US created ISIS to have a pretext for illegal occupation of one third Syrian territory. John Kerry audio at closed UN session September 2016 - US allowed ISIS to flourish to pressure Assad (paraphrase). ISIS is another US proxy. Russian intervention in 2015 is what finally halted ISIS advance. Iran and PMU forces in Iraq were successful in Iraq and the border with Syria. US and Israel bombed north east Syria yesterday at dawn, missed all the ISIS holding camps funded by the UK, killing Syrian National Defence Forces and IRGC advisors who are fighting ISIS. ISIS are recruited and trained in Al Tanf, US illegal military base in Syria on border with Jordan. From Al Tanf ISIS carry out attacks against civilians and Syrian military in central Syria before returning to the true north of US protection.

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I can give you first hand experience of ISIS attacks on the Syrian people with US supplied weapons and US protection. Sweida 2018 is one. The massacre of hundreds of Druze civilians east of Sweida City.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

I am honored to be on the same forum as an illustrious journalist like you !

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my first thought as well: been following Vanessa Beeley for a long while and now I'm most impressed she comments @ Scott Ritter's most valuable substack here. big TQ Vanessa!

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Behold the Network Effect, happening before our very eyes. Substack is getting closer and closer to critical mass with every passing day. https://www.wallstreetprep.com/knowledge/network-effects/

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ISIS was also a punishment to Iraq for requesting the withdrawal of US forces - which had the benefit of arming them from the stockpile left behind there.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

> Many of the techniques being used by Russia would not be permitted in the United States

That does not mean they don't happen in the U.S., and they are certainly perpetrated by the U.S. abroad — Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, etc. etc.

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We also don't really know what happens with certain criminals/terrorists on the US territory, there many ways to hurt people in a way that wouldn't show on their faces. This was done deliberately and I am thinking was done as a deterrent to other idiots who might be thinking of doing something like this for 5K usd. In the past two years Ukrainian agents have performed multiple acts of terror on the Russian territory, killing journalists and members of administration of Novorossya. Mr. Malyuk (mentioned in Scott's article) has just publicly given very specific details on several of these acts in a television interview which had never been disclosed by the Russian investigators. This actually was the reason for the arrest warrant. But my point is that none of the people arrested in connection with those acts were tortured. What they did to these 4 is not typical.

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Actually Kentanji Jackson Brown was a GITMO torture observer before our POS Senate confirmed her to the Supreme Court to protect our civil rights.

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Are your civil rights better protected since then?

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This was one of my first thoughts!

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Hi Jenny, how was Italy?

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Hi Che......................in a word ACE.

Sad to be back here in France. Grandkids were a +

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We still don’t know who killed both Kennedy’s but all western governments immediately “knew” that Nazi-dominated government of Ukraine is innocent.

They also immediately “knew” that Putin killed CIA- trained Russia’s to be Zelensky, Navalny — although later it was disclosed that he died naturally (heart) while being considered for high level prisoner exchange.

As thoughtful Putin called US and its cabal — “an empire of lies”…..

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When you say "who killed the Kennedys" I assume you refer to the mastermind behind the operation, rather than the shooters.

The mastermind is known: Mossad and the CIA with support from the Meyer Lansky global Organized Crime Syndicate, on behalf of "israel".

The reason we think we don't know is because of the obfuscation that is still taking place to this day because mentioning "israel" is taboo and will be labeled as "anti-Semitic".

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While Lansky was indeed used often by the Oligarchy to "enforce" their desires, I've not heard of his involvement prior to this.

Aaron Good has curated a number of stories and articles about JFK and who perpetrated the crime. His "Devils Chess Club" discussion is outstanding -- for those who want to look at possibilities other than those given by "the Deep State".


He also has an outstanding series on the Oligarchy in the GeoPolitical Economy Report.


I keep pointing to his series, but I don't know that anyone ever watches it. He reveals who the "CIA" is and the history behind it.

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> I've not heard of his involvement prior to this

Read "Final Judgment" by Michael Collins Piper. You'll see it is impossible to get around Lansky and his orrganization.

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By Ukraine, then you mean cia, right?

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I suppose it depends on how high in the organization chart one wants to go. One can go above the CIA, or perhaps the organization goes through a private company, Blackwater for example, or one of the other American PMCs. So who funds those PMCs? The further up the organization one goes, the more diluted responsibility becomes, but at some point, someone is found to have provided the money.

