Jul 11, 2023Liked by John Little

I don't own a modern phone as I prefer not to as long as I can. However, I also do not enjoy or understand the KJV so I prefer to use the ESV which I do understand & find it good, plus I have a cousin who has an MA in theology so any queries I have on the translation I pass onto him to check out as I know that as he loves the Hebrew & Greek texts it gives him a good excuse to indulge himself in extra study & boosts his male ego to explain it to me. Also I just put an asterix at the end of the day's reading so that each year I just follow automatically. In Proverbs I ended up just underlining the daily reading with a green pen as it seemed easier to do long term. I have altered some readings as they were cutting off in the middle of a passage which was nuts. I hope it works out though!!!

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Thank you Louise!

I chose the KJV for my first app, because there are many who like it, and I tend to as well. Oh, and it's free.

Unfortunately, all translations have mistakes, and the most maddening are the ones that appear intentional. For instance the ESV translates Genesis 3:16 in a way that is completely opposite to what the original Hebrew says. In fact, the error is so bad, that it's hard to believe that it wasn't intentional.

Again, all translations have errors, so it's good that you always check the original Greek and Hebrew. Well done.

Keep up the good work Louise!

Yours in Christ,

John Little

Revelation Six

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I listened to Genesis with a Jewish Christian Hebrew Scholar & made copious notes & yes 3:16 was one of those that I crossed out words & made comments to.

Just the other week I was listening to a Jewish person & they stated that the Hebrew in Exodus 20: 7 is incorrect in the English versions that the Hebrew says; "Do not 'carry' God's Name in vane". In other words he explained that it means: People who do the opposite of what God wants but they do it in God's Name. People who do evil in God's Name. That it is the only group that God won't forgive. His example is that God will forgive a person who murders another person but He will never forgive a person who murders in the Name of God. This bought to my mind all those down through the year's that murdered thousands of Christians in the Name of God. Yet, we have Saul/Paul who did exactly that but God forgave him so I am not hanging my hat on that statement of this gentleman's. Mind you, he was not a believer just a Jewish person who reads the Torah.

So if you have an opinion on this from a Christian perspective, just let me know!! Blessings Louise

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Okay, he's right that the word תִשָּׂא does indicate 'carry' or 'bear'. For instance when you bear the shame of something, the same word is used. The word for vain in that verse is shav (שָּׁוְא) empty or devastation. It is also a cognate of the Hebrew word for the Holocaust - Shoah (שואה).

So, in a real sense, God is telling us to not bear His name to devastation, or don't put His name to empty use.

Just be very careful about listening to those who are steeped in Talmudic learning. They might have good intentions, but they are easily led astray by the rabbis.

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Oh don't worry, that was one thing I noted about him was that he is not sure that there is a God yet he seems to read the Talmud & love the teachers but I got the feeling that he doesn't read the Tanakh, just the Torah. So I hope that the Holy Spirit is able to give him a kick in the pants before it is too late as he is a nice guy, just blindsided by Tradition!! As our fiddler on the roof explained!! But then so is a lot of the church stuck on the traditions of the early church fathers which is also leading many away from the truth.

I hadn't realized just how much tradition was in the Church until recently when reading a book by a fellow Christian brother, he was pointing it all out from their actual words & I was dumbstruck, especially about those who quote Augustine so much like the late Dr Sproul. Of course no one talked about Marcion & I only found out about him from Dr Doug Hamp & so I watched the video he had & realized that I was bought up in a Marcion church. So much baggage to get rid off. Still better late than never as they say but it was a shock nonetheless but the Lord had already been doing a cleaning campaign on me since I started to read the Tanakh in 2017 thanks to you, so a lot of my beliefs had already been addressed in the last 6 years which is a relief.

On a totally different subject, the sun has been very active this year until last month & suddenly we have had days of very low quakes & not many of them. I started noting them down a year ago out of curiosity & having upto 10 M5 quakes a day wasn't all that unusual but come June & suddenly having 10 M4.5+ quakes a day seemed the new norm, so the sun is giving us a reprieve for the moment. Now we have the US trying to deflect the sun which is crazy but also dangerous I think. John Haller was saying this week that they are supposed to be having hotter than usual weather or that is what is being reported & yet we south of the equator are having cooler than normal weather this winter. Personally I believe it is the type of measuring they use these days & parking the box in the sun in the middle of concrete isn't exactly going to give you a good measurement. Are they stupid or do they think we are ?? I have noticed our local one is now parked in the sun with the box stuck in a slab of cement!! Give me a break... It is supposed to be in the shade of a gum tree & on top of that they aren't even using mercury anymore!! Well I didn't come down in the last shower of rain, that's for sure!! p.s. I am, also expecting bush fires next summer so that they can burn us off again to suit their agenda!! At least it will get rid of the plague of wild boars we are having at the moment. A year ago it was mice... What comes next? Flies... Blessings

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by John Little

I have an iPhone which probably isn't compatible??



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Sorry, no. But, an IOS version might be out after I get more versions out. We'll see. - JL

PS. But thank you so much for wanting to help. That's awesome!

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Unfortunately, I don't have any Android devices, I'm hooked on IOS. I'd love to be a beta tester for the IOS version when it comes out.

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Thank you, Thomas! I really appreciate that. When I'm able to translate the code into something that IOS can use, I will let you know. - JL

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