Elephants are amazing. Not that we need science journals to tell us that.


With their trumpet-like calls, elephants may seem like some of the loudest animals on Earth. But we can't hear most of the sounds they make. The creatures produce low-frequency noises between 1 to 20 Hertz, known as infrasounds, that help them keep in touch over distances as large as 10 kilometers. A new study reveals for the first time how elephants produce these low notes.

Talk about sane empathetic and socially and spiritually aware!



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Feb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Animals are far more humane than most humans. They don't wage war or kill for gluttony, sport or profit. Plus, they don't destroy their own habitat!

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Feb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Ah, you probably know that this is pretty much the theme of T.H. White's 1958 tetralogy "The Once and Future King"-- particularly the first book, "The Sword in the Stone" and "The Book of Merlyn", which continues the saga but was later published separately.

Unfortunately for the humane, animal-loving White, although the tetralogy edition was published for a postwar readership, it's based on earlier separate works written during 1938-1940, when war fever was escalating in Britain. White was excoriated and shunned by segments of the public and conventional-minded patriotic friends.

All he was saying was give peace a chance, and recommending that manunkind take inspiration from the animal kingdom for the very reasons you mention. Naturally-- or unnaturally, in the pacifistic view-- White's idealism was bitterly denounced as exactly the wrong message for a nation righteously gearing up to fight a "just war". 😧 🕊

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Feb 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

One of my all time favorites. I read the book in high school. Not for school. Just happened to pick it up at the library.

I don't think I've ever cried so much at the end of a book.


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me too

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Feb 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Now that's INTERESTING. I'm involved in acoustics, but hadn't heard about this. Thanks for the link.

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Feb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks for the post. I couldn't get beyond around minute 21 of the Dave Smith interview. Is there a "vaccine" to cure the toxins coming out of RFK Jr's mouth? But I did learn that we destroyed Germany (not "Naziism") and Japan for their own good. (And I thought we only bombed Vietnamese villages to save them). And that we've had peace in the world since we destroyed Germany and Japan. And that "Hamas" is responsible for all the horrors in Gaza even though it was created in 1987, 20 years after Israel took it over. This is the "pro-freedom, anti-war" candidate.

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I liked and supported RFKjr 99.9% but his current arguments for Israel, mostly lies and distortions, give me pause. Big pause. Borderline 50% now, neither Trump or Biden are any better. After listening to one hour of his lame attempts at deflection, justifying Israel’s genocide, mass destruction, war crimes and total disregard for humanity RFKjr has become very unlikable. He is another tool of the Military Industrial Complex via Israel’s military stance and his fear of political assault from the AIPAC lobby.

Dave Smith, who is a Jew, does a one hour+ interview that really shows RFKjr’s total disregard for morality and humanity.



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RFK is a Zionist tool, along with Bernie (who is a Sheep Dog,) Biden and Trump, along with the Zionist Media, Academia, Wall St. Banksters and others. Missiles to bomb Gaza are made in Vt.,The F35 Senators state. Bernie wants weapons for Israel to protect itself from incoming approved for Israel, while they bomb/Kill/Mutilate for Genicede Zionists. Be careful about going after sanitation workers. Remember MLK last gathering defending the Trash !

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Bernie is a Jew and he is a Zionist. Pretty clear to all. RFK Jr is Catholic and a practicing Catholic so he is certainly influenced historically by his Catholic family. And remember the Roman Catholic Church supported Nazis. So the doctrines RFK Jr has swallowed whole are not going to disappear. He believes what he believes. He still is as far as I can see the ONLY candidate aware that the first thing he has to do to regain any semblance of democracy is get rid of Citizens United. For that reason ALONE he has my vote. AND he went after Fauci, the psychopath. RFK Jr does not need to be perfect. He needs to be a fighter. Fight him. Don't dismiss him. There is no other hope for this country at this time, IS THERE? Share if you have any alternate proposals please.

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Feb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I also greatly admire Roger Waters' courage in speaking out against Israel's crimes.

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Feb 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He's a class act.....

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Are you intelligent and special? Peaceful until young and innocent need protection for Peace? Ask an elephant. Animals rule, not Israel types. Keep on ...Cats and dogs are surviving in Gaza by eating the killed by Israel/U.S./U.K and Co war Criminals. Have a nice day. X Days Feb 20 and 21. What will you do if Asaange is sent to USA? Vote lesser Evil? Meet me at where he is held 4 truth.

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Feb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks for these! You made my day.

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Ya inspired me to reform this morning's long ass rant.

Thanks, Cidy!


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Great picture of the elephants! Watched a John Measheimer interview (with Lex Fridman) where he notes that 70% of worldwide protests concerning Gaza were pro-Palestine, but this number shot up to 95% a few weeks later (forgot to check on when the interview was conducted). Western Elites, or "Garbage People," are out of step--and out to lunch.

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deletedFeb 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan
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It's trerrible

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What a fucking dickhead! I actually used to like him. He's traitor!

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