It's sad, but not unexpected, that we need to find factual news about these experimental gene therapy shots in foreign countries. We get little besides gaslighting from our accredited "experts".

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Yes, I want to know what vaccines Xi used. I suspect far more powerful nasty than the bioweapon mRNA bots our Pharma created.

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Could be. Someone should do a comparative study of the ingredients in the various versions used in different countries. I have a good friend in Indonesia whose health has suffered due to frequent relatively minor infections, coughs, vertigo, and loss of voice. Don't know which version she got, but even she admits her general health is worse. My question is, "Who turned this loose on the world?"

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Perhaps the nature that God created is an anti-vaxxer, or at least an anti-mRNA-vaxxer.

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Entire pharma vaccine industry is a scam, with slight possible exception for some with congenital predisposition to attract bugs. I'll link this, but read Humphries' book, Disillusions. She came out with the history of vaccines with the history of cities cleaning up their own mess. Humphries sure saved me time from constantly going back into the net to point out names and problems. Main problem with the net, I've noticed early on, is that more and more vaccine history is being deleted or search-suppressed. Here's the book:


check for used; this book should be kept in home library for reference, but some people haven't reached the point of reading the same book more than once. I do, as learned long ago that memory fades. ;)

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"To be evenminded is the greatest virtue. Wisdom is to speak the truth and act in keeping with its nature."

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South Korea; first thought was N. Korea only because I wanted to see what vax was used. This was still interesting as I noticed by observation early on that the guy were possibly targeted by Pharma trans-bot-heads. And at least the elderly grandmothers are getting somewhat of a break. What was really disturbing that one 12 year old child, probably a boy, passed from apparent hydrogel bot-clot.

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