In my experience of these types of sudden and inexplicable dismissals (across a couple of divergent industries), it *typically* comes down to misconduct and abuse. Often, it’s not sufficiently legally actionable issues (a kind of ‘we know you did this but we can’t prove it and if we try you’ll sue’), so they have to be circumspect.

I’m not saying that is even likely to be the case here but I found it very strange that it seemingly wasn’t ever explored as even a possibility in most media discussions. Because, yeah, that’s pretty much standard in my experience of big company/government/entertainment disappearances.

Long before that weird Elon letter came out, I was intrigued by the fact that the board was 50% women and said board was accused of not knowing how business works. Then, there’s the interim CEO who posted about pick-up artistry. Then, the appointment of ‘women aren’t suited in tech’ Larry Summers. Then, the fact that Altman founded the thing with Elon ‘I must repopulate the earth’ Musk. Then, the new board being all dudes. THEN the letter.

I know Altman is queer, but that’s certainly never stopped anyone from being abusive, an asshole, or just a misogynist. I tried finding any public statements he’s made about diversity or inclusion or women in tech and didn’t have a lot of luck. (Which could just be my shortcomings, rather than any evidence of his.)

But, I feel the strangely consistent little thread of misogyny in this saga has not really been teased out. It may be nothing. But, yeah. It strikes me as mildly unusual.

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And HTF did Larry Summers end up there? I wish they had picked Paul Graham if they were going to pick a non-AI person that is widely known and respected.

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I had a meeting the morning of the new board announcement and the first 45 minutes of it (which clearly that's not what we were there to discuss lol) could have been titled "HTF did Larry Summers end up there?"

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