Haim Saban is a billionaire (an Oligarch actually) who has declared that his only interest is Israel. Could he have financed this attack to distract from the events in Gaza? Is there some other American Oligarch who bought the politicians that keep sending arms to Ukraine?

Does it have to be An American Billionaire? Here's a 2-year old article reminding us of the influence of Ihor Kolomoysky, an Israeli. Kolomoysky is in jail for the moment. Let us remember that Michael Milken was in jail for a while after the "junk bond king" defrauded Americans of billions of dollars. IOW the more you look, the more convoluted the responsibility becomes. Blaming the CIA just provides cover for the people who are really responsible.

How one Ukrainian billionaire funded Hunter Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Azov Battalion: https://www.kanekoa.news/p/how-one-ukrainian-billionaire-funded?s=w

Since I'm expressing "wild conspiracy theories", here's another. American infrastructure is falling apart. I spent some time searching for the condition of the Key bridge before the accident. It is within possibility that this "accident" was pre-planned -- much like some suggest one of the reasons that the WTC was destroyed.

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"By the art of deception thou shalt do war" Mossad motto.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

Thank you Scott, Excellent research by Russian intelligence as well as the capture of 4 terrorists & Cell-phones. For many decades Israel has been training, arming, supplying & financing so-called ISIS. In this case the left-hand (used to wash the anus after defecation) oath taking falsely appealing to Allah (forbidden in Islam), the Massacre of innocents (forbidden in Islam) plus other aspects of the story point to total imposters posing as Islamists. Our Oligarch fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') controlled world requires that we resolve this huge 7000 year dystopia & restore the original worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') system of time-based, equivalency accounting on the String-shell value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) in RELATIONAL ECONOMY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

With Bibi Netanyahu having financed Hamas & arranging for 7thOctober 2023, we can understand his orchestration of the massacre of some 40,000 Gazans for genocide & for expanding Israel's borders. Netanyahu (Milekowsky) as a western Oligarch puppet-leader, needs to diminish Islamic unity & sew dissension at this particular time, so having Russia or China, blame imposter Islamists, leaves Palestinians without the sophisticated Nuclear allies, which the need to avoid total annihilation by Israelis.


A most important military approach would be to bring thinking & plans to the surface through Both-Sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues, among all people in family, community, work, institutions, school, government, organization. As people formally dialogue in Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & either Published or confidential dialogues issues are resolved & understanding developed.

All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors cultivated constant communication formally through this process of COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Understanding, Constructive Agreements, Working Contracts & Conflict Resolution. These Dialectic Rights culturally provided that every person could call for formal dialogues with anyone they are affected by in words or actions. Modalities include grouping of 'debates' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') within Stakeholder groups to choose Spokespersons. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues


Implementing online Debate options in Chat rooms & Comment sections. 'Media' (L. 'medium' = 'middle') implying the publishing of diverse points of view.


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True North on Crocus City Hall & Concert Massacre by Mercenaries posing as Islamists by Scott Ritter 27Mar’24 https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/true-north

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Interesting web site. One could spend hours there and not have scratched the possibilities.

However, I no longer have any interest in the continued existence of Israel. There's nothing to debate.

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John Zwiebel, Israel is simply the LAND-BRIDGE coveted but never fully possessed by Jews beyond that discordant 7000 year old book of propaganda called the 'Torah' designed to subjugate 'subject' peoples. Jewish wealth was first amassed during their controlling role in Babylon & subsequently in the Phoenician period with the Levant city states of such as Beirut, Tyr & Sidon, working together with the $$ Kingdom of Israel to brutally invade, attack, genocide & colonize peoples across the Mediterranean Sea. These Philistine, Canaanite, Amalek & Israel states were largely destabilized refugee remnants from Babylon's failed empire turned by the same Oligarchy into desert wastelands. The Zionist Oligarch goal over millennia has been to amass stolen fortunes abroad & finally return to this misconstrued myth of false exogenous Israeli glory. This first amassing of wealth has enabled these same Oligarchs to invisibly $$ command & control over all subsequently failing empires centered in Assyria, Greece, Egypt, Rome, Spain, France, Netherlands, Britain, USA. Oligarch empire is the pathological exogenous control, humanity needs to deconstruct-reverse-engineer, which is why all humanity's once worldwide distributed, decentralized indigenous structures are so important to comprehend.

