Hallelujah!!!! They all need to be brought out into the light! It’s the GREAT AWAKENING people!!! Thanks Liz for all that you do!

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Medical examiners also rule vaccine deaths as “SIDS.” It’s all corrupt.

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SADS...Sudden ADULT death syndrome... they got a bonus for each covid death too! Which was crap! Cuz then they started marking all deaths as covid even car accidents, murders, heart attacks, everything... cheating people out of their life insurance payouts and inflating the covid death count to instill fear into the masses to get their ridiculous tyrannical control over everyone approved under emergency orders or at least made everyone afraid not to comply even tho they had NO LEGAL REASON TO COMPLY! NONE AT ALL! Everything they did and still do is against the constitution and they still HAVE NOT APPROVED A COVID VACCINE! IT'S STILL UNDER EMERGENCY USE! But we're NO LONGER under emergency! They're still spitting out trial vaccines on vulnerable people! They literally named one "SpikeVax"... so now they're admitting they cause spike proteins! Or what's the purpose of naming one that? Are they going to make one MioCardiVax next? Those people are so evil! Let's just be real about everything and call all vaccines the same let's be honest, they all should be called, DEATH JABS! Since their putting mrna in all of them now or are planning to! I think they started putting them in our pet's vaccines in 2019 before they started putting them in the covid vaccine which we all know they began creating years prior to the epidemic! I think they used our pets to try the jab to introduce the chip in their body without us knowing and see how much info they can collect using our pets as trials! Cuz I more a bunch of our pets got very ill around the same time of the year in 2020 and passed away not too long after getting their vaccines! I do think their tracking chips are a way for the govt to track us! I think they used that as their 1st step in tracking us! I think they knew we wouldn't agree to getting a tracking chip but we would get one for our pets! And by chipping our pets they can probably trace us using their chip without having to use a wand like we have to use to get their number to check ownership. They can probably access it from a satellite from their office! Same with registering your pets, cars, etc... yes, we need to know who lives in our country and where to find people of they commit crimes but there's also the govt knowing too much about your life! Is it really any of their business how many cars or animals you own?

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

Wow, too much money corrupts, sad for anyone that gets connected to these folks. Much degradation in DC. I saw a shared feed of that Judge Engoron doing selfies of himself similar to Abedin's husband photos. There is more than meets the eye on that guy. So sorry for these women that got in the cross hairs of cheaters.

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Thanks so much Liz for your continued bravery and fierceness to report on all these hush hush cases with the elite evil scumbags. I’ve been following you since 2016 and you’ve definitely red pilled me on so much! I’m here for all of it! 🔥

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Thank you for your bravery, Liz.

You are a Godsend to those who care to research things instead of determining everything that makes them uncomfortable is just a theory about truly evil conspiracies.

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Thank you Liz for all that you do. This (child trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, and all the law enforcement that cooperates along) is bar none the most difficult subject to address of all the great awakening venues. I truly admire you.

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Just shared on FB. Wish me luck.

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Liz, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful. These people are ruthless and don't care about anyone other than themselves. No story is worth your life. We need you to live a long & healthy life.

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scary stuff having to cover deeply satanic people like this

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God Bless Ms.Crokin + may God +St.Michael the Archangel protect you -and all Truth tellers.We are in Spiritual war.The "elite"=satan_ic.

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These efrs wil get theirs

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Asap -we hope

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Lord expose them all!

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I had met jay z in 2008 for a private dinner my friend set up.... Ive seen alot. This story doesn't seem too farfetched

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Thank you Liz for your commitment to the truth we need more courageous journalist like you

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Hello Liz, very good article that captures some connections well, but omits many things such as operation spade, Azov Films and the foundation from the Nazi era that has spread in the States from the 60s despite McCormack law.

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Soooo happy I found you here.. I remember your reporting w Epstein..and you were pregnant..you’re a very impressive journalist! Happy to start reading your stacks.

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