I don't have strong opinions about RFK Jr. either, but anyone that sends the MSM and spooks into a such a frenzy piques my interest,

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RFK, Jr. is saying incredible important truths in opposition to corporate power, regulatory capture, war, US Empire and the CIA.

He's not only being smeared by the media - the so called "progressives" and 'left" are not only smearing him too, they ignore all the above truths and exaggerate his very bad statements and positions on Israel - Palestine and immigration.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Bill - Bernie Sanders said a lot of incredible important truths as well. I guess I'm just not buying it the second time around. The giveaway: RFK is running as a democrat in what is obviously a very corrupted, corporatized political party - and I'm done looking the other way about this important fact, like he and so many others want us to - look the other way, and accept the corruption. Accept the "lesser of two evils" - be practical, vote for someone running in a corrupt party. No thanks.

Cornel West is not running as a democrat. That is enough for me.

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The day Cornel declared as Green, I donated and agreed to work on ballet access. Of course IF Cornel states I will support Biden , I would be done that second. When I would door knock for Bernie in the Republican't area I live in, I was shocked at how easy it was to get people to listen and sign, no yard signs though ha.

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You need to stop thinking about this in such narrow electoral terms. Kennedy (and West) are building movements! They are attacking corporate power and undermining the institutions and practices that allow corporate power to rule. That is critically important educational and organizational work!!!!

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

You need to stop pretending someone running in a corrupt political party is ok. It isn't. Sorry, I'm not falling for the same baloney again. Been there, done that.

Look Bill, maybe RFK Jr. is a nice guy - and he's as honest as George Washington. That being said, he picked the wrong party to run in. I'm done with the democratic party. I'm done with going along with the party's corruption. Sorry if that sounds "narrow" to you. Bernie Sanders often started his speeches with "Are you ready for a revolution!" And my answer then was yes. And my answer today is, yes I still am - but not in the corrupt, democratic party. End of story.

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and Bernie did no come close to denouncing the powers that RFK has - and with specifics. Not even close.

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Denounce them??? He took bribes to step back and allow Hitlery.

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RFK has some issues but he's far ahead of anyone else except for Trump. And please keep your TDS comments to yourself. RFK needs to leave the Democrats. They will do to him what they did to sanders, they're already starting. I wish he'd run w Trump as VP. They would blow it out of the water. Who even reads NYT anymore? They are now admitting that child trafficking and child sex abuse is ok and trying to prevent ppl from seeing Sound of Freedom' sick, sick, sick. Please boycott them.

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No one ever RUNS for VP.

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there is way more than elections and party police involved! There is EDUCATION, ORGANIZATION, MOVEMENT BUILDING, and MOBILIZATION.

Kennedy is doing all of this from a LEFT perspective. Why do you think he is being so aggressively attacked?

Notice that they IGNORE Cornel West. They know he poses no threat.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Yo Bill - it's clear you're all in for RFK Jr. That's great. Maybe he'll turn a new corner and be this champion you think he is or can become.

I'm simply not convinced, as Ron Placone voices so well in his analysis of the dude. Be well. We can agree to disagree.

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CW 👎🤮👎🤮👎


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I am way past "The Dems are corrupt and irredeemable". I oppose working within the Democratic Party. How do you think movements are built? How do you think power is delegitimized? Kennedy is doing this essential work, and it is FROM THE LEFT!

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Then he should have the courage of his convictions, and do what Cornel West did. But he didn't and hasn't

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Cornel West is a vehement racist communist. 👎👎👎👎 Now Allen West is another story. He's too smart to run tho.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Lots of VERY hip blog, journalist & left types will latch on to whomever can get by DNC's old tricks, speak EQUALLY well to a number of duopoly drop-out precariate voters about what WE need, what OUR requirements are & is actually AWARE of our lethal predicament. It won't be televised, but it's about time we ALL turn our TVs off! If he's willing to risk, what DNC™ LLC's clients are VERY likely to pull. He's got this old hillbilly's vote!

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Not convinced that is what it's about, but that's the narrative he will likely push.

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Agreed. Also what concerns me about RFK is that I had literally never heard of the guy until a few months ago. Suddenly he's either a darling for some or controversial outsider. But you nailed it, running as a Democrat is the kiss of death. Since I can't vote Commie or Socialist, the closest thing to represent my interests will indeed be Cornell West. I wonder if he could get Matthew Hoh with him on the Green ticket.