More to the point is the centralized worldwide Oligarchy, which through its issue of fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') runs the western colonial cabal of fake 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') 'nations' (French 'naitre' = 'to be born' as in 'native'). I imagine you are aware of Oligarch trilateral control of the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England/City-of-London & Bank-of-International-Settlements which mint & issue all western 'money'. Humanity will not be able to 're-indigenize' (L. 'self-generate') until we have full local control over our 'memory' systems, upon which we act.

Debate is not just about correcting logic-inconsistencies, but more about creating understanding, working agreements & contracts so people work together on solid foundations.

EXAMPLE OF LOGICAL INCONSISTENCY: Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab & others at the exogenous WEF have it so backwards in trying to brain-chip people. 1) Human brains are a trillion times more sophisticated & integrated than anything these jerks have ever imagined.

Think about how the social, economic & political system should really be, like the 'indigenous' system, a reflection of the gene, cell, tissue & organ Autonomy of the human body with the expert memory retention, decision-making & implementation of each part. The brain is only one of several Nexus-of-communication for facts & actions, mostly after they’ve already happened. We know for example now how the digestive system contains many times more memory & implementation neurons than the brain. Distributed 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') MEMORY is core to the holistic function of the body. This is the Neural Science of today. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

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You need to understand that I have no desire to understand Israel's motivations for what it does. I refuse to make excuses or listen to excuses. I've analyzed and made excuses for over 50 years. At this point, I want Israel to return to the hell it came from.

The rest of your pontification is quite beside the point in this forum. I'm not saying that your web site is wrong or uninteresting, just that I don't find it relevant in this context.

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Fair enough. Thanks for your reply, that humane balance on earth may be restored.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

A couple of small details, Scott.

* You state “…… before being driven back and ultimately defeated by a coalition which included Iraq, the United States and Iran.”

That is a wrong statement as there never was such a coalition. There was, however, a coalition of Iraq, Iran, and RUSSIA, which, together with the official Syrian army, defeated the ISIS terrorists.

The U.S. was and still is illegally in Syria, while its presence in Iraq now is illegal too.

* The expression is not "de riguere" but de rigueur - French.

Otherwise it is a good article. Many thanks for your thoughts.

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That's a good point. There never was a US coalition to get rid of Isis. Have you noticed how Trump is constantly telling his supporters at rallies, that he finished off Isis when he was the president. Is there any truth in that? Trump actually assassinated the Iranian General who was fighting against ISIS, yet Trump is constantly boasting that he was the one that finished off Isis. The lies in American politics is beyond belief.

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> Have you noticed how Trump is constantly telling his supporters at rallies, that he finished off Isis when he was the president.

YES!!! What I cannot understand is that many people, even ones that are not obviously stupid, believe that if he is re-elected he will do great things.

The pussy grabber-in-chief did not achieve anything when he was president except create a chaotic administration with many people appointed then fired/resigned and so on. I always had the feeling he was still acting out his TV reality show.

I agree with you entire reply.

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"ISIS......driven back and ultimately defeated by a coalition which included Iraq, the United States and Iran"

Bwaaahhahaha The USA defeated ISIS? That's news to the people that actually did. Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria.

The USA created ISIS, funds them, trains them, and gives them sanctuary. But you know that Scott so why the disinfo?

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Have you noticed how Trump is constantly boasting at his rallies, that he was the one who finished off Isis when he was the president. Trump had the Iranian general who was fighting against ISIS assassinated, yet Trump continues to boast that he killed off Isis.

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Yep, and he brags about having Solemaini assassinated too. He is a cunt, although an entertaining one.

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Alexei Danilov just got replaced as the head of the Ukrainian Security Council

... Coincidence?

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Great journalism. Thank you.

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Excellent analysis. Question for Scott or anyone in the community here: Do you think Kyrylo Budanov had any involvement in abetting this act of terrorism?

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I think you've just answered your own question. They say it's his Nutzie job, his duty, why he was appointed. Isn't he a legit world class terrorist/criminal happily sponsored by the Collective West just complying with international law Russia bravely defies?



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According to US officials, the United States collected intelligence that ISIS-K was planning an attack on Moscow in early March. This intelligence was behind a public warning issued by the US embassy in Russia on March 7 that “extremists” were planning an imminent attack on large gatherings in Moscow. “US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,” the warning, published on the embassy website, stated. American citizens were warned to avoid crowds, including concerts.

