the ticket will be

Newsome vs Trump vs Kennedy as Independent

Newsome will win.

I pray I'm wrong, but this country is has not seen real suffering yet.

Newsome will insure we do and the Great Reset Crowd is happy about that.

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Sounds like the worst possible outcome. (With Kennedy as spoiler.)

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Agreed. I like Bobby too. His work over the years with Children's Health Defense is admirable. His ability to speak truth is admirable too.

I could not vote the man in due to his 2A stance but would like to see him in a DJT cabinet.

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RFK Jr.s 2A stance is based on ignorance. He needs to have a conversation with John Lott, who cured himself of that form of ignorance with facts.

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His climate change nonsense is also indefensible. He's a one trick pony. But very good at that one trick. For that reason, I financially support his Children's Health Defense legal fund but NOT his presidential aspirations.

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I didn't realize he buys into the Climate Change Hysteria BS.

I'd agree, that is clearly a bad sign.

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He avoids discussing it currently. But the record on his pronouncements regarding those who "resist" climate change is shameful. And he has never retracted his totalitarian attitude toward those who do not buy into the climate change nonsense. I do not trust RFK Jr. except with regard to his one isolated area of clear-thinking advocacy: childhood vaccine safety is nonexistent.

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I have been very clear with CHD that I wouldn't donate to them, even if I could afford to, until they reverse my banning by their moderator, John Stone, because of my refusal to agree with his idiotic opinion.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

That would seem hypocrital on CHD's part, in view of RFK Jr's stated views on Freedom of Speech -- if RFK Jr is sincere.

Would you be willing to share here which "idiotic opinion" you disagreed with, resulting in your being banned? I'm interested to know.

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I'd be happy to do so if I could remember, but it was so specious that it didn't justify remembering.

Claire Wolfe threw me out a chat for disagreeing with her over whether Ayn Rand would be the best casting director for a movie of Atlas Shrugged, long before it was made into one. My position on that was that no one could know who should portray the characters in a book being made into a movie better than the person who created them. Ms. Wolfe disagreed and I was out.

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The Dems are really worried that Cornel West will run as the Green Party candidate and swing the election to Trump.

Bobby is far too decent a person for the Bidenistas to let him run.

In a debate Bobby would win after only three minutes.

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please don't even think that!

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I'd prefer not. But our ride is not over.

They will have their Great Reset.

We will have Jesus.

May God's Will Be Done.

I don't like the idea either.


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Have you forgotten about Biden?

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I hate to say it but the Deep State Cabal WILL NEVER ALLOW RFK JR. TO BE PRESIDENT!!! They will murder him just like they did his father and Uncle if they have to and they will not blink an eye to do it!!! This man has too much on them and will try to destroy parts of the Cabal he finds distasteful and suppressive and they know this and will never allow him even the chance to do it! Sane goes for Trump: the Cabal can not afford for him to have a second crack at them! They skated by the first time because Trump did not understand the depth of evil he was fighting against but they know now that in a second term he will get sone if not all of them in some way so he will never be Prez again either; they will murder him if they have to with no qualms at all about doing it!!!

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I hope neither get murdered but you make good points.

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Most disgusting to me is seeing his brother and sister “pile on” with the abuse. 😡

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It is disappointing but pretty sure we all have relatives who'd do the same to us!

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Here we go again.

This platform is being used to spew hatred and wrong information by one individual in particular.

As I’ve said before we do have freedom of speech.

Very sad

The article.

Kennedy is not anti Israel at all or anti semitic.

His family are typical slavery party supporters so of course they are against him.

RFK even went so far as to visit Sirhan Sirhan in prison. K doesn’t believe Sirhan murdered his father and believes it was the CIA who killed his father and framed Sirhan.

K’s family all disagree with him. They are BorgDems thinking with their non existent brain cells.

Back to the NY Post. It’s a Fox affiliate and Fox wants Biden.

However I believe Kennedy stating this speculation (and that’s all it is) was someone thinking out loud and making a mistake. I think it was not a smart strategic thing to do.

No one I know thinks K is anti semitic. Not even Jews, liberal or conservative.

The press tries to force us to think a certain way, their way.

But we’re onto them. Just we need more stable analytical thinkers to add to our numbers

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Dr. Shiva says it straight up about the Kennedy/Trump MYTH$ !


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for President 2024

- 4 MIT Engineering degrees !

Be the light by understanding SYSTEMS

A Real-Deal from COMPETENT honesty in actions is revealed through :




I’ve abandoned hope in the ‘two sides’ of the Deeeep DC Swamp$.

