What a courageous event! Participants and organizers- doctors and scientists. God bless you, Matt, for reminding us all that we are all part of the human race. And we agree everything needs to start at a local level. Very best Ginger and Peter Breggin

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Author

Ah, how humbling it can be to hear this from My No 1 Heroes of Humanity such as your good selves. You just made me a tad emotional here . Which reminds me...

I will admit here that after quite a few hours of testing and remaining positive and upbeat for the champions of society that I was meeting I came across a lady that had the highest level of contamination that I have seen to date. She was looking in good health and had a fantastic attitude but I could see the emotional trauma that seeing for herself what was in her blood caused. I managed to do one more person while trying to hide the tear that was stuck in the corner of my eye but had to go outside for a break and a personal reset before continuing.

It seemed to me that she was the least deserving of being poisoned in this cowardly manner of all I had encountered that morning. Such a beautiful human with her nature written on her face that you knew her goodness from that alone.. The unfairness of it reminded me to be as gentle and positive as possible for the remainder of that long and historic day.

I think often of you guys and the unfair battle you are having with some lowlife pond scum, but am sure that you will prevail if there is a modicum of justice left to prevail in this crazy world today..

Thank You Kindly and my thoughts , like many, are with you..

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It was a historical day for us all. What a brilliant concept to do this kind of voluntary mass study. May we be so fortunate to have conference studies like this in the US

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It is wonderful and an honor to have you and Peter participating in everything that you do. Thank you for this outreach. I only wish to have met you sooner... not only is your book historic, but you continue to selflessly help humanity.

God bless you in His fullest abundance!

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Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for your contributions and for your appreciation ~ Ginger

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Full gratitude to you and everyone else doing this imperative work Matt!

Are there protocols yet for removing Graphite? from our systems as there are for removing Spike proteins? Also if all these nasty things are now inside everyone regardless of vax status is there any value in doing these targeted detoxes? Are the eugenics promoters in the same boat as the rest of us given your findings? ... So sad that they don't just have to worry about their ex Navy Seal security teams offing them in their bunkers!

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Interesting. As non vaxed, we made the sacrifice of lost jobs etc but remained loyal at any price to Jesus sits at the right hand of his father and we will be rewarded for our obedience and trust in Him and not in the jab made by ma

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I have seen mandarins do a great job of it. Look up the vitamin c crystal posr.

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Venom proteins perhaps? A simple antidote that’s been proven to stop symptoms. The Great Lie & The Antidote. https://x.com/unifydtv/status/1707929691447873737?

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Beautiful stuff...all round - thankyou all, much needed dose of humanity

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Hi Dr Breggin & Ginger - do you think think anti-psychotic medecines, in particular injectables, may also be contaminated? Have you ever studied what's in them? My son has been taking haloperidol injections for many years. Am trying to get a vial for analysis - not easy.

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You two are such an inspiration to me along with Dr. Ana and Karen Kingston. Heroes in a sea of sharks.

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I have made it and also bought lab grade RGO. It is a black powder.

Even the lab grade stuff which is 1 < 5 layers. That's what is in the post graphene and blood. Very visible.

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deletedSep 24, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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Yes , they can be transparent but still viewable , just like a red blood cell. Its the same stuff as the black powder just as individual pieces. If you use different techniques you can still see it just like transparent plastic is visible..

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deletedSep 24, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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The front pic on the post "on buying medications and supplements" is the best image of a classic piece of graphene that I have photographed so far.

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deletedSep 24, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b
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What about borax taken three pinches three times a day as the H@@&P scientists say to do? Have you seen the blood of people who do this?


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Guess we're all fked then!

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Far from it.

We are hard to control and hard to kill.

The people will learn to live with this just like we do with all the other poisons introduced in the last 100 years.

Even better seeing so many wake up to all the other lies we have been told and the indoctrination given since childhood being exposed now.

