Excellent catch. With everything going on in the world, this did not go where I thought that it would.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Thanks brother

Its always too short for me your articles

I have some links about torben sondergaard

So.good you warned me

the truth is difficult to know there are many warning about his ministry its always looked very good for others too but then they saw things very disturbing

A lot of questions for money many videos why ? of everything... so called same legs trucs healings and lot of hypnosis or manipulation

The good news is that a group of christians here are not really of his group but please pray for open foors they are very cautious even about me thanks

This is the most important video

Blessing for you and your wife


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I'm glad that you are moving forward, Nadine. I have bookmarked that video and will try to watch it. The title itself sounds kinda bad, just by itself. - JL

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