Thanks Caitlin. As the years have gone by who in the Western world has stood up for the Palestinians? I see this as racism, therefore it is no surprise to me that someone would finally come to their aid and of course it's Arabs who are called criminals.

Netanyahu is a criminal, who should be in prison but instead of this, US comes to his aid and offers more money! Money for what?

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As an Amerikkkan, I refuse to pay federal taxes this year. I will not be party to supporting IsraHell, or Ukrainazia, for that matter. If I’m fined, it will be like getting blood from a turnip. If I’m jailed, I’ll get three hits and a cot 😉

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Good for you. I salute your integrity. I’m old and get taxes back, but my act if rebellion this year will be to vote for Rashida Tlaib and let the chips fall where they may.

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That’s awesome Jeano! Rashida is from my state but sadly I’m not in her district 🙁

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I would not pay taxes in the US either. Maybe you have started a campaign?

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I stopped paying taxes to expand the Vietnam war by getting the hell outta there. No regrets here in France. (Although it's not Utopia.)

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Ireland is my dream country ( been there twice). If I’m ever a widow, I’ll move heaven and earth to get an Irish passport.

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Me too

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We’ll go together, Kevin!

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I hope so! 😉

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Both FJB and FBiBi are criminals and war criminals. They should both be jailed for life.

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Unfortunately because they are Amerikans they can't be indicted in the International Court.

You in Amerika sought punishment for the Nazis (quite rightly) BUT who is going to bring Biden and his crony's to the International Court.

There is a reason why Amerika stayed out of international war crimes!

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It did? Coulda fooled me!

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“criminal” doesn’t quite capture what Netanyahu and his ilk truly are...

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everyone knows they are discussing 'the final solution', and do not see the irony at all because they are psychopathic narcissists.

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Yes I agree..what name would you suggest?

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Demons? Beasts? Has English a word for this evil?

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so that is why demons and the foulest of beasts are complaining about dire insults to their good names.

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Can’t think of one word that does, though admittedly I’m not Shakespeare.

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scum sucking pukes. Learned that term from a kid.

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Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings…

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That is the 40 dollar question isn't it! I said that too. They are committing genocide like using gatling guns against bows and arrows! Why do they need more money and weapons!? It is solely for the return of the money to the pockets of the warmongers!

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There need to be some very big neon signs that say "WHY ARE THE FIRST WORDS OUT OF A POLITICIANS MOUTH ALWAYS WE NEED MORE MONEY"!?

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As to your question "As the years have gone by who in the Western world has stood up for the Palestinians?"

THE ANSWER IS - The vast majority of the people in the Western World; but like so many other subjects and topics, our views are just ignored. After the last 3 years however, people have "awakened" or whatever you want to call and now "enough is enough", so the people will finally stand up and force their voice to at least be heard (1st step) and then take action if their views are not listened to. Protests are happening throughout US, UK and EU (2nd step).

My concern is that the 3rd step, (social disorder and and ) is exactly what the globalist parasites want ... this is backed up somewhat by the new laws created by all Western governments on crime, protesting, immunity for government over reach and violence and and.

So - are we being played as the race card and the no-jab vs jab division did not work in the UK and EU (assuming it worked better in the US) ... ?.




PS I also include Australia, NZ, Canada etc and as just 1 example = https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/australians-rejection-indigenous-voice-constitutional-vote-shameful-supporters-104215038#:~:text=What%20Australians%20voted%20'no'%20to,of%20Australians%20voting%20%E2%80%9Cno.%E2%80%9D

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France (where I live) we have been 'gagged' already! Not allowed to protest. Some Mayors in Towns are allowing some form of protest. The stupidity of this is obvious. People will go underground and hate will become the norm (as we have already seen in Paris).

What happens to us people?

A lot of us feel frustrated and angry and empathetic to the plight of the Palestinians I know I am. I want to be out doing something but I do not want to see the inside of a French gaol again!

We are all starting to see that the free press is going to be censured.

I am old but am so sad to think of what our grand-kids and all kids are going to be left with.

I agree there will be social disorder with ever more threatening ways of controlling us.

We are disposable.

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99.9 % agree and if I was so eloquent; could have been one of my comments. Agree with the grand-kid stuff and it breaks my heart sometimes.

The 0.1 % I disagree with is that we are disposable; we are not... although they try and make us feel that way but on the flip side; so many can see through it all now... not happening with me anyway..

KEEP (WHATEVER) FAITH OR SPIRITUALITY YOU HAVE and stand up tall and remember, you are not alone ... WE ARE MANY; THEY ARE FEW.... It is a war and we will lose battles and suffer huge casualties , but we will win - whether it takes a generation or two, whatever.

