Tucker is a Cancer on our society and Our Democracy. He has always been a fan boy of Putin just like Trump. Putin is a murderous dictator and anyone who is a fan of him is a disgusting 💩 💼 plan a simple.

God Bless America.

God Bless Ukraine.

God Bless all who stand up to those who would attack Democracy for personal gain.

Semper Fi.

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Wow Travis, looks like you triggered Donald. Guess he gets his "news" from RT, OAN, MTG, etc.

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Wrong presidents, it was Obama and Biden who colluded with the Russians to get Trump when he was still president elect. And trumps second impeachment was a great advertisement for what the democrats mean when they say, democracy.

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Delusional much are you? Your children need to do a mental Health check on you my friend...

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Yes, asking questions and letting the person being interviewed answer uninterrupted is totally a threat to democracy. Tell me, were all the other journalists who interviewed Putin over the years threats to democracy too or only Tucker Carlson?

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Yes. Asking soft ball questions to a Known and Proven Pathological Lying Murderous Dictator for the purpose of propaganda cover…. 😉 I corrected your BS there.

Stand Proud for the cover and excuses you are trying to give.

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I'm neither an advocate for Russia or Ukraine. The Zelenskyy regime is notoriously one of the most corrupt in the world. Putin's Russia, essentially just as corrupt.

I've never been an advocate for the invasion. My concern is that much of the financial aid sent is being stolen and is in effect, a massive money laundering operation. Many of our politicians (both sides) have financial interests in Ukraine and their desire is to protect those investments.

Also, the military hardware we've given them has never been enough to win. Just enough to drag the conflict out. Make Russia bleed more than they thought they would in this endeavor. That said, Russia can afford the loses more than Ukraine and I fear Ukraine is being bled white in this conflict. I don't think Russia will win through superior equipment or tactics but they will probably win via attrition.

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No, the Ukrainian "regime" is not one of the most corrupt in the world. It has has some issues and has been dealing with that to clean things up. The fact that you actually said "regime" is a red flag that you are using Russian disinformation. They are not a regime but an elected government.

Further, it's not money that is generally been sent and there is zero evidence that it has been stolen in any significant way and there have been prosecutions and consequences for anything that even remotely looks like corruption or stealing money.

Since the bulk of the aid has actually been in equipment, it's a silly and dishonest argument to say that the aid is being stolen at all.

Right now this kind of attitude is playing directly into what Putin has fermented in the west. Delay and obfuscate to give him time to win. The slow trickle of equipment supplied has been appalling to be frank.

The US (and Russia) agreed to protect Ukraine from invasion in return for Ukraine eliminating its nuclear arsenal. Russia has broken that agreement and the US has still not fulfilled its part imo.

Tucker is by all actions effectively working for Russia and has been for some time. He has openly stated that he wants Russia to win. He repeats and amplifies propaganda. You need to ask yourself, why did Putin agree to talk to Carson but refuse to talk to any credible journalist and why did Carlson not ask or even attempt to follow up on any difficult questions?

The cheapest and fastest way to end this war is to firmly and openly stand with Ukraine, provide the equipment needed in sufficient quantity and in time. Russia's confidence in the war of attrition is only bolstered by delays. They have manipulated people to cause these delays and exploit the weakness that they have caused in NATO. You are, by your comments and attitude, aiding the Russian effort.

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Thanks Ryan. Saved me from two hours of listening to the Boot Licker. Infuriating that there are so many Putin enablers. Yeah Vlad, all - or most - countries are artificial creations, along with their borders. At some point, we have to snap a line and say that's it. But, if you want Alaska "back", come get some.

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Sorry for your time lost and suffering listening. Thank you very much for posting and saving me the same. Poulsbo, Washington

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Ryan - would love to see you do a piece on where US funds to Ukraine actually go. I presume a significant amount goes to US companies on US soil making artillery shells, tanks etc?

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Yes, about 90% of it.

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So those voting against aid to Ukraine are voting against giving money and jobs to US companies? Would love to see if the representatives are voting against work/employment for their state?!

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Pretty much, yes

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Down with the military industrial complex? 🤔

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Second this. Would love to get a monetary break down.

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In my opinion, it is an injustice to listen to 1 person’s 15-16min rant about the interview. And think you know what happened. The American tax payer is funding a conflict literally on the other side of the world. One with no military or treaty obligations. I think Tucker did a great thing to see what the other side of the conflict has to say. This other side is the world’s biggest nation (by geographic size) and has the biggest nuclear arsenal.

Just cause you’ll let the other side speak doesn’t mean you have to, or must, be agreeing with them. It’s pretty insulting to one’s intelligence to think people must operate in such absolutes.

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That’s weak. I listened to it in person, and I always make up my own mind. She did a good synopsis.

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I respect that conclusion, but disagree.

Not arguing that Putin made the same talking point, I’d say he did. Not saying they were always truthful either. I don’t think he actually pulled back from Kyev or Kiev because of some back room deal. Proof just isn’t in the pudding.

Honestly I’m going to rewatch it this evening. Because at points I was reading Putin or Tucker’s face incorrectly cause they’re waiting for translations to take place. 🤷‍♂️

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Well, if nothing else, Tucker let Putin speak whereas most other media personalities (I won't call most of them journalists) would've interrupted and ambushed with gotcha questions. Some people will view Putin's remarks as specific and detailed and others will see it as meandering and misleading. You decide. I watched it. I sort of get the concern on NATO expansion as Russia is generally paranoid about having a buffer zone after the loses they endured in WWII. The "de-Nazification" narrative and that Ukraine isn't a real country sort of fell flat for me. Are there Nazi's in Ukraine? Probably. Enough to relaunch Operation Barbarossa or be a legitimate threat to Russia? Not so much. Ukraine being a fake country? Tell that to the people who live there. I'd wager they have a say in the matter.