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If you hadn’t heard about RFK Jr then we’re you covering your eyes with a face mask? Most people who don’t know of him or are hypercritical are typically branch covidian members. While the covidian crowd was in ritualistic prayer or sacrificing the people they had moments earlier claimed to care for, rfk Jr was doing things like defending union members whose corrupt leadership conspired with their business counterparts to turn the screws on members who wouldn’t submit to forced medical experimentation. He also documented a record amount of evidence against Pfauci and other health fascists and their corrupt counterparts in lab coats.

Many of the people who’d simply become consumed by the militaristic propaganda campaign find it impossible to grasp what RFK Jr is doing in the dem party other than projecting the Bernie induced emotional damage onto him as if they are both Bernie. The thing is, RFK Jr ran as a Dem to try and reach the deeply propagandized public, the people like Cornell West who were oblivious to the tyrannical power grab still on going. Almost 2 years ago I had begun advocating for RFK Jr to run for president and do so as a dem - the only person in the world I can imagine attempting such a thing and that’s because he’s uniquely positioned to coax some people away from the cliff. The censorship and intentional psychological manipulation was mind blowing for everyone but it was absolutely consuming the left. This campaign of fear, hate and lies worked wonders, any glimpse of alternative information was quickly censored and smeared. The few high profile left dissident scientists and doctors who managed to find a way through the censorship and propaganda were never acknowledged to being left and in such a highly politicized and divided moment, that kept many Democrats feeling totally alone and questioning their sanity.

RFK Jr has done a great job guiding people out of that mental trap which is why he has such fierce support. At a moment when it was difficult to softly ask questions in left groups when the reaction was receiving the most unhinged attacks, widely labeled a “murderer”, at that moment RFK Jr was leading the charge against all of the Pfascism and propaganda and fraud, but not only that, he attacked the figured who’d most benefited from the propaganda-and from Trump’s incompetence. He experienced a fire hose of attacks with the entire Democratic Party calling him a murder for over a year and he never backed down, even as his family would join msm programs to join in calling him a murderer, he wouldn’t cave.

That’s why him kicking off as a dem isn’t important, he’s shown more courage and integrity in the face of what at times felt like no hope. I’ve never seen anything like it. Sure, people are concerned over the dem leadership cheating but those same people never bring up the unprecedented extent that the FBI and national security agencies and their counterparts in mainstream media, and the mass general election interference they all participated in.

Given the stacked deck, what I think matters most, and yes I could be wrong, but what matters most is to have someone genuinely interested in uniting the country while also being a fighter whose shown courage and integrity when it actually mattered, when most other people cowered in fear - or worse. And just a side note on what would/will happen when the dem leaders attempt to steal the election from someone with support so ideologically broad it makes Bernie’s previous “movements” look like standard Democratic Party elections. Just imagine what that might look like.

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Matthew Hoh had ventured into what I now see as testing the waters of tolerance while running and afterwards he could be seen making fun of the “antivaxxers” ffs. It would be one thing if it were mere policy disagreements to make fun of, then he’d simply be an ass. Him reverting to the tactics of the sycophantic establishment drug pushers shows a lack of character and an inability to see even the most damning evidence. Everyone else wakes up in the other direction but Hoh seems hell bent on embodying his namesake.

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If you’re incapable of thinking past the scars Bernie gave you when he whipped out his cowardess and stabbed us all in the back then surely you must fear West caving to the pressure once everyone begins attacking him for getting Trump elected. RFK on the other hand has shown more of a fight than anyone has ever put up inside and outside the Dems party, including Republicans. To me RFK is running for reelection after leading us out of the totalitarian hellscape the Pfascist were constructing. Over a year ago I was voicing my opinion that RFK needs to run AND do so as a Democrat. Not because of some two party illusion or the thought of a fair primary but because he is uniquely positioned to evacuate many of our friends and family who were caught up in the very real and very terrifying psychological warfare and the censorship it’s been partnered with.