I do talk a load of bllx mostly; but one serious thing I learnt over the last 5-10 years is that tings like ... YES stupid things to most ears ... "good vs evil" or "Yin vs Yang" or blah blah have to be maintained in equilibrium (yes I know how it sounds !!) ... so if the pendulum swings one way, it is only a matter of time until it swings back; otherwise ... the planet is finished as we all are.

Come good... but probably bad days before good days !.

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Wow! That woman was so powerfully articulately on target about "you own everything!" Thank you for the clips. Thank you too for highlighting the "faux completely out of nowhere" Western government/media message.

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The reason for this new phenomenon of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the West is because of alternative media and skepticism of legacy media. People have seen videos of the abuse meted out on Palestinians by the Zionists. People have learned the true history of the Zionist Apartheid State of Israel as I have.

I no longer stand with Israel because I was duped by the Neocons and Zionists in the past. I stand with the Palestinian People and want them to have a nation with a Mediterranean coast.🇵🇸

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If Russia had not responded to NATO provocations, there is a 90% chance that the US citizens would not be reacting to the Israel crisis as it is now.

The US has been exposed as a toothless bully. Americans are finally realizing that the Empire is collapsing. They stand with the Palestinians because they don't want to be on the losing side.

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Some of us have been standing with the Palestinia People for decades.

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Same here, Brother. My activism began during Vietnam, but I credit reading “ Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” as a teenager for my support for displaced peoples.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Happen to have heard of the movie "Billy Jack"? It is a strange thing as I grew up with Cherokee and Chippewa Indians and obviously went to school with some of them but until I saw that movie I was totally clueless! I will add that I have been on the side of my Indian brothers and sisters since 1965 when I saw reality and I am white.

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I saw “Billy Jack” at the theater as a teenager…several times.

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Blessed are those who ally with the downtrodden.

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"The only way to reconcile this fact with a belief in Israel’s innocence is rigorous psychological compartmentalization."

I remember reading Derrick Jensen's claim that "Violence done by those lower in status against those higher is always condemned and punished. But violence from those higher against those lower is not punished or condemned--it isn't even seen as violence." When I first read this about 15 years ago I thought it an extreme statement. But since then I've see instance after instance of its being true. Look at this situation--Hamas kills over a thousand Israelis and that is seen as horrific violence, which it was. But when Israel responds by killing ten times as many, which it always does when Palestinians kill a handful of Israelis, never mind the imprisonment without charge, the locking up of millions, the theft of more and more land, the apartheid regime with different laws for Jews and others--that isn't violence, it's just "Israel's right to defend itself." Every US newscaster howls with horror about dead Israeli children as an especial outrage and crime--but all the Palestinian children killed, well...nothing to get excited about.

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The hospital attack is just a blip on the whole mess of violence against Palestinians through the years and continuing, on steroids.

It doesn't matter who did it....it's either on purpose or boys playing w/ dangerous toys.

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Mary, the MSM only parrots what the government tells them to. As for a “free press”…hell, China’s press is probably more free than ours.

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A million times thank you for that last point. Peace is the absence of abuse. Not the quiet submission to abuse. A million times thank you

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The colonial empire is facing revolt in the colonies and at home even.

How will they respond though? By reaching for insight and enlightenment? One is reminded here of Agamben’s work “State of Exception” which would imply that the response will be heightened brutality. Doubling down.

At the end of the day this is a deep state run by Nuland, Kagan, Blinken - virulent racists and totally amoral.

I’d say this the mindless state sponsored violence and repression and censorship is far from over.

Spare a thought here for Assange and Snowden though - they sacrificed themselves to give early warning on all this. But nobody listened. At all.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

What I despise is these people (fascists) hold the nuclear baseball bat over the entire world. It's why (my guess) the world has been so hesitant about responding strongly against Israel's ethnic cleansing campaign - which is clearly an act of brutal genocide against a defenseless population. And we're all suppose to believe this is a "War" when there is no standing army in Gaza - and never has been one?

They really don't seem to give a damn if World War breaks out. It's almost as if they want it to break out. So what do you do when you have an abusive psychopath loose in the world playground? How do you respond - without risking a worldwide conflagration - that the psychopath (Joe Biden) - and his good buddies in the UK, France, Canada and Israel are more than willing to let happen?

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And WHY does the MSM frame it as a war “between Israel and Hamas”? It’s a full-on war against the entire Palestinian people!

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Here "Le Monde" invariably headlines: "Israël-Hamas." I shake with rage every time I see this.

