Jul 1, 2023Liked by Claudia Brick

Congrats! As a physician in the US, I can relate to the intense pressure and stress of preparing for board exams, and the relief when it’s over (and even more relief when the results come back favorably!). I’m not familiar with the Australian system; is this a general physician board certification exam? Or specifically for your own specialty/subspecialty?

This cake seems like exactly a perfect procrastibaking project - easy to whip up and very high yield deliciousness!

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Hello! Thank you so much - and yes have found out that I passed which is a massive relief! I was for general physician exams, so I can now apply for subspecialty training in the next couple of months. Working in the US sounds very different from Australia - are you in hospital medicine?

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Congrats x 2! And best wishes on your applications! Yeah the US has a very complicated and heterogeneous health system. I work in a large academic medical center, so yeah, in a big hospital. But my specialty is pathology - I look at patient cases under the microscope and make diagnoses, I don’t take care of patients in person.

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