I found it pretty shocking how many people wanted him to denounce the party and exile all of the victims suffering from PTSD after Pfauci’s covid nightmare. It was worse though because they wanted him to come out and admit to running in the party in bad faith which would only further isolate those people. And they went one step further still in demanding he threaten to run 3rd party *when* the dem establishment hacks cheated him. I guess it escaped everyone that his making that claim would be akin to admitting defeat, owning that he wouldn’t get the nomination. That’s not to say he won’t be cheated, it’s safe to assume he’ll receive far worse that the war monger Sanders ever dreamed but him making that claim is to associate with being a loser.

Speaking to that cheating, the people hyper focused on the dem establishment shit-fuckery seem completely oblivious to that which our astute author has so kindly outlined in her article above. It’s not only the general which they’ve slid out of view though, how about the Green Party? Last I remember they were near universally behind Pfizer’s election as President, all except the black caucus. I don’t know what gives everyone the confidence to ignore what could go down there.

I’m not sure what the best strategy is at this point, especially considering the blind resistance of the people who’ve not yet recovered from Bernie’s treachery. When I was saying RFK run as a Dem I assumed they’d have recognized the fight he’s been putting up the last 3 years and enthusiastically support him in following through with the threat we’d all previously projected onto Bernie. On the bright side, I never guessed his support amongst the right would be so steadfast either. Sure, I knew he had built bridges for three years putting his character and integrity on display while the Dems, and everyone else feverishly screamed at him, calling him a murder but it’s just incredible to go into even the farthest right chats and see countless literal anarchists openly announce registering as a dem for the primary. That’s pretty incredible but also emphasizes the disappointment I feel for my fellow ex Bernie Bros.

No matter what strategy gets rolled out I see RFK’s candidacy terrifying party leadership and it’s making all of them go overboard, Streisand effect. I can see a scenario where the support is far too great for them to dare fuck him over and even if they did, citing their ability to pick who they want or by trying to pretend they’re above board while acting fraudulently, if they were to go through with it then we very well could watch the explosion of the dem party. While I don’t know what the best strategy is, I’m quite confident that RFK Jr has a far better chance forcing change from inside the party than Cornel West has from outside it - especially while Hedges is beside him talking about RFK Jr as if Chris was a new host on CNN.

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RFK Jr. Says The Free Market Will Solve Climate Change | Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast

Secular Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6cIsWGYPLI

Think about that, what RFK Jr. just said. The "Free Market" will solve climate change.

No thanks.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

RFK, Jr. did say that if Joe Biden wins the nomination, he will not endorse him. Do you think he would at that point run as a third party candidate and if he does would you vote for him even if it means the Republican nominee could win the general election?

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Maybe. I'm just not convinced at this point that he's not just another, wealthy (with a dynasty) political opportunist. For me, RFK running as a Democrat was a hurdle I could no longer ignore (I ignored it with Bernie Sanders). If RFK Jr. left the corrupted (corporate) party and ran as an Independent, I would probably listen more to what he is promising at that point - see if he continues to be mealy-mouthed about Universal Health care or the Palestinian problem. Or continues to say he has good friends in the CIA etc.

I don't hate the guy, or the Kennedy's. I've admired the legacy of Bobby Kennedy and John Kennedy quite a bit. And Suares & Beck's book on Jackie Kennedy "Uncommon Grace" I have sitting on my bookshelves a few feet away.

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Sanders is a lazy, phony, twisted pervert communist who wouldn't know the truth if him hit him in the head. 🤮🤮🤮

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

"Communist" ... is this some kind of time warp back to the 1950s? Should I be scared? Where are the UFOs!! Help!

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Call me anything you like if it empowers working people : ) I'm with you, bring it.

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Haven't you heard? The UAPs (aka UFOs) are here! DISCLOSURE IS COMING! You should listen to coast to coast am. George Noory would never lie. I just wish they knew if ET was here to save us or eat us.

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Fascist, socialist...a rose by any other name...

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A blockhead by any other name ...

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What, it's just a Protestant cult of the same kind that sprung up across America in a freer time.

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Sanders is at his most radical a mild Social Democrat.

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Well, I don't expect to agree with anyone all the time.

I don't even agree with myself all the time.

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Yeah, that too keeps me hesitating every single time before hitting that "Post" button.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

I often have to worry about unnecessary invectives I want to post. I find it rarely adds anything to whatever random comment I want to make at the moment. A comment, that for some reason - gives my life meaning in an otherwise perhaps vacuous reality I have found myself in. But I did take a walk along the river today. Nice day.

