A terrific opening story Jack. Loved the line about looking for the breaker box.

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Thanks for reading and supporting me Rick. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I had fun with that line -- it’s mine (and Tommy’s) sense of humour.

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Totally hit my funny bone, so I guess I share the same humor gene.

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A fine sense of humour indeed.

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Loved how this turned out (:

Feels like the act of writing, a weekly reflective unearthing of yourself, a questioning of yourself, also is somehow correlated to your sobriety.

Great work Jackie boy. Proud of you

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Thanks for helping and supporting me pal. Appreciate you.

Absolutely, you put it beautifully. “An unearthing of yourself” -- I love that. I’ve noticed the further I’ve gotten away from drinking the closer I’ve become to my true authentic self.

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at 75 and a lifelong drinker of alchol, i totally disagree that it is wrong for everyone. i literally can count on my hands (well +toes) the times i was truly drunk. i almost always consumed it with food and think it truly enhances the eating experience. beer, wine, and a touch of my wife's expensive champagne has been one of joys of my amazing existence on earth.

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You must be Italian! Some cultures are better at moderating alcohol than others. Some cultures view alcohol more like food, not like a drug.

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Such a good point Alissa. I love the distinction between alcohol as food vs. a drug. The Italians and French are so good at this.

Unfortunately, most of my lineage is English, Scottish, Irish, and Scandinavian... generally speaking, they don’t drink in moderation. So for me the best option was no alcohol at all!

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Hey Gary, thanks for reading :) I don’t think alcohol is wrong for everyone, this is simply my experience. It sounds like you have a very healthy relationship with alcohol which is wonderful. I was never able to manage it as you have in your life so I decided it’s not for me.

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Jack, you’re so wise at a young age, to recognize that alcohol would prevent you from being the man you can be. Some never realize that and other realize it after several decades. That same compass inside of you that led you away from alcohol leads you into that one unique person with a unique contribution to make to the world. Always trust the heading it’s pointing you toward, even wen you don’t know the outcome. Actually, especially when you don’t know the outcome 😀.

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Thanks James :) I feel very lucky that my life has led me down a path to realize, at a young age, the destruction and despair alcohol can bring. Eliminating it from my life now has removed many potential mistakes, regrets, and disasters. Your words, as always, have profound wisdom and have found me at the right time. Trust my compass I will. And what fun would life be if we knew where we were going to end up? (At least that's what I tell my brain to reframe my natural distaste for uncertainty)

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BTW, what fraternity?

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Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE)... check out the cover photo for this post on my homepage.

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Ah, hadn’t seen that. I am a Kappa Sigma.

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We didn't have a Kappa Sigma chapter at our school. Greek life is much smaller in Canada than the U.S. Frats fit many of the stereotypes but you make memories and meet a lot of great guys. Was a good decision to join for me.

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What an excellent piece Jack.

Congratulations on your success here. Keep it up - as I know you will.

Your playfulness and personal in this writing is next level.

Love it!

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Thanks for sharing the love, Anthony. Appreciate you reading and letting me know it resonates!

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Love this Jack! I was just wondering about how much of going out to drink is mimetic and imitative and not driven by true desire. Glad that you're loving spending time withe your true self!!

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Thanks Baxter! Appreciate you reading man. You could make the argument that just about everything we do is mimetic. In the case of drinking, it was 100% mimetic for me. The less you drink, the closer you will get to your authentic self. At least that’s what I’ve experienced!

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Of course Jack! Learning about signaling and mimesis changed my life. Just had a convo with a good friend the other day about going out. Very admirable how you still go out but don't feel compelled to drink just because everyone else does. So sick!

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My brother Tommy has deeply studied Rene Girard and memetic desire so he's taught me a bit about it. And you're so right. When you have a grasp of how mimetic we are it completely changes how you view your own actions and the actions of others. Powerful stuff.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. It was a coming of age that felt natural to me. When I was your age, I would be hammered at a bar right now lol.

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That's so cool. I've heard that "Wanting" by Luke Burigs is a banger book. Haven't checked it out quite yet. The whole concept of signaling status and contagious desires is the #1 idea I learned this year. So cool we've connected over it!

Gonna send you a DM in Circle so we can catch up!

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Sounds good pal, would love to catch up and hear more about it!

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Congrats and keep up the great work! I quit drinking in 2017 and have been blessed since!

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Thanks Jason! It’s a great decision for most people I believe.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Jack Dixon

Thank you for baring your soul, Jack! The world needs more honest and self-effacing souls.

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I'm trying to show more of myself through my writing so thank you for those words, Sol. And thank you for your ongoing readership and support. I appreciate you :)

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Nice work Jack, healthy realization!

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Thanks for reading and supporting Justin. It means a lot to me.

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