If nothing else, I was eager to hear from Putin himself and make up my own mind about his motives. Putin may have used the interview as a means to project his propaganda but we got plenty of propaganda here as well. I generally figure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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Highly agree.

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All Putin did was regurgitate the same old propaganda, Tucker apparently never ask any tough questions. Never challenged Putin.

Turker is very good at marketing himself.

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So him asking Putin if he told

Hungry they could take back their lands in west Ukraine is an easy question?

Or that all nations should return to a 1664 border?

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These are “easy” questions?

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What about at the end when he asks Putin about what it means to be a Christian leader? Christian’s are commanded not to kill, yet he has, with this war among other things… sounds like a tough question to me?

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You have no idea about what a tough question and followup should be from a journalist.

How about;

- Why do your forces deliberately target civilian infrastructure?

- Why did the Russians bomb a theatre in Mariupol killing 600 civilians?

- If the aim of the war was to assist Russian speaking people, why have Russian speaking people been the majority of the casualties inflicted by Russian troops?

- What is happening to the thousands of children deported to Russia?

- Why did Russia break the Minsk agreement?

- What really happened with that Il-76 transport that was supposedly carrying 65 POWs but no bodies were at the crash site?

- Why do all of Putin's political enemies end up in fatal accidents, poisoned or imprisoned?

- If Russia's press is so free, why are there so many restrictions on what can be said publicly?

- Why is it illegal to say anything negative about the war - including calling it a war?

- Why was Boris Nadezhdin banned from the upcoming election?

- Why is Alexei Navalny in prison?

- Why has the official curriculum for Russian schools been revised again? Why are credible Russian historians being imprisoned?

- How many casualties have you suffered since the start of the war?

- How will Russia regain any trust with other countries?

- Why were the bulk of Wagner mercenaries not punished for their actions including shooting down aircraft while participating in a military convoy towards Moscow?

- You mentioned that Prigozhin "made mistakes", did you order his death?

- You denied any involvement in the 2014 "little green men" in Crimea and Donetsk and that there was "no pre-planned Russian intervention". Subsequently you said that Russian special forces were involved. In Feb 2022 you denied any plans to invade. In April you claimed that the images from Bucha were fake and denied any Russian atrocities despite credible evidence to the contrary. Why should anyone believe anything that you say now?

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Looks like two-fisted, no nonsense uberjournalist Tucker Carlson actually is Putin’s new Poodle.

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He has been for years

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Thanks for sharing this with us.

This is what I posted on the YouTube page.

"The "west" now has a record of Putin's positions. Up until 2005 or so, western journalists would be doing stories much like this. Breaking down each point made and exposing the real story behind them. Today they'll either ignore it or use it to say that the west is wrong. What a world."

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Tucker didn't "interview", he "reported" and allowed Putin to say what he's been saying for years.

What's new is the profile of the reporter, who (admittedly) reported incorrectly at length about the last election. This may explain why the two had greet chemistry?

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Thank you Ryan and Dr. Turkova. Because, frankly, listening to that POS spoiled little brat Carlson makes my ears bleed. FREE EVAN GERSHKOVICH!!

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Thank you for allowing the good doctor to provide commentary. Tucker’s frozen face said it all as he waited for the english translation:

“I came here to get this?”

Yes, Tucker, you did, uh-huh, yeah.

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Tucker Carlson looked like a bewildered high school student sitting in History class while Putin spewed his “twisted” Russian history and “Kremlin talking points”
 for 2 hours. Cackling out loud with laughter at times and in the most odd moments. 
 In my opinion, Putin punked Tucker Carlson with this whole event. Putin and the Russian hardliners used this interview to further their own narrative to the US conservative faithful fans of Carlson. The Communists infiltrated the Democratic Party in America in the early ‘80’s and now in 2024, they work to infiltrate the political Right within the Republican Party.

It’s painfully obvious that Tucker Carlson is just another media personality who knows nothing of prior agreements between the West, the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia (Budapest Memorandum for example) or military strategy or political analysis. That’s not even mentioning his inability to interject with hard questions during Putin’s version of Russian history during the “lecture”. This is another example of a poor journalist and reporting by TC (the Macgregor interview was the first example).

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Sorry, I couldn't sit thru all of it... It only made me madder as I listened... Not at her mind you, just at Tucker and his puppet master Putin... At least I made it half way through, lol... Either Putin really is ignorant of history, or he's just spouting old Soviet propaganda for his own ends... Honestly I think it's a little of both... Why else would they have expected throngs of people throwing them flowers for freeing them instead of grenades? I think Putin was played the fool by his own FSB and Military Leaders who thought taking Ukraine would be a breeze... The world leaders let him have Crimea far too easily, it only emboldened him and their Military... Appeasement of these types of leaders never ends well, it only makes them want more...

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Putin likes Tucker. He’s a good little Communist. Asks only the simplest of questions. Cherry picked.

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Clearly you didn’t listen to the interview…

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Clearly I did.

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Give me 3 examples of “easy questions”.

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The saddest thing is that I know people who believe this. Only recently his mind has been changing since I explained time and time again about my heritage (Ukrainian Latvian American) Had to show him videos on the history. Sometimes I really feel that Free Speech sometimes goes to far, lies and hate speech shouldnt be protected when it is in mass media. Journalism used to be about integrity, but these shills, these mouth pieces have destroyed a once trusted institution. I went to school for Visual Doc and PhotoJournalism, but only a few years later I gave up hope watching all the people I looked up to, the legends of Journalism give up hope as well. I learned from people like Ben Lowy, Sebastian Junger and Ron Haviv. Also know grew up around Chuck Sudetic. All of which instilled a strong sense of integrity for documenting history.

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