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One thing I like about Caitlin's forum is it doesn't seem to ever get out of hand so she'd be forced to take some action, possibly. It gets hot sometimes, but not excessively so.

Personally, I don't mind emotions flying now and again. Just proves humans are communicating. Or trying to.

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And felines.

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All that happens, feeding trolls or encouraging sock-puppetry is thread-hijacking; invariably by the one prick Tony, who's agenda could've been summed-up in a single, brainwashed, drooling spew (saving us all the cherry-picked, strawmanned, red-herring obfuscatory pleonasm, instead of our discussion of how DNC's going to throw yet another ellection, to distract us from forever-wars, authoritarian plutocracy & our second million excess deaths?

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Yeah! Something like that! Sigh.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

I find myself in the same boat with RFK Jr. To me, he's a Bernie Sanders part 2. But that's not what free speech is all about: it's about an American not being censored by their own government - or in this case, the government outsourcing the censorship to big tech media. It doesn't matter who is speaking, they have the right to be heard. Or what's the point of calling yourself an American?

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I lived in Vermont almost 30 yrs. I don't dislike RFK but pleeeese don't disparage him by comparing him to that creep.

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Sorry. Was just trying to give an example.

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You must admit that the man must have some courage to be in the public gaze so often after that happened to his uncle and his father.

Like Feral, my opinion on RFK is not strong based on what I have seen already but Caitlin's research of today, shows that the media hounds have him down as a project to squash. That's plain to see.

To me, closing US bases around the globe would make me vote for such a man as we are unlikely to ever hear this election promise come from any other living person in the running for Biden's current rental-free home in Washington. As well, his obvious lack of connections to the criminal political stooges that take their funding from Israeli sources make me see him in a favourable light. They are the ones giving him a hard time right now through media ownership, with worse to come.

A safe bet on that one

However, like all the other political aspirants in those United States, he has stated his support for Israel recently, which makes him little better than a clever but amateur Neocon. According to the best writing on the assassination of JFK, the apartheidists were in the thick of the planning of that event, lock, stock and barrel, the likelihood of Israel not being able to develop nuclear weapons being the trigger. However, Johnson, as an Israeli puppet and open supporter, raised no objections and now we see them sitting in the middle of the Middle East directing both houses of the USA every day with an estimated 400 warheads on this date.

In 2003, an Israeli military historian, Martin van Creveld, stated.......

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force."

Not if JFK had lived though. Motivation for his death, therefore, obvious to all.

Watch out, Robert. They don't like you.

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Ah the corporate propagandists(who are called media) smearing someone who has an anti-establishment message. The nuts who label Kennedy Jr are the biggest conspiracy theorists. They still push the RussiaGate conspiracy theory. Their pharma, corporate, right wing ideology is out in the open. Looks like those 'liberals' don't like one who questions corporate power or fascism.

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I don't support RussiaGate, Big Pharma, or corporate exploitation. But I also prefer Cornel West over RFK Jr. - because 1) Cornel West is running as a 3rd party candidate, not within the sheep fold of a corrupt democratic party, 2) Cornel West has a much stronger track record of integrity than RFK Jr. - i.e. he hasn't had his lips planted on the ass of the Clinton dynasty for decades, and he doesn't provide evasive cop out answers regarding much needed Universal health care.

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J - I completely agree re: superiority of Cornel West of ideology, policy, and integrity. But RFK has a long history of environmental litigation against corporate polluters. And I am not aware of and do not agree about your Clinton "lips planted" comment. I do know that the Democratic Party and DNC types HATE him. Can you back that up with some examples and links?.

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I do not know about his lips being planted 9n Clinton's ass, but his mouth is wide open to give every Zionist lined up the BJ of their life. His own son is a mercenary for Ukrainians. I wonder if he is aware of the newly passed Ukrainian laws concerning otgan donations. If his son is killed or even badly injured, he will get back a body without the sellable organs.

Dr West is a decent man, but a bit unrealistic to just how evil the zionists are and how much control they have of the government. I do not think he is strong enough to stand up to them.

