Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The American political scene has devolved into two opposing cults: republicult and democult, with all the hallmarks of cultism: mindless unquestioning loyalty and obedience to its narratives (which are insane in both parties); mindless villainization of outsiders and alternative narratives; jaw-dropping hypocrisy in their flamboyant double-standards; extreme confirmation bias, etc.

Even Cornell West, whom I admire greatly, has serious intellectual/political blind spots that weaken his appeal for me. Thus, I, like an increasing number of Americans, am without a political home.

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We are politically homeless, but could be stronger together.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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There is one cult and we are its only opposition. When mainstream pundits start calling RFK Jr.'s views "Right-Wing" and Joe Biden "the most progressive President since FDR" - that should be indication enough there is only ONE cult whose greatest deception is that there are two opposing views. Not on issues that matter there aren't - healthcare, jobs, security, regime change wars. There is one cult and then there's us. And we are made of all political stripes, persuasions and colors. RFK Jr. needs to recognize and exploit that. Like his father did. If he plays along with their bullshit, he's done.

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I said this Michael to a few of his staff members a few days ago...this need to be accepted by the Democratic party he holds has bothered me from the beginning but I cut him slack and made donations. Now I am on some kind of finance committee but I would rather work with Kucinich in some form because my sense is Dennis is out of touch with social media and also the best way to get Kennedy's message to mass amounts of people without having to travel all over the place is to use social media. Create the revolution millions WANT....stop trying to be a nice guy. I hate that word nice. Try to be as effective as possible. Thanks to Cindy for posting this. Always reads people accurately..she has a razor sharp instinct...

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I don’t think you realize how many interviews and podcasts RFK Jr does. He has said this is the new/only way to get the word out since he is being censored by the mainstream media. I think Dennis is well-aware of the power of podcasts, social media, and the internet in general. Kennedy’s stuff is everywhere.

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I am very well aware. Every time he posts anything I get emails, texts, etc...my point being Kucinich like Kennedy is OLD. And those of us born in the 50's and prior are not nearly as adept at the powers of social media. He needs someone working with Kucinich who is young and tech savvy. Who has the energy needed to do this monumental work to make him viable. Do you know Carolyne how many people here in Berkeley alone think Kennedy is mentally ill? That he is prone to exaggeration? Not connected to reality? I hear this all the time from highly educated people.

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I am 68 and have been using the internet since 1996, when my 83-year-old father bought me my first computer. He was already on AOL, chatting with people his age and hooking up with ladies for virtual sex. Be careful when you make those kinds of assumptions about age and technical abilities. Your friends at Berkeley have been brainwashed by social and legacy media. You should look up something called cognitive capture. Kennedy has huge support from volunteers which, of course, no one will ever hear about. He will be blocked at every turn, but his influence may be even stronger than we are allowed to know. Social and legacy media is about creating artificial consensus, so you will never be informed of anything they don’t want you to know and they will hand you an artificial version of reality

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I agree with that, but I was referring to the voting base of each party acting like cultists.

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I'm an anarchist for very good reason

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern: every class is unfit to govern."

~ Lord Acton

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes, RFKjr is running as President, however more importantly he is running to be a voice for the concerns of millions of Americans and people around the world. He has garnered much more approval outside of the echo chamber than we ever imagined. Again, I say this as an RFKjr autism parent follower since at least 2005 when he was in the shadows of censorship for 18 years. I have had to find all his alternative platforms and join his Children's Health Defense Fund in order to keep up with his messages. Now everyone who has never heard RFKjr speak are spreading the previously unheard messages of concern to everybody.

PS Also RFKjr has accomplished a paradigm shift by uniting Americans across the spectrum of political parties and Independent voters. He can continue to do this in or out of office now that he has gained momentum for our causes.

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That's what his aim was...to unite. Very democratic of him but he is up against HELL WITH A MENTAL DEFICIENT DEADWOOD and a military and FBI who will stop any steps towards a People's Revolution. He needs security now once he actually becomes a viable choice...and WILL HE be viable?

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Imho DNC does not think Biden is viable, which is why they are pulling everything to keep RFKjr and Trump out of the Presidential race. Frankly I think lots of Democrats will stay home in November 2024 unless there are legit Democratic primaries so the Dem VOTERS can choose their own viable candidate.

GOP finally figured this out in 2016 after they lost the Presidency twice because the Republican VOTERS wanted no more Bushie Neocon Cabal (aka McCain) shoved on them, and amazingly they did NOT vote Jeb in 2016!

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You give too much credit to Dem voters.

If they remain dems by election day 2024, 99% of them will go and vote for the candidate, no matter who he/she is. And a huge number of independents ultimately vote for a dem/repuke as well. I think I have laundry to do that day.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

“New CNN Poll: Two-thirds of Dem voters said they would prefer someone other than Biden.

