, if you haven't stood up alongside Senator Ron Johnson against this criminal nonsense when we're already half-way though 2023, you are gaming for trouble. The record may have been censored and shadow-banned, but it is there, and a bright light will shine upon it.

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Fortunately, as I often say, more elected officials have spoken out than we may realize, the censorship has been so extreme. To take but one example of many:

From the April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.

Posted April 29, 2022


HF2348 Press Conference 4-20-22 - Representative Eric Lucero

Published May 1, 2022


ERIC LUCERO: I have the privilege of serving as state representative for the Albertville, St. Michael, Otsego, Hanover, and Dayton area. I want to thank Patti,* Wayne,** and Vaccine Safety Council for all the work they've been doing for many years even pre-covid on the very important topics of informed consent and medical freedom.

I want to thank all the survivors who've come out today to share your stories, to come out of the shadows and to share with us your truths. It's also very important to recognize all of those who were not able to be with us today across Minnesota and across the country who have very similar, tragic stories.

Our objective as legislators should be to promote the truth, to promote transparency, to promote accountability and that's what we continue to push to do, regardless and despite the concerted efforts of the government-corporate media-big pharma medical complex to relegate our voices to the shadows. We will continue to fight for the truth and stand for your voices.

And I'm so thankful for Representative Gruenhagen*** for the legislators that are here and again, for those who are not able to be here today, the Minnesota legislators who are continuing to fight, again, for the constitutional republic reality that individual liberty is what each of us is empowered with to make our own medical decisions that are best for ourselves and our families, not for any government official or bureaucrat who thinks they know better than our individual choices.

So thank you again everybody and thank you for this very important [inaudible].


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Eric Lucero https://www.ericlucero.com/

*Patti Carrol is director of Vaccine Safety Council Minnesota


**Wayne Rohde is the author of The Vaccine Court


Rohde also spoke at this same press conference


***Minnesota Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen


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One more transcript -- this from a rally with Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano and state rep Judy Ward in 2021:

Live Medical Freedom Rally

Posted Nov 8, 2021, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania




SENATOR DOUG MASTRIANO: You'll notice the arguments on the other side are emotion based, they're not based in reason, logic, or fact. And they're inconsistent with their policies and things they say they stand for. So we stand for reason and your right to choose. This is America. I can't believe we're having this debate here, that your livelihood, your jobs, your family to put being put at risk because of a mandate from something that you have a 99% recovery for. It's not even reasonable. So it's my honor next to introduce my friend from the 30th senate district and a and a fighter and a champion of freedom, also a nurse, by the way, Senator Judy Ward.

[cheers, applause]


SENATOR JUDY WARD: Good morning everyone. As he said, I'm state senator Judy Ward. I represent Blair County, Fulton County, and parts of Huntington, Cumberland, and Franklin Counties. Today I join with all of you and my senate colleagues in making yet another stand against government overreach at the state and federal levels.

If historians write an accurate account of the pandemic in the years ahead they will record that personal choice was trampled continually by authoritarian leaders who valued their own executive powers more than the voice of the people. These mandates will cripple many industries, especially our healthcare workers and nursing home industries. Our country will be in crisis.

If your job is threatened by a vaccine mandate, I want you to know that I empathize with your situation. I have consistently advocated for personal choice in matters relating to mass and the vaccine and I will continue to do so. Personally, I agree with the majority of Pennsylvanians that the most effective way to preserve public health is to encourage decisions locally. Communities throughout our state and country are facing different covid 19 challenges and act as if all challenges are the same. That does everyone a disservice. Decisions that are made should be calculated and thoughtful instead of all encompassing.

I've heard from an overwhelming number of constituents that I represent on the desire to have medical freedom. That is why I stand with you today to be a voice against medical tyranny.

[cheers, applause]


We, we are not telling people not to get the vaccine, but we encourage people to make whatever choice makes them feel most comfortable and is the right fit for their situations. It's a personal decision that no one, and I mean no one, should be forced into for any reason, including keeping their job, or receiving basic workplace protections that are afforded to everyone else. We must take serious action to reaffirm that that everyone still has the basic human right of deciding what goes into their bodies. I will continue to fight with you and for you. Thank you.




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Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano's website is https://senatormastriano.com/2021/11/08/110921/

Pennsylvania State Senator Judy Ward's website is https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/Senate_bio.cfm?id=1683

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I just spoke with Mastrino. He talks a good talk. He agrees with me that hospital protocols were wrong, but he isn't interested in conducting an investigation into the serial murders that happened in the hospital. He cut me off and went to the next caller.

It is great he recognized the wrong doing, but until people get behind bars. I'm afraid it is all just talk.

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Thanks very much for your comment, Dorothy Ann, and thanks for standing for medical freedom-- and taking the trouble to call your state senator!