Man up, Stand up, and take personal responsibility . Stop sucking on that government tit is my answer.

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Yes,. Matt -i love your mindset ❣️we are good in flesh and so much stronger than most of us can imagine. We finally win this spiritual war and nothing can stop us. Keep your vibes up 🌟 💝 💫

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😎 After seeing the strength of the people, old and young, mothers and fathers, granny's and gramps out there, I am only more optimistic.

Its time to pay the same price as our ancestors have for us. Simple.

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It’s great to stand beside smart, brave warriors like yourself and all who participated in this event and choose to take up the fight. Thank you

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The content and ramifications aside this post is excellent news, absolutely brilliant mate. They have been speaking out from the start and like David Nixon can be what the layperson considers an expert. It also raises awareness and spreads the burden.

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Hi Damon,

As long as we have Men like Dr Nixon with bollocks the size of watermelons we have hope.

It was an honor to work alongside him.

Cheers, m.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Absolutely beautiful work and courageous undertaking for humanity - the truth will set us free and a tidal wave of facts and love can move mountains ... what a genius idea - let us do more mass testing - internationally controlled

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Hi Bufus,

Local, local Local... The agenda is internationalization and we need to do the opposite. it can then be collated internationally but must always be a cell structure at the local level. History is a great teacher there.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I see what you mean and I agree - local connection but with a global mindset. What I meant is a decentralized way to check this- similar to the confirmations of a blockchain ... then we can fight the "invisible intrusion" and it could become an era of peace where all eyes are on everyone doing nano and gene editing ....

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Do you think some of it is microplastics?....

"The scientists analysed blood samples from 22 anonymous donors, all healthy adults and found plastic particles in 17. Half the samples contained PET plastic, which is commonly used in drinks bottles, while a third contained polystyrene, used for packaging food and other products. A quarter of the blood samples contained polyethylene, from which plastic carrier bags are made.

“Our study is the first indication that we have polymer particles in our blood – ​it’s a breakthrough result,” said Prof Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxicologist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands"


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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Could plants we eat which are high in polysaccharides be causing them to form clumps and grow?... or help us to flush them out? This article seems contradictory to me


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Hi Heidi,

Whats not shown here is the assembly from the polymer bubbles of these fibres using the fashionable tiny machines. This is definately not just a bit of microplastics having a party suddenly.

We can see it but its hard to capture. We did some blood draws on myself and others then spun them up at 3000 rpm to then measure our polymer levels a few days ago after calling Ron Norris to use his methodologies.

Some interesting anomalies that certainly show this is not normal microplastics appeared.

What we did after was dehydrate a few and they snap with a good loud crack . It will be in my next post.

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Thank you.

Since they are seeing microplastics in blood and tissues is it possible for you to also view and document them? Do you think they are blaming what they see in blood and tissues on microplastics, when it's really what you are seeing?

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From what i am seeing those high profile experts that are denying the tech are still claiming its all just contamination of the slides etc. Just thinking of it makes me laugh out loud. especially that Jerk Coles statements... Sorry , I mean that man whom I believe is not being entirely honest..

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A common person like me is entitled for an opinion for denying an existence of virus or otherwise, rejecting nano as an improper handling of slides, earth being a globe or not and lots more because i am observing through the lens of researchers i have trust & faith in, however a celebrity truther with an substantial following and well equipped means at their disposal should carry out experiments alteast to assert their claim before publishing their non-findings, it does make you think if this is actually on purpose.

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Hi Gani,

Unlike most, I like it when people challenge me on any claim I or others make. We wouldn't have progressed in this world much if we still accepted all the BS assertions made throughout history.

At present we are debating internally if some objects we are observing are Qdots or plasmonic nanoparticles. Personally I am not happy that either of these are now being found in the blood of humanity.

If I am wrong in my belief that they are Qdots is irrelevant to me in the scheme of things, but would like an answer either way as a matter of scientific principle.

