Sep 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Maybe we should be focusing more on the handlers who use the zombies as avatars. This technique was well known in show biz, and we appropriately exposed the handlers. Bob Hope and Groucho Marx were kept on the stage long after they were insensate corpses. The real power is in the "caretakers" who keep the avatar vertical to maintain the money and blackmail inherent in PERSONAL power.

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Yes, I am sure there are handlers involved, but the handled are also evil and have agency.

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LOL who will stay at home to save her husband from his gay lovers and theIr hammer attacks.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

We can surely use some more youthful political criminals to take the places of the walking corpses.

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So true

I think we need guillotines but I seem to be in the minority

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I'm with you on that!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

California, the model "Nanny State."

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It's never truly about age. The media and pundits are looking at vaccine injuries and calling it age. Fetterman clearly isn't fit, and it's not his age.

All of those you mentioned - Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein - meet the Bradford Hill criteria for vaccine injury. Sure, sleepy Joe was bumbling and stumbling prior to the jab, but just look at videos of him before & after. He got markedly worse. He got cancer after the jab. So did his wife.

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The age doesn’t bother me, it’s the competency. In theory, it wouldn’t be too hard to set up a test for all ages that needs to be passed before being allowed to represent. But we know they’d cheat it.

The population has been too dumbed down to realize they are being screwed. There is only one thing that will cause the revolution needed, hunger. And they know it, thus why the system subsidizes shit to fatten us up like cattle. While the masses have a smart phone, flat screen TV and a 99cent burger, nothing will change.

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But Pelosi's constituents are so hungry that they are homeless. How do they vote?

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I guess she has more work to do on the "Squad" before she's ready to pass the torch!

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The Fraud Squad?

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I’ve often thought how bizarre it is that a Cosmetologist has to pass a test to get a license. They have to study the subject and learn how to do the job. Meanwhile, there are no such qualifiers other than being 35 yo and a citizen to become President! How about a mental competency test, (and maybe a physical exam), rather than an age limit?

Just for a little perspective, Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. He took office at the age of 75, and served for 5 years. “His age was taken into consideration as part of his decision to not seek re-election in 1999.”

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Jimmy Dore made an interesting point The Nancy refusing to impeach W Bush for torture (unconstitutional, of course) in 2006 when she became Speaker because she was in the loop when those Evil Ghouls decided on this illegal policy, thus implicating her own evil self. It is true that some people remain sharp as tacks into their 80s and 90s, but obviously this is not the case with McConnell, Feinstein, and Biden, who are well past their expiration dates.

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If I recall correctly, there was Democratic Party chatter that a Bush impeachment would hurt DNC presidential election. And that is why Pelosi took impeachment "off the table"

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I think how heavily the DNC had invested, so to speak, in the Iraq War-WMD lie may have been a factor as well. Relatively speaking, W committed crimes versus Trump's misdemeanors. Pelosi was being true to the DNC War Hawk establishment then as she still is today.

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Pelosi even voted against Iraq War but it was a useless vote and she probably knew it.


She did nothing to impeach Bush, yet spun her wheels impeaching Trump twice.

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I think everyone in the US should watch a film by Paul Schrader called The Card Counter. It will help people to understand better why this country is hated all over the world and the only way to change that...through the most powerful force there is...It is a brilliant movie by a great American screenwriter. Its theme is what people like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden re enforce every moment they are in office in this country....however you have to see it, SEE it...if it costs you a few bucks I suggest you pay...

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Thanks for that recommendation. I found it free to watch here: https://m4ufree.vip/watch-ofbdi-the-card-counter-2021.html

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As a person who has to live his life wholly in the realm of common sense, my answer is “duh”.

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What does it take, for crying out loud to put these people to pasture? Nanny and the rest of the geriatric tribe probably have staff changing their face and fanny nappy’s?

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As we make jokes and watch the farce known as government the babies being born and the toddlers masking up will need to learn how to survive in a world none of us know much about. Most of us commenting will each be dead within thirty years max. If that. And all the babies throughout the world will be trying to live within the nightmare of slavery and depletion because of our collective folly on social media. It is only through a mass physical movement of collective and thoughtful protest and blockage of power there is any opportunity for shift. And shift we must.

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Exactly right! There should be intellectual competency tests in English proficiency, History, Geography, Science, and Ethics BEFORE anyone at the national office (and certainly the top two!) is allowed on a ballot. State initiative anyone?

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Great article, Cindy! The corrupt gerontocracy is symptomatic of a fundamentally undemocratic, pre-industrial age, 18th century constitution/political system that is itself creaking with age and the strain of its total inability to grapple with and solve the myriad problems confronting the U.S. (+the World) today. They (and it) are not going to simply move out and make way for change. They're going to need a shove.

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