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No, Trump is our only option. Americans have four years of solid evidence of Trump's perfection under incredible attacks of lies and omissions. Here's a short list of Trump's perfection with a list of the crimes of lies and omissions.

Trump's accomplishments:

record low unemployment about 3.4 percent; record low unemployment for disabled, Asian, Vets, and those without HS diplomas

almost zero inflation

rising wages (real) about 6k yearly increase

worked with Kim, Putin and Xi

gained about 7 million new jobs

corrected many wrongs of Nafta Shafta

jobless claims record low

incomes rose in cities and among black, Hispanics

Americans were happy! First time since Abe was elected.

Black home ownership increased

bottom half of American earners increase wages by 40 percent

7 million people shrugged off food stamps

women unemployment lowest in decades

over one million manufacturing new jobs

Controlled unfair trade with Germany and others countries

DOW was over 30k in 2020

SP and Nasdaq had bunch of highs

7 million new jobs, three times more than gov. projection

middle class income increase by $6,000, five times more than Obama's regime

40 months of more job openings than hiring

income rose in all metro areas first time in about 3 decades

Durham Report

Here's a list activities presented by Trilateral et al freaks:

CFR fake lying 'news' examples;

Russia Russia Russia Hoax

Floyd Orchestrated Hoax

Occupy Orchestrated Hoax

Joe and Nancy Kneeling Hoax

Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax

Jussie Smollett Hoax

Covington KKKids Hoax

Very Fine People Hoax

Wave Hoax

BLM hoax

Seven-Hour Gap Hoax

Global Warming Hoax

Impeachment Hoaxes

Russian Bounties Hoax

Trump Trashes Troops Hoax

Monument destruction hoax

Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax

Rittenhouse Hoax

Eating While Black Hoax

Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax

NASCAR Noose Hoax

January 6th peaceful flag waving march upon DC 'insurrection' hoax

The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax

Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax

Frame MAGA for Alleged Paul Pelosi Assault Narrative

Trump Ukraine quid pro quo hoax


This is how the federal government and corporate media work together to push their left-wing agenda. The whole idea is to bully and browbeat us into letting down our guard. Then…after our guard is down…something fascist becomes law, or a serious scandal is dismissed as Russian disinformation long enough for a lying, decrepit racist to become president.

Remember when the COVID lab leak theory was a lie coming from racists?

Remember when it was crazy to believe the Obama administration spied on then-candidate Donald Trump?

Remember when Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation?

Remember when Trump colluded with Russia?

Remember when it was homophobic to say gay marriage would open a Pandora’s box, and now it’s homophobic to point to the Pandora’s box of drag queens and gay porn in elementary schools?

Remember when the media went from Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools to Critical Race Theory should not be banned in schools?

There’s no doubt in my mind (I’m still allowed to have an opinion, right?) that this is no accident and something that goes well beyond bias.

The Biden Administration is considering a ban on gas stoves and water hearts in the U.S. over concerns about alleged harmful air pollutants being released from the appliances, according to a report. https://t.co/FJbapzLNwD

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) January 11, 2023

This is straight-up coordination between the government and media to gaslight the public. Once is a coincidence. Twice is a wild coincidence. This happens constantly, and that can only happen by way of coordination.

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Awesome LIST


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Or as Steve Bannon succinctly summed it up: Under Trump we had four years of relative peace and prosperity.

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Wow. Terrific! You hit all points. 🙏🏼

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You forgot about the Lockdowns/Masks and most importantly OWS.

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There are two sides to the Trump derangement coin.

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I gave to Dr. Shiva when he campaigned in MA. But now I wouldn’t support him at all. He knows nothing about the big picture and the roles both Kennedy and Trump are playing. He did not invent email as he brags. If you notice neither T nor K are saying bad things about one another. There is a bigger game here and Shiva is not seeing it at all. I think the rigged election against him has made him bitter. Too bitter for me. I don’t see honor in this guy anymore.

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Why does Bobby have Kucinich from Ohio as his man in charge of his campaign money? Kucinich can't be trusted. He's the pal of former Governor Kasich of Ohio. Kasich hates Trump. He still can't get over the time he ate the pizza with no class during his bid for the 2016 Presidential bid.

Trump commented, too. Guess, Kasich didn't like his comment. The Great Arnold is a lover

of Kasich, too.

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I’m voting RFK.

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Kennedy will steal votes from trump with the one issue voters ( the vax). Big mistake.

We are doomed.

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Agreed. Junior is a spoiler for the Dems.

