I lost my business and they murdered my father with the clot shot. Yeah, I am not just forgetting this either.

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So sorry, Carina, that is so tragic and so unnecessary.

It's so easy for establishmentarians to "move on," and if they are injured by the clot shot, or, know people who are, they are mostly in denial. Do you think so?

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Thank you for your kindness. Yes, I think denial is a good word when we see all these young healthy people who "died suddenly" and it has been proven that we were the lab rats this garbage was tested on. I guess it gives them some kind of comfort to live in denial?

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My heartfelt condolences over your loss of your beloved father. I have no words to express how I really feel about the perpetrators of this crime against your family

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Thank you very much for your empathy. I really can not express it myself without being filled with anger. I just try to push on and be of help to others who are being abused and oppressed. What else can we do? There are medical and scientific people who are far more knowledgeable on this who hopefully help bring these perpetrators to justice. I just worry how many people will continue to die from this. It's a ticking time bomb.

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Coincidentally, the other day I posted a "concurring opinion" reply to a comment by Tom254 on health freedom activist Christine Massey's substack.

In summary, the original post addressed the dismal truth that the Big Medicine and Big Pharma villains who orchestrated and benefitted from the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic are unlikely to be held accountable and brought to justice.

Like war criminals and present-day robber barons, among others, they remain above the law. In the case of the scamdemic, what's worse is that much of the public (especially showbiz glitterati) have been persuaded by mass-media propaganda to regard these evildoers as heroes.

But Tom254 concluded (I paraphrase) that regardless of whether the villains will be held to account, We the People should not forget their crimes, and need to keep working to wake more and more people up to what actually happened in order to reach a "never again" consensus.

Although the irksome phrase "move on" escaped me, I think my reply to Tom is in sync with your position, to wit:


Ort Mar 2

I second your grimly honest and accurate perspective. 😔

I'm especially gratified that you didn't take what I consider a "wrong turn" expressed by some health freedom activists who more or less share this point of view: the argument, or conclusion, that since the worst villains and serial malefactors are too well-connected and protected to be accountable and brought to justice, it's a waste of time and energy to focus on them and build a case for indicting them in the court of public opinion.

I'm as cynical as can be, so I can't entirely dismiss the dismal pragmatism of "Let's face it-- they ALWAYS get away with it." But it irks me when this observation is cited in a way that is too close to "so, let bygones be bygones", or "forgive and forget". This is often accompanied by the advice to stop "dwelling" on one's misguided righteous anger and futile hopes of bringing the evildoers to account.

True, it might never happen. But it SHOULD happen, and I prefer to nurture my justifiable grudge and keep hoping it WILL happen. "Let it go", my ass! 🤨

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I'm still waiting for George W and Darth Cheney to be put in front of firing squads.

I am still breathing, so I am still in the struggle!

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I'm with you. Never forget, never forgive. Someone invited me to the Stanford inn in Mendocino. I won't go because they required proof of vaccination. I won't give a penny to any business that did that. The list is long.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Completely aside from legal questions, the "insurrection" charge is the weirdest craziest sort of nonsense. A protest is not a revolution. Even if we state for argument that this one protest, unlike the millions of other protests around the capitol, was a revolution by definition, then it was a REVOLUTION AGAINST TRUMP. He was president at that time, so the alleged revolutionaries were trying to overthrow TRUMP. Why prosecute him for trying to overthrow himself?

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There's never been an insurrection without an armed struggle.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

And how many insurrectionists in history get peacefully escorted to the inner sanctum? Hopefully historians will look at J6 side by side with Bastille Day and laugh their asses off https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/jan-6-footage-shows-cops-bringing-qanon-shaman-to-senate-floor/

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

lol, excellent point

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

There are a lot of trump-deranged covidiots out there. Too, too many. Life is too short to try to reason with people that would have ratted out Anne Frank "for the greater good." Keep your distance from them. Those are not people you want in your circle. #neverforget

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Gratitude for who You are and for your loyalty to that truth.

Thank You 🙏



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thank you!

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I too got a couple of those breezy "well we forgive you for not taking the shot and nobody cares now" THEY forgive me??? I realized I lived in a very different world than they do--a lot of the laptop class just did not see or bother to connect the dots with the massive closures of small businesses and homelessness probably tripled here since 2019 (and it was bad then). I'm still baffled by this weird cheery blindness of white liberals.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The Supreme Court had to step in, this issue was Third World stuff.


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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Side topic: It is also very significant that Nikki won DC GOP Primary, while Trump takes the states! She is clearly a swamp Neocon creature that is fully backed by the Military Industrial Complex.

Another reason to take Trump seriously in peace movement. While he is not a peace activist he is certainly more prone to negotiation from a standpoint of strength than insane Nikki's kneejerk warmongering

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And another thing, WHY is Nikki running against Trump?

1) Is she just in the race to milk the campaign for as much money as she can "legally" Keep? Isn't she known for questionable money-making?

2) Does she really work for the Dems as a hopeful spoiler so Biden will "win"?

3) Do the Neocons backing her really think she can beat Trump and Biden? Are they so insanely warmongering that they will throw spaghetti against the wall to see if it sticks?

4) Is she just an overzealous clown?

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My mom was also murdered. The weapon was the Covid 19 vaccine.

I want the world to know her story.

In 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full-time caretaker.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.

I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.


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I am so sorry, Kristi.

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

So....I agree 1000% with your assertions...on all the topics but for one: putting Julian Assange and Gonzalo Lira on the same level. Lira is a trust fund baby whose family is from Chile and can be traced to the military coup that ousted Salvador Allende and installed the western/Kissinger puppet/dictator Augusto Pinochet Ugarte who proceeded to launch a reign of terror by arresting, torturing and disappearing thousands.