Yes , those non findings are definitely on purpose as these are intelligent people with access to far higher spec gear than we citizen scientists have and I find it incomprehensible that they are not seeing exactly the same things we are. There is only one logical explanation and that is total dishonesty in my view.

Basic common sense and your gut instinct should lead you to the truth .

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Are you familiar with the 4th industrial Revolution and objective of singularity? How else can these be achieved in the stated timeline? Or do you think the trillions of $ that went into research and building of respective industries are all a joke?

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Leave me alone

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Author

Seems a bit over the top Heidi, Do you guys have a history or something?

matt. j.a.o.b

just now


In any debate a valid point deserves a more civilised and better rebuttal, if there is one.

I am not one for censorship so wont delete anyones comments unless they are extreme, but would prefer as adults that we edit our own comments that are made in haste. ( Thanks in advance (hopefully) Heidi)

When I got a note saying there was an issue I thought I had been reported for calling Men ,Men and Women, Women. Oh what a wierd world we live in today. It did give a laugh tho.

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In any debate a valid point deserves a more civilised and better rebuttal, if there is one.

I am not one for censorship so wont delete anyones comments unless they are extreme, but would prefer as adults that we edit our own comments that are made in haste. ( Thanks in advance (hopefully) Heidi)

When I got a note saying there was an issue I thought I had been reported for calling Men ,Men and Women, Women. Oh what a wierd world we live in today. It did give a laugh tho.

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Have not ate out in a restaurant since end of 2019. ■ I have wondered about how that has affected my health. Even just not being around all the chemicals in the area and on the tables is worth dining at home. M

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I couldn’t agree more! Not only is "pure bloods" creepy as hell, it is also completely inaccurate and at this point I would even argue that it's a PsyOp tactic to give those of us who are uninjected a sense of security which is completely and utterly FALSE!

If you are still using this term, please stop!

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Fully agree Michael. Thanks.

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Hey Matt, did the structures appear in uninjected blood pretty much straightaway or did you have to pass low level electric current to trigger the formation, as described by Dr. Mihalcea here: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/unvaccinated-blood-recurrent-new

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No current needed and we did observe the formation activity for a while on one of the blob / fibres. I didn't take video but someone else did and I will get a copy to post. Actually got to see the blood of one tough mutha who had 15 shots and is still upright (dont ask...). He's had a few of his bits removed since and suffered a heart attack immediately after the last one but is being treated by a good crew who are looking after him. More on that story in a future post, with his permission.

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1-5 shots you said? One five??!!

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Only one booster tho... that dropped him in the clinic with a heart attack and he was lucky as the staff ignored it, but a doctor happened to be there and recognised what it was . Probably saved his life I'd say.

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Well, given you have his permission to publish, I look forward to reading it. I don't even know what to think...or say!

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What!!!! Oh my god.

It has been strange to watch unhealthy people with multiple shots I figured would be highest likelihood casualties seem unaffected, while others at the other end of the spectrum be taken down or out.

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While true everyone may have some things that don't belong, I don't believe everyone is in the exact same boat. To say there is no difference between getting vaxxed and not vaxxed is saying injecting whatever into you body makes you the same as everyone, and that is not true. Some people are exposed to more pathogens and contaminants because of their profession or where they live or their lifestyle choices or something passed down or one time incident unique to that person. That said, I do not use the term pureblood, and it also seems a possibility to me that some may have gotten placebo or saline solution or extremely low dose. Meaning it's a very individual situation. No one should assume their blood or skin looks like this or doesn't. I feel the only way to know is to look. Getting blood tests sent to a lab likely not the same. I do not know for sure, but money-wise I would imagine the image recognition is primarily used to analyze samples as opposed to using the human eye. A computer algorithm can only search and look for what's it's asked to search for. It's possible foreign objects could be overlooked and not identified as even being there. It would be nice to know what standard operating procedure (SOP) is when sending blood samples out for testing. We've heard from embalmers, but why haven't we heard from hematologists or dermatologists?

