Jan 6·edited Jan 6

As any michaeldouglasky will tell you, the tongue is not only for arguing case studies at Harvard Law School, its bigger use is to snare high value shiksa or bj a graham if yer a katherinekoss out to take control of a WaPo. Whilst it comes at the risk of developing throat papilloma the reward outweighs the risk. Dershowitz has definately been practicing his oral skills at Love Island without anything to show for it, but many a fine shiksa egg has been trapped to envelope ugly khazar turkic DNA (with its neanderthal hagari big ear remnants) to turn out fine galgadot JAPs that look nowhere near the ugly original turkic caspian goldameir spawn!!

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We need to get our factories into overdrive producing a significant amount of rat poison

And also subject Zioland to nuclear, biological, and poison gas inspections

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The Palestinians haven't "won" against Israel. The only benefit, at the Palestinians expense, has been to show the world the atrocious brutality of Israel.

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Congratulations on your incisive commentary, Kevin. Mind you don't get bitten! One expects the wretched Palestinian victims to be blamed for their own Genocide by the defender of the Rathaus. Hopefully, the South African attorneys are well briefed and fearless.

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Well spoken!

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That's great that the Doouche will respresenting Israel, now that the underwear has been ripped off the Harvard Pedo. They can both down in flaming flames!

Kevin, you started the program talking about a secret plan that Cat and you were planning, but you never told us what the plan was? Did you forget, or is it still a secret?

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If you watch the whole show you will learn the secret plan. We revealed it somewhere in the middle.

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Cornered rat is an apt description of his shucking and jiving around the Epstein accusations. His “I didn’t have sex with that masseuse“ is reminiscent of someone else’s comment in the recent past. 🤔 He also says he kept his underwear on, maybe he forgot to mention they were down around his ankles?

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