- One of those 4 terrorist was captured in camera March 7 at Crocus City Hall when one of Russian superstar was going to have concert there.

Because the famous of that singer, there was large police present so the attack didn't happened then.

Terrorists changed the plan

“US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,” the warning, published on the embassy website, stated. American citizens were warned to avoid crowds, including concerts.

- warning, published on the embassy website

- US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings INCLUDING CONCERTS over the next 48 hours.

WHO DID THIS ? CIA, Ukrainian SBU and group of mercenaries.


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Please be mindful that many phones produce a mirror image when you take a selfie. Of course that would reverse the appearance of left and right.

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That's not the explanation. The text on the ISIS banner is not reversed.

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The text is in Arabic.

That’s why you can’t read it.

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The Shahada photo in question needs to be verified, to make sure it is not a side-flipped selfie.

Many smartphone cameras not only show the selfie side-flipped (mirrored), but also record it in this way. People capable of reading Arab writing should be able to tell from the background of the photo if it is in mirror view or not.

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The text is not reversed, so the selfie-flipping theory falls.

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That is good news, thanks for confirming

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One only had to look at the body language of Kamala Harris and petty mobster John Kirby when they commented on the terrorist attack, to notice their poorly concealed satisfaction with what happened. Perhaps, with their "advance warning", the US criminal regime wanted to tell Russia that they can do whatever they want. As they also did with regard to Nord Stream gas pipelines.

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I understand Tajikistan is a secular Muslim country, somewhat like Turkey, but where the state restricts Muslim freedom of worship. For example, apparently there is a limit on beard length and only persons over 18 can attend Friday prayers.

In contrast, Russia - which has the largest Muslim population of ANY European/Eurasian country at 14 million - places no such restrictions on its Muslim community. In fact, in following the vlogs of one Russian vlogger - Eli from Russia - on her journeys across the vast country, many of the 95 ethnic groups making up the Russian Federation are Islamic and live in communities with Taliban-levels of Islamic orthodoxy while remaining just as patriotic as secular Russians.

ISIS - as an Islamic fundamentalist group would therefore appear to have much more in the way of religious grievance with the Tajikistan government than the Russian one. If these 4 guys are ISIS they must be fundamentalists so why would they go all the way to Moscow - THE CAPITAL OF A DIFFERENT COUNTRY(!) - to give expression to fundamentalist grievances by an act of terror WHEN THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT IS THE ONE RESTRICTING ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS PRACTICE?

The state intelligence service behind the idea of this "ISIS" smokescreen appears not to have fully thought this through...

A further consideration is this: with 14 Million Muslims in the Russian Federation - many of whom, in places like Ingushetia, are "old school" in terms of still firing guns into the air on celebratory occasions even indulgent on the practice of bride-stealing subject to suitable financial compensation (which I do not believe even the Taliban countenances!) - WHY ON EARTH WOULD ISIS HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO TAJIKISTAN TO FIND HALF A DOZEN GUYS WILLING TO KILL IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, AND WHY ON EARTH WOULD IT NEED TO PAY THEM!!!

Mr Putin, also makes the incisive point about this attack, effectively, desecrating Ramadan, something even the most sceptical of us missed, as did the western voices behind the attempted "ISIS" misdirection.

A final point which - amazingly - doesn't seem to have been picked up by anyone... WHERE WERE THE SHOUTS OF "ALLAHU AKBAR"? Has anyone ever seen a single video of Muslim jihadists - of ANY description - in action without the de rigueur declarations that "God is great"? If these guys had really been ISIS, they would have all been shouting this every time they pulled the trigger. Check the smartphone videos taken during the attack and the interviews of survivors: they did their killing in total silence.

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Very good points. What about the fingers raised in the Shahada in the photo - they are on the left hands.

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I saw a video showing the men shouting "Allahu Akbar" - their voices were muffled and their faces were obscured, so who knows if it was legit. But a caller into George Galloway's MOATS show on Sunday, who speaks Arabic and saw that same video, said that the men who shouted it had an accent and were not Arabs/Muslims. So even if they did shout that out, it doesn't mean they were actual Muslim jihadists.

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ISIS is a business for their ultimate Islamic reward. And open for business even via mercenaries- where money is the primary driver. Terrorists for hire. I spent a lot of time in the middle east and got an eyeful.

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