Feb 2·edited Feb 2

"In reality, Schwab and his ilk couldn’t care less about your semantic framing—they are expert at co-opting and appropriating any system to their ends. ... " - key paragraph. Very insightful point I think

Maybe another factor in their discomfort is we're returning to a national-security driven period of time. The hawks in Washington may gather the power to override their previous bosses. And they'll use that power to prolong the US geopolitical position, but in the process sacrificing one by one the wealthiest allies. Starting with the primary European nations as a sort-of appetizer, and then when the time comes, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan.

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I wonder if those royal aholes know that they will bring down themselves with the massive global radiation that will ensue with Space X, run on X = slow hiroshima = Disease X.

The X factor is how much we can convince the scared children calling themselves elites to get on our side.



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Those satellites are in very low orbits and are programmed only to operate over poor people's areas. You can bet your bottom dollar that the radiation levels at Balmoral will be near zero.

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Bold claim

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The WEF is being deliberately pruned in public. It’s always been extremist & expendable entertainment.

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Think it will come down?

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Yes, but the WEF is only a decoy. A projection designed to be defeated and let good people falsely believe evil has been eliminated.

Good and evil is a line drawn in every human heart. The WEF is just the current battle. Evil will continue.

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well said

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I'm not much good at Geo political analysis. There's just too many moving parts. What I will say, though, is that I think I've seen this technique of looking worried and seemingly rudderless performed countless times by government and private/public sector bureaucrats. It's at this time point, I think, that they will turn, face the cameras, throw their hands in the air, and tell a totally unprepared and incapable public that if they're doing such a crappy job of running the world then you can have the reigns back. It's then that they pull closed the purse strings of their banking system and virtually destroy the world economy. Then during the chaos and before the world figures out how to deal with the loss of credit they will offer their "New Deal".

Let's see if I'm right or wrong.

Time will tell.

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I can’t actually say I’ve witnessed that the global predators relinquish power and then use the power of the purse to create total chaos so we want their proposed solutions, but it does sound like a valid hypothesis. The devils are constantly scheming to push their satanic agenda

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It's mostly noticeable in the managerial class. We tend to see them all as one but there are stratifications to it. Mainly as cut-outs for exactly what I'm hypothesizing. They're sneaky and cunning in every possible way.

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And ruthlessly ambitious.

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'Davos Man' will defect to Team Trump & the Populists in order to stave off the coming, inevitable thinning of the Selectorate (i.e., the Subset of the Electorate Influential & Powerful enough to be Kingmakers). In Late Stage Empires, this is more or less a fixture:

A Caesar type figure walks in & begins the Purge of the 'Elite' & Seizure of their Assets, after which the Empire's Selectorate Class is rapidly Cut down to Size as a Result.

The American Empire seems to be headed rapidly in said 'Caesarian' direction!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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A Caesarian section is long overdue.

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Oh, cut it out!

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Oh, I forgot to add that their about face is all to set the scene for putting all the blame for the chaos onto the shoulders of the public. Not them.

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They need censorship and will site all the 'hate' they themselves created through the media.

This is a key control. Covid was a test run. They will have to limit access to the internet/cyber crash. So many will be begging for the access.

Same as in 2020/21, except this will be with both information and money...both requiring the internet. Convince the underclass of the need, shut everything down and make them beg for shots, whoops, I mean, programable CBDC.


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Agree with you about the healthy skepticism when it comes to Melei and his neoliberal polices. If he really wanted to jump start Argentina's economy he would have embraced the BRICS membership, rather than sticking with the floundering economies of the west. BRICS is all about building economic relationships and expanding trade, while the west's love of sanctions, destruction of energy infrastructures, anti-carbon policies, and threats disguised as diplomacy have a depressing effect on their member's economies. I don't know what happened during Argentina's elections, but I don't think people would knowingly vote for what they are now getting.

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A person, one of whose first actions after winning elective office is conversion to the “religious” faith that funded his election, is not likely to possess higher spiritual motivations. A poseur in the manner of the olive drab T shirt man.

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What I’m afraid of is “Build back trust” means crack down on independent journalism so the only news available is from their sources. And crack down implies not only limiting internet access but actually “eliminating” independents, whether by jail or possibly worse. These global predators will go to any means to retain power.