I will spare us all me trying to fumble and bumble through this so I will share Frances Leader's research on the subject of 'Coach Red Pill' (also a busy anti-feminist You Tuber). I didn't buy Lira's antics and was relieved to come across Leader's Substack on the issue.


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Was Assange a struggling ghetto kid?

They were both journalists.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I believe that status is beside the point and I probably should not have mentioned it. If you've seen the film "Ithaka" you will know that Julian Assange was no 'rich kid'. And that is, really, beside the point.

The stark differences between these two men shouldn't have to be spelled out. Julian Assange was a journalist seeking to find and reveal the truth about the Empire and war while Lira played himself off on YouTube as a 'relationship guru', a misogynist and an anti-feminist. Anyone who bought his Steve McQueenesque attempted escape to Hungary through a war zone on a motorcycle....was being entertained, not informed. I would be willing to bet the dude is still alive.

Journalist? Lira? Hm.

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You think he is downing shots of Russian whiskey with Zelensky?

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Yes. And a couple lines of coke too... ;)

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Wasn't he a gifted hacker kid?

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March 4th 4 Peace and Justice, March 4th for Aaron Bushnell, and march $th 4 a "FREE PALESTINE" RIP

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Thanks for the March Fourth mention Cindy ! Power to The People.

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What about the GAZANS... the issue has been politicized rather than about THE PEOPLE. Thousands are dying from genocide, but the outcry is land for Palestine. Hamas does not care about the genocide or they would give up the hostages. Netanyahu does not care about the hostages or he would give up the genocide. "Free Palestine" sounds more like a cry for revolution than stopping the mass murder. If I was a Gazan I would be just as angry at Hamas and Netanyahu and Biden for using me as a dead pawn in their 3-D chess game

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

To put it in another perspective, the last thing Holocaust Jews had on their minds was a land for Jews in Zionist Israel. They wanted to avoid death in the concentration camps!

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Just roll over and take it. Just lay down and take it. Cower under the desk and ride it out.

Yeah, so, years later, the DDT Love, it Turned into DDT Hate, but of course, we have that American Snake Oil and Grifting thing called amnesia and agnotology working hard in the Un-Democratic $nakes of AmeriKKKa.

One day it's tin foil hat for chem trails, or EMFs, or Forever Chemicals, or JFK assassination, or USS Liberty or Gulf of Tonkin or GMOs and Round-up. Shit, a million people are fighting HPV vaxxes, up close and unfortunately personally deadly.

But we got that old smiley face at Walmart to coax us back into lobotomy. Keep up the great work.


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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I am not a proponent of violence but I think anyone who states that we should move on, forgive and forget, or that most HAVE forgotten the murder and injury that has been inflicted, should be slapped upside the head. Twice.

My knee-jerk reaction is (regrettably it harkens that poor little stooge) "How dare you?"

Twice. Really hard.

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I'm with you!

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Mar 4Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Well put.

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The whole jab business was very disturbing; I knew in the Summer of 2020 I would not be getting the vax, as everything about it seemed sketchy. It'll be years before we know the longterm effects of mRNA "partial immunity shots."

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I've never had a flu shot, so getting the Magic Needle Juice™ was never an option for me.

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Same here; definitely a part of my reasoning, too.

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How are we still alive?????

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Lots of Vitamin C. I think that if you believe in your mission on the planet, even if not clearly defined, because it never will be, that belief will get you where you're going. The mystery of existence will never be solved, but we still find solutions along the way, and don't let the Psychopathology of Everyday Empire get you down, or too down, like what's going on in Gaza for example, which appears to be even worse than it looks. Great question, by the way; every philosopher worth a pinch of salt has asked it. Covid was more of a top-down collective mental disorder than anything else, the imposition of corporate--the 1%-- fear and despair on the population; I think our "Imperial Managers" were projecting something about themselves on to everyone else, and lots of people took the bait. Here's to sunnier climes and sunnier times--hold the Chemtrails, please!

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Your assertion that it is untested is ignorant. Investigate more.

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your assertion that my assertion is ignorant is massively ignorant.

Even Dr. Fuckface Falsie said it would take years to develop, test, and get a vax for covid approved, then PRESTO CHANGE-O----months.

I don't know how anyone could trust the Trump Warp Speed Vaccine.

Good luck.

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And that’s all you got for evidence. The test documentation is open source. Yes, you are being ignorant…

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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

There is a woman, I believe from Pfizer, at a hearing last year, well viewed, that stated openly that the shots were never tested for transmission. She said herself, there was no time.

They were not safe. Not effective. That's been documented.

And they certainly were not a mistake.

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Vaxaholics have their own form of denial, it seems.


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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes, it is being tested as we speak on billions of humans worldwide and so far the results are — to quote Trumpenstein - ‘not good’.

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No. It was tested according to FDA standards prior to release. It is not being tested on the general population. There are outlier reaction cases that come up, but that is an ongoing efficacy response like any other vaccine. Not a test. Don’t be ignorant. Or be ignorant to yourself.

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Mar 6Liked by Cindy Sheehan

App 17 million excess deaths worldwide since rollout but you will believe what you want to beleive.

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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Well, I guess those FDA standards leave a lot to be desired.

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Mar 5Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Let's see some evidence of the testing done prior to deployment. (Nice use of military terms, eh?) WHY? Because the whole thing was a military action. Shoot to kill (so to speak.)

If any testing was done it was to prove that the thing would kill as many people as possible...over time.

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You people sound like whiny little bitches… only in America.

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Can you be more specific or are you just here to play school yard bully?

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Kirt got his whiny ass bitch ass blocked.

Troll alert!

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I am commenting because there are no specifics! Just a bunch of whiny Americans throwing out anecdotal info with no links to scientific data.

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