I wholly agree with you that there are many people who need to be held accountable before the law, and that this is an urgent matter. I don't know Doug Mastriano, nor his political context there in the senate in Pennsylvania, but I will say that I think it's important to recognize that individual elected officials are limited in what they can do because of the realities of party politics and the rules of legislative procedure. Again, I don't know his particular situation. But I do sincerely salute and appreciate what Senator Mastriano has done and is doing for medical freedom. All this is a long way of saying, I agree with you, but we each have to pick our battles, and do what we each can do best, and so I would be faster to express gratitude than any criticism in this case. And fortunately, there is some important litigation already underway about the hospital covid protocols and violation of patients rights. There is much that hinges on those outcomes in the judicial system.

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Do you remember when Trump said he was going after Hillary. Said during one of his debates that if he was President he would put her in jail. Then after he was President said he had no intentions of putting her in jail. I hear ya. Hope what ever litigation that goes on will amount to something in the end. I believe until people at the top go to jail this kind of thing will just keep happening. It is always a long shot that any will as a lot of our law enforcement, judicial system has been bought out.


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I thought that was a good point you made in our Q&A. There actually are a fair amount of politicians who have spoken out - or tired to. That's why your work as a "transcriber" and serial poster is so important. You are letting us know these people actually exist - They are just being ignored.

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Do you know of others who come close? Are there ten "almost Johnsons?" How would we measure that? Spitballing... ...because I'm looking for ways to expand a current denunciation I've made of academic/journalistic conservatives (linked in another comment here) to the ranks of national GOP reps. Ideas?

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Senator Ron Johnson has been superior to the actions of Dr. Rand Paul, who has been bringing medical reality to more committers of crimes against humanity in committee than any other member of Congress, in my limited experience as a non-owner of a television since 1987.

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This is so much bigger than us. With the recent changes in the Schumann Resonance (June 17th/18th), planets aligning, retrogrades happening, etc… The TRUTH rises to the top and there’s no one that can stop Divine timing.

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Don’t forget Reptilians and other races from the Galaxy fighting to take over earth. King Charles and the royal line, big Reptilians.

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Yes….thank you….

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Yes Senator Johnson has been a true hero. The hosts really look flummoxed. It's an OMG moment.

Thanks for posting. As the saying goes, "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."

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The hosts are struggling to figure out how to react (or not react) in a manner that won’t get them fired. They’ll do anything to keep their high paying phony baloney jobs.

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The man has his faults, one of which he's all in with Ukraine and I ask what's in it for him, BUT he did great with the truth bomb here.

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If he doesn’t appease the war hawks they’ll crush his vaccine criticisms. Welcome to high level politics.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

He knows about the nanos and hydrogel in the bioweapon vaccines, but failed to offer anything. So...he can keep his mouth shut on some stuff. Did good in this interview.

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The general public is not ready to believe that stuff. You can barely get the vaccinated to believe they made a bad decision by believing in an injection that never worked as advertised and “might” have detrimental health effects. Talk of radiation, 5G, nanobots and assembling particle bio weapons will get you written off as a loon. The Senator is right to keep it simple.

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So we are to blame him for not taking about nano and hydrogels when he is gaslighted for saying things far less shocking? Scientists need to come forward and talk first about the under the radar technology. We need another Malone who is intimately involved in that work.

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Malone is controlled opposition trying to crush truth tellers with slap defamation lawsuits.

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He’s stating exactly what needs to be repeated over and over and over. He’s keeping it simple. The vaccines DID NOT WORK. They COVERED IT UP. As a result some people were NEEDLESSLY DAMAGED. All must be held ACCOUNTABLE. 💥 Bam!

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What a watered down ridiculous account of the evidence!!!!! These shots were engineered to MAIM and KILL. Needlessly damaged????? That is his explanation? I think this guy is also controlled opposition to string things out for years while the victims suffer and die. The fact that he is a war monger fits, doesn't it? He likes killing for money. He is ONE OF THEM.

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Ukraine is the most corrupt nation on the planet according to the IMF and god knows they are corrupt as for being a democracy what a joke they have been manipulated by the military industrial hawks, Faucis bio weapons labs and have at least two presidents installed by the CIA and Obama et al. All because Russia wouldn’t join NATO in 1991. Ukrainian people are just fodder to weaken Russia for the new world order. Like the pandemic all “ democratic” western countries are singing from the same hymn sheet.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

He's somewhat on the weak side in some areas; here he did fine but often plays the fool and talks when he must shut up. We have to keep him for now.

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That’s bad. I’m sorry to hear that.

Because I have really like him for the conferences he has on with great doctors on Covid and shots. I watched them in full as he posted them in Rumble.

I assumed he was great on all topics. Ugh!!!

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No disrespect but I think you are being too hard on those three. They are with us even though they still work at Fox. Between the 3 of the weekend hosts they have ALOT of kids to feed. She is not vaccinated and I believe the two guys regret it if they are. I’m not defending Fox however. I left when Tucker left. Just saying there are a few good ones left.