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Interestingly enough, Reuters (one of the three globalist wire services) just concluded a really in-depth three-year global(!) study on how the media can rebuild trust (it's worth reading if you've got the time). And their core conclusion was "we must do literally anything to keep our dominance or we'll be out of business for good" and zero accountability or responsibility for how they lost that trust.

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Reuter's has completely annihilated what was left of their worthless reputation by "fact checking" every iota of detail that does not agree with the Offical Story.

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Think there's a way out?

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So you have all these people desperately making fools of themselves from Gates who makes the vaxes for the viruses he manufactures in laboratories, and if you are alert, you will hear rumors of depopulation. Yes, the elites are probably depopulating us, but why? I mean if you are depopulating the planet, you are going to need a cover and only the well paid can know. But you have to understand that every country in the world supported the UN's efforts to make everyone safe from CVD, and even Putin took the vaccine, and even Trump sits on the fence. Putin knew COVID was manufactured in the laboratory so he could make vaccines for it. They are or were still playing with it in the Ukraine. The point is, what the fuck is everyone so afraid of that they are calling for new diseases to kill off more of us??? Remember, these WEF officials are designated by the UN to do their 2030 agenda. The power comes from the United Nations.

You look over the internet and there are a lot of sites on the geology of catastrophism, Fundamentalists say Armageddon is on its way (again), and a bunch of scientist talking about a 12,000 year cycle that we are 11,979 years into, and there are signs in the sky. Ben Davidson is well entrenched in climate wars, but his side is that it is time to heat up so we get cold, right on schedule.

Here is an introduction to the science of catastrophism:


Anyway, the catastrophe hypothesis and people trying to control us so our ideals live is the best explanation of the craziness we see, including depopulation, by people who think they are doing the human race good to save them from the trepidation of the sun spewing retribution on sinful humans. WHAT WE NEED IS A BETTER WAY OF FACING THE DISASTER - TO WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE, rather than working against one another as survivalists.

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Sweeping generalizations which are inaccurate weaken your message — China did not mandate universal vaccination. It stayed closed for so much longer than other countries due to the refusal of many elderly to take one of several of their traditional vaccines.

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Dude Twitter is still a fuckin joke. Some hasbarats reported my legit unpaid account for allegedly being a different person trying to get around a suspension (aka ban) so they banned me and refuse to reverse it. I said nothing against the rules or even rude which is why they chose that frivolous way to get me censored. Fuck Elon.

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Musk is a jew cucked coward.

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Musk is a 'Zionist' cucked coward.

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"Make of that what you will—I myself am quite ambivalent on Milei, with a heavy lean toward the skeptical side."

Fucking stupid comment.

Milei is Americano, fucking fascist, a human stain, just as unqualified at Biden-Bush-Trump-Macron and name the EuroTrash or Klanadians or In-Bred UK-ians.

The globalists? It's the Five Eyes and City of London and BlackRock and, shit, USA USA USA!


We are listening to the mother fucking fiddlers, for sure, as what, we tap our feet. The crime syndicates of USA-UK are blatant and unstoppable under their rules or anyone else's rules. This is where USA and UK put their time, money, energy, and genocice focus. And we tap tap tap on our laptops.

At least six Israeli Air Force aircraft have visited Britain since the Gaza bombing began, but the UK government refuses to tell Declassified what was on them.

Israel and US may be using American air bases in England to move weapons to the country being investigated for genocide by the World Court

Israeli military aircraft have landed in Glasgow, Birmingham as well as RAF bases in Suffolk and Oxfordshire since 7 October

Ministry of Defence tells Declassified: “We cannot comment on or provide information relating to foreign nations’ military aircraft movements or operations.”

US Air Force flew huge C-17 military transport vehicle directly from Israeli military base to Turkey on 23 January



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Fucking white shit hole race. Argentina the home of the Nazis and the Jews.... Spanish whore decimated real homo sapiens.

Houthis are heroes while white trash just keeps on typing away. And of course, calling a mother fucker a mother fucker a mother fucker is verboten on these sorts of Substacks.

