Mask up, slaves...

Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


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It was even said a long time ago that the hand wash solution in bottles never did a thing

for killing germs either. I can't use them, because they burn my fingertips. That should

tell you something.

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Never did a thing? Have u a study?

Sure alcohol kills bacteria, fungi, viruses in 10-30 seconds ..

Bleach burns hands too but it kills germs very well..

What should tell us something? All

It tells me is that you should wash with soap and water and use cream to moisturize yr sensitive skin afterward, especially when using Purell ..

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Purell I read is ineffective. Yes, I have a study. My 2 thumbs where you can't take fingerprints. When I was young I had some skin irritation on both thumbs. It was so bad that I still remember my parents running after me to apply antibiotic cream to it.

I can still remember my Doctor ripping the scab on my thumb off. WTH he did that is beyond me. Then my Mother took me to a female Doctor and she healed it for me. I had to soak my thumbs in some type of sulfur solution. Then apply a clear

type antibiotic cream on it. It finally cleared up.

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Purell is effective for many things

You want 70% alcohol and water

Below that is not much effective

BUT soap n water is best of course but if not around any I use Purell after shopping cart or in hospitals etc

We don't use it always as don't want to wipe out all natural bacteria in hands and potentially cause bacteria resistance but it sure can keep ecoli and other germs at bay before we touch our eyes n nose

Yr thumb issue wasn't caused by alcohol ?

Sure there are many solutions to heal open skin wounds but that's not the issue

Y have sensitive skin so harsh chemicals need to be avoided and use gloves when washing dishes and moisturize lots

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Only the shadow knows, I guess. I was young back in the 1960's. My Mother took me to this Female Doctor who was able get rid of whatever it was that was causing the rawness. It could have been my immune system. I can't even get laundry detergent on my hands. We use

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil liquid soap. I also use Avalon Organics: the Nourishing Lavender liquid soap. You know, I can't wear those playtex gloves either. They make my fingertips

red and cause burning.

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Wow poor you

Did u have a dermatologist have. Look?

And allergist .. u may be allergic to latex and more..

Sensitive reactive skin is awful to live with indeed

Hydrate and use stuff with no perfumes or harsh chemicals like it seems u are doing with above

Find non latex gloves as too much water may even irritate skin

Aquaphor and Ceravie cream are heavy emollients that can protect skin like a barrier

Maybe even use isles paste when needed

Al the best!

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Idiocy knows it all, doesn’t it?

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Alex Jones warned us about this just a couple of days ago.

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It is clear that this has nothing to do with scientific or medical evidence. This is not about sound public policy.

This is about a defiant, malicious tyrannical oligarchy -- with powerful banking controls that reach deep into every government, corporation and institution -- and they intend, first, to punish those who are wholesome, peaceful and simply want their nations to thrive and then, second, to kill as many people as possible as soon as possible.

They are going for depopulation and subjugation. If anyone is in a position to participate, even indirectly, with the subjugation and killing --- they must be urged to refuse complicity with such a grand, Apocalyptic evil. Of course they will (not maybe) be persecuted, likely fired, likely denied a livelihood and so on. But there is no longer anything to lose.

There must be a mass resistance and a definitive, "No!"

We must do everything we can, while trusting that the Lord will prevail by his power.

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Didn't dear Dr Birx ADMIT in her fairly recent book that they made these ridiculous rules up?!

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Yes, she did.

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Two words. PUSH BACK

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Hmmmm. First I’ve heard of this variant. Can’t imagine they can pull this off again with so many Americans awake.

The state of emergency is over - right?

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Eris variant AKA the B.S. 24/7 variant. Per David Wolf. I have to agree.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Twitter might be toast in 2 months, total censorship of news going on in Canada right now, and odds are they will shut down Trumps Truth Social soon by the courts.

Perfect timing to bring in more climate change, more fake pandemic lockdowns, and chaos to help China take Taiwan.

Basically bringing in the great re-set before the next American/Canadian elections.

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The Courts all the way up to the Supreme Court are compromised. I read in a

Secret Society. Then they are going to order me around. I think NOT. These

Judges have way too much power to decide a persons fate. Why do we need

all these looking nice for their photo op Judges? Of course, the women

wear their pearls and jewelry. I'll never forget working on a campaign. There

was a Judge's wife helping. She had a rock on her finger you couldn't miss.

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That’s right. The ultimate steal - either Biden or Ramaswamy - by Any Means Necessaey!!!!

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Not sure what you mean. Vivek is a fraud. He’s a racist along with wanting to medically tag us. He’s young and is as brainwashed as they come. Not that all young are brainwashed but it is in the schools for decades.

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Absolutely! He’s the WEF plant for the Republican half of the Uniparty. He’s the fallback if Biden fails. He’s the well-groomed challenger to Trump. The plan is for him to be Trump’s “replacement” assuming they can knock Trump out. Railroad Trump and lock him up, deliberately remove him from the race (and I say that detesting the man and the whole nest of grifters sprung from his loins, but railroading is railroading), to make way for Ramaswamy in case something goes wrong. Multiple layers of cheating, with the lockdowns, vote by mail, ballot stuffing, crooked voting machines, mass vax murder of conservatives, maybe a “tragic accident” happening to RFK, etc. “By ANY means”. Ramaswamy is the failsafe candidate.

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“Just Say No”.....the late former First Lady, Nancy Reagan.

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Hmmmm. I have been wondering if 2025 is the start of the 7 years. Lots of signs point to 2025.

So 2024 would have to set up the total collapse.

Plenty of options... Aliens - banking collapse - I doubt another “plandemic” - possible EMP - plenty

They have to get everyone begging for saving to get to digital currency and one world govt... it won’t be a little plandemic

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So true! Hopefully more eyes are opened to the scams!

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Definitely not complying as I’m sick to the teeth with this nonsense of the flu and there poison jabs. MSM and these globalists are really sick satanic evil nuts.

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Nope. Not going to mask up, not once. Go away, maskoids.

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Anyway, without further ado, here is everything you really need to know about the Eris variant:

It’s bullshit.

Just like all the others.

Nothing else really needs to be said, does it?


We’ve already been over everything you need to know about “Eris” here. Long story short, “Covid” is just another made up name for the flu, and the “variants” are coats of paint they slap on the narrative to try and keep it looking fresh.

In that same article I theorised Eris’ existence was a need to keep Covid alive, and that is part of it…but I also missed something obvious: The next round of Covid “vaccines” hits the shelves next month.

For those who have lost count, I think we’re up to six or seven shots now.

This “updated vaccine” is nothing to do with Eris, of course, as much as the language in the headlines implies it’s been “adapted” for the latest variant, it hasn’t. It was in the works before Eris was even said to exist.

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100% agree!!!

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So this is a variant of Omicron. It is not any worse. And there is proof of that. But heck TSA is already masking. I’m tired of all this s___

And I m broken hearted over these man made disasters.

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