Austin, you are a national treasure. Keep up the great reading and curation.

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Another great newsletter Austin! I love the article in your link, “third place”. I have so many of these spots and thanks to You Tube I can bring it into our Loft with video plays of coffee shops which I use a lot to get the creative juices moving. I am also reminded of what it was like to hang out around the soda fountain in the local drugstore before the big chains pushed them off the face of the earth. Walking around downtown Boston, or just this past week, San Francisco, are a couple more of my favorite, “third space” inspirational must haves! Thanks for sharing, and I agree with David, your curation is a gift!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023Liked by Austin Kleon

I was wondering about the impact on third places when I read this NYT article* about the "skyrocketing" popularity of drive-thrus—

"But the most striking explanation may be a societal sea change: People emerged from the pandemic with less tolerance for interacting with strangers."


*hoping the gift link works

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Thanks for “spending it all” in this week’s newsletter--it must be especially difficult not to hoard ideas, resources, quotes, etc., when you have to produce content every week; this week felt especially rich.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Austin Kleon

Morning! Now I have Avalon playing in my head! What a fabulous way to start the day.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Austin Kleon

Ok, very excited about the opening here. I LOVE the Grand Designs. I tell everyone I know to seek it out, my friends are probably tired of me emphatically insisting that impractical builds in the European country side paired with a sometimes snarky English host is the perfect television 😂

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Somewhat on the idea of spending it all is the idea of using it all. This applies, of course, to art supplies as well as the good china, the silver, and in general, the very best of everything you may be saving for that special occasion forgetting that your life IS that very special occasion never to come again. Also, spend all that love and caring and remembering. And yet, I still want to die with so much more to do, spend, make, and even waste.

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Thank you for suggesting Weschler's bio of Oliver. Note: Weschler's webpage opens as "Commonplace Book." We share the surprise of having received letters from Oliver. And me: an unsolicited blurb from him imprinted on the cover of my paperback. We are so fortunate.

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"I always think best around a kitchen table".

So true. And, what a rich and resourceful post today!

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Always one of the very best newsletters out there, but an absolutely excellent addition today!

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All of this week’s content is perfect as always, but especially that disc 2 of Destroyer’s Kaputt! I can vividly recall the first time I listened to this record - specifically Suicide Demo for Kara Walker - and it has never disappointed in the years since.

Also, if my memory’s correct, Destroyer’s Rubies has an extended Disc 2 with ~20min of content only available non-digitally.

I gotta say, your listening has been spot on recently - Yo La Tengo last week and Destroyer this week 🙌 full speed ahead!

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I did NOT know that about RUBIES so now i have another destroyer record to buy, as that used to be my favorite

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Good timing. I've been writing a new post about my first exhibition, and I have so much to say. And I had a voice that kept saying, leaving this for the future or making two posts out of it. Of course, it's silly. It's essential to be in the moment when writing and not think about the next post or the next ten

posts. When you are in the flow, be in the flow and write :) It's funny, though, how we theoretically know these things but still get carried away and forget them in practice.

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I keep trying to find a copy of The Great Good Place but they are always pretty expensive! Looks really great, and feels more important than ever for us to find those third spaces.

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I love the idea of spending it all every time. This is something I struggle with - I always unintentionally hold something back for a future post. But I love the idea of leaving it all on the page, every time.

Sort of reminds me of Joe DiMaggio and how he would always give maximum effort every day because there was always one kid in the stands attending their first game.

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I’ve been filling my brain with a bunch of artist documentaries. YouTube has a channel called Louisiana Channel produced by the The Museum of Modern Art in Denmark. Fascinating artist interviews.


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I so look forward to your newsletter @Austin Kleon ! It always sends me down a exciting rabbit hole of things to discover on art and writing.

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