The best and only hope this country has is to be overthrown by a country like Russia. Unfortunately, that is not Russia's style so we will have to self destruct from the inside .

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Have you read his remarks opposing the US proxy war and calling out US imperial ambitions and criticizing NATO expansion as a provocation?

Why cherry pick the horrible Israel-Palestine comment and ignore all that>

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Are you referring to the US proxy war in Ukraine ? The war JFK Jr's son is a mercenary fighting for Ukraine in ? Who, BTW he expressed his support for , calling Putin names ?

As for the Israelis, US tax payers send over $14,000 every minute to thar god forsaken Zionist entity, US law enforcement are now the most violent and deadly of ALL DEVELOPED COUNTRIES and ranks 7th among developing countries, after years of training by the IDF, A FORIEGN MILITARY . The US is Israeli occupied territory with Florida as it's North American capital rather Americans want to admit it or not.

Both parties of the USG ( 2 CHEEKS OF THE SAME ASS) have and to continue to allow US citizens to do without and even be murdered by the real controllers of the government. The USS Liberty, IDF caught sniping US maries in Iraq while dressed as Arabs and let not forget 9/11.

The Zionists call8ng themselves Israelis could not do what they do without full support of the corrupt and traitorous US politicians. Rid the USG of these people and the empire building will end.

I prefer publicly beheading the traitorous US politicians. That will discouraged more of the same.

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Ron Placone provided provided a good analysis of RFK Jr.'s candidacy, which you might find informative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LywS2SHWQw&t=1469s

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I'll watch - here is my 12 year old take on Kennedy's market based environmental policy:


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I grew up on there Hudson River and fished it from Ossining, just 2 milked downriver from the formation of the fisherman's group that kicked of all the Hudson River litigation and led to Hudson Riverkeepr and Pete Seeger's sloop. He's a legend for that.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Ron Placone:

"Here's the thing, when it comes to electoral politics on the Left. There are really three pillars you really look at. Pillar number 1, are you anti-war? ... Pillar number 2, no corporate money. Pillar number 3, universal healthcare - medicare for all. RFK, out of those three boxes ... RFK Jr. checks, maybe one. *Maybe* one out of three. And you know that Meatloaf song, "maybe one out of three ain't bad." No it's called maybe 2 out of 3 ain't bad - RFK Jr. sure as hell doesn't have 2 out of 3. He might have ... one out of three." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LywS2SHWQw&t=1469s

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I'd add this to the list in re RFK Jr.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb4A6WHxFkg

But I promptly add that I found voting to be worthless long ago. This was hammered home when I ran against Orin Hatch in 2012 and got totally snuffed by the media; I made it to a few old age homes, but didn't know if the people were sleeping or awake! https://web.archive.org/web/20120803011353/http://www.voteutah.us:80/ The site's been hacked a good bit, but you can get the main ideas.

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Americans do not now nor have they ever chosen the POTUS. The president has always been chosen by a group of party puppets picked by party elites. It is called the electoral college. Just like the " founding fathers" never had any intention of this country being a benefit to anyone but the wealthy.

There are 24 countries with higher literary rates then the US and this is by design. An uneducated population is an unthinking population and they are easier to control and keep fighting amongst themselves.

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I think you mean literacy not literary. Ironic. Not that I disagree with your thesis.

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I agree

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That's a good point. Kennedy Jr seems to smooze with some bad people. However, West also voted for Biden and is too over-the-top with the Trump fascism stuff. I hate Trump - but Biden is more of a fascist than Trump. He was also basically Jim Crow in the 1970's-1990's.

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He's a friggin nutcase racist BLM.

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People who still believe in loyalty to oligarchs are too young to vote.

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Yes! This is the conspiracy to control us. To make us buy stuff we don't need, make us take vaccines and medicines we don't need, pollute our rivers and children for the sake of profit without a thought for the environment nor anyone else.

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RFK Jr is another bait and switch candidate like Bernie. His own son is a mercenary fighting for the Ukrainian terrorists. He is a pro Israel Zionist, who blames Palestinians for their treatment by the terrorists calling themselves Israelis.

Unfortunately, Americans are not the sharpest knives in the drawer and never do the research.

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Americans fall in love with their masters too easily.