Furthermore, Nicaragua has warned that the recent announcements by these governments on the suspension of the funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) further exposes that in the present scenario, the Governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada continue to disregard their obligations, and to actively facilitate violations of the rules of international law by Israel to the severe and immediate prejudice of the Palestinian people, particularly Gazans, and the international community as a whole. In particular, Nicaragua has underscored that this act contributes to the collective punishment of the Palestinians and to the apparent objective of forcing the Palestinian population to leave the Occupied Palestinian Territories, particularly Gaza, and preventing the exercise of their right to self-determination.

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Why is it ?? People with nothing to say and who lack the intellectual ability to form coherent thoughts will always resort to curses and name calling. Have a great day!

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deletedFeb 4
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Well a POV Paul Black might want to consider if he wants people to read his profanity laced swill is how it affects readers’ propensity to continue reading past two lines. I think Substack merits a little more integrity and professionalism. I don’t find that reading someone’s vulgarity can convince me of their intelligence. It’s incongruent and distasteful.

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Your opinion, but in mine, nothing wrong with a few vehement epithets for emphasis.... where is the incoherence you refer to. City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican are all running the genocidal Totalitarianism show.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Roberts’ speech is great. Let ‘em have it right between the eyes. One has to laugh at Jamie Dimon and Shwartzmann though. Now they present the impression of concern about America’s safety and the illegal immigration problem.

Great report, and so eloquently presented.

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Er, listen. I appreciate your analysis and you get a good deal right, but until you root your understanding of global climate dynamics in the substantial body of hard empirical science that supports it I simply cannot take you seriously. You make the common mistake of confusing the scientific data and its implications with the subjective spin various actors make of it; while the latter is properly fair game and deserving of cynicism, the earnest scientists who toiled in obscurity for decades trying to alert humanity to its grave risks and were despised for their efforts - before the scientific consensus shifted irrevocably to their analysis in the face of evidence rushing in from multiple fronts, all confirming the same grim conclusion... a decades long struggle which you seem to have entirely missed - are far better placed than you to prognosticate on this aspect of empirical reality. You are fixated on the dancing shadows on the wall of Plato's cave and have dispensed entirely with their origin. Indeed, climate breakdown is better understood as one aspect of a general overburdening of specific natural systems upon which we depend. The Stockholm Resilience Center : https://www.stockholmresilience.org/research/planetary-boundaries.html

for example has analysed the multiple environmental threats our high material throughput existence is creating; or the Canadian scientist Bill Rees who develops the concept 'Overshoot'. You present a clip from some obscenely powerful capitalist, 'sticking it to the elites' who casually dismisses approaching climate impacts with a 'let them eat cake' insouciance: he seems to think warmer temps will just reduce heating bills in Europe, what's the big deal? Why does he pontificate on a thing when it is painfully clear he doesn't have the foggiest idea what he's talking about? Insulated by wealth, his feet never quite touching the earth, he thinks his every insight must be true when he has simply been gulled by his own success. While the earth has seen such dramatic disruptions before these often involve shaking off most of the mantle of biologic life, such as the KT boundary, etc. We actually DO have a staggering amount of empirical data; these professional scientists, among the brightest minds on the planet are not just making shit up; and the evidence isn't just 'compelling' it is conclusive. You haven't even LOOKED AT IT because if you had you wouldn't truck in these self-serving narratives. Serving the oil industry that is. How are we to take you seriously? Man-made carbon emissions and other consequences of rapid cultural shift to industrial production and capitalist consumption DO, in fact, have realworld consequences. Yes, Dorothy, we did hunt the carrier pigeon to extinction; collapse the Newfoundland cod fishery; probably wiped out North American megafauna; etc. Similarly social scientists have recently quantified a significant uptick in anti-science disinformation on the internet, put out by the usual Prager U/Heritage Foundation troglodytes. These are your go-to sources? Because when you cite this war on science ignorance you just signal to the world your own intellectual laziness. It's clear you haven't put in the MINIMUM honest examination of the science to make your own determinations; you simply parrot what a particularly repellent quanta of the herd are saying because they recoil at the prospect of abandoning their blessed lifestyle.

If the global elites suddenly figured out that fire was hot, would you jump into a furnace to thumb your nose at them? Or would you grudgingly concede that they are simply working with the information around them. I despise them every bit as much as you, but you have to give them credit: they understand the importance of good data. So climb down off your ignorant, retrograde anti-intellectualism, open a fucking book on earth system science and stop embarrassing yourself. Jordan Peterson writes a pretty good self-help book for struggling males. He is well out of his depth when he strays too far from his strengths and, my friend, on the evidence when you venture into climatology, you are out of your comfort zone. Forgive my tone, but these are arguments I've been having since the 1980's, and as the west slides into rightwing populism, we're having them all over again. It's exhausting.