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Brilliantly said. And thank you for the reminder. My biggest hope is that now that these courageous prophets have been proven right, that we the people can start moving in the direction of outrage, protest, resistance, responsibility, community, socialism, altruism and just plain decency. PLUS the enormous rebuilding that is going to have to be done.

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Don't worry, BlackRock & Vanguard are certainly ready to step into the breach, D-g bless them. Gonna rebuild Ukraine too. Mr. Z. signed up for reconstruction way back when the Russian SMO first started.

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Hope so.

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Marilia isn't replying to my sarcastic comment, but to Jeano's above mine. Problem with the order of comments.

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Yeah. Actually, I'm reading it now. Sometimes sarcasm is all there is to reply .

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You may not have listened but a LOT of us did.

None of this is surprising to me.

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Meanwhile, the US State Department issued a "Worldwide Caution" travel warning, for THE ENTIRE GLOBE!


Blowback is a bitch.

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How about stop abusing the entire world ?

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K - you miss my point. Do you know what "blowback" is? Obviously US should stop abusing the entire world. But the fools and imperial ideologues in the State Department can't admit that they are generating the violent blowback they warn about.

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Really!!!?? That is very funny. I live in Mexico and it's safe here.

In the past I traveled (solo, budget) in many countries that the US St. Dept. said were unsafe. I was always safe.

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Yes. I travelled around China and India on my own. Felt safer in China than the US

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5 months in India...pretty filthy and chaotic but wonderful. In Livingston, Guatemala, was hanging out with 3 solo travelers who raved about India. At the same time: terrible things and beautiful things, awful odors and divine scents. China: I spent 6-7 months in all the SE Asia countries but not China; I'm not sure it's a good place to travel anymore.

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China is fine.....no need to worry. Just came back from there. I am not American so perhaps I was OK.

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I could see that: I doubt any of them are "carrying".

how long and how did you travel? You're not American: but you're not Chinese, as if that would make a difference. I have 2 Chinese granddaughters and they would be spotted a mile away as not being Chinese. I've heard some there is now very anti foreigner stuff plus really poisonous food. Extremely bad cleanliness habits. I am a New Yorker and the bathrooms in Chinatown were gross. and no soap.

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Sorry I took so long to reply.

About 20yrs ago and I still have friends there.(China)

I got lost wondering around several times but the people were all very helpful, one even walked me to the bus stop.

The Chinese don't seem to be very friendly at first but when one tries they are charming.. No trouble with food but I am a vegetarian so I could not eat a lot of weird things.

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Yes - hit the link and read it for yourself.

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I did and I don't care. It's stupid ...and sad. I have wondered if the US just wants Americans to stay home...go to Disneyland.

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I suspect this is not much more than another attempt to make the middle class hate and fear Arabs more than they already do, the pathetic Sheeple that they are.

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US always does this!

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It's insulting to watch the BidenBamas playing world police, world bully, and glorified executioner. But I confess that reading this warning, I felt something that almost felt like a little optimism. If they are that concerned, it means that they have info on a rising global outrage against the White House.

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“I don’t want no peace, all I need is Equal Rights and Justice.” - Peter Tosh

Yoruba proverb: Ti a ba lé Ewurẹ̀ kan ógiri, yió bu éniyan jẹ̀ / If a goat is pushed to the wall it will bite back.

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I have grown old and my injuries and fatigue have put me in my place.

You tell me to take a side?

My ancestors were killed by Romans, “blessed”with Christianity at the tip of Charlemagne’s spear, killed by the French, killed by the Germans, killed by the Russians.

Wherever my ancestors went they built fertile farms but there seems no escape from the blood crazed One-God people.

You ask me to pick a side?

30 years of war and carnage in Europe was not enough for the One-God people. The Enlightenment could not dampen the bloodshed. Science provides more effective weapons instead of the end of abuse.

You think I should pick a side?

The One-God people say to a person:”We are a religion of peace.”, while they hack at bodies or bomb them, each according to their means. They say:”To your peril do you ignore the One God. No morality exists without God.”

You really want me to pick a side?

Don’t they see: There are as many Gods as there are people!

Pick a side, fan the flames, don’t pick a side and still feed the war. You are the fuel for this machine.

You are the Gods (,.) you destroy.

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Fran, someone once said something like, 'we have the self-control of stone-age people, the values of the Middle Ages and the weapons of the nuclear age - what could possibly go wrong?'

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Stone age people had great self control. That is why their communities spanned entire continents. But your point is taken.

There's a similar one, that I'll misquote from memory: "The political systems of the 17th Century, the morality of the 18th Century, and the weapons of the 21st".