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Speaking of research, why do you lie about the Ukraine issue, cherry pick the Israel-Palestine issue and make it a litmus test, and ignore all the conflicting evidence that eviscerates your false and misleading claims? That's rather a dull knife methodology, no?

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Well I do not know, have a look (he is home now, who would not want to be, even if the war hormones are bugging you ...) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/conor-kennedy-says-enlisted-ukraine-robert-f-kennedy-grandson-taylor-swift-ex-boyfriend/

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Here is Kennedy's official statement: No mainstream American politician has come close to saying this (with the exception of MLK in his "Beyond Vietnam" speech. Kennedy actually goes father than MLK in calling for the end of empire):

"It is time to end the imperial project and attend to all that has been neglected: the crumbling cities, the antiquated railways, the failing water systems, the decaying infrastructure, the ailing economy. Annual defense-related spending is close to one trillion dollars. We maintain 800 military bases around the world. The peace dividend that was supposed to come after the Berlin Wall fell was never redeemed. Now we have another chance.

As President, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will start the process of unwinding empire. We will bring the troops home. We will stop racking up unpayable debt to fight one war after another. The military will return to its proper role of defending our country. We will end the proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations, coups, paramilitaries, and everything else that has become so normal most people don’t know it’s happening. But it is happening, a constant drain on our strength. It’s time to come home and restore this country."


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So, you smear the man, falsely, on an issue you admit you know nothing about!

Well find out.WATCH AND LISTEN:


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I am smearing NOBODY, I am not a citizen (fortunately) but I am certainly - as an outsider - not taken in by Mr Kennedy, he represents money and the existing 'rules based order' (I agree that he talks nicely, but what of all the promises would he deliver?? ). Whereas Dr Cornel West is a sincere, honest man, not that he has ANY chance to make a splash ... (we are doomed, but if you think otherwise - GOOD LUCK). I am old, so whatever comes, comes (probably the nukes ...)

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I swore I would never vote again after the Bernie Burnout when it became obvious he was simply a Dem shill.

That said, I'm convinced Bobby Jr. is NOT Bernie. Remember Bernie had plenty of press, and not all bad until it counted. This is different.

Bernie never went after the CIA or Pentagon except for lame nothingburger complaints about the lost money. RFK Jr. knows where all the bodies are buried and he hasn't pulled any punches about any of it, including his own journey and faults, which Bernie never did.

Last week I went back and watched his appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show from March, which I had missed. I came away from that believing that this guy is real.

And while he may have some ancient views on some foreign policy, notably Israel, there are a couple things that stand out for me.

Pardon Assange and Snowden Day One.

End Ukraine.

I know, I know, Day One promises are almost always bullshit, but for some reason, I believe him.

Those two things alone would be worth the price of admission.

And I liked what he said that while Trump promises slash and burn to empty the swamp, and that's one way to do it, but Bobby has spent the last 20 years suing many of the agencies that are holding America hostage. He knows the agencies and he knows the department heads, and he knows where the problems lie.

Again, he knows where the bodies are buried. And he knows that our biggest enemy is the CIA.

I don't know what's going to happen, and I can't predict how I'll feel toward the election, but what I did do was go to kennedy24.com and donated to his campaign.

I think he can make more than a dent, and I believe he is earnest and genuine.

And if the System hates him so much and is working so hard to disappear him, that tells me that I want to see where this goes.

If nothing else, it'll make great copy.

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I’m far less concerned with his comments about Israel compared to a lot on the left who were just waiting for him to say something they could deem a ‘red line’, this doubly true considering he himself told Greenwald he could be wrong to the point Glenn gave a rather gushing take about believing him and believing in him. That’s all besides the point, I think what’s more important is his actual foreign policy, other than stopping Ukraine vs Russia, he wants to shutdown 800 military bases. Even if he doesn’t consider Israel one of those military bases, him closing the others would go a long way towards decreasing the militaristic violence it’s consumed by. Taking that into consideration I just don’t see why his ability to virtue signal about Israel matters when we are talking about demilitarizing the west all together. RFK Jr fought all through covid and I don’t expect him to give up after becoming president, it’s rather absurd on the face of it. And as a side note, he has met with and been campaigning to have California release the Palestinian convicted of killing his father, and like with many of his other battles, he’s taken a position at odds with many of his most vocal family members and at odds with the power consensus. I can’t imagine a cowardly warmonger like Sanders doing anything like that for someone, forget Sanders feeling any kind of responsibility or moral duty to take any of RFK Jr’s other positions. Bernie will probably come out attacking him as “Putin’s puppet” for advocating for peace ffs.

