Pre-Trib Thomas Ice claims the purpose of the Great Tribulation is to wipe out unbelieving Jews so only the remnant that’s destined to accept Christ remains.


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Even though I strongly disagree with his Pretrib position, when you read Zechariah 12 and 13, you can understand why he says this. The two thirds of those in the Land of Israel that die would - by definition - be those who weren't going to be saved anyway.

However, Ice isn't thinking broadly enough. It won't just be Israel that suffers. It will be the whole world. I call this cataclysm Ezekiel's Fire, and it will destroy every city of any size all over the world.

No one escapes that, unless they're outside population centers and near a drinkable water supply.

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Right on brother John. (This is Bondo)

The impending destruction of Amerika has nothing to do with the Biblical narrative or Israel.

The Bible is about God's chosen people, their story, lineage, and journey.

Amerika is just another blip like Media, Elam, and eucalyptus leaves.

There is NOTHING about Amerika in the Bible except maybe part of "MYSTERY BABYLON"

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It's great to hear from you, Darryl! I hope everything is going well for you.

To me it would seem like the US is more in line with the Beast than with the one who rides it. Some people like to claim that the 'founding fathers' were Christian, but only one or two of them actually followed Christ in any way.

But as you say, our beloved banana republic will be blasted apart long before the Antichrist rises.

Keep up the good work, brother!

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