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Money quote: (please forgive the crude American metaphor):

"The cruelties of property and privilege are always more ferocious than the revenge of poverty and oppression for the one aims at perpetuating resented injustice. The other is merely a momentary passion soon appeased.” (CLR James, from there book The Black Jacobins, quoted by Chris Hedges in a superb must watch interview of Norm Finkelstein, see:


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While I mostly admire Norm Finkelstein, he still stresses that Israel has a "right to exist."

Why then does Nazi Germany not have a "right to exist"?

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He is from the outdated era post-WWII when people conflated the right of Jews to exist - which of course they do - with the right of Jews to dispossess some other hapless people and form a theocracy- which actually they don’t have that right.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Finkelstein has been banned from entering Israel. Both his parents were victims of the Holocaust and ended up in concentration camps. I believe one of them perished in Auschwitz.

It's remarkable he still maintains Israel has the right to exist - but he was also making the moral argument a few days ago in an interview with Chris Hedges that what the Hamas did to the Israelis was morally justified. It was an interesting and even a rational argument he made, but I couldn't go along with it. I think morally I'm ok with soldiers fighting/killing soldiers - but when you get into killing civilians including children - that's not (for me) morally acceptable.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Who his parents are or where he is banned from, has nothing to do with the essential point. Saying “Israel has the right to exist” seems a banal statement, if you dont understand that what it does is sneakily try to get people to confuse jews right to existence, with the right of some jews to dispossess others. That is in fact colonialism and no one has a right to colonialism.

All of this is borne out of the fact that Europeans refused to exist in peace alongside each other and alongside jews. But the solution is for Europeans to learn to coexist in diverse societies - no to go send the European jews off to the middle east to kick down on other people in some sort of vicious cycle.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Finkelstein has been one of the most outspoken critics against the Israel genocide for decades now. Crucifying him for stating Israel has the right to exist - while marginalizing 90% of the rest of his statement against the Zionists - seems like a democratic party, Hillary Clinton type of smear job.

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I didn't hear Finkelstein say it was "morally justified". He said he couldn't condemn it. In the context of what he has studied about people who live in slavery or "open air prisons".

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“…..Crucifying him for stating Israel has the right to exist….”

It’s rather dramatic of you to drag in the biblical visualisation of him on the cross. I think you put him on it though.

I o the other hand have not “crucified him”. I have pointed out the underlying contradiction of this term: “israel has the right to exist”. By:

- pointing out the reactions to genocidal actions of the Euro-colonialists in the 1940s

- pointing out that the right of jews to exists isnt in debate or dispute

- pointing out that the existence of a jewish religious state is a different matter

- point out that the establish of a jewish religious state….however based on dispossession and colonialism…..takes us back to the original sin

It matters not a whit what credentials you want to put forth. Colonialism is not OK.

What people need to grasp is that you cannot appease the sins of 1940s by stepping on the backs of palestinians, which is what is EXPLICIT in the statement. “Israel has the right to exist. Because stepping on the backs of the Palestinians, is how Israel came to exists.

And in case the blowback isnt sending a clear message, that existence is based on racism, oppression and colonialism. And it it unjust.

So the message he is trying to sell there is in fact: “israel has the right to dispossess and colonise palestinians.”. Hope you can see why this ain’t going fly.

We will not get past these problems until everyone moves forward from ethnic cleansing and theocracy, to accepting a one state solution in which everyone is going to have to SHARE this place in peace and brotherhood. And not with one person’s jackboot on the neck of the other.

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Many generations of Israelis have been born in the country and have a right to live there. They have no right to ignore the right of the original population to live in Palestine freely and equally. We are obliged to support that right to self determination. Israel needs to reconcile with the Palestinians and make amends, giving the Palestinians finally a chance to be full citizens in a state. (The exact solution is up to them, not me)

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“ Israel” is an artificial construct. A Jewish theocracy imposed on a geographical area with diverse peoples including Palestinians.

It’s time for a real multiethnic democracy there.

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Palestinians will NEVER be equal in one state”. They need their own in order to be able to form their own destined. Let those squatters in the West Bank go back to under the rocks from where they came. Or Siberia.

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Break the Cycle of War for Blood & Profits, Both "Sides" Funded by the Bankster Elitists, yes the Commies are Funded, Comrade.