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Well said - 800 bases, maybe we could start re-allocating some of that Trillion dollars that goes to Military and Pentagon every year. And that's just what we know of.

This thing has legs.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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I would say "duh!" but I realize that many people still don't get this.

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I am not enamored with RFK as quite a few in this forum are, but I appreciate his contribution in highlighting the role of the establishment in smearing anyone who's even in some tiny way is trying to challenge it. Maybe he'll help a few zombies to wake up.

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hear! hear!

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When government and corporations essentially merge, each covering up for the other's faux pas, each doing the dirty work necessary to support the other entity, it's called "fascism". The US is clearly a fascist state, but it likes to pretend it isn't, sadly to its own citizens' detriment.

This paragraph pretty much sums up US election problems: "This is where the most election interference will come from in this presidential race: not from Russia, not from China, but from the rich and powerful drivers of the US-centralized empire. The operation of a globe-spanning power structure is simply too important to be left in the hands of the electorate."

In other words, we the lowly American voters are not to be trusted. The government-corporation-complex can't be bothered risking its survival with the paltry interference of We the People. That's why it's time to take out the government-corporate establishment and re-establish a genuine democracy of the people. Anyone with me on this or is this just a fantasy of mine?

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The important question is how to accomplish that. We're stymied.

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Yeah, there are thousands of options and no one knows which road to take. Perhaps the best thing to do at this point is to continue educating the populace about the dangers of fascism and remind them that they do, in fact, possess a backbone. Activists and organizers need to demonstrate how they go about provoking the right response from the establishment and training millions of others on those tactics. It's going to take some time probably, but we can't just sit around twiddling our thumbs as the planet burns, floods, and otherwise demonstrates that climate change is real--and dangerous.

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I think we have a spammer in these comments.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

Who do you think we're pissing off - the CIA, NSA, DOD or some other unknown secret government agency?

"...... Send me a mail"? What a laugh!

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My personal goal in life is to piss off all the alphabet spying agencies... Perhaps I've finally succeeded? LOL!!!

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What kind of an Election discontinues debates with the President of the USA, that is so Dementia riddled - he can't mentally do it? The Zionist are laughing at the Populace - the populace needs to bite back. Soon.

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I grew up, hating Kennedys. I was a Catholic child in the ‘80d and in Catholic school where JFK was constantly pushed as the epitome of Catholic virtue. His extra curricular activities demonstrated that statement was fraudulent to me. (I recognize now though I don’t know JFKs mind there is a difference between hypocrisy and mistake/addiction/sin). When I saw the JFK movie, it was not difficult for me to conclude that CIA killed a president, but it was probably still worth it since JFK was working against the United States.

I was too young to really understand who RFK was, but I eventually knew who Ted Kennedy was. I was part of, or friends with, people in the archdiocese of Boston, encouraging Ted Kennedy’s excommunication for his views on abortion.

Recently, RFK Jr makes his way into my news feed and I discover while he is a left leaning liberal, and I am not, he has been the legal advocate against various corporate initiatives ruining the earth. I refused the vaccine when my corporation required it, and RFK Jr was there, making sense on the internet.

As I see RFK, Jr, being systematically, isolated, and deplatformed, and all the lies being told about him to achieve those ends, I have had to re-calibrate all my thoughts about all of the Kennedys (except maybe Ted Kennedy who died a natural death after serving an ungodly amount of time in the senate, semi demonstrating capture by the government).

And assassination is so unnecessary today. Why kill a man when you can simply delete his existence in the marketplace of ideas?

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A branch of my family were dentists in Washington DC. Their name is Kennedy. I was told that once at a banquet my uncle was mistakenly seated with the famous Kennedy's. Joe Senior was still around. They were saying, Teddy doesn't have much on the ball, let's make him a Senator, he can't do much harm there.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

Grew up in a "broken," poor-ass "Catholic" family, with all sorts of big city daily & political PR shill members & USAF lifers in my life (racing to get out of Turkey & Iran as B58 & IRBMs were bombed-up in '62. We heard the rumors about Marilyn Monroe, South American, Vietnamese & African coups. Now, it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get actual information as to Ukraine, Peru or DNC's plans to disappear or flip West. It's dizzying at this time in life, to see the last few journalists who're not infrequently ACCURATE, hauled before Congress for harshing their lucrative kleptocratic protection scam buzz, with FACTS?

