I didn’t get a Covid shot before and I won’t get any now. Nor will I get flu or rsv shots. I’ve completely lost faith in the medical system.

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Me too…as far as “shots” are involved. I will NOT comply.

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You are so right!!

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Since, in the whole of '23, they've only been able to get 1.3% of total doses into peoples' arms, it will be interesting to see how many go for this.

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When do mandates begin? The American people (🐑🐏🐑🐏🐑🐏🐑🐏) will line up for these shots. They swallowed all the obvious bullshit about WMDs in Iraq, Trump colluding with the Russians etc etc etc. Even DeSantis pushed the jabs at one stage. Very few Americans will need to be physically held down and forced.

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Swallowing bullshit is a lot easier than watching younger loved ones, or friends die, else come down with a weird, fast acting, disease. The shear amount of disease, even so far, is staggering. Eg. US younger women had cancer rates that rose from a baseline of around 26,500, to 46,000 in '22 and 297,000 in just the first half of '23. And that's just one disease, Jeez.

Hold on to your hat when The People do decide enough is enough. It will spread faster than any virus they could dream up, and they will need more than masks to protect themselves against it.

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Well said! Apparently truth! 😑

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Sorry, but I have lost compassion for those who continue to put their arms out for jabs. They are harming us all and allowing the depopulation agenda to move forward. Let those who opt for continued jabs cull themselves.

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Anyone taking the not safe and not effective shots at this point have got to be morons with only one brain cell barely rattling around in their empty noggins.

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Have you seen this study?

According to the Oxford Paper that Dr. Peter McCullough quoted recently . . . It’s a study out of Viet Nam . . . It’s proven that the CV19 vaccinated are 251% more likely to carry viral loads than the unvaccinated.  In other words, they have 251% more viral loads in their respiratory tract, mouth and nose.  Therefore, we do indeed have a situation where the “superspreaders” are the CV19 vaccinated.   They are spreading the viruses, the variants and the spike proteins to the unvaccinated.”

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Well I think that’s a bit harsh. We have been brought up to trust our government and their agencies. Elderly folks who have done as their doctors have told them now do not have the research capabilities to learn that this one time is the time to say no. In addition, children depend on their parents to make their health care decisions for them- so kind of hard to blame that group. I think this world needs more compassion for the common man and more critical expectation and accountability of the government and healthcare leaders that are PAID to protect us.

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And paid by us. The sheep 🐑 paying to be torn apart by wolves 🐺

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Exactly! Well said truth. 😑

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Thank you.

Here’s one estimate off the carnage thus far:

Dr Roger Hodkinson:

20 Million Dead from the vx, 2.2 Billion Injuries – Analyst Estimates

Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here. An unimaginable carnage WHICH ISN’T OVER because that number – first of all, is the current estimate. It does not include future deaths of a similar type, which will be cumulative on top of that."

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Please note, they are not "approved", instead "emergency use authorized". This is important to not conflate these 2 terms, the MSM is bad enough with this.

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On closer reading of the FDA press release, it seems they did some interesting things. They essentially slipped this new version in to the EUA versions as well as the "Approved" Comirnaty and SpikeVax versions. Even though the approved Comirnaty is legally different than the EUA version, they are now magically the same? And is the Comirnaty labelled stuff even available? Last I heard, only the EUA labelled stuff was available in the US.

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I thought Resident Hidin’ had declared the “Emergency” to be over. How can an EUA even apply? Oh yeah, I forgot we are in Never Never Land. Where logic goes to die.

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It is September 2023. How is this still happening?

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Please Lord God Almighty, wake up parents so they do not get their babies and children shots. Amen

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...as FAKE cases rise around the nation.

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And “long COVID” side effects count to bolster support for even more vaccinations..

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Didn't they need an EUA (for immunity against civil lawsuits) to manufacture this new "safe and effective" "vaccine"?

In WARP SPEED. I thought the "emergency" was over.

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It’s a great point, no emergency and we clearly have a therapeutic treatment plan- so how can these be authorized?

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"as cases rise around US;"???

Among what group of people???


I'll tell you who... The jabbed. How do I know? Because of it was the un-jabbed there's be screaming it from the roof tops!

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You need to add every single person on the FDA decision board that voted today to approve further Covid experimental gene altering turbo cancer producing injections to your list. After we all know now, after all injury associated with the Covid injections, after all death primarily related to the experimental injection- to approve this for any human but especially to children as young as six months, is a CRIME!

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there are NO ISOLATED ( by themselves) viruses...it doesn't count in a soup of fetal cells, bovine scum etc...

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

According to Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research:

“The public can be assured that these updated vaccines have met the agency’s rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality. We very much encourage those who are eligible to consider getting vaccinated.”

"Rigorous scientific standards"? Utter nonsense!

Is Peter Marks on the list of "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" yet?

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Additional problems with this booster:

v) mRNA technology leads to unpredictable locations where antigens are generated

vi) mRNA technology very poorly controls volume (i.e. dosage) of antigens generated

vii) human immune system fights airborne pathogens first in nasal passages, not in blood vessels

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“Cases” as determined by a non-specific non-diagnostic “test”

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Those who don't know Phizers agenda to cut the population in half by this year, will beleive it after their next shot.

Good bye 👋

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May God rain down blessings on the wonderful, brave heroes who fight against the WEF world economic forum, WHO world health organization, UN, FDA, CDC, NIH, DHS, DOJ, IRS, DARPA, DOE, EPA. May God have vengeance on the WEF and their thugs who harm people. Please hurry, Lord Jesus.

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