The first priority of government is to protect it's citizens.

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1. Buy more ammo

2. Practice Practice Practice

3. Be physically & psychologically ready to kill

4. Make peace with your maker, you will meet Him soon.

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I have been preparing since the Marxists stole the election! I have to be my families protector, I hope all of you patriots have been preparing as well. If so we have a fighting chance to make it out of this with our country in a position to be rebuilt.

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Only if Brandon & Co. don't get us into WW III . Then the country will be nothing but a pile of radioactive rubble.

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As Dan Bongino is asking, "Is it bad enough yet?"

"Not yet"...

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I do not believe there is nothing that can be done until Biden is defeated. The border situation is nothing short of outrageous and our elected representatives just keep reporting to the office like it’s another day in paradise. They keep talking, tweeting, sending stern letters. When is someone going to DO something?

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You are so right JD865.

I saw a list of investments congress people have made since the Israel invasion. All in defense based companies.

If you or I made these investments it would be called insider trading. Filthy people serving only themselves.

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