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As a parallel to treason, "which never prospers, for if it prosper, 'tis not called treason"- conspiracies don't happen either, and can be rationally explained as "mutual interests, "birds of a feather" or "just business," economic or political: but if too bizarre to easily pass muster they are buried under the "top secret", "national security" file, with just enough coverage of facts to satisfy most people. The rest are relegated to the "paranoid" demographic, nut cases, who should spend more time watching Netflix.

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It's also called Machiavellianism. The Prince or perhaps the Emperor now.

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Hitting the nail on the head once again Caitlin!

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I don't care if RFK Jr is discredited, I think he is mostly wrong and merely an idiotic manipulator. BUT you described this messed up corporate influence and associated media structure well. The personalities are pretty irrelevant when the system only serves the organizations with the most $$$$.

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He spent over 30 years successfully suing major corporate polluters. You think that was all just idiotic manipulation?

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Like I said I don't think personalities are that important compared to the systemic issues, so I have no idea how successful or otherwise he has been at suing corporations. And I have no idea if he was successful because he was right or he just knew the system he was playing. I can only go by what I have heard him say in interviews. And now even that type of evidence must be reconsidered. Deep fakes make it even more difficult for us all to know what is real and where we are being manipulated.

What I am confident is, that whatever we think is true is never fully true. So if something, or someone, seems really clear, honest and correct then we are either being misled or are ignoring the details.

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You still don't understand my basic point and are evaluating Kennedy's statements solely in an electoral context and as a candidate. It's not as if he were writing federal regulations and his text was enforceable. It doesn't matter if he's flat out lying (which he isn't). I am not evaluating his comments in an electoral sense.

Kennedy is putting out left message, get it? I'm getting tired of trying to make that basic point clear.

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Yeah, we are all tired.

And I still don't really see your point.

Let's not waste more time on this.

Peace out

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Great Article.

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Worth examining the history of Smartmatic Electronic Voting Machines.

The question - Have electronic voting machines been designed to enable fraud? may be found to be answered.

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The fact that they have no paper trail like an ATM for the voter to examine and put in a box and this has never to my knowledge been addressed by the media should be sufficient answer.

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True, Toma.

If one examines electronic voting machines, functional specifications include:

- disabling the audit trail.

- applying a weighting to each vote, such weighting differing by voter class.

- presetting totals to other than zero.

- adding a proportion of the votes to the other candidate.

- remote access - ie: line connection or wireless, unauthorized.

Some of the above were noticed externally by some present at US federal elections as they were detecting anomalies.


One major anomaly oocured after several US states shut down vote counting for a few hours, then resumed and the trends for Joe Biden ceased to exhibit the usual asymptotic behaviour for a short duration, that is, the cum trend lines moved near vertical, exceptional when a clear trend was established well into the vote count.


Others have spoken to the variances between official voting figures and exit polls.


I.T. professional hackers have demonstrated how to breach voting machines, alter totals and change parameters that govern operation.


I have considered including something on this in a subsequent Substack essay.

As for what is included thus far . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/

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The entire voting process was compromised with voting machines and mail in ballots . Deliberately to instigate arguments and question election results as has happened.

I don't have a problem with mail ins for military or others overseas in government positions. Every possible effort is being made to subvert voting in the US. But on the bright side, it really doesn't matter who you vote for. In the end they are all the same. I guess it's the bright side?!

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The entire voting process is compromised by both the DNC and the RNC with processes additional to electronic voting machine manipulations.

Disenfranchising people of colour a favourite Republican manouvre, making it more difficult to vote in certain districts to create a swing by suppressing voting, among other techniques.

The key is to avoid a landslide outcome, otherwise it will not be credible.


" . . . it really doesn't matter who you vote for" - Are the candidates not chosen for you?

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Anyone telling the truth about the Biden/Nuland WWIII has my support.

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