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Trump took money from pfizer in exchange to bypass putting RFK Jr. on the vaccine safety board. So, trump put big pfarma cronies in charge and we got the scamdemic. RFK all the way

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What do you mean Trump is your guy Mr. Alexander?

Are we talking about the same Trump that claims to be the godfather of the 💉? The same guy who says he’s responsible for saving 10’s of millions of lives because of the pressure he put on the fda to approve the 💉. Ya pretty sure that’s the same guy. You just lost all credibility sir. Or are you just a grifter that moves whichever way the wind blows?

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No, Dr A is an analytical thinker. He has analyzed the situation rightly and knows Trump is the best one (and only one) who can lead this country right now to get us out of the mess we’re in. With God’s help. I think he agrees with us that that Trump should’ve stopped talking about Warp Speed. Perhaps Trump was thinking it wasn’t the right time to go after Fauci and his ilk. Timing is everything. And God’s timing is perfect.

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I’ll admit Trump did some really good things while in office. Does that mean we just blindly follow the guy? I don’t think Trump ever intends to go after Fauci or his ilk. I say that because Trump gave Fauci an award the day before he left office 1-19-21. So why would a trump give that turd an award if he planned on going after him?

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Hands down Trump will be elected POTUS in 2024. It would be nice to see RFK Jr. as Attorney General and turn him lose on the Nazis involved in the kill shot.

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I hate to disagree but read my comment above! The deep state will find someway to put Trump in jail or murder him! The same with RFK jr. They can fix and steal ANY ELECTION, they have proved they can by stealing the 2020 Prez election and the Senate elections in Georgia and Pennsylvania!!! You really believe people in Georgia would vote for Warnock over Herschel Walker, a Heisman trophy award winning all star, one of the best ever as a college and pro football player??? And do you really believe people in Pennsylvania voted for That Goon over Dr. Oz, America’s Doctor??? They flat out stole those three elections and they will steal the Presidency in 2024 and probably a whole lot more!!! Get ready for some real pain when Newsome gets in!!! You think things are bad now??? Like Bachman Turner Overdrive used to sing, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!”

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We have been in a war with the Deep State since Trump came down the escalator in 2015. What we are witnessing is a Military Sting Operation at its finest. I’m not talking about the woke TV generals. They are committing treason on a daily basis. Eventually you will see the military I will need to come in and clean thing up when we ha exhausted doing things according to laws and orders. All areas of our government is a captured operation. You can’t vote your way out of communism.

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Christine I hope you are correct! I have heard this from other sources too and likewise I hope it is true!

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Trump and his military have been working on dismantling the Deep State since before he came down the escalator in 2015. As a matter of fact there are at least 32 nations and their militaries working with Trump and our military taking the global cabal down. We are in a COG and will remain so until the cabal is taken down. This has all been a pre planned Military Sting Operation all along. There is approximately one billion deep state actors globally that will be arrested and prosecuted. Between treason, overthrowing governments and crimes against humanity we will help the cabal depopulate once they are convicted in military tribunals. Those crimes receive the death penalty.

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If Biden is nominated & elected again, then any pretence of Democracy in the uniparty US is dead, except to the brain dead...

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No one pays attention to any anti-RFK verbiage as all Americans have been hardened to CFR controlled fake news since 2016. The Israeli situation I need to touch upon. What is going on there is supported by Pedo-Trilaterals-London City-Vatican Rome ALL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS that insist upon open borders, arming Iranians with nukes, on and on.

OK, CFR Brown, CFR Austin's chief for Chief of Pentagon, after 8 years of Pedo-Zbig Obama and two of Pedo Drag Queen et al, is a yet another National Security Risk violation. If we overcome a DOD rigged election in '24, 2025, with our Trump, will look similar to Israel today.

We have to get the Senate, if I recall, to object to Brown. There must be a web site anti Brown that will connect to Senators.

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I don't agree with Bobby on everything but he's a man of great integrity and honesty. Bobby is also very smart and has done what one might call Good Works--lots of them. No less a political consultant than Roger Stone called for a Trump/RFK, Jr. ticket a few months ago. RFK, Jr. has had his disagreements with the Trump administration but at the same time her provided Trump with great input and might have served in the administration if sinister forces hadn't torpedoed it.

Trump's take on RFK, Jr. is that Bobby is a person of great common sense. I think Trump admires him, and most Americans should also admire what Bobby has accomplished and his character.

A phrase from novelist Joseph Heller's book Catch-22 comes to mind: "He has no flies in his eyes."

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Trump-Kennedy will win

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I'm not interested in RFK Jr.s politics as long as he continues to act more like a legitimate scientist than most newsworthy scientists have recently.

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