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That "scientific data" to which you refer is entirely fraudulent, manufactured in the same way as the covid "data", and the "data" on the efficacy, reliabiity and safety of the mRNA fraudulent vaccines, with the assistance, endorsement and fund of government leeches, raping their taspayers.

And those "earnest scientists" toiling away, were toiling away to manufacture fraudulent data and to forcibly suppress any opposing data and analysis and prevent it being published.

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You haven't put in five minutes on the actual data and you've never spoken to an actual scientist. And it shows.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

Considering Bazza has 12 people that have visibly agreed with him and you have ...none, it's obvious you are backing the wrong horse.

Now off to get your 8th safe and effective mRNA "booster" because of "the science".

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I absolutely agree, it is very sad that so many alternative voices get sucked into the climate change denial BS when the science is extremely well supported and agreed upon, and actual temperature rises are tracking higher at an accelerating rate.

The Heritage guy is just another oligarch spin merchant selling the messaging of his part of the elite, which includes lots of those invested in fossil fuel assets. Milei is also just another oligarch stooge.

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A large word salad. You could have made it easier for us and just typed "Here is my long treatise full of bullshit"

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Get mummy to put you to bed, you're tired and it shows.

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You are right in that "good" environmentalism is being destroyed under the current shift to right wing populism.


A lot of undisputable paleoclimatology science also says that:

1) the climate of the Earth is ALWAYS changing

2) we are still rebounding from the deepest cooling event (the Little Ice Age) that Earth has suffered in the last 14.000 years.

3) there are many others factors influencing the climate besides CO2.

4) we don't really understand exactly how the Earth's Climate works, and current models are too biased towards CO2 and fail to describe other eras with low Temps / high CO2 or high Temps / low CO2.

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I find it hilarious that you blame right wing populism for what the lunatics who bow down to the globalist agenda have done. It is the mega corp. who right the crazy climate policies so that they do not have to worry about causing pollution, they now have to pledge a small percent of profit to virtue signal and they do not have to worry about operating safely

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You confirm my point. I've followed the science since the eighties and for most of the intervening time, climate scientists were demonized and dismissed. When, two decades too late to reverse the now-locked in trends, they jump on board, your cynicism is understandable but misdirected.

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Quote from an unknown: I tried to follow "the science" and couldn't find it, so I followed the money instead. And that's where I found "the science".

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Mr. Ford please run back to your safe space. "empirical science" what a hoot! You mean just like the science of Covid?

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Let’s for a sake of this discussion assume that we do have the CO2 emission crisis and it’s a threat to all life on our planet. It’s very easy to discern that all mainstream remedies are at best failing to address the problem and at worst, they are compounding the problem. The mainstream has been fighting nuclear power for decades, they’ve turned off all remaining German nuclear plants in 2022. The windmills are hurting the climate and will be perceived in the future as weather disruptors. There’s compounding evidence they affect the winds and humidity, and also kill birds. They’re maintenance heavy and are net loss to the CO2 balance. The enforced thermomodernisation of all buildings is going to take enormous amount of resources, and need a lot of CO2 to be emitted in order to be produced. Electric cars take a lot of CO2 to be produced. Acquiring lithium for their batteries requires insane amounts of water and energy. The only logical solutions for CO2 crises are heavy investments in nuclear power, production of combustible fuels using with the use of electricity generated with these atomic plants. Also geothermal power. No windmills and solar panels, since they are mostly pollutants and e-waste in a decade or two.

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Yeah, or we could just use a shit-ton less resources, but you know, capitalism, commodity production, rapid turnover etc. Bad for business so instead we'll just run the whole thing off a cliff. Which is precisely what is happening now but when people finally wake up, oopsie. Too late. Hadn't heard windmills hurt the climate. More than burning coal? Care to back that up? I appreciate there are counter-arguments @ wind but it is part of the solution; you place them outside of bird routes, some other workarounds there. Electric cars lock in the personal automobile paradigm and are a dead end. Vastly wasteful of resources - cars in general and the infrastructure to support them and energy intensive in production and use. And spend 9/10s of their time sitting in the driveway. A total con. Solar should also be maxed out, it is early days there, I was out by the Noor-1 installation in Morocco, awesome. Not ewaste, its mainly silicon and should be recyclable in due course. But these are just technical problems. Cheers

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We don’t build airplanes and fly them with people in them based off of models with huge input uncertainties. We do study such scenarios in the theoretical space but they stay there.