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Hi Lee,

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

You are correct and there is definitely a big difference, you only have to acknowledge who is dying suddenly and who is not to see that. My point is that we all have the same technology now.

If you look at my very first post as an example of the difference its obvious to me as well. That sample came from my brother who had 2 shots and had a huge loading and a more developed and advanced form of these fibres. It actually shows what I would consider to be a genetic throwback to some of the life forms used to create this synthetic biology or cross domain bacteria as my Hero of Humanity, Clifford Carnicom describes it..

I also see the difference in the blood. Even those who took the tests have more tech in their sputum for instance.

The labs will certainly be seeing this and no doubt have strict instructions to ignore it.

Skin testing is far more effective, cheap and easy to do. Anyone can do it and its been a huge wakeup for many parents to see. I sympathize hugely with the anger they feel on finding out.

If I was a gambling man I could make a fortune offering odds of 100 to 1 on being able to find this in any person today. I have never needed to go to the areas where I know most hang out and am happy with that, as the calf is easy and I wouldn't want to be playing with peoples feet today.

I think the hematologists and dermatologists are a bit scared and perhaps a gentler, weaker species.

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I find it interesting how people readily roll their sleeve up to accept whatever, but when I begin to ask if they are interested in knowing or seeing what I see under the microscope, they do not even return my message. It's like I don't exist.

With respect to same technology, I will accept there's a possibility, but varying degrees and possibly different technologies. A scientist given free reign I'm sure would experiment with a number of things. A person's lifestyle (and supplements?) throughout their lifetime has some potential to detox. You eluded to this as well. Another reason we are all different. I have also read that in order for the body to start to recognize and naturally detox some of the nanoparticles is the ability for the nanoparticles to clump large enough to be recognized. So while it may be alarming to see larger structures, perhaps it is step one in naturally detoxing. The speed in which one attempts to detox may also be important in not overloading the liver or kidneys. These are very high level thoughts, but just what comes to mind as side thoughts - as an average person with no specific training - when trying to maneuver through the daily tasks of good financial and mental health. I hope to position myself to take care of the physical part more. My mantra these days is "less is more" and I'm hoping that will help.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

They all did it for humanity, rolling up their sleeves (still do), hypnotized by words, having the mantra on mainstream every day dor 3 years did that. Thank you all the big newspapers and magazines, thank you for being in lockstep, we are all proud of ye! Raping free speach. The symbiosis between believers in the willing public and the willing newspapers and the msm have huge bloodsucking tentacles. They willing ones made a choice and part of their choice is to believe they did the right thing and this is where the big problem lies.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

I became and still am a island of remote independence - never following the truthers, nor accepting the narrative. I dont do herd. I wonder if someone like myself living in remote rainforest, drinking the filtered springs that arise on my land, independent of energy and most food, the rest sourced fresh and ,locally....Far way enough and blocked even from radio frequency. A largely outdoor life in an organic environment....I wonder if I have the contaminants? I dare say there would be something as I am now nearly 60 , however I have never felt better. I will use my intuition, insight, focus and self driven actions to limit and mitigate whatever transformation is occurring

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Yeah! I'm hearing ya!

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I like your medicinal name a lot.

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Ha, they dang sure don't want to know what's been injected in them and they sure don't want to have ANY conversation about the injection period!! Haven't found 1 person jabbed who wants to conversate on the issue. I imagine most have some sort of adverse symptoms but don't want to acknowledge it. All we can do is pray for the Jabbed and us Unjabbed as well. If Any of you are not detoxing daily, I'd suggest you start immediately.