CNN’s Van Jones on Dem worries about Biden: ‘Would you give this Grandpa a high-stress job for six more years?’”


As a former Democrat myself, I just don't see anyone the DNC could handpick that 99% Democrats would vote for. I was so fed-up about Hillary and Biden that I voted Trump twice! Methinks that secretly many Democrats were swing voters and that is how Trump won 2016 (maybe 2020 too).

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So, they say that in a poll, but they will STILL VOTE FOR Biden if he is nominee. Guaranteed. I am not yelling at your, I am yelling at the situation.

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I agree. Because it is "my duty as an American to vote for the least worse of the worst. And I won't let my country down. God bless America"

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Oh I know exactly what you mean Cindy, I have been yelling at the DNC fiasco for years too!

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Yes, he recently said something like, “I want to be president of a nation, not of a party.”

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Please PLEASE try to tell more people about the decades of credible info concerning the "black box" voting machines and scanners that have made elections a SHAM for a very long time. We will need to boycott elections so we remove "the consent of the governed" from the lying embezzling sociopaths in power for who have deceived us for so long.

I researched in 2018 - machines & scanners that FLIP OUR VOTES are the major problem, but they have many ways to cheat us. I saw the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy and wondered how long the machines had been used. Kept digging.

Found this 1992 book -

Votescam: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier. Often on eBay, and it is even on Amazon now, the Forbidden Bookshelf. Devastating info, but we need to know! Both criminal gangs at the top are absolutely in on it.

Many organizations have been formed due to people seeing election rigging. Oligarch-controlled media of course has not informed us.

Also found this 2008 film, Stealing America Vote by Vote, by Dorothy Fadiman, at concentric dot org and on Rumble, but have watched only a portion, since its focus seems to be just a few elections instead of the major rigging we should be exposing.

Electoral politics is a waste of our time. However, the Declaration of Independence says it is our DUTY to remove government that has become abusive, despotic, or interferes with our rights or our pursuit of happiness.

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Yes, electoral politics are corrupted through and through

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Yep and both sides refuse to bring this up.

The Republicans claim there's mail in voting fraud.

Democrats claim other things.

Both seem to forget that during dubya that the machines are proprietary, where the company can easily rig the code or the counts.

I did hear a few stories about hacking, but that's also BS when the company has full access... no need for hacking.

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Agree. NEITHER private party has made it an issue AT ALL.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

One of the Trump indictments arises from his questioning of the 2020 results.

Thus criminalizing any questioning or challenges to electoral outcomes.

What one might think of MAGA grifter President Warp Speed is besides the point in this respect.

There have been numerous times during US history when questioning results in various elections have occurred.

Here is a good discussion of this:




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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This was exposed many years ago by Clint Curtis but never made the MSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

The documentary "2000 Mules" (or conspiracist film as MSM calls it) is being shown for free this weekend by political commentator filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.


I found it on Bitchute, so you can see it anytime. ;^) https://www.bitchute.com/video/wbNztjjt3aXE/

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You knew it would happen. It is part of the process now to deal with their corruption I think RFK Jr. should have probably known. How badly does he want this now? - is the question. I don't know how RFK Jr. can pull off an upset of the DNC without doing something radical.

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How about start a grassroots NEW party? A LABOR party...an actual LABOR party. Be so bold to call it THE NEW REVOLUTIONARY LABOR PARTY (for people who WORK for a living) and he better start wearing body armor.

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I love the name and concept but not electoral energy. Maybe change Party to Org?

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Sure...Party is an old outdated concept anyway...unless it's a party party...always up for that

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The New Revolutionary Labor Organization ....long awaited....

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I'm in.

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RFK Jr's decision to run for president in the first place is still a curiosity. He's a born-again 12-stepper, as was revealed at length during his most recent interview with Jimmy Dore, before he fell off the wagon and got drunk on uber-Zionism, which clearly took Jimmy--and everybody else--by surprise. Interesting to note that Dennis Kucinich is Bobby's campaign manager, but has been very quiet in that role. RFK Jr is the closest thing to a character out of a Dostoevsky novel in this campaign, trying to exorcise his own demons by running. Who knows that his brand of shape-shifting soul-searching won't be the ticket in 2024? America's a crazy place, and "side show Bobby's" the craziest candidate in this race, so he stands a gambler's chance--especially if he's playing with House Money.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Interesting on Kucinich. I voted for him in 2008; now, he's so invisible I have to repeatedly be reminded in Substack comments that he's actually RFK's campaign manager.