The trouble you have is that you are believing “science” from academia is applied to the real world. It isn’t. You go through the engineering process (of some kind depending on the industry) which is initiated by justifying and minimising assumptions.

One of the fundamental metrics of MMGW is the average global temperature anomaly which is stated to have an uncertainty of 0.1deg C. Yet the source readings alone have systematic uncertainties of at least 1 deg C. So how do you get a better uncertainty from an average of sources?

You assume the errors are normal and random. Which is very hard to demonstrate in the real world. The whole edifice is just theoretical musings. It should stay that way.

If we applied climate science standards to drinking water we’d all be dead by now from cumulative poisoning.

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Rubbish. Completely. Even the earlier, oft-criticized models from the eighties proved uncannily accurate. Look it up. They test their predictive power by running historical data sets to compare against real world data and guess what? The accuracy is confirmed. Obviously the farther out you go the greater the uncertainty but still. Good enough. Re: airplanes, most of the modelling in design work these days is done by computer rather than wind tunnels. Learned this from an engineer who spent a year working on the main wing brace of the last Airbus, 380 or summat. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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First off Owen the models can't be accurate if your underlying source data (temperature) is not accurate. In reality the average temperature has an irreducible error of about 2 degrees or more. Just the result of source measurements, their design and the propagation of errors. We don't actually know if we are hotter or cooler today than the 1940s, which is the rub.

Go read the papers where they create the temperature records (like Kennedy et al for the HADSST - sea surface which makes up 70% of the temp record). You see quite clearly where they make the assumption about all errors being random, which doesn't fly in any real world audit. Because you need a real world audit if you are applying things to the real world.

As for aiplanes, of course you do design modelling. A lot of this modelling has much tighter control on inputs. Same as the space industry. I should know because I wrote the control for the ion thruster on the GOCE spacecraft and I've spent a decade or two in aerospace/space/defence verifying systems and software. I've done it all: conception, modelling, testing, qualifying and flying.

All aerospace models have to be validated and then the results are PHYSICALLY tested. It's a safety requirement apart from being an obvious implication of the Scientific Method.

So you may get all defensive and think you've won an argument. But there isn't a argument. Every piece of technology you currently utilise, right down to food and water safety, has to be tested. It has to meet ISO 9000 requirements for safety and other specs too. The measurements need to have sufficient signal to noise to be able to show variation of the range that is hypothesised. Oh wait that's just the Scientific Method.

Climate science is an observational science mostly and it suffers from low resolution. How do you measure changes of 0.1 degrees per decade when the source measuring equipment was never designed for that?

You don't. You assume and then under the Scientific Method, you keep your conclusions limited by the bounds of your argument. Otherwise you invoke the Other Santa Clause.


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Thanks for the fascinating response, Oversat, your backstory is pretty cool. I admit I'm confused by your contention that the initial data lacks sufficient precision, if I have understood correctly? Obviously they're crunching together a host of data sets and working off of averages; at any rate the main thing is, the model predictions correlate with reasonable precision to measured outcomes so I'm not sure how your point fits in there? I looked at the Kennedy paper and the main problem there seems to be reconciling data produced by different technologies over decadal timeframes, which understandably introduces an element of uncertainty - which they factor in.


At any rate, fortunately there is a wealth of data from other metrics that confirm things are heating up. Sea ice volumes, Greenland melting rate, slowing AMOC, retreating glaciers, 1000 year floods; tree-ring data, stalagtite deposition rates, etc etc etc. This is what makes the case so compelling: that it correlates across so many disparate fields.

I'm not so much concerned to 'win' arguments as to keep the climate narrative on track. Powerful forces - big oil et al - guard their profits by putting out disinformation to hamper attempts to rein in their product. This is not a good thing. Big tobacco did the same.