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I’m (stupidly,regrettably) Pfizer’dx2, as a nurse I honestly had zero idea about any nefarious plots. It took a violent reaction to my 2nd dose (January 2021) to begin my awareness of a plethora of conspiracy facts. Anyway, I’m angry as a hornet for having ignored my instincts and my ignorance of my sovereignty but what’s done is done and I speak of what I know to nearly everyone. I lost interest in my old life, have no old friends and I’m ok with it. I do wish people would stop saying pure blood verses vaxxed but whatever!

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Don't blame yourself girl. Hope you are better now. These jabs got us all, even the UNVAXED. The shedding got us All!! Anyways, hope you are detoxing. Food grade 'Zeolite' or 'Diatomaceous Earth'. Their "poison" is in about Everything.

And yepn, same here. Got rid of all old friends. Only family now I deal with cause they are all jabbed up and brainwashed and I'm still the StOoPid one for not taking a BIOWEAPON 💉

Weren't nurses mandated?

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Yes, mandated. That’s the only reason I took it. My gut was screaming not to for the simple fact that it was a rushed, experimental, and new technology….after I got sick I swore to NEVER take another injection of any kind ever again and I haven’t and I have not administered a vaccine to anyone either. Strangely we never gave Covid vaccines because we hire CVS to come do them instead, I’m in a nursing facility. Suspicious!

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Thank you for all you work on this. I'd like to try testing my own skin! Is there any specific technique to collecting and preparing the sample? I have a 90x microscope.

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Hi Forkin, Its all in previous posts. Thanks, m

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I did it and want to assure you it’s very easy. Prep falls along the lines of common sense after reviewing Matt’s early archive. I took a break and getting ready to update results. I’m living life, in fact, fallen in love and enjoying it immensely. He doesn’t care about the fibers :)


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Thanks, I will take a look. So far I looked at a small piece of dead skin with 90x magnification and didn't see anything.

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I had a blister on my big toe and took the opportunity to cut it open and look under my 1200x handheld microscope and saw blue/black fibers imbedded. I was unable to hold the scope and tweeezer it out though and it’s literally invisible to my eye without the scope. I’m injected x2(very regrettable) but have looked at many of my bodily creations 😳tmi,as well as my cats and have found some fibers, red blue black and definitely round clear stuff once it dries. I have no idea what I’m seeing but in my opinion it doesn’t seem like I’m riddled with these fibers. With that said, I probably am but just don’t have the right tools. I wish someone could look at my blood. Oh and I’ve been collecting samples of chemicals/drugs to see if I see anything but so far I haven’t...but it’s likely because I don’t have the right tools.

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Thanks, this is very helpful. It sounds like I need a better microscope to begin with. Much appreciated!

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Please look at this video with John Campbell. The gel in the video in your substack that came from your sinus looks like what he shows at 5 mins - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kEE5OfiVS7o

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I followed Campbell for awhile but it’s my belief that any expert still focusing on spike protein or amyloid crystal theory yet fails to weigh the presence of nanotech has reached a plateau of understanding. The spike protein is a toxic reality but may also provide a smokescreen that obscures the real threat of synthetic biology and nanotechnology in the greater environment.

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Both may be occurring. I do not see Campbell as a leading expert, but he does try to report on things and break it down for his audience. I happened to see your video and his at the same time. and the resemblance is remarkable.

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Hey, That's great to hear Marie. Lucky you..

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May I kindly ask how one could do such a skin test? Thank you

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good notions..glad you aired this

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Thanks. I will have an upcoming post to talk about this more.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hi Matt. I see there's a lot to catch up on here. I'm hitting a bit of a wall in my personal microscope endeavors, namely, achieving resolution clarity beyond the 10x objective. I'm sure it's down to user error, but It'd be great to pick your brain to see if you can provide advice. Maybe during or after one of David's next meetings I can speak with you briefly and explain my difficulties. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Hey Will,

Great post you did with the environmental fibres I saw today, being the first chance I've had in 10 days to catch up. Will stick around after the next chat to advise for what its worth. I've got a few ideas for unusual tests on the fibres you may like t try out.

Regards, matt.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Hey Matt.