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F&F on the weekends and Tucker were the only two shows I watched weekly before they dismissed Tucker. When Tucker was axed, I cancelled Fox Nation, and have never watched another show or read a Fox News article without regret. Completely agree with your assessment of Will Cain, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and Pete Hegseth. My understanding from reading between the lines when I did watch the weekend edition, was that Pete and Rachel (and likely their spouses and children) did not get the shots. I believe that Will did, but of course, that is my speculation from watching them cover the topic over the months prior to the airing of this episode's segment with Senator Johnson. TBH, as soon as they nixed Tucker, I thought Rachel, Pete, and Judge Janine would be gone in months as they are too forthright and not seemingly PC enough for Fox News. One last thought, this F&F episode must have aired prior to April 20, 2023 as Dan Bongino appears in the lower right corner as a "guest coming up" on their show and he was nixed about five or six days prior to Tucker.

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Good eye about Bongino. Something fishy with that too. Glad to meet someone else who feels the same way about Will, Rachel, and Pete. They are between a rock and a hard place with Fox and contracts and providing for families. I hope they get out sooner or later. As for the weekday Fox &Friends, good riddance to them.

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I hate to say the obvious, but Tucker is also controlled opposition. Do some research and you will find out. ALL OF THEM are paid to do whatever their overlords tell them to do. Do not trust anyone until you have done thorough research, and still do not totally trust anyone.

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That was great. Guess the vaxxed don't question the fact most politicians did not take it...or how we have to be told they didn't work, or how saying it was poorly managed is missing the mark...but hey, we'll take it!

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NO critical thinking skills in these people. Totally brainwashed. It was obvious from the very beginning that this was a scam.

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Ah, I wish I had seen this before I published this massive analysis of conservative "adjunct suppression" of the vax-harm stories and discussions. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/adjunct-suppressors The title is "Adjunct Suppressors: The Claremont Institute Editors Have Helped Squelch the Covid-19 Vax-Harm Story." I'm trying to stir up some fuss among my fellow academic conservatives.

Loved your recent appearance on Jane Ruby, BTW!

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Thank you Dr. Paul. Always.

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Thank you for posting this.

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The bell tolls for Senator Johnson...he had to be persuaded to run again!

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If he is an honest and decent person who stands up for the truth we will find out. He will be assassinated.

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Senator Ron Johnson is one of my heroes.

Relatedly-- from 2022:

US Senator Ron Johnson



"Bottom line: the COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission. So why does the Biden admin force our men and women in uniform to take it? Before moving forward on NDAA, the Senate should vote on ending the insane COVID-19 military vaccine mandate."

9:55 PM, November 30, 2022


SENATOR RON JOHNSON: The bottom line here is the vaccine does not prevent infection, does not prevent transmission. So why would we make anybody take it? It is insane.

These are self-inflicted wounds, whether we're talking about the military, within our health systems, you know any parts of our economy where you force people to take a vaccine that doesn't prevent infection or transmission. Again, it's an insane policy.

The numbers I have, about 8,000 members of the military have been dismissed, about 17,000 are awaiting some termination on their religious exemption. So it's a serious business.

But I'm here, again, I'm speaking for myself, but I'm going to speak on behalf of those that are reluctant to take it. They're not crazy. Again, they now know, we now know, that it doesn't prevent transmission at all. It doesn't prevent infection. And the fact of the matter is, there are safety signals that anybody who's looking at CDC and NIH and FDA data might have cause for concern about. Now part of our problem here is that the FDA, the CDC, the NIH have not been honest. They have not been transparent.



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Ron Johnson, like everyone else in Washington D.C., is a TALKER --- blah, blah, blah followed by crickets - nothing ever gets done. He puts on a good show with lots of hype and promise after which we are left dangling, watching as the criminality continues unopposed. Johnson is no "hero" - he's a distraction.

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And just another controlled opposition figure. He even admonished people for taking the vaccine vials to labs to be analyzed. Said it was ILLEGAL. Told them they would face consequences. Doesn't sound like a truth warrior to me.

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Love him and have been following his work about Covid and the "vaccine" lies for a few years. He's right. But Birks was really running things, not Fauci. He was more the public figurehead. I just watched an interview with Dr. Scott Atlas, who was advising President Trump on Covid until he left due to public pressure (because he was telling the truth). He said Birks was the one leading all the efforts. She wrote the Covid protocol and visited with all the governors about it.

He said Fauci, Birks and Redfield were all aligned and had the narrative in place from the start. Lockdowns, masks, vaccine the only answer. He presented data showing this was not working and actually killing people, but they wouldn't listen and didn't care.

The task force was led by Mike Pence, who went along with everything they said. Dr. Atlas said it was the most frustrating and shocking thing he's experienced. He called them bureaucrats and "low level thinkers" who arrived at an agenda with no facts to support it. They also had a pact if any were fired, the other two would resign.

If anyone wants to watch the whole interview, ping me and I'll post it.

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The US Department of Defense was the entity running this entire democide. All the players were just puppets doing as they were told.

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