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The problem with correlations over different fields is still resolution: time resolution. You have very very vague data and no idea of changes in the past. Suddenly a narrative is formed that it is heating yet in the 70s it was cooling. But again, scientists measure historic global temperature by making a guess and adding in assumptions. Which is perfectly fine for the theoretical world but is fraudulent in the real world. There isn't any getting round it. You do not extrapolate beyond the scope of your assumptions unless you are an advocate.

And that's not even getting into the way data is averaged across geography and how it is constantly corrected. If you have a decent data point from 1960 it should stay the same irrespective of what you do later. It shouldn't be corrected every time which is what is happening.

There is no climate crisis except in hypothetical models. Just like there would be no 5-dimensional string crisis except for in some string theory models. Or a Santa slipping off a roof crisis unless you believed in Santa.

When you have academics talking about measuring things like global temperature and then you have to go and dig down into the methods and see they haven't done basic metrology, you know it's hypothetical.

And the thing is they are allowed to do this as long as they don't then extrapolate it to the real world and insist it IS real in the real world.

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Good God man get the booster. Humanity deserves it and you will be doing your bit for CAGB!

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Don't feel bad WEF, you've made lots of progress on your quest to enslave the human race! Already, many people are essentially treated as helots & debt peons in their own countries. And consider how much wealth inequality, inflation, debt, and financialization you've pushed forward over the past 50 years! Sure, the bad sci-fi of pod-living and bug-eating hasn't happened yet, the West is destabilizing in no small part due to your actions, and some people have noticed that your entire version of reality is essentially a Tower of Babel built of lies... but you still have immense power, wealth and influence! You've had a great run as Lords of the Universe, so enjoy your sex workers, wine and filet mignon, and be proud of all your villainous accomplishments!

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“you've made lots of progress on your quest to enslave the human race”

Seems over a longer span of history the reverse is true. The global monopoly merchant empire is ancient. Older than recorded history.

Humanity still managed to nearly free itself from chattel slavery and freeing ourselves from debt slavery is hopefully on the horizon.

Their incompetence has been and continues to be to our advantage. Any “progress” they have made is just waking up more people.

Their multi-millennia reign is coming to an end. I hope I get to see it live!



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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Even the anti-globalist element of Milei's speech was a farce, since he finishes his speech by cheering for all the globalist businessmen of Davos and telling them they're "heroes." Just about the only thing I can praise him for, which genuinely impressed me, was him choosing to fly commercial to get there rather than take a private jet—something all state leaders should be doing.

SC has done some of the better reporting on him I've seen. Most alternative media seems to have succumb to wishful thinking about him, and of course Establishment media itself generally loves him since the US does; they're not going to find another world leader who will ramble on about the perils of socialism and China, after all, and who falls for the CIA's discredited Austrian school of economics.


Good article and analysis, anyway, I will go make a cup of coffee to raise a mug and cheer to the words of Hubert Keller. He must be the most anti-globalist, truly, after all they are addicted to caffeine and it's practically the fuel of the globalist, business world. Imagine the suffering of business everywhere if it were banned. Well, too bad I enjoy coffee too.

Can someone please tell these elites that they are carbon-based life? And Ursula von der Leichen that her diamond earrings are carbon? I would quite like that they reduce the carbon in the atmosphere, starting with themselves.

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I guess many gringos do have some esteem for Milei because of his interview with Tucker Carlson... but he is a flucking traitorous piece-of-mierda, indeed.

No need for our esteemed host to sit on the fence in this regard.

Funny examples:

Milei: "my political beacon is Margarita Thatcher"

Thatcher: "if i lose the Malvinas War i will nuke Buenos Aires"

Milei: "i will kill the economic relationship with my 2 biggest trade partners (Brazil & China), because... reasons. I will trade instead with the USA and with (the economic heavyweights) UK and Israel".

Milei: "i am socially conservative and will protect the historic Argentinian Catholic Christian values but i am going to convert to Judaism."

MIlei: "i do rail against globalists at Davos but i am selling Argentina to the same Blackrock & Co. folks that i am chilling out with here in Switzerland."


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No le des mas vueltas, es un bocazas. Peligroso, como todos los bocazas.

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Austria has a bad track record at gouvernance advice. Mustache man, Zionism, economics..

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A tour de force, Simplicius.

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