I had a live blood analysis done on Tuesday. I took a video of it with my phone, however red blood cells (showing some minimal oxidative stress and iron deficiency), white blood cells, and signs of leaky gut were the only things picked up on the slide. I don't think the microscope was capable of higher resolution. I went to a naturapath for this and wondering where I could go for a more thoughrough analysis?



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Hi Rebecca,

Personally I would doubt the microscope a naturopath uses wouldn't see these if they are there. Eve the brightfield bio scope I picked up for 180$ can see them easily, as shown in one of the previous posts. When you think that the pinprick of blood we look at is only perhaps 1/ 100,000 th of the blood in our bodies its very possible not to pick them up too with such a tiny sample. The skin check with crystal clear tape is far more effective in seeing the level of contamination we have, and how we are progressing in dealing with it.

The ameoba scope we used on the weekend is only $200 odd dollars and you can check your own blood with it too for these things. I got mine 2nd hand for $40...

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks Matt for the suggestions. I agree that It's quite possible that the small prick sample of my blood may not have picked them up. So even though I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, I'm not convinced that I don't have these nasty invaders in my blood, as it appears most un vaxxed now have them too. I'll look into those brands of microscopes...had been thinking about getting my own. The crystal clear tape, where would I purchase that?



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Nearly all stationary shops have it.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Oh right!! Silly me. I actually thought it was a special kind of tape used for microscopes.

I probably have some of this tape at home.

So is it a matter of sticking the tape to the skin then taking it off then viewing under the scope?

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Not silly at all, reasonable assumption i think. Yes just stick on in 5 or 7 places pull of and put under scope with sticky side up. also good for testing your house dust, pets, car windscreen after chemtrails etc, etc.

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It'll be interesting to see.

Thanks Matt 😊

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I figured it was so. Still, can this be the end of our species... I wonder ? I know my Bible says He knows His own and they know Him.

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No, we will overcome this like every other challenge humanity has faced in history. it wont be the world we knew tho.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thanks Brother

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No sweat, We fight the same fight. Would be sweet to catch up one day in person after we win.

Thanks to you too for what you are doing.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Correction Lots Of Sweat 😂

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by matt. j.a.o.b

Thank you for all you, Dr Nixon and your volunteers efforts. It is a crappy spot showing people their contamination, but you are doing great work and people need to see what they are up against, so they’ll have a chance. You are making great strides in bringing the public to where it needs to be❤️ Not the easy role but very grateful for you taking it on. Endless gratitude

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Thanks Kim,

For those just waking up to having to deal with this on top of everything else being thrown at us you are the shining example of hope for us all. At least if people acknowledge it early they wont have to go though what you have before coming out the other side like yourself..

I encourage everyone to have a look at your personal history with this as what i see as an early test case (2018) to present.

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Did you record details of all those whose blood/skin you analysed according to vax status, masking/testing habits, contact/intimacy with vaxed, cell phone use, rural/city dwellers etc.?

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Definitely not. There are serious privacy issues to consider in this period of history. i would consider it a criminal act to collect data like that .

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This is interesting. A few years ago, I had a scab on my leg, I picked it & looked at it with a simple jeweler's loop & it had square fluorescent Pink & Yellow shapes in it. THAT is when I KNEW that we were ALL infected.

Great work.

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The " Chemtrails", was that s trial in dispersal?

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I can't say 100% but I suppose so.

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I constantly watch the sky and the chemtrails are worse than ever. A powerful LED flashlight with a focused beam pointed skyward in the country at night shows a constant rain if fine particles.

I watch regular jets pass through the chem trails and leave only contrails. This proves a difference in them. On heavy chemtrail days I can smell it. what we all are forced to inhale.

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Hi Jeannettecally Modified,

You were correct.

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I'd like to add that the scab was from a mosquito bite.

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Live your life, Amen!!!

Thank-you gentle men and ladies.

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