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This is a great bandwagon to be on, and I’m so glad the voices are getting louder and stronger. Israel and the U.S. are taking it in the shorts, just as they should. But in the meantime, let’s not forget that the settler nation of Australia just voted down a referendum that would have allowed for greater representation of the Indigenous People in government. The only way I know this is because I get email from Lakota Law Project. It is absolutely nowhere in the press, not even here in an Australian’s column aimed mostly at injustice perpetrated by settler nations. Don’t let the big flash bangs of Israel and Ukraine blind you to the CONSTANT struggle of the original peoples everywhere against the white Anglo-Saxon incursion and genocide in their lands.

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Jeano, I too am glad that the voices of protest are getting louder and stronger. People are marching all over the world in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The tide is turning. Glad too that you mentioned how in Australia they voted down a modest proposal of a Voice to Parliament for the First Nations people. In the end it came down to a settler colonial mindset.

Also, Australian journalist Julian Assange still languishes in prison in the UK - awaiting extradition to the US - for alerting the world to their war crimes. It is lamentable that the Australian government has failed - so far - to get him released.

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O god, I know. It’s just gutting when people who believe in democracy and believe their country is TRYING at least to be a force for good find out that just greed and corruption have turned it into a monster. So much damage.

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As an Australian who voted NO to the institution of a new bureaucracy and the waste of many 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars, perhaps you need to be better informed before passing judgement. This was not a nice modest proposal consisting of a supposed one page document but FOI revealed a concealed further 26 pages written up by millionaire middle class aboriginal activists, speaking of treaty (between Australians!) and reparations. There are many state aboriginal affairs bodies funded with hundreds of millions of dollars of which little goes to indigenous communities in real need or spent usefully. It seems to be wasted or ends up in the wrong pockets. Since the referendum, 60/40 saying no and largely well heeled metro elites voting yes to expunge their white guilt for raking up much more for themselves than the majority of this country, a proposal for a royal commission into entrenched violence in remote aboriginal communities has been voted down, likewise a senate enquiry into the misspending of BILLIONS of dollars for aboriginal welfare(see wealthy part blood aboriginal activists).

There are 11 elected aboriginal representatives in the Australian parliament representing 3% of the population. Whilst i have no figures for the percentage of aborigines who voted no, no indigenous individual i know voted yes. They like most of us didn't like the division instigated by a political and activist class in our communities. If such people were truly concerned about the welfare of marginal impoverished aborigines we would have an thorough independent investigation instead of a deliberate divide yes/no voting scam. We are a tolerant country run by the usual selected political elite with their snouts in the trough.

And as one who has lived with the beautiful friendly and good humoured palestinian people in Arabia, I stand most firmly with palestine.

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Very helpful. Thanks

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And then of course there’s always the reason WHY democracy in settler nations is corrupted. “We are a tolerant nation” 😵‍💫 Always nice to hear from you boys.

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Rightio. Boy/girl, left /right play into the hands of the controllers. Enjoy your virtue, prepare for the shock, it will come to us all.

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I read this in the Press (somewhere) the other day. A huge failure in Australia.

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"Sheriff John Brown always hated me

For what, I don't know

Every time I plant a seed

He said kill it before it grow

He said kill them before they grow, and so-and-so

Read it in the news!" ~~~ Bob Marley, I Shot The Sheriff

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

500 American Jews calling for a cease fire to the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (including children) in Gaza, arrested at US Capitol, by Lee Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx15VargZKI

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1st amendment? It's illegal to "protest" in the Capitol building? What better place? What does "peaceably assemble" mean? Resisting arrest for asking for a ceasefire?

When are "we the people" going to realize there is no more constitution other than a piece of paper under glass with now meaningless words?

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Agree. Every year it's becoming more and more meaningless. A farce. I feel more empathy with the upcoming generations of Americans than myself - as I had my heyday. But what they're facing now is corporate fascism - wage slavery.

America is becoming like California - once a beach surfer's dream - now a nightmare place to live.

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. . . a multiplicity false flags creates a hall of mirrors for the unwary . . .

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I am glad to see the pushback against the atrocities happening in Gaza. I am heartbroken for all of the bloodshed and loss of life, however, if we can learn something from this madness and move forward in a better, truly more peaceful way, the loss of life will not be in vain.

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"Peace doesn’t look like everyone complying with the status quo regardless of its abusiveness, it looks like the absence of abuse."

Peace as an absence of abuse... That's a very good definition of Peace. Complying with an abusive status quo (which is what many Americans do everyday, but which most do not realize since they have health care and a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, etc.), doesn't make for a peaceful society. It makes for a resentful society, a bleeding society, an unequal society, which will, of course, lead to violent outbursts by the victims of the abuse. These outbursts against the abusers are so predictable that the idea they were "unprovoked" is simply ridiculous and the thought processes of evil mad men. (Guess where Biden and Netanyahu and their ilk fit in.)

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