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If RFK Jr's campaign gets some legs going into the real campaign season, I think we'll see Kucinich in a more prominent role. He was of course squeezed out by the DNC in earlier election cycles. I think part of the gambit with Bobby's campaign is that Biden will step down (he has to), and Mr Kennedy can step right in, or over any non-entity the DNC selects to replace Biden. I reckon that RFK Jr would not be running without some deep pockets behind him, which explains the publicity he's gotten so far. For sure it's a circus...

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I think you are correct that RFK thought his name would but him favor. I can’t believe he didn’t know going in about the super delegates though.

At least it looks like he might consider alternative action though, instead of doing a Bernie. I applaud him for that.

Cornell West on the other hand......

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I CANNOT believe he didn't know about the super delegates. That was a mainstream, ongoing story through the 2016 stealing of the primary nomination from Sanders.

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Cornell is an ideologue....he believes Jesus is the light and the way. I actually like West a lot. But President? No. He's no Barbara Jordan...Kennedy needs a Barbara Jordan by his side. An angel on his shoulder.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Maybe he can have Jesus as his running mate.

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Has a ring

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LOL....Kennedy/Buddha and West/Christ....Trump for the Chump and Harris: Send Her to Paris...permanently

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

At the rate he’s deteriorating mentally, Sleepy Joe will arrive at the Convention in 11 months time in a wheelchair and giving his acceptance speech like Mitch McConnell on a good day. Are they really going to take that risk?

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No. Joe Biden won’t be the nominee either

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Who are we going to be stuck with?

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Likely Newsome, aka, Governor Hair.

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My pet name for him is Dr. Gov Newsolini. He apparently because my primary healthcare provider during "Covid"

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Whomever they want to stick us with

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Harris is my bet. Because most people know she will do whatever she is told. I have gay female friends who are like "Oh I love Kamala..." and I don't even know what to say to that except..didn't she give Willy brown blow jobs on her climb to the top of the dung heap?...SILENCE

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Well, if she paid those types of Willy dues maybe she deserves a shot.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I will vote for Trump in prison before another installed globalist puppet Biden

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Wasn't it Emma Goldman who said "If voting changed anything it would be illegal"?

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I never try to figure out the motives of aristocrats. Their thinking is beyond me, like the motives of an octopus.

What he's DOING is somewhat clearer. He isn't trying to win an "election". He's trying to pull the conversation into a new direction. He has succeeded in pulling the conversation back from "virus" to Gaia, which is his permanent mission. All the media on both sides, and especially the financial media, are now focused tightly on "global burning".

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I love your way with words Cindy 😊

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Kennedy is compromised and captured and he is weak. Absolutely ONLY TRUMP CAN DEFEAT THESE MONSTERS. GOD WILLING

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Cindy you should interview him. Or DeBar. Or both of you.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Good reporting, Cindy, Hope he goes as an independent, which would draw from all sides.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The DNC/RNC (Uni-party) Preserving Democracy one stolen election at time. So sad we are here.

Great piece Cindy, thank you.

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For Capitalism to Work, Labor Must Be Strong

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Sep 4

I am a believer in capitalism. And for capitalism to work, labor must be able to bargain collectively to maintain decent working conditions and keep a fair share of its productivity. I walked the picket line again this weekend with hotel housekeepers striking against inhumane working conditions, including anti-strike violence by Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Los Angeles.

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Joanna Perry-Folino

Writes Joanna’s Newsletter

just now

All due respect Mr. Kennedy but perhaps it is time for a new way of achieving the presidency...perhaps it should begin not with party politics at all but the creation of a brand new organization: The New Revolutionary Labor Organization ....long awaited....for the middle and working classes of millions....if not now, WHEN?

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I would probably believe in capitalism, as well, if my family were a generational robber baron/capitalist entity. A new way is NEEDED. A way out of bougie politics and a way to grow together, in spite of political difference, to make the working-class stronger. Fuck middle class, let's make it one class: where every one has economic stability, peace, environmental sustainability, education, housing, healthcare, etc. No one is above another, and no one is below and no one will care because we will be content.

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That's democratic socialism. Good luck pushing that agenda in the US...we are too large and too diverse...it needs to be promoted in another way. I like the original birth of democracy in Greece...because every male had to be part of it in terms of decision making and policy development...we need a participatory democracy where the politics is dealt with directly with citizens..ALL CITIZENS.....not just popular contest winners...

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democratic control of politics (one person-one vote) is also socialism.

Really, good luck with any good things happening in this shit hole.

Even good, smart, and engaged people get caught up in the bougie election bullshit. Makes me want to take my toys and go home.

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True....I think listening to this video helps people understand RFK Jr on a very different level...who we are depends a lot on where and how we are raised...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPPSHsIzHtY

